Till HARRli EXAMINER BARRIE ONIARIO CANADA VV lg gt VVV VVV VVV vm ids 1947 To CREDlTQRS Uh If fdiintnitliiil hi Vespm 19 Cu 51mm i2 tt 13 llitltyi lll delay the ictlu New healed sedains for 111 or long tligt ince tum AtlHtV lJV ili tliilVHlii in the yard at Vie lint 1i Km i1 i11 I1Vi it gun i1 31 itl vi lrlllllfll fv Ill hilli 11111 I1litl VV jV V1 EVV VV li1 gtlliily lltll 11 IlVl 11 1v VJ lly IV 111 if FilH1VV IV 13VVVlVEiVlVli iVVVlVVliViViVlV VlVtVltEIV lVIIVVlVlVVV VV llVlI VVV VVV VVVV VVVVVVVVVv VV VVVVVVVVVV VV VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV ii 11 liill hi =3 it HM 1311 111 11 lill 11 xi VV VV VVV VV VV VV VV 1111 1ill1vl 1111 MVIV VV inlilinc VVVVVV VV VVVV VVV 91 VVV VVV VV Vim VV Hf VV VV VV flJliVVUVlV IVVH 1i pry1g 431 My gt2 131 71 gt lt iv i1 11 VV VV 1gt11 131111 iirtllttlli VVV VV 11 1111 flu llel hiz1l illll nt 31 NH mm hit 1111 11 31111 llrtl dill1 iil WV 410d li 11 31111 ltlilli1 iv in llli 111 11 1ilii 11 11i=11j1111 111 11 L3 iliailli iili hi Jli 3111 llii Nllllil hum T3 illnl dauntiei 1111 lo svr llz gt 1111 1121 121 Hm H111 ill llt VVV xliil pused 1111 iilJl11 11 gt 111 1111 lll11llll1 1y 111 Jaw Vi lnlln i11iil 113ll ill lil 111 11 51 5V li1 hl iii lili it 11f iii iv ii1l 11111 ltll lni 1V11 ll 11 15111 ywmmug me 51V balilll ln lllli lpliltilrllltlil 3111 VV iii 11 l=l in Hlll 11 Li iii llli11ilz 5111111111 11 54 911 loll 11 lt itmli il f11l tlt itlititittl in linild 11 izlloyl il mlll ltllll nil gt gt 11 hold ll11l $111 HM Tn 5111 191 11 5mm 15121 111111 idlniil slil 11 5V 111 Oil lll 11I Nine linillw 11 hi lll 1911 1pm Allmpw kiwi 17 lilnll lr clllll 1H 3131 irilri ivlil llil nni 111 will uJii 1gp 1aCiimicizicz1lteicree1d1c1cicicleElectiveeiiiecaiiw 3111 lainlti 111 lll gt11 1111 lll llnn HIV tile 111211 i11llhAL 2r VV mu VV VVV gVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVV gt turtlllllwtl lli1lllll VV ILRKINS hum ll ll ill 11 lt l11 lllli 1li lt ii 1017 in illi ir llll 31 13 73 In the lxlete 11f VVVllIlllh liVVlkVV ViVIVlV mVVVm VVVVV VV 1V VVV VrVrVVVV VV VV VV VVVVVVVVVVVV VHVVVVVVVVVVV IVVVVVVVVVI IMHVHZ 11 11 911 21 lri 1111111 Vllllll 11cvt 11 HI mt 21 lm Simw ll 1111 1111 liti 11011 111 11 mle Imyxll 211er tilll 11 oz zlznnzt the 3111 VI Hymn my QIVHM 11 111 1mm Llltllllll it dillllllle 1m 11 It 11lli1 111lina clipplif HM vVVVVV VV 1111VV1111 itlllilltg V1 3113111 lvtlllllltl 11 VVVHVVRV VV hVVVV but 11 PM Iilltll llltl lllllliVl VV VV ml 1th mmvmlwr 111 rm1 in 011 hilvdullis lle Kluiet NV wwmwm 11 11111 131 lgtl 11 111 111111 ElVIHIHV mm ll 11117 zlll Jliiil HIV 111 lean VVHVVV ll lillllll lliellloly oi lt nlll Hiding Irulilii ill llll ltllIIlIll in Lie 1323i2$22932211 51 111 Sirlttitm i111 wrutiil 11 11 SliJllllll lo lzielilol nil lolilimlli li Vv4m our dear 111 t1l lgliziey 2Jrlc 1341 31 VV VI Hm my Vlmmqm VV VV VV rl iillkalniilli ll11ltlltlt