Barrie lOwStratlmd II IIIIIII III II iii in llirlir tl llill l1iii Illllltl Ilm Eur lli Iii Il rii Lot vtillJ rl rush Eid lln top Ir ltls it ill nous mo uniii in iz TIM IV TIJI to llgnij in iIIiIlI tlltllltl In rl Tintiu II ll ivtlioit uh illi Itltltill Iiuull in ti iizi ulltil io 1312 ii I1 l4 II gt ODOED III yitll II II III II II III IIII II II II illll unit II lt Allrll ll li il toirtiz II IIIIII In III Lil WWW lli il Iiilf one out one ocv ll ZI Illll lIIIl Ill III III II III II II IIIIII TIII IiIIIIIIII III III III II II lI list mm strum II II Igt II III III III II II III II II II III IIII II I1I VIIIIgtII1IIIlIIZiIIllIKIII IIII III VB It iiiiliii ii twill llliillut ll sl1rtl in ll ii II minor ll Ii II ti llll dlv tliill II It Milli ll Hi lit 33 lrlliri plot 71 lI vi ll layII II II III III III ll to iii All ulldlil Ill It III II iI IIII III lll lIlelit lt udil IIII II III Ht II III II IIIIIII If ii II Ifliiilillt ll lI Til lilill lillllld til llihb=ltli ilo VIIII II 23 QNC Suound Fans FIG IIr ir fi il 25 IIIII IIII II IIIII III III II IIIIII IIIIIII III IIIIIII IIIIII III IIIIIIIIIII II II IIHII IIIIIIIIII III IVI II it Night at the Gardens H353 gig it lli zl l= Ll gt IIIII INIIIFIIIIIIIlIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII Inn lIflII i1l iIII I1 IiillllllIIIIliIlI ifIiIlliillIiIll IiIllIiIIII lilIItIIII1IIiIrIII II IIIIIII II IIIIIII IIIII IIII IIIII III IIIIiIIIrItIIl II IIIIII lI IIII III IIIIII1I IIIIF IIIIIIIII II III 7H ILIHI It it in it Ittl IIIIIII IIII III IilJ lieu iul iii In both llllll IIIIIIIIIIII III II III IIIIII II 14 ll tij Izl Illsl Ii IM III HIV Ii IIIII III II II mini Ilili llll tziiiilil lll IIIII IIIIIIIII II III II iw ll ll III Hi lllt ill mi liI il nlliItI 35 it II IIIlIl III IHII II II it illi II lj ll tr it til llit HIZUII lilil IIIII IIIIII IIII II III II II IIIII IIII 0C on Il IEIIIIIII wtll INI It Ml II III III II IlII III IiIlII II IIlIi IIIV Ii IIII viii fliliiitllillilI lllllltl III Illiilll IImIIIIIIII III IIIII IIIIII IiII II III ItINcw LIskeord Dlrcctor lul =4 Ingll iI Mm WMi mi liiliildhi ii if illicit trill litl iilllill it shot til Hdlii li itll in HM mi t5 ll it ll llliilli EImi NWT mil HH fiilllii lo lilnzm RUdi tllill iiliihloild id oi Iii ll tulle wit to ii il iiiii lot it Iollu it it it Lul llltioll to Hit lilit oi IIlmliliui It dill II II IIIIIIIIIjII tI III III tIIII if iii Mil Ililllti inlo lllltlI Sllitlllllll iIv 1nd iioiidgzili IVIIII III II II IIHII ii rour IlIlil masonll god ll III II III IIII III II IIIIIIIII IIIIIV IIIII II=I lllil liiililox oi lltllllli llll5ti or it vii tr stroll LN not llodoh pail ol iiwIli iiu chin1i ti lu llIl Illl If llcrio Wm tlivtu II politilll limp iii VI II liltl monolr Solo dilth litlttl 15 lillililrr TH tzoi1 llllil1ll illn itdll II1 to plziirni Jllll llltllitll inck but elIllll HM lIWIlI Il INTI tourlil ll and ill lvl if limit II lil or uuiriu war inns ll IIIVI lilrdit iiII no dips ltllll oi the lltlllltl Illlllthll ll Lllf IfIW in IiIlilIljliIi II Iuu rhino the in or ooi limo illllltllw iiul Stallotil IIllUlIi lllllll lllllmll If Hm lllli itll liiiilt slitlilltl Ulllllt will ll Hi ll NW Coif Alw Ituw lel iiul Itlzl in ltilv mom to llil ltlill tllt LTliIxi iiiold louuu hullzldti ullti Lu ll IIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIkI III1iIIIIIIIII snrnn ht liIl will Lloi IIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII lll tin jllllliif Link it Nltiilhoio iirtl Yotiin lilJlliri ultt ldlti llll VIII IIII IIIII IIIIIII1IIIIIIIII Hun lllIl lll lizs Illllllll iouilioi otItIlr IIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII III II IIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIII ltiilliiriir bulb in the KIlllllll sinlol loop lion llilzlon lioni tint lplnlIIIII IIIIIII VI MIN mm by llllilll iii rims llorn Iltiir llio IIIIII IIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIII III Ill him llowl il lllt lhilzuitlplirll trulnultrwunlp illltl tlulr lizld IIIIIII IIIIII HIIIII best scoring ploy oli Ht lliill Itl IIIIII III IIIiIIII IIIII IIIIII IIII III ill llullinroio Toll Miller who coin up through the TH IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIY WI Iipppivpd by the lxioolllcis Ml Mb lil IIIII II IIIIIIII IIII NIIIIIIIIIIII lll loiolllo ind lillil sknlvd wtllr ltluwu SilintoisI wholri luv HIIIIII VIII DIIII IIIIIII IIIIIRIIII tIltll us Ilt split lllt litigt ltlillltI lotl your klii llllltllllfill llllllltl lultilll Milll Itll ml lli illgtl ilIIIItilllllNL ol tlu night Ulll lllltl ll ll tlllilliil FARE AND HA iiioi trouliIi ll llillllt lii lumini phlyurit ltltlll loi iil liiillllttlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi IIII Wk ItlglchI Thu IlrlllilllaIIll llt fIlill liolii tuilzllltI In GCOIIJII CI um IIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIHII ltull lu Wiwtill llllitllll ltl jvinii II Imm Ilp with wtllplzitcd llmll lliIlltl To chogklwln Junlors ti 11 to pl In 1151 lfjII HI ll1om Ill loul lolloik leo My Anhlm In bIIlImCI llod IIIQHIIIH IfIlItiI iIII IiriIIiIII rIl sly iIIIIIIIy Itlllill llit lltlli llIl Hl NIHl lllllmii ml 5m HI Hth IN TH Wl iiliiliiik in him IW liiibiil in ii ilimi filliiiii In ttitll Ntlil lltli lrrv 131 luvs littwvill lilo halls ill lilllt lorzirilv llurliilruoil hos not riiliil lizs rollersu lzi lliIIII In lInlll unconscious mill limit All it to Ill till IIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIII IIIIII II III III III III IIIIII III llillltlillti lud ot lbw Aimlimit Lotuzuu Zlilll wont until tlwiu inilllililliorlix wore wry tilUltiillllltd W11 INT Im Cum Emil about ttitlitl trout in 13 11 Tl 2mm in iihldiiviopi liiiilnlillv mu lillfil tlil mono illitl llH lli ill 