IlIUIIserI DECEMBER 25 194 THE CASE BATE on AD as cents word Must be paid before lose IF CHARGED cents word mm 25c extra for box numbers or replies dam Um ADDITIONAL INSERTIONS SAlgs All Classified Adlcts Not Later Than NOON WaspAy You must include cash stamps or monc on rate 3c with copy to get iiiIr WANTED ltDtDltmW LAN Hti lupin you IOARD HAMINLR AY FEE liiti my Livi Illft iJIit 11y lilo lltitlhlzivlllflili 111311 Alli Bionic $1 or jUtil all lilictil1iii 1111111 Io1i HISMAN ilcii and Iicvinn ell 11 11 1111 ioizipizieitt ICOtHiE CART Splelidai Local and Lot LAKTAGE STORAGF vaer actors of 1112111 vli llllY all tyi oui lTIllllIIltl SAY YUU SAW If IN litL LXAMINER Iltiy mu tlttfl iiii 115135 vllill for Iiiiiik feed llltilltl lt lllllliY lie 11 AN linen MILK llttilitltlilix tIinlell 1d lllllltbl pi iieslp opt 111 ruc ri CARDS OF THANKS 21 ltl lit 11 1111 in lti oii1 111ml lt ltlt12t Iitighhn st and liilllll ipiota llrc llall 11gt llltllltl littfh lltlltSlIS WANllil for mink feed Taylor Midliurst llairie Alllsloiii Kinks Ititl Del IIIUII Phone 8024i 14 tlp APPLIES Spys tiltennui lolIIIi llaiiy 1113 tilltlh SlxAllCSlaiid boots wants also It in good ttilltlllltlll 111 tlttl iniiie Id whit llititie WII1lID for mink feed aged or iniuleit hoises hart undles Phone 13911 Jill5321 HORSES AND CIilI1lV pick up AllLITS Spy vaiilki Allaudale healthy Lock DEAD wanted Collect Harrie 3017 Ltd free Phone Gordon Young llSZp ll sale AND cement Must be sold ltobiihaud Angus on lot 111 lillltz llttlll Model IN APPRECIATION liliit wIJii to lIltl Ill Hvllltll for 1llli111 II lei will ittfll tiltn MEMORIAM W1 vlllS li irrnoi of II lval Adan vifi llil tll= tl lltt lIiIiItionJ oi no lllliillll waiiteit llyndak ieplacing llox parts ooks bltVc 1311811 100 acres hid ml her iioiao It ll 111 will 0i till llut 11 oii llt1lr llt leth llll ltlJ 11 StiSBp Htlt ioils and pulp suitable puck sale DoX cultivzi Yilaoo 2T ltlthSll COWS State Dali lafio also few blew and ptltt llione stockl MW iIier illit lliornt on 19121 11in SRUOMICD HOUSE Materials all finished WANIlID Live poultry scrap iron complete old batteries anti radiators Applv Sari lilittl daughter Mar tIiiet Iiizi llllll lll liIltlt memory Millie linker of 111 and 2l11tgteil IlliWe 11o lttil form llit 111 2011 Dllit liltr tiiil 1lader llllr 13 RAI wanted Allow phone 5200 salesman Heal llsiate Broker Phone 3280 Phone llarrie ll 2p iovIIi $151313 letiour prices when mums AND BtNtlv lWIt 1111 enion to lads from our up St 32p ke Ii ItieIinI Our lilt need Iioi speak when our liil moiiin sincxroly IERSON For 1111 often dwells wilt1e ll ltltlill is seen selling clover seed hailsy lllltliwl oop wheat oats at or mixed grain II v52p IlClIlItflltOlYSISWSupi Illl moles Dial 24115 hair permanent CREAM WANllIDfpr ice cream Iookstown 14813 SAVtYlilt In loving liminory of Top prices for good cream Tested orsey Ice Cream llatbtfb while you wait sillLII Co 1111 Sophia St W001 FOR SAY YOU SAW 11 IN THINER HARDWOOD and soft for sale III lengths cred Dcius Shcard Painsivickggim W001 FOR SALE wood softwood rails FARMS FOR SALE SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE EXAMINER slabs 100 ACRES for sale Lot Con West iwillinlhury between fligh lots from ncw good buildings includ ing milk house hydro running wa ter in stable fall wheat in plow Silvcrwoods milk information Victoria and 27 El highway nllard slabs kindling mogul delivered bite Rose Service Stat mm ltloncH ing long For Edmund route apply further Walker lhat th 11111 were hard to climb Major thlistmas Day Dec 1171 Ill10 Iis Death car never take away