llliletwlV itlllltll lllllllllt VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVV llVVVVVlnlVlVV VIVV1V111VV1 iVllVVV 11in lVlV 5111111 135111 plgte11 islil lltt 17ng VVVIVVVVVVVVVV 111 11 EMU 11 NVlllt wind 11m Ll Ii 111 11 it 751 Mimi V1111 in 113 NM HwyV1 VV lVIDi 3111 mm 213llmihlr Hospital Maine 1111 Ille lit 11117 thigh MH llie 131w lllllli Lite 1111 115 n11 111 VV VVVVVViVAVVN VVlVVVVVVVVVVVVNV ML and All 1th mm VI 1mm VWM Um 1115 It 11 11mm 11 xv all Hanh mmrm IAId mu Hi llVVVlVHiti II llw1N At 1511 Rural Vltllllizl 11V V1 VV ll 111111111111ellh mm Wdl 335 WW 1111 lvllt and liiiill 111 33B33r333335l3 eet uf lerllnile olrolillille l1 in mill 11 VV IHVV lax1111 llltllltll If ii iii lilllLllltl lllll Vi llVllilllVVVV who passed WHY 0le1 3AM $112111 Hm Wmrm The Old ltlllr lJlilel lll nil11111 owl inw 1141 SipliiiuV mm 111 711 on lu 111 111111 in 5Ieil 11 11 ltf IVVVVHVVVVVVVV HVVV HVV VVVVVVVVVVV SVVVVVV my Him 111 3073lltiwli0il 4911110 in The Silliti tllils llth 1in buddy Illlll 75 ltllil7lAlilllc tells VP IVV If 15 11 37 ihilr llirislmzix in en min 5c lltlilflllLtInistnliis Dreaming s1 1111 13 73 Victor l0 lilcli Ililsie Kiddies Albums WmwMwmnmm 11 Mr and Vl 11 VillllllHHHHVIC lldlmmn WWW delightful liezillly luxuries lllSth illtlllll 1111 llec lll mum ml lmm 1911 All 1mm MIWM Wm V1lliN In loving memory of 112 in Jack VlV Aman olu tltill son and brother Vernon Q0 ljllgellizl St Harrie in her H0111I JWlh Wiill W11 lilibbli iliil yezil lnlclliuilit llitlllt Union DC 31 193 ConwutryV DC 13 All lll toils and conflicts oer llAVliRtROiT Al lilil llliltlltiltl 11V be 11111Viis with Christ above 11 SL Barrie on Dec lit 1917 Flinn 01 11111 1401105 55 iISCOVCIitdi VV VVl Dnomi W1 Ilx 01115 Vlll mu Hymnmach11w1flii lll Saviour whom he loved rw 11 llltthlm llitllldlllg llltlilbOis anvL 35 ill lnlm llmt lwlHML in 110 Vliullngly ielnelilbered by nlotth 1121 and act 1le aliiended tiiat in accordance 7121an iVjViVVVVVVVVlnlngleViciiVlV nun1c 11 intimi liioiiiei and Sisters VV Balliglleln 11111 inrl lUIVMllUOllS and Within the times and llOUGIllON At vincnrnd linsnl WING1 WW WWII 11ll1llitl 1n the Sakiact as amended it is SKEW lil wnmmv Wm DCC reolill 011 on eore ills ll cilil lClt ld lll plopottion to tilt 1948 hand of sump Amy nappyV in Peaceful be thy rest dear daddy1 til the revenues of the 1048 taxation year 57 1121 mm 1I 11in t11 lnduum Hilly lune 12111 111 loll teiiletii Dec 15 YOU 0010 VV VVVJi Vilma 15 may be Delimited by Lllt UGHES my Roy11 Vicmrm lli death we do the same 11 111ltlJy llOltl Hit the prospects 0f the Hospital Ilalliij on Dec lil 10717 Sadly illiSSCd by H11anin Vldend to you accordingly alary IViiVniVVV 1le Wife and l11lliilly llrlullle 1173 l3t ologlll LT LU loilel alil 130 llzllll lonilel 1113 await5E9zeeieazieieeieetceczema 703 FF717 Jasmin Danger RillliiX ions Surrender Soap 00 Chanel Perfume $500 $1000 $1750 viarm xiziamerfwzzxzice 33132313413E 312321 3792ER3232222r312937221393132X we 22 317 SllerlTiti llltl llllrllltllllb $150 Rtigei and Gaiichsachet Dry Perfume Sit20 $175 VV VV UVV IV the COOpmMVWO V1 follow its of lll in mill il lllltl V1 nient St lauls ellietery Cotil 11 llltllllllllllg ill the ind of the fiscal yem sons lllll le lti 1111V111VtiV1Vs and it 111111 returns which may 13310155101152lbs13 Lliltltllc COllllllodlthS patronage pay liek Keaney iii his 85th year BIBLE SOCIETYThe Shanty Limp Funeral mass at St Patricks Bay Bible Society wishes to thank Church lliclpston on Dec lit at those who donated $6200 an aver VinVy VV 30 am age of $120 eachE Wilso halls helton59lmdr LlNKAt his late residence Lot SecYATicilfti XI iill FFKSI 70OPERATIVE PACKERS Con 010 on Dec I4 1047 HAVERCNOFTJllr Jolly Ytll Mine is liliilt at lollk oriier for leyili11re $160 YlllilVlinle Remus b50 2730 Tlii luelve Dancing Princes VVVVVVVVVVVV $175 3liiIiltlc lunch Sunllio $1150 iinltlllie String Fiddle $350 Y3 The Little lingiile Illut ould VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV $350 YMme The Unsuccessful llll Y344 Pee Wee The Piccolo $350 Y345 Peter and The Wolf $350 Y349Iinoeehio $450 Y3504Dumllo $475 Y331Piln The $450 Y351iiow to Play Baseball $450 Y608llic omedy of Errors $450 33433427 2a319=233 Compacts Single and Double $3110 $450 $750 Max Factor Gift Sets $425 $695 IIHA LADIES BEAUTY CHEST 10 Piece set in Brown leather $1350 DUBARRYchkend Beauty Kit piece set in leather Blue Brown White $1250 cm Dubarry Gifts TUSSY Weekend Zipper Bag piece set $2250 75c $125 $1000 yNE SEYMOUR TRAVELLING CASE piece set EEREEiHZIDIEi James Harvey Link beloved hus 0mm and son Gordon wisl ex 01 ONTARIO LIMITED band of Mary Jane Handy in tend grateful thanks to theirJ Tends his 70th year Interment West and neighbors for their ma lrirvI Oro Baptist Cemetery Dec 17 messages of sympathy and florali MAGUIRESuddenly at Minesing tributes in their recent sad be on Dec 10 1947 William Thomas rcVavement in the loss bf dear Maguirc father of Fred of Stay MC and mOthCr 51 ner Wilbert of Minesing Mrs MAGUIREThC family of the Mervyn Plowright 1Hattiel of late Magmreare sincerely Stayner and Mrs Kester grateful to friendsand neighbors Grace of Port Colbornc Inter meiit Allenwood Cemetery Dec Vls it is necessary and expedient to fix place for the 13 VVVVV VV VVVV at thiititlltlillfSTOI the offices of Reeve Deputy ReeveV WVEIVtOJnCVEHEYBSUliignlgLVVatAn For Arrears ofTaxes 111s ilil School 00 3x VVVVVVVVV SVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV for rustces for School Area No and andor wmoughlyV beloved son of IN THL COUNTY0F SIMCOE ATP11 N0 for the Township of Innisl lo the late James and Mary Ann TO IT VViVVVtVViVVVVVVZVliVVViVitVtVXVVliil also to diude the Toanshlp of Innisfil into Willoughby in his 76m yearV In