liltil WWWQEEHlDifflltlilfPi Eit TWEEV THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARBIE Womans Viewipoint on This end That WMm lTrinity Anglican Sunday School Itttnl evening Sv Turpentine 11111 l1 Tit xup its 1115 MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL BRYSONS lce Cream Candy ELIZABETH ST Llh Llli iil ILIi Yules Mei ililitl cicicv uric3 Rf lip zxwu tt 11 II iIl 111 11 ltfl lt fllil Ilort 111m ch iiiiizir he Itlilllt iiit Ill tali Isl annual dam Hazlii ELl2712c21143 tllt oI lih ill Violet Iiaili lhttl 11 Ill 141 ii Aliwtixlaitni titt ii iIie 1Id11I liilltlttll 11111 llti tilil tilts lillltll ilim iIII lkl Xlilt Shop ltl of ttiel till1l Hito ltol isenl 1111 it tier II1 by lI tlltlliu hinti 511 til llII ti lcncanu 1111 La K1 it flail lul 1515151 liltllti ucie pm SIl The Ifiiilil If ttt II lIlIilltil the III tlll Season is lcason llLt 1111131 Iliiitllioi piano liiltilly iizirizliii tum liliii IIIIl bulli dam tilten titlil lliitlzt lifl liltl lttfllt INHIIcV ti sistit Reaching IliIi rilllt 111 If ltiltoi can gt111 wx lidi tl 11 ALWAYS ROOM FOR TWO MORE AT THE INN flurry Christmas And Driller 32ml PM Re 91min RV ilmv 11l Stil lo lti1ltlllt ilti lain till pefcct evciit Iizi ttttl will go toward the upkeep of the lintmean oipliaiis ililllttl Ilyilt Ttlltltll finial llllll Litle liiii lliei thioiirli the ttitlli ot Twenties Lelii theirl iuiial tlilii1 iznner it lub 10 llKtllllttl 11 of the illil llillllllilS sat down to it which Mrs 1oIiii1l1 tl was lttil of honor he plow rited With It hiisfitias llll of chitin by The th 111iii= tliiist the silioal gymnasium 116111 wzth ted huge Btl held their annual iia Rail filolltlilfv Ieltllti 11 eeiI ilvldrk lml Iiiiinlty Life lIIiiniui liiiit Sp tial 11i Morrow and Hindu lliizt fltl II the lioiman llllllil of tell lilitaiiiue llliit ltli 11111115 awaiils fili The la Tintaw tllllflil Iv deeoiaeil Ii camels lilIiCl inll behind bardsand lhe laiicevas sponsored by the rtliool band arid was 111 the and sIIo ittiiii maths ii lIiroliui ll ladies lIltaliol Iilisuian Ytlllllll guesi tcii ll Kelli vth totsaiht of nvl iII tir inn IIIIiitiIir liIos llil good woli dining Illsii lliHltlifl It honor of Ill giads and Ixstudents of which many were present Special The exchanged 11111 llit lnfaith 11 it tw llll tlIoi JMIIi in the vhl up prizes were awarded for spot and ltll the BLAKE ST 111iiii tI Ii lioxy Iitl bliliuiizori Sandra McKIIIIIon Christie lxouningtoii loaitiie lail liiiitiiillizton itoss Morrow Lennox elimination latices prizes handed out by Santa lilis tIimtton Stewart presldeii of the baud pre ltIshor with liitt1uii1 mas 1111 limit the band members 1eitli onnor and iwen Hrot the Sunday It vift to each child to wry ll tcus Section of oinmeicc Ball at lub 19 on lli ll IIII attendance of till lh 1e was dancing to the club band iniersperscd with special ouug Iltltl their Spmmi lliinaltl li1 11il The dance closed ill one oclock School lfotli piesented nights It iuiles and Iipplis iltev 11 ll llowden acted as chitin 1112111 till tIttll tittflSltlll gether with ciiidi ive Children At King George School Visited by Santa Claus limit and eli with prizes for the President Maurice acted as Ittllbltl of Lltllltltllt llllllllllls Il Initiiitioii IlIi lltll spot EightyF if iifltNl LII iiioFt lliiles infill poss 1111111 trim wards the latter part of the evening la lovely buffet luncheon was served apfisf Christmas concert December 16 liiglltyfive bags each containing 111 orange apple Indy and small gift were given away to children Carols and Recitations First Baptist Church The lucky winner of Judy the soroptimist doll was Eldon McKe voItl Si AVKIFOW PIEDDVICFIOD at the annual Christmas Party of the East End Home and School Club last Friday night IllIV llllMlllltlIYS Miss Elsie lougiiley Organist Iud fliolr Leader lil lastor