hilllttilltb that will always linger thile upon this earth we stay livir remembered by 32p Vlf and Family who passed away Dec 11 1040 ioil knew that he was sufferingI So lle closed his weary eyelids LE And iliispered pltltt be thine Ha rbor Ont 85052I PROPERTY FOR RENT LARGE FRONT BEDROOM board larkside Dr POR SA SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE Em MAPLE SYRUP Denney for Phone 6131 optional 15 52b HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS at 47 GENTS DRESS SUIT size In good coildltloii PAGE THIRTEEN OLTAR IO CANADA THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE 100111 1113113 nor cut 406 armrest 5x cier NOTICE TO CREDITORSI cf tlffltllf i1 NOTICE fl it ia Res 21131 SIS3 cola wow fir Hungry OCREDITORS Snow removal equtplnent cannot be operated properly unless citizens provides that no Vehicle shall be parked on any street in the Town of Barrie between the hours of 1111 and am from Novcril her 131 to May 131 Commencing as of this date any Vehicles parked on street in config vention of the above mentioned By law will be towed away and can only be reclaimed upon payment of ing and storage charges It will also be necessary for Goi beige and Ash cans to be kept on the premises of the residents as near the street line as possible WORKS DEPT Town of Barrio yMOillllll WEST lilllJfls In ttir Islatr DUII Milli xll Ii lsla 1511111111 ism hi Sgica heed this Not Bylcw NO 311115 tlll Low $5 Phone LTol 113111 Atlzve inelilflgb wilic 111 delay the heated sedans for lo Eiaig distance trips Phone 4451 S1 icial In reg $5 00 iIan wave for $330 pllt1e 44114 Shuts 1111 it 1111 to 111111 flirii Active Czl or Sltfb MM EDITORi i5flz NOTICE TO CR In the nutter JOHN Vlthllt HAHII pais cum SALEVQOF LANDS For Arrears of Taxes UIN IY ll ll ltlill 51y iiveil that the ilitlll iii lI Ulil ital oiiity itllIllttl and IiiiyIv1ilt filliiiepmtil lllzllll 81 Home 31189 Store fronts and offices Cliixl cleaned Ill 11107 IX lllll SIMIOE and 2111 Hospital toiitili1ioigt lionaiioi of Slitvt to is listed 11 from William slirtiii Floors rnx eeirIIy Ixiii ltlt LeiIi tilLiam have Allanilaie hould iII Ililil off 1111 li till lllllt iiiIlIt1 he lutrtlt Lille in lllli IiIils to ililii Mitre tni over the Day It exrctricly dIi llltliillllll lor expel ienced kitchen and table fi1lt for piivate parties or well lt=llltlli Iilll your borne KEMPENFELDT BAuY FROZEN DEC 20 Last Saturday lowing telllprrature Iioiering near Icro Kempenfcldt This eight days ixir year llill hour tl11ttiill six toigncil ha ilaiiie Hill In 111 JLIHUJH til xvii oi hit1 at that tune 111 tiillll lion proceed to the said lain togItliri adjoin lurtlax two oclock lIl1IItII llllvlti up JItl Illi Ilrruxtliiltl lllYliIIHli wittaunt an laitimtu luau lluyla llllinll tulamtna IIH In IIIIIUIHIJ lllIIIHYIII1iliJYIJHIVII ltalvitdinl Im hlngullale 512 llelJtii NC BIUIJGL Ill1A0 11 1LIll Wedding cake 1ced Plain and fancy lhoiii ding elitistlca andwiches made to order thrlriide Archer Caterer 4251140th lust vlllltliiy illaIolil Walther was parkid on the north side of Elizabeth rllltl Wil liam Henderson lift Allistoa said he Wars forch over by what no lie 11e ed to be drunk driver Intii into the damaged to the extent of about Last IIiIiiiIi Itin ilntaiio auction lllltilln ie tlllilllia tiieieozi Ilt l1uag morning with 11111 plot ivio nights In l1l iniglilraitv atu IIIeI Home HEKihii llltltlt IZIiliuof iliii and that ltfilllx Will zitil IUll lilllll llillitt ieieiviil by EIII Ilt le iiistiibutiolz DAllID of Deceinbei ltll 13 Owen St Solaito lot the and Artist will held 