NOTICE is hereby given that the ma IllVislons for the establishing of Polling Divis terment Angus Cemetery Dcc Si 0f dngldw liable to be sold WCVTT $3500 Early American Friend EVENING IN PARIS blue leatherette chest piegtizsseg ShipGarde Old Spice VITA RAVY Introductory Gift Set piece special $1V49 50955123 $215 PONDS Dream flower Bath Set Cologne Dusting Powder $200 zeecueceeeeuetmmamclcmec giggiiiilglilillglllllizllzlllliallillglwgi Gift Sets by Adrienne Face Powder Bath Powder Rouge Lip stick Perfume and Lucite Mirror $825 Other Sets $100 $165 $200 $325 $500 up to $2200 Jiililiu lghkuivqyj Emlmdmz5KEE45EKELE0596169595tetatalz 53 5945535 EEZKZEKEZKZE tale V3516 ZIQLZLEEK 125652 Ei ZEIZIZ we 12 34 1e 312 If if ibifllilyllil illzplllnting DeputyReturning Officers Poll Clerks 12 for arrears taxes in the county VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVtuicn Councillors and two School Trustees for mon 050105 15271211113 189 inp 11 Oinposed 01 SS Nos and 8for School NOTICE is hereby given that all VVV taio Gazette 117l111 Whom Trustees for Nos 1011 12 13 14 persons havmg Claims against the Copies of said list of lands 01 1111 1lc for the yeaf 1941 VVV VEstate of LUCY ANGELINE BARR advertisement can be seen in my 531 it tlllretmp mum Co VV Vale of the Township of Medonte office or will be mailed on mak 1ViVm VVV ViiJVRVSV rpomhon The Tomsmp in the CountyofSimcocrMairied Eng applicationVVforsamel In de Iltilfhristmas Music By Perry Como Six Bess known Christmas Carols By IclVVWliitciiZf$3200 Bluebird lOInch Western Classics 580054Nlar You When You Were Sweet Sixteen By Oscar and Lonzo 600 580053Easy Rockin Chair To My Sorrow By Eddy Arnold 600 580052llloming Grits Miss Little Miss By Ernie Lee 600 580051 sure got it from you Answer to RuinbOWat Mid night Vi By Texas Jim Robertsontioc 580050 Dont Wait TillVJudgmenl Day Sharing Your Love With VSomcbody New BVyWilf Carter 600 580049Rcd HotPolka Who Dug This Hole Im In By Spade CoVoly 600 51800487 My Allelic lIaciciida Cornbread Lasscs and Sas safras Tea By Lonzo and Oscar 609 580047 Castle In The Apple Tree After we Say Goodbye EileEEKKEaiEEEZQKZZZ 47 Womm deceasedV who imam0 fault of payment of taxes as shown VV Unit the place of Nomination for the offices cfRecve Deputy lbout the Thirteenth day of No on said list on or before Tuesday UllVllVillltlItx and School Trustees for the saidlypownship for erV1947 are requested tox send January 13 1948 at the hour of VV 1535 in the ORANGE ALLV in the unincorporated particulars of their claims to the two Oiclock in the afternoon shall in nl lltiitillm in the said Township of Innisfil at 12 oclock underSlgHEd on or before ft 11th at that time in the coupe Cham noon tn ilnek iiiii on Monday the29th day of December 1947 lay 0f January ADgtg after ber court House Barne ontario By Elm Britt 6C 580046 Illear You Knackin Ten Gallon