HLM First Baptist Sunday School con cert was held on Dec lti vlth lZd King George School was dceorat Armshmm as Chanman Tho gram eoIIIIIienceil with carol sing ing by the audience and Scripture reading followed by prayer Iriimary tion of Miss 11 Evans Steeple Hit 11 Ht 331 H1 ver 13 Maple Avenue who held ticket made itll plate stave 117 tilrc tile with iil II the tor cc 1038 Mayor tlIe Roxy Theatre on Dec ml coeds are for The Barrie and Dis trict Memorial Hospital Fund The draw Grant Mayor at tednesday Net pro vis It itltltori in lilt1ilt iii llll SUNDAY lilltlhliliiii llltl ililll SINDAY Stlliltil UOSIICI SERVICE llitmpiiieys lllvlllllllL nid cvemna llitT ed for the oei included ierclier piano 17 at pm carols with Iirrutliers the occasion several Miss Chairman for was Ellltill Reynolds president of the Home aiid School Club Santa Claus arrived and after dis tributing gifts to the ciiildlCIItlie evening was concluded with light refreshments being seerd ii 11 It 1711 lasoi SINDAI illItilillllillllIii IUIT 111 YEARS MES SAG llie the direc lrry and Mrs Bells lligli This is th Way We Go to Church and Away in Man Betty Belfry llarold Boyd 1Larry Boyd and Adele llililipllieys members of the primary class gave classes under lil IIcIciiE 01 tnv Its ot the School lll Ilitliil llNDliS AilTSSIAEI Soloists Mix is lnai Livingston lzirit LIialilieis aitd ll On Wednesday evening Dec 17 Macimreu of tile Bairie Public Library Board and Mrs Montagit Leeds the same board sang in the Mm Mrs Ian Iiiovzng Coming picture entitled The Mi suig flirts unis IltIl lfil ilIil member of also of the ger and Joyce loiies Til Mes ltoss llobcrt Parker and Angus recitations chorus of juniors mediates sang Bells of Peace idialoguc was presented Wiggs class Chime Music and recitation by Sandra Sime til ill ll and inter7 we MTREBMIETHODIST CHURCH 200 Hayfield 51 Phone 47172 Collier Street United Church REV LEWIS MA 81 MINISTER 1R 11ovn rurrorin OIIGANIST cuonuilASrlIIl Mrs followed by Ii solo Elsie Boyd AA The Salvation Army tit lldtlllll Sl we give re lV CHASE SUNDAY DECEMBER 28 1947 11 AM lntroit Blessed Is He Who Conictll Anthem Christians Awake Ladies Quartettc How Far Is It To Betltlein Sermon New Years Resolutions and Common Sense THE CHURCH SCHOOL 11 AWLNursery Beginners and Primary Depts 230 PittYoung Mens and Young Womens Classes P11Senior School and Adult Bible Claws REV AND MRS ministers Miss llicklings class The Meaning of Ii Star followI ed by chorus by the juniors and intermediates Long Ago Irwins class presented dialogue1 The Greatest Gift of All Miller Nclma presented The Home of Friendly Worship Adjutant and Mrs 1110 111511 the N11 ital Strachall rGuilmant rvMatllldCl Sllaw SUNDAY DiCCliMBlllt 111 Hill SUNDAY SC110017230 PM Communion Service 330 PM angclistic Service 730 PM Rev AuDaw guest speaker 78 PMEvery Friday night Youth picture SUNDAY DECEMBER 28 1917 Paul 11 AI1711011NlSS MEETING 230 IllSUNDAY SCHOOL 700 PMvavangclistic Meeting Topic What Have We ACtOIllpllSllCd llt 19117 CHRISTMAS MORNING Dec 25 Joan and solo gave yecitation Wigg mgave arrpiano Joanne Tomlinson and Nel ma Wigg presented vocal duct Ztl Rally Film strip Bible and then Jdanne and Greg loml linson presented piano duct vocal quartettc from CircleIclass sang Silent Night Santa Claus arrived vitlra Clleil ing word and gift for each child PM ANNUAL CANDLELIGHT SERVICE The Six Lesson Carol Service after the traditional Christmas Eve Carol Service of Kings College Cambridge Piano and Organ Prelude tll Pastorale from The Messiah 21 Ave Maria 31 Siciliano Miss Edna Theodore ATCM at the Piano 0161371111 My Heart This Night Rejoiccs Organ Christ Church Bells Anthem And The Glory Of The Lord from The Messiah Handel Chorale Break Forth Beautcous Heavenly Light Double Quartette And There Were Shepherds Choir Carol Leave