1918 Wind criteritl In Into lviiii1i l$iv Ii 11111111 Ini tliili and IiiIi than earliest formed on December 17 Ire iii the 111 during the List it years is follows ll COLEMAN lIeziMuier toiinty of Slllltt1i toiiit House of October 4243b For Rent Large Warehouse Heated gtitltl since Ufllti 111 0111 day lltlltllt1 Hal lit lCatit rlall drove ialther Street United Christmas Services Choir Render Cantata 1111 1111 llii 21 IM lllef ytltlll Ha It lColIier afternoon Harold Davies Forest St Parry Sound accidentally shot arm while Sinieoe llotel Barrie 22 shell Sunday Itili 14 lil it 1111 itlll3 lltillv llllir 1011 11111 lliitiA 1151114 1t 112 111 the In the pellet through the arm but the injury was not selioiis Mr Davies was taken to the lioyal Victoria Hospital 111ana Young Iige seven lerry St was struck by taxi on llredford street last Monday after noon She suffered facial abrasions and I1 bruised hip and back After Inedical treatment she was permit ted to go to her home Driver of the car was Donald Slessor 160 Brad ford street Scott Provincial Fire Mar shal was in town last week for He expressed the opin ion that with such growth as Bar rie has had It number of fulltime firemen should ere long be added brigade himself stI Itzix til hire Iippr Ill til lhz Sunday Stiltl iflllIi illi1 ltlitcd hiiichl tii beautifully the llethliliciiifV it was 111 thru itfl Oiiri Solo parts xv 11 taken llll full jttbtltt to 1111 lovely ioik ii ifum 1111s lolIii Dobson ll len Lambert Miss Edna Shepherd Wil Knox Victor Wtlll Ill li1n gtt1ect llll to IV if tolii the choir Christal ll lIuindir path The i111 lluxu Iil1gtle Iiou IIIIuiiIIIlIti ext 131 Inn 55 taIItIIM For ililoriliItion sti iiiailaltr ING EVENTS Lf Dance at IlltjlllWJtitl etiii tiecitivne in tonuniinity llali Gal New Y1 ars Ilvi lunch extra hristinas ill Mil lllltlll o1 lloy llIiatre iVtllIllLLM Wilfred linker will Shopliez 113 Kings and lllthlC lfiiili litc Dance tilt iijpi amplete ports coverage in the her we love lltl luxaiiliner tllllltiti Larson Alfred Alexander and Mrs Chester lheodore liaiii Day liain Lambert The veiling SiiVlCt was almost musical with the Joining Before Dance itispici Orange Hall 101 Stroud Mountaineers llaxtei Music by The troud Mountaineer Dancing from 1130 to 115 Stioild oininitiitty llall annual meeting and Monday Dec 29 it 111 Christmas Dance lhelpstoli alds Wil Knox Dance Finlay Jan ltillll ltliiilllllittil by motn iovcd and dad sistels and biothcrs 31317 Iglildltil Mrs laiiviiwmm Alliston ciltirely gation carols was recital lufforil chillies prayer Steeples male quartet of William Lambert Victor Knox Alfred Shepherd and Atkinson At the morning service the all Night Thatcheri and The Infant JesuS with solo part by Victor congriu in llll singing of service there organist new few days 10tfb election trustees dear innband and father William Lloyd Illson bawycr who passed away memorial offertory Within over During The lS iiIilin ltt Admission The its many local fire Christmas season decorations he pointed out should have special care to avoid dangers of fire Major tion frin us but leaving memor um Are hereby warlch not to release merchandise charged Friday ICllrStllt liverybody welcome Dance and inunity llull New Years live veltlcs piizcs Music by Stroud Admission 7311 Auspiccs W1 Short course in Agriculture un auspices OntaIio with NW rendered Slip to Rl Station Fund amp Borden unless the request Strotul oIIIT frolic Corry Goodman former Auxiliary Services Officer at Camp Borden Army Command has been appointed recreational director of Stamford Township Niagara