Till BARRIE EXAMINER ONTARIO Restaurant Sanitation Years Ago aalaltitwrl PAGE TEN an tilh Published fitlllHlJ Homing by Im ISAKHII 1x mm It risinr II la Hit IZCEFHLS1A 41 kll t5 IA WTHbM IIIw summed ggazxgisi llll IIIHSIAIAN $lli ILti frui than liil two Hit blazing ltlillt1 23 winter olsticr lrliiai Lllttl sizisozi iliti lii 11 iiu Wcstctzi flinitii lLlUI lit iniciioiic llii liltlii or Zltliritiii it Liliiil llliiilili kclc Lirllctl lvt iilti Lia li gt ici the iiiittiiic nunl ii iiir NJ ilialLiltA Wtlt tiiimilt iirill in it all liilmliiiiw l1lcii1ctirai ergo iilt biiidti oi gzii tltlx it iIit=stc ll Zih lililisit litcittI II EII lips to di ouiaac the xii it illl lreei duriiiu tho niacinst scientii tr illlilitliliii lilltllhl in turns vits lltihd tl Uri i5lit 117 its Vtm it lhp oiiaai 1titltliill it II 11 ti id iiiv ltlttirI liiil ii lliiii IIIII Santa tlaas llil lilrltliltii tll it ioil iii ironi huiotcaii coiiitriw =ri iic 1h tliiistiiias ttltlilli iii in Ll lodiiy llilxt customs ii iii not of on thiisliiias ltirlil1 iI iicioia it in iirl lollies ttie such iltl hountilui taolw rU llsil illl Sliltllll DOCTORS hating the ltllllptlltllliilll the Barrie and irict Memorial llospital the Voittilttci car acrs have been asked Why dont the ltrtors build the hospital The iirst and moat obvious answer is tiiat it Would not he pwuble for twelve physicians and sriiggeoiisIto iinaiiee million dollar hospital lliit while this matter is being discussed It would be good time to bring to the attention oi all the citizens some of the services that are rendered to the community by the medical nritessiOii During 1947 the doctors of 15a rric have 372 hours of lectures to nurses in train ing at the Royal Victoriiillospital Those let titres delivered between and am or in tire latter part of the afternoon are provided without any cost whatever to the hospital or the nurses or the community Furthermore the local doctors provide medical attention for all hospital employees without cliirpr As contribution to the hospital the menibers oi the medical profession lend their services it the nursesintrainingI the graduate nurs the domestics the members of the kitchen dull and the office staff Such attention nven without cost assists in maintaining the rervice the hospital renders to the public he doctors also give fre service to all in urgent patients Each dayutheie is on duty the hospital doctor who visits those patientsiI Lllllllt who cannot afford to pay This is substan rial saving to the taxpayers be no financial responsibility wh rervices rendered by the doctors to indigents SP permit and should keep in mind doctor can carry on his practice without hospital If it were absolutely necessary doctor could perform major operation in persons home But the hospital is won the patient For com person can have the ii operating room with all the sterilize ages and other facilities necessary paratively small fee aIei se of well equipped Iof the remain in hospital have be linen changed nary have proper food sui dition and have the service gNEEElELEEQKXKEEEiEEtatElEErtir Ezrmmvsm scuhn 44 111444114 i0 BEOM mumumwuewwomiseiemumcy but In my Iaumuxmzmnmezz ii icii tote ll iiocto 12 whctlicii liil In tlil rciidci ill iiti 1l lIitchti li11ltl lilililllii lit til liL iiltitiis tilnl ac iiid not tor lltii1lllIlulll coiiiociisatiilii llilriii nil Iic pa hot ill lllc iiwloix ill illttlsll lllllliii ti li lllc lil in pure Jupaiii mens pine wool tltillillt iiil lilt totit toiiicil lil Ilgtliit iiiix 25 inlrlit ht picioziil Inuit iioptil by thi 111liliill iii iillit liii tli1 of Sziiicoc It ltl ll tilii lliiillv llll Zic llli ll tic Iihriltiu liiiii in invilli Null iillilltl iliiill til Hii Ul VIN the January scs era raw irltlhllll wl all iii um shocked to llllrl lltilliIV lgt years lllti liitlllIlliI ity Council to icsciiid the id ilaiiie who could not zeiui VUltlIl and replace it witlii that line lilli tIlll lioui iciridiile fror ltin road iii front of