Your Sheep Male Trio Say Where 15 He CG1T Choir Little One Sweet Choir The Sleep Of The Child Jesus Carol Rejoice And Be Merry Solo parts in the Evening Service will be sung by Missilelen Lam bert Mrs John Couch Mrs Harry Armstrong Mrs Chester Carson Miss Edna Theodore Mr Alfred Shepherd Mr Bill Day Mr William Lambert Mr Alex Knox YOUNG PEOPLES FIRESIDE FOLLOWING THE SERVICE Bible games contests and prizes All tecnagers welcome Evangelistic Service Saturday Dec 5110 1030 111Cllristnlas Service Dec 31Itchnighi Service 11 pm Bc fruitful in Every good the Golden absi ll the the per ope age Wit rcn lint aar diti vl iilI friCndlv Stlangels vlcllufnwl llandcl BachGounod Bach Christmas Concert Essa Rood Presbyterian United Church Minister REV BEWELL BA Choir Leader Mrs Lnenover Organist MR SMITH Central Parkside Drive Ebeling Peele The annual Christmas entertain ment of Essa RoadPresbytcrian Sunday School was held on Friday evening the 19111 Sinclair as chairman and and Miss Doris singing DAY DECEMBER 28 1947 11 AntBreaking of Bread PMSUDday School and Bible Class BldgGospel Meeting Wed PM Prayer Meeting All welcome seats free no Collection Bach Wilson Old French Noel Mendelssohn SCllCllt chaert Bancr0ft with Rev Dr Miss Betty Ball Kearns as pianists of fCome All Ye Faithful opened the program 77777 The Beginners Class directed by Miss Joyce Reid sang Away in Recitations were given by Diane Colpitts Carl Hamilton andTAnnah Dickey Cheesman and Bobby Dobson each spng solo Jingle Jolly Santa Claus There were two piano solos Waltz 11 Flat by Audrey Melson and by Eileen Colpitts Note Change Fairway Lodge 0n Highway 11 Will Be CLOSED from Dec 24 1947 NEW YEARS SUNDAY 11 A1V1Cllristmals Communion and Reception Service PlTSacrzlmcnt of Baptism PMThe Christmas Sunday Evening Service will be repeated by popular request Meditation How Far Have You Come CHURCH SCHOOL 11 AM Beginners Primary PM Young Mens Bible Class 230 PMThe General School Come to Gods House on His Day Burton Avenue United Church Rev Carder BA Minister Organist Mr Roy Williams The LL Grace Gospel Hall 37 Mary Street Barrie SUNDAY DECEMBER 28 1947 130 PMBelievers Meeting PillSunday School Meeting All are cordially invited imf Gm Mangcr while Bobbie Bells and respectively Tulips SiiEIKKrvmtwrhvzmumag ks LL Ina COIIILSLBQPIlI Independent WSUNDAYwDECEMBER 281947 REV MITCHELL Minister ll AMMORN1NG WORSHIP PMEVENING WORSHIP 230 PMSAll Departments of Sun 11 AMMORNING WORSHIP PMBIBLE SCHOOL 7PM EVENING WORSHIP SUNDAY DECEMBER 28 1947 day School to Jan 21948 HAPPY YULETIDE FOLKS eeeeewzeemeueeummm Merry Christmas and Holly Services ill PM and PM Trinity Anglican Church EN BA Rector Visitors Cordially Welcome Wxamumuuwm Il REV HOWD WRIGHT Organist First Sunday After Christmas 800 AMHOLY COMMUNION 1100 AMMORNING PRAYER Preacher TheRector CHRISTMAS DAY 700 AMHOLY COMMUNION 800 AMHOLY COMMUNION 1100 AMHOLY COMMUNION The Rectors Christmas Message Fleiscbmanns Royal Fast he iceboxit stays fresh elmfast bakingits 7Ne hast No need to keep it In Happy New Year KIRK Plumbing Heating 64 Baylield St BARBIE amazimnmammmnmmummn Bible bring you good tidings of MB em great joy which shall be to all 00 egmners eparm people for unto you is born this day in the city of David Savioull which is Christ The Lord St Stephens Day December 26 1030 AMHoly Communion st Johns Day December 27 1030 AMHoly Communion Wh hen you need it lust IF YOU large supply ready ing results Order st from your grocer today bcrd for weeksright there CCQlling to directions you can always keep delicious bak of the Sunday School 300 PM Primary and Intermediate Sunday School 700 PM EVENING PRAYER Preacher Captain the Reverend Joseph Cardy BA of Camp Bor den Garrison Church Then use as fresh yea FLOWERS WIRED ANYWHERE ryill baking more nQonalFastRlsmgDerea lleis MtflgKKm BE