FIIllsI duties Jan 11 Goodman is well known in Barrie having directed the Camp Bordon Hockey NtJ Dancing tron llllit Mountaini Lunch coonl 53gt Alfred is accompanied by Local Purchase Order form signed tizu WOODSwln loving memory of Ii Si 110 it In husband liranCIS Woods DonnIran pm cers iticms veie All This by the purchasing officer Your Knox 111 Bethlehem in Judahs Laud was sung as mixed quartet by Dobson assuming his new South Department ommunity Sinico Branch Agriculture Churchill Jan ti to lan 30 Hours League and pm Mrs Mrs Carson Victor all Away In the beautiful hills of God mmed programs and other advm By the valley of rest so fair b5121 when Eonc bored by his wife Tiffill St Adults only ROOM TO BENT business 2782 PAIR MENS USID and boots size 10 Phone 2707 154321 suitable Telephone 15521 LARGE FRONT BEDROOM well furnished Close to Allandale busi ness section FURNITURE STORAGE storage young irl 2781 CAR OF ALBERTA Cralgvale now Benj Webbd Phone 27r5 Phone 4518 1552b safe warehouses BOYS NAVY BLU Clea OVEF size 68 years exec 521 MONEY To LOAN INA Knox and Alexander Knox Words this number written by Mrs Chester Carson of Barrie member of the choir sermon MA Bl Story in New Setting Following the members Union as customary sleigh to sing carols at the hospi tal and outside the homes of mem 930 am to 12 noon 1210 pm to p111 Classes daily except Satuiv days lLoclilskicillll ORGANIZES DRIVE FOR MEMBERSHIP One trail with run of 1000 feet BADGLEY Formerly Associated With The Itiltttlll iirm 0f Harris and Spry Wishes To Announce The Opening Of His Own Office At 24 Dunlop Street tising for local firms after the war in Aurora time he was an NHL referee Deer Killed berar South of Camp Borden Last Saturday Night about it lnow not and music were bomi iIII Hllt la HIS home At one We will meet our loved one there Sadly missed and ever lemcml 52p 4gt Th Lewis Rev Ernest 53b Tho Old lS service Young Peopl 3s set oilt evening of the lIONAL llOUSlNG loans biuld Last Saturday night alcrs loans properties financed at oclock deer was killed by Clil uth of Camp BordED ld Vllll plCnly of room for inan so bers of the congregation who have oeuvermg has been cut out of the current rates mortgages purchased The cm 01 Henry Ellle Owen Sh Bar llent cor LIVESTOCK FORSALE Cooke Cartage and Road Phone 3359 WAREHOUSE for rent Size approx 34x64 on main ext to RoxyTlleatre Avail quormation see Theatre even 1552b LOST AND FOUND KITTENV LOST In vicinity of low or p10 pet Storage 43 Essa 1514tfb Phone 3643 6PIECE KITCHEN stove tWinchester DIET new Miller RR Cool IV EVENING cow Size 14 short coat 4939 LARG heated street ablo lppemi stown now For manager of Rpx Phone 396 pink mails genuine horn Size 3638 Ings BABY BUDGIES I011 talking strain Can D3713 black and white or High St Find asc phone 2945 as it is childs 1752 SMALL CHANGE PURSE talmn day also used seen evenln St evening blege also man 37 excellent condi estimates jacket size 23 LouisaSt LOUDEN LIT about 180 feet ers Gordon Phone 162 Oro dles and belts Agent 46 FUELInsulate Insulatin con1 sum of money lost on MonI notify Box 1752b CATTLE strayed to Utopia Ownermay provmg property and expenses Phone Finder 204 Cookstown 2YEAROLD Cochranes have same paying please Reward TER CARRIER tr Complete Clark WI ha 13M 1752p Lotv22 Conw Owner identifying and pay enney 6r31 1752p SAVE batts of 30 sq ft at thick 45 sq covers 30 ft bag CoopfI Dial2 LITTLE BEAVER pers Viking electric rollers Garage Mines FEW ON Fawcett Sp contracts mineral $213 bale ft at $2213 STRAYED to Essa have same lng expense roan heifer