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lvlw itrlitl wt Record Players up 55 of production an agitation sponr WW it dpd ldditlglmv sell WI 1101 ms 11115 mum Records 50C up SEVLVHVVVVEVLVIVVVL VVtdilhclLVlVVdVVV Hi snlvntlirt flnbtnws 11111111 vt M11111 11 5111 1111 PIeSlO COOkerS izin market it IS Clilthd that great 5131 all Thu VUVV hull Ii numbers of Canadians Ilchll favor gmWiwiwm sz BCHV 11m 111 W313 at 9C HC es up of such step Against this it may 32 tho tlwurs lflvcrv chlt lhl his 111 beV llthd out that int of Can VA hv VV VVV Hf TOYS Meccano Dlnky TOYS 20c up draws WOUId lmeHPLCdll Supp ll Luck spout llllllllll ll ItlltlllllOttCltCll is Enghsh Bone Chma Ltlipeimliitgillla his 1th or 511 if ll 11 assengel latte hzirhor interest Belglum Stemware 75C ea Fates hank 130515 towel mp Mr zmri Mrs C0011 Dunsmtnc and VVVVV lt zV Vr Ualtitlii Spent lay in Toruntn VV Statuettes Plaques and Bookends it 329 Wm $9151 23 f9 last vedk turd with Mm it 35 WW 11 Links on Doc 11 111111 M132 Lorne Electnc Heaters lured articles etc etc But wuuld lhe anted Church Sunday My VHTHWW MIN Witt MW 1t the it good thin 01 bad thing SOlrzul have planned it supper fur $131 il 7731 to for the mummy as Whole KO bank me evening TUCSday DCC 23 llllgllllltlttl Illllltlil llllliClt it mm our rait1vays hawks and in1Vlie DYUgIanl will consist Of VOVVdUCVVCd VVOVVV LVVVVlVVVVfVVl CVVTVVV dustrialists as result of those Itlnn pictures singing of carols and mm WWW the mm The ii eelllmgly deSimble ch There Christmas 00 Snapper lritttlr Tuwn wt Bclhlohoni Mrs If is is no 01358 in our national life of SCIVCd from t0 All parents and 101101 nine trithe cruntrv than tncmbtrx of the Bible Cl 1slt 111 Wlllfmd NUI mad mmull z1 VVVV xiv glltiosc engath 1n the dairy industry Him 10 be 11th llllll mmm KW trnd vanytihintg detrimental to its Essa Rd Phone E9 oaks ltlilwclhiire isbountd to affect the whole gminim2322nmammalanmammarmmnmmmmmmmz32mmE community Think It over Shooting matches 11tcCLtlillhlrlt1 DCCCUPVCIVLl it ch0 day 93le gram Lhgxtl McAllister of Toronto spent Mn HWVQVY Knish Spent hm the weekend at his home here week Town Visiting reimwes Vthl SlcsSan spent last week in The furnace in the church base Compare Get Acquainted the Lindsay wilth this sister Mrs mom received 21V general tnCrhntll Sanderson in during illlC week Necessary rc ONEMAN POWER Th9 thtildren ifVSS N0 are busi tpans pic found rzvnilatblcV and the pmCmsmg f0 lhellioncerl Fr lCChMlIFHMF BillllllwwlCd lo day 1390 19 me gem evalllllmg ldm my the petvicc on Sunday Our stick rostdcnts are all 111 the liailohl 77 ll lt vegbidder on pulpwood lumber and fuelwocd When 310 wm RCid ca kc Mid contrasts aregwen for bulb operations walks on the street and Rev Ward211130 is out for short 1pcrrndvs followingr his opcnihon and more recent lieazzlttt41cl AtttvcrAtllre olpeorlgrlgt SerbV nousnnorln EFFECTSV FARMSTOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Ph 271 llCENSE Attononn Remlmbevr how youlqoked tor postwar trucks Try one of thenew Recs ltV is different kind of truckbum to the Rec MoreLoad designVltr turns in shorter radius wpurks easiercarries more load per ingh of wheelbase Butthats not all Recs cost less to operate because repairs urecutAto minimum Frames are colddilated and much heavir Gold Crown engines are built speciully for trucks with tho power and dependability you want We invite you to driveVon of the new Reessee for yourself why it isu better lanestment EXPERT REPAIRS ANDSERVE ANY TYPE 0R MODEL courtingbar 1418 and winches emocyieircooid Adjustable to any angle for falling und buolilng PROMPT SERVICING Large stocks machines and parts Expcrt factorytrai service mn RtTE FORVFUVRTVHE iNFoaMAnou INDUSTRIAL EKGINEERiNEV 100 Owned and Openoted by the Employees 158 Oak St North Bnyfom IMMEDIATE ELivERY Huva Vowtrack serviced by mull exporli Our trained mechanics savo you time and money EXPERIENCED LIVESTOCK MAN weighs only 35 pounds in AND SERVICE lN CANADA VVFVOr successful Sale of Househdld Furniture Month nude Twon and Electric lee Cutting Saw 0F Farm stow and Stu Implements 31 PIIONE STROUD 23m AUTHORIZED DEALER BARRIE ONT Phone 2214 My