lllltl This was said to denote iiii open viiitcr IIIIIIK Hp L1 lohn truss of Narityi lililtlilllli iiillIli loss when his firic lloishiri cow illocti rusty iiziil vriicii penttruch lill lining of its stoni Mir lilc iaiiiiiv ltciii eiil II llllll zilc fXlliclilIlti irill lii II III IIII II ll l1lt55lt iioiu illllttir lt ttl 14 ii II il 11 iiiotiozi at iiiir liristiiias lililllrl 1111 oil it ll IIIiI IIIII 31 ii ache and homes And everyone 11 it IIII IIIIIII IIIIIIII it ii gt ll illl tiiililn 21 11 tiliiiiitloiil lllil subject lly an opportunity to sound in out to mm xlliitilllililf ll Erch in lillll iiiuiii Dali peace on Earth hotlIuiLl irIrIttt IIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIII IIIIIIIII pulilhs iWltli ri ic tillllll gt1it1csii lliiiisli cotl free of iuisiti lllgileIld for lllll lluildiiig billboard and 1oi pootl lieurcs at ppmmnc II vavm luxuryid XSllhe local chcisc factory at Hills ill ll ticti thus llliSllm ictllli ll iiccri ctiici= In II hill Ida School on 2nd lilllt Ilos clos ition No toilet iooin may open iiuihias liiuhwiiys will be billboards soon ways has issued signs are forbidden iitial signs pointing the way resorts Even these can be ciectct will be regulated as to year and kept in re The Departriiciil order that only under size riiiist be renewed cac pair lourists do not conic ipon huue billboards such cities Elimination of our highways increasingly attr to Canada to gaze as they see in the hcse sieiis should make active Britains East and WestI eii working hard to II Anth Chmd In rit salary of S350 The llriy Estate as lililliyim NI Amid luxmmm park be in any room 111 which iood is prepared lllld no room shall be For 23 years IVliiililSillll Council has be ensure that students from dia and the West Indies as well hall have an opportunity lbouuht by by private states the other places scenic how Christmas Day is speii 1Q United Kingdom Oincp Although ii haslest stock farms in aniida arid the is in force all the lcontainer ilhrlgoduces as inaIiy TDIlVille 081603315 OlNENWlNINIlllovlluo taiiiilies in ii iihrniation hospitality scheme whit year round the Couiic students as possible to tho who will entertain them rs of hOspitality are reported to frorn many parts of from one type of food to another Christmastinie vermin rodents etc Food must be 1This year olfc have been receiver arise they llthiI According to report of the Department from the les of Uighur GREEHNCS iRules Effective 1311 II To ALL II gttlairs Bakery 50 IOI0Jmm lioiii lhc llir ul IIIl HAHN llii MIHR Iii 14 Jill ISI was liil1r lmal riic IIIIftIIvztIIIi ix 33 7333v Shanda Judith Jsstaj II uncutdeucatuezzrwe Qttfiitcirzrf erry Christmas Happy New Year lOMMANAGEMENT AND STAFF JI Myanmar5235411 Emr2rg3421sinkiif 51 inil2 LA on 111 iiiflvii Rust llutiiiiirk iur irtii illitaitm Qi iixlnrlin ll iiiiii ii riii punlic kiligt gt War viitti IEli Iltilr Joiner au ti no nlritI holidm iliililll oziii ro ir tlll Sui vxiii llrtziiduiil or ill iiiI il viii 14ml illiili ir oz iii tlll ltli llll limzsiiaihr illil llitlks ill untitc xl llllllt 11 do will iiuifilcis iii llc to ii illillj cII illllil ii mint ari building illi lir lllil Hip aitlii liliilrlilt liter in ltlli loliIcit ll ilc liicilllni thpcci linen ii iIlll ie Hill ln iiigtllalioiiu oi o1i li on ii iii iirii iIli li Ilf lltrl il ii illllillieIlillilgiiilillh ill local board oi luailh iiI lll lilc cs1iiiligtiiiii lilmtt tiiii Li ilili Siiiiciii ouiily Ilricfs lcij tililll tlini Ilil not int li zi=iccto liltillIch liliull ti liHlilylllVl ll Heron to licuilii tiirti itl ittth iio liii an loi Sic pine lIltiill iiiiclly into any iood loicd oi Judge case thc operator ltili lliitil iillill iiiii lilz renal iilliiililll vliit ilo iii hil llIllli itlrllilllldm in loom ill lllli for closing liic erue the license iill fwd in llllit IlIiase places arc to he iciiir inspect iii and Willlt the ii tltti ticcloses lhiit the nitrite istahln llll Illlldllll ill rc Winn lluiiidec was