may granu dee at 429p Alex WALLET LOST black leather con money chauffeurs 136 Burton Phone hammer mil for sale Ing LY ROY Thermo ang Healters su ied 999 lelte SNOW FENCE 100 steel posts en fencing Take de be surestCoop Dla LICE CONTROL Cooperls DryKill 50 25113 flaming sum of license Ave etc Liberal reward LADYSBLACK PURSE urday mght in of Hasty large sum of 193 Blake St l752p Apply Searle 4554 l752p store containing money Gray Phone 5152 TTLE strayed to Well mark same by ylng ex r011 Reward 670 barb line wi re wov Ivory now am slur YOU HEAD or CA Lot26 Con Owner F105 may have 0r thrift condition 76 Maple provmg property and pa cattleao $775 penses SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE EXAMINER YOUNG COWS llolstcin orl Ayr sale EMEOUS RENT 339 552p been shut in TELEPHONE 3411 EVENINGS 4735 Combat fhat Cough Dr Woods Norway Iillo Syrup is prompt lhcm isl pleasant and effectual remedy for coughs colds for twisting tnd turning The tow starts about one tenth Of the distance up the hill about quarters of the way to the top If additional height isuan additional climb of 300 feet to the summit Peoplewllo are fearful of their ability to make such long run belonged to Browns Taxi of Al Gamc Overseer land of Alliston was notified and The car was but rie 344752p bush at Mount Jimmy There are also two bush trails and Ii number of smaller hills already open Thel tow is in operation and it is expect be CIOCIUL listori Sid Dor ST GEORGES ANGLICAN colorful carol service was held Anglican Church last Sunday evening The anthem And There Were the Field Abiding Helen Smcthurst and Alfred Page Newton Smith read It passage of Scripture after which passage church was illuminated with can Evergreen decorations were took the carcass slightly damaged at St Georges ed that within couple of weeks The main bill which has It Illll of about 1000 feet is approximate1 1y 50 feet wide so that plenty of chalet will WM CALl FOR VlJALlNG Angus Campbell Thornton Phone 1110 952p Shepherds ii was sung with Coplaco Spongors Sixth Annual Christmas Party as soloists Rev room llOTStlliSS sore throat bronchitis spasmodic eroiip Santa Claus made his annual visit to the Copaco employees children last Thursday evening at Trinity Parish Hall After the opening welc KNM Morrison general manager Frank Allen as master of ceremonies kept the program moving along smoothly Recitations carol asthma and bronchial troubles 11 relating to The that sung lakes Skier 110 Safe effective inexpensive and dependable llr Woods Norway Pine Syrup helps to loosen phlegm furl Iiiiicus clear the air passages and bring quick relief for coughs iiiilolils dies Dial prominent pme by is desired there BURTON AVE UNITED The evcping service at Burton Ave United ChlllCllI featured the PAPERHANGING painting Free Work guaranteed Sam Get Ii supply of Dr Woods Norway PineSyrup today and songs 105 Hand 242 Blake Bt ighonc 2315 5521 7mates ardwarc Plume 2556 ThH medlbuyjng Edenvale Airport owners of farms 732 in 10th Concession need not be afraid as the slope is not steep For the adventurcsomc there are two narrower bush trails which were hand cut by the mem bers bulldozer cut out the main hill In his report made to the meeting at Community House on Decemberl 17 Jack MacLarcn announced that something special was being ar ranged on one of the bills by In strtlctor B111 Craig Considerable praise was given to were presented by Elaine and Mac Lougheed Barbara and Donald Lee Sandra Sime and Alan Jong chorus of Copaco employees under the direction of Albert Cot trell then lead everyone in