Boogie By Pee Wee ng canappraisingaplatinumarrlaminar 1g exaggerateigigegrgagazagigegigigigzegbiKKKKEKKKKEEKKKKKKKCEKKKKK Ihnl in which date the EXCCDtO will dis proceed to sell ublic ltllerl shall take placelon Monday January 5th tribute the assets of the state hav the said lands to gay such giltng im lll nV tgn siiiVlalVVleaccs herein after provided for ngV regard only to claimsVOf together with the charges thereon Emmmggmgggggg gawkng ggggggzz VirlMVll DUSEV COOKSTOWN VV livhicthhey shall th have notice All adjourned sale will be held BrianYVVRETURNING OFFICER VVVVVVVV Bert Marwood gptylll not be res on51blc for any ggollffggg January 27 1948 at er Watson DATED th VV le 18 4th day COLEMAN VVVVVVVIVVVIYREEVSggVVgOIEE December AD 1947 Treasurer County of Simcoe VVVVVVVV VVV FRiK FIVCVER OYS BOYS Treasurers Office Court House allaugher VV Coutts Barrie Ontario Barrie Ont 9th da of 0t it UchNQL HALL CHURGHILL 3052b olicitors for Executors 047 GigEli nheltrv RETURNING OFFICER ltlLI CLERK Stewart RalhR i1NITY HALLLEFROY we IJLSVEEURNING OFFICER Reid WERE EQUIPPED To GIVE YOU up NV 1111011111 SE BELLE EWART SERVICE ON hiceuTv th NO OFFICER Wm Rliiiell mu CLERK Mrs Norine Trombley BuiltinCupboards Cupboard Doors and Drawers rilii ORANGE HALL THOR 0N Store Fixtures Re airs and Interi or lterations 10 EIEIEURNING OFFICER Gordon Henry 11111 ViothUNiTY iiALLSTROUD C371 Shaw iK pawn RETURNING OFFICER WIA Young3 1o CLERK THE ORANGE HALL LOT 20 CON 10 Thos anm PHONE 4319 36 PENETANGST DEPUTY RETURNING OFFICER Your CLERK Gordon son Ll SCHOOL HOUSE 12 HOLLY oycl reen My DEPUTY RETUR OFFICER Little gt Nesllltt Refrigeration Semce StiTcVEViiiTiUileif mm KELVINATOR SALES SCHOOL hmwaggggggggp VVWmV Remds AUTHORIZED COMMERCIAL DEALER POLL lCLERK HHorlon Wmsmmmaizmmmammmgrammaazraazzarmgsasarzmalmamazmzisizaaw fri sen Shaving Mug and Shaving Lotion $300 each set OTHERSEAFOBTH SETS $150$450$750$1050 VLADIES ind MENS LANGLOIS LAVENDERGIFT $125 up to $900 SETS $100 $185 $275 GB BIiOiIPipes $1000 BACHELOR GIFTSETS Dunhill BricirPipes$1650 $1900$11751$2175r$300 Select DeLuxe Briar Pipes lepel Mllltary Brush and Set of Comb Sets $825r$1500$1800 Rammnnnnmmnnnmnnalnuwmm 21humanizennzlmmnnnslzlamummnunnmemnnnnnnnsmmm CANDIES Ganongs Mops Smilesin DOVLLS TEDVDYBEARS $225 $375 $500 $700 geezmeic mmmmwmmmgimsamzmmmsmgRmaaswrzmyizmziDining32221324242424nmmgiazaasmmauazmaasis 322313213112a322 352522macadamiamammmsrammmzzmmmaammm311332 Chuckles Rum Butter Toffee in tins 50c $150 $200 WWEWMKKKMKQKQEKKKKK mammary ileummemewcmummmmummummcbmuuuuizisceeammreicecsclcimemimzdcici This BYTLEW Shauflome into fore and have effect from WhItt Dru Store DALTON BANTING ALLAN NESBITT BARBIE Clerk Plume 3337 Owengt81 ALLANDALE PHONE 2823 tEllgtilglglimmblztmEmc 26 ELIZABET 81 PHONE 4434 PM ammuuwltmmmillmmimianuranium31213131unseaialmminniimalRama lblblblblbiblblb