walkiiii coriiptzit IIwmigniuxl he separate ioorrr lllelli or llllilililllll Ililtlti loi kicpiiie ttlllll LllIlil ii 1in ployes the llooir and lioo cowr tight iiioclzi illlki iioii iiil itlilll LEAVE BARRIE Stdnddrd Time To Toronto To North Bay inns must iilisorlient The walls must be such that tlc are llilll lv iciilicti iiid illl litllliillt uid Sure iitttlltllltill iiiairilairnd 11 good tillv iziciit is not chihpiyiiizg littliilllulis iii cciI iv iiic il must notified iii llili llieie no iciison ll eating islaiilisliiiin lli lii Ii of Ilririie cannot conform with new regulations but ceitzi changes vill lithi to by iziiide ii II owners of ilisse cstzililislinicriii lots ptliitcll into any mom used 101 lhi piipaiaiioii or storage of food all openings to the outside shall be screened rind fitlcd with other de icril cstiiic found ready so mills51 dale brought iiiio the community II III III IIII II II II neirlv $5000 11 vear llivcar 05 tl 51 Wit ill vlSll Ulllllk II II Manning IhnmdIIll iiitIi VI111111 II RW lhgl Si Ulllllfl only St Sllll 84 110i was helping his father to take VI ll if iv Wen ou INN yum pm rum my mmhIcstahlishiiients snail he SllIllll of nd To Penelang itl when the animal became ciitliht IllllISlIll3IlfllI ml iIIIP II II II 1040 1111 31040 aImI 750 IIImI ititicd and Stileilt the ho by oriciIgoIotIlIrcpaIii IliltlIt hoist IiIc for 4I10 pImI II25 IJImI III III of his arms lore it badly and broke lIVl leldbllflllllllli II IIUAIiIll letiicc b10 10 10 Um Mucus 11 now Isupply of pure IlIitlItItlldiJ iiIrlllIl MIII IIIIII MIIII III MIIIIIII IIIIIIII III pIan ed the llttillills use of heavy chib Itll filtIIllIlllctI 1m kIllllllllIIIlIlIIM Spend yummy Ile Ivym It BIXCGDlZ Sun H01 slmI HOII ll make the furious brute let go 3f 11111 re iipcra ion SlhIlCK my Mm Nnm Mriith ci time Sill Still Saunders 3A Cm Willi lllillllil llll Vlll icn Mr and lllrs ll exceiit sat illlll llllll mil lilSll and Brian and Mr ril St Still IlOl her hold EILIcIiis of age and uliiiiriiried was UUIHS appointed to Midland teruhing staff No live animal bird or fowl may for garbage Iliiitlett iiiitilcidy if iiiltl ist CONNECTIONS AT TORONTO and tilt rlutiiin Ifor Montreal and The annual meeting of lic Ur ed WA and WMS was lisld par llllLlC Dec 17 LlVICC lgt given FARES ARE LOW Round Trip Tax Included Mr lleiiiiricli of To roiito The farm coiiiiirisinp Till 50d it Sllilllllzi lllli5 hilk mw mm for 3Hqu Tm Imp food is prepared served or stored pertx was said to be one of the fiii Milk ll b3 5d from original bottle or from Scttlcd nude to pink bale for lie Save the Cnildrca ii uiit of rp1ieciiilitii was me ed to Mrs Duckuwort foil splendid work as preside 11 part vetii Election of ofii ducted by Rev Biiiit vs Pres Mrs Mrs All food shall be protected by Illltillls of enclosed crises or cabinets so that it cannot become contam iiizited by flies dust dirt insects buildings such as to compare favor ably with any in America Vice Mrs Dcxtti Willriii lreas Mrs ll an Vltriiigeincnl Coin Nlis Dd Mrs Rose Mrs llrani lils Wright Parsonage Mrs lEliilll aid Mrs stored in such manner that odors and flavors are not transferred TICKETS AND INFORMATION Ar Barrie Bus Terminal Food which is readily susceptible to spoilage must be kept under refrig eration Refrigerated space shall atever for the of Mines and Re weeks over 800 Displaced Pe on our shores making 01 Whom have Waiting in front of the BCI on his tion at all times newspaper way to Allandale school Alex rsons from EuropeI There is another thought that every person have landed total of over 6000 such people mos sought employment despatch stated that complaint because the course here there had been SOmelMilrie of the Barr children of these folk =1 II ftiiiie to become full was 0C down by ff POSSIBLE to ENSURE laser are not gIVen the benefit If this is true fatal on DECI 1e find ruled that for derful convenience igiwho hope in the tizens of Canada Childrens Allowances em fair When these peop