singing Christmas Carols Sarita Claus seated beside gaily decorated Christmas tree presented each child with gift bag of candy and an apple1n addition nine bank accounts were opened fob the new babies born to Copaco em ntcll Tim lilo Int anthem Hosannah With Mrs The llburntv 411 Spearn as soloist and 1t Cale Midnight Frank Dobson as soloist morning service MrsH Loug hccd sang The Holy City While the Christmas story was being told organ music was featured through out The Presbyterian be holding their Yuletide service with special music next Sunday NQTIC Mdrk CLOSED all day Dec 26 Boxing Day GUARANTEED sewingr machipe All makes tree 081 Shanty Erep Machines electrified Nee Empke Clear with Al the Upon Mill And et Branch NOTICE TO ANYONE considering Holiday Hours At Being directly west of aid airport namely EH of Lot Church will Sunnidale McMurray and WH of Lot ChoZ in 10th Concession Sunnidale Wilsor OPEN all day Saturday Dec 27 vice all day Herb Drury who constructed the shed housing the engine providing power for the low It was built al ployees this year Reverend Howden In clos the party spoke of the real com lctc clinllilw scr ohn Hood We are 1101111 10 PTO 11 drainage of said airport across TaXI Rates in Barrie both Mill and 74952ii1r farms and refuse to take draln ing id airport no taa afternoon only Dec 31 at Market for stock taking Angof course closed Christmas and New Years days arepubllshingjhesemmrsju our1gllltl paid ad so Increased to 50 Cents CLOWSED Wed bration attend ristmas most entirely in Herbs spare time The ski club members were also very thankful to Herb Hall head instructor Cubiclng 0f samev excepting portion 0f reason for the Christmas cele which were drained cross our farms before Govern Church on Sunday and Ch nt Lookunan airport Mc and urged everyone Effective at midnight December thmthe 23 the taxilates in Barrie will be He then concluded W1 74233 and John Hood 55152p $13 AUTOMOBILES IncreasedfrorrTBSTDTO cents trip 11 The fee of 10 cents for each addition Sta the tow for the Ub The tow obtained from Colling beneiiction ithatno patronlgay be inconvenienced during Christmas and New YearEweeks 41 PLYMOUT Deluxe can 75carrie 135217 ill takingfag DODGE DELUXE Spemal Se Phone El $2 mvale LOST for lice Coop Blair 2429 Dec TYPEWRITERS Remington Deluxe big machine Mall orders promp usmess College ELECTROLU demonstrated out obligation the reasons for Authorized repre 17521 15ng OR STRAYED black and tan female hound mg collar VWebb Stroud reward for Information leadin Its return Quay portable The portable performaIICe 41 CHEV fly filled recently overhauled new mo or 13521 wear $5130 Notify William gMc Angus Phone 835122 1752p WRIST WATCH wi lost around night somewhere mouths and Reeves stores Finder please leave at Weaymouths store Alfred Dyer RR Barrie 17521 25 Barrie 1B vacuum cleaners home with Letus show you their popularity sentatlve in sales plies Barrie Brunch th leather strap ck Saturday between Weay oclo Wu 752p Newly St PANEL TRUCK 74711 Apply 107 Sophia One 4170 er pm eSDra eet Dial ll SPECIAL DELUXE CHEV STRAYED to Lloyd Win atos 74152 dc rd Lot 16 Con Essa dog white front legs and black and tan hind legs white on neck and black and tan face with two dots above eyes ner may havesame by proving rty and paying for advertise l752p 3301 ack collie BOBBINS BELTS es for sale promptly cleaned 45A Elizabeth St first st of Imperial Theatre up Formerly with Singer Sew chlne Company Telephone 7431521 TTLES and god tires and tubes Sewing machines twn 71r22 repaired WILLYS 12TON pickup needl and b1 door we