mt they W111 no 10le makf Boom appointEd tQ binary for some stolen grain came upon to the pIOduthlty Board George RVBums was still and assisted in securing the in this way prove citizens of our country band it doeshot se Then steady employIme with the Op atlon completed the patient can valuable contribution in with theI Canada Should they th cabees Barrie llortrculturalIupon him or months in jail ily or more often if necesi themselves goor er assrstance as 0th Socrely has record membeishin 273 men on the payroll of MIdlandI table to his coni should not be denied suc Of trainedl citizens may get for their children Smimoki Wilhm the last two lIIE BARBIE EXAMINER be maintained at temperature not lziii Visiting ILZ111LIMIIIS CIII ulli BER 14 192 hi her than 50 de rees Fahrenheit vtii Mrs owe rs Drr lIrs Wilkinson Pliilllsi VI Refrigerators and storage rooms shall be kept in sanitary C0llCll Willa R99 omen Marshall Next meeting aul Wrights 73 Collier Street IRAY ioniuui Barrie Local Notes Garbage must be kept in proper containers and removed from the at least twice weekly or NeWs items the Exit ie Board of Edn sliould be sent in AS EARL tion and prominent businessman premises suffered fracture of the skull CI and securing goods under 1mm EXIIIIIIIIIIII ICIIISSIIIIIIISI and other injuries which proved false pretencesI wanen 14 Jde Vmce ticketofleave man was sentenced gm Colld Oi gel to years at Kingston Edgar naturalization by proxy M53 Evans MPP following up search named Past Commander of Barrie conviction of the OperatorI who Tent or me ngms or the Mac had fine of $400 and costs imposed 32 f0 Memolms 0f Shipyards Lakes Couchiching and Barrie provi edihe material for SImcoe lowest in years IDrI MC Christmas Tree at the Rama Re Lean of OrinIa fell on Slippery serve Chas Brown baker was Sidewalk breakmg one leg just be adVertising Christmas cakes almond 10W hip penemng SpentI$2lI350 iced and decoratedi 459 laying concrete paving on Main St Pound DonaldA MCNwen with abutting properties paying Chose to 5919 nk from the frontage rate oflO cents foot Bar curlmg Chm to meet the An architect reported that it would Scottish Curlers in Toronto In cost more than it was worth to Allandale Presbylena Church model Coiiingwood Collegiate there was lively debate on Re solved that Scottish Humor is More Enjoyable than IrishIWit Gordon Musrc 63C CIS and Pupils Longman and Rev Roy Melville for the negative while Duncan Mc nom CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC OF TORONTO Cuaig and Rev Beach main tained the afrmative There were costumes and decorations to suit MIDWINTER EXAMINATIONS ILIIEORYaFebtuary 13th and 14d PRACTICAL As arranged the occasion The affirmative won This weeks issue was the ApplicatidnsIanIdfees must reach the Conservatdry not later than largest in many moons having totaLofletpagesLIIAt that time the JANUARYIIOth 1948 135 College Street Toronto 213 53 circulation was 4225 copies Christ mas advertising was Iyery Iheavy Simcoe County Briefs Establishment of branch of VON decided upon at largely attended meeting Broudy Polish farmer of Tecumseth ned $200and costs for having moonshine whiskey It contained46 of proqu spirits Found guilty of passing bogus cheques iii Stay lired And Grumpy tossing and turning you get up mornings Do you spend your night in bed unable to sleepf Do tired irritable and without an appetitef such condition you will Nerve Pills most helpful If you suffer from nd Milburns Health an They stimulate theappetite the nervous system aid digestion and thus help to promote refieshirig deep and genera Get the genuine Milburns Health and Nerve Pills Look for the trade mark the Red Heart On sale at all drug counters TM twain Toronto Out THURSDAY DECEMBER 25 11s hh$tiugta2iu2 maznmnnmmzmm uni r100 pm 1040 am 750 pm pm 940 pm 125 pm y1005 pm 30pm 425 am 410 pm 14 am is max$5780 WINNIPEG $43520 IEBEC 2775 REGINA 5945 IOHN 4485 CALGARY 7950 lERRKiUNDHRNHHt i77i47 MM Nib HIGH QUALITY