stairs ing Ma nleage good tires and motor re a1 stop will remain the same Taxi operators state that it Was not pos sible to carry on at the previous rates owing to the increased prices of gasoline autos insurapce welges and other costs Burton AveIUl1ited 55 Christmas Cdncerr Friday Deeember 19 Ave United Sunday u=q CASTONAt his late residence Elizabeth St Barrie on Dec 16 1947 William Wallace Caston be loved son of the late Mr and Mrs David Caston in his 55th year Interment Wyevale Unlon Ceme tery Dec 19 ATLINAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Dec 19L1947 William Frederick Caitlin late of 167 Essa Road Barrie husband of Isabel Ford Interment Barrie Un ion Cemetery Dec 22 1352b CROSSLANDAt Hospital Victoria BC onyDec 1947 Joseph Crossland aged beloved husband of Angeline Crossland of Port Al The late Mr Cr ssland esldes aughter Victoria He was wood is in good condition and has guarantee Altogether the club has theuse of 200 acres of land on which there is plentyof roomfor develop ment At the close of last year theclub bad 1a credit of 72 cents but they have beengranted $750 by the K14 wanis Club since the ski club in tends giving free instruction to any under 12 years of age This plan fits inwith youth recreation scheme which is part of the general plan ristmas Concert was held of Boys and Girls Committee of on Friday Dec 19 with large the Kiwanis turndut program was presented forthe children Tile first part was for students and juniors senior staged by the beginners and primL membership $300 and married ary classes under the direction of couple can get membership for Mrs Frank Dobson The second part $500 The use of the tow will be was story of Santa enacted by the 10c ride 75 day or $500 year oldermembers under the direction of Mrs Charles Spearn Songs and probably be granted to some person recitations were also on the program who will also take care of the before Shula Claus made his apv ch pearance SAW IT IN THE EXAMINER 2429 cam Ave FEED MILLING AND MIXING RATES Coop has now completed the change over from 220 to 550 Volt Factory Power Oltr 24 attrition mill powered by two 50 HP 550 volt motors can do an excellent grinding job at rate up to 100 bags per hour We wish to prOVide feed milling service unexcellcd in Ontario and at competitive cost Our rates have never Chang ed since the mill opened and do not cover the present cost of labour let alone power and overhead New rates are an advance of only to 30 cwt on chopping 21nd rolling no advance on mixing On mix ing however charge will be made on all feed mixing inch1d big when we supply all ingredients As you know our new horizon tal mixer provides the best possiblemixing of feeds RATES BEGINNING JAN 1948 Custom Chopping and Rolling any quantity 1tlc cwt Custom Feed Mixing any quantity Minimum Charge 25c All Custom Milling Is On Cash Terms IOOP ARKET BRANCH Bile radio heater excellentcon ion Best cash offer 23 Wors 1352p Burton beloved School It NASH SEDAN gone 39000 In his 1165 body and upholstery like 1w new tires 80 Burton Ave 74th year Membership in the club is $175 Veterans 5c cwt ale good condition small years heater and defroster Phone Cooks 1352p berni The refreshment concession will leaves to mourn his loss his wife one adopted Mrs Kay Taylor and four brothers veteran of the First Great War serving as 13 sapper 107th Batta11011 SIMCOE DISTRICT DIAL 2429 alet Two films on skiing in Canadas Laurentians were shown by Maurice Hines snable offer refused as we hav new truck Hunters Poul try arm Stroud III52p re It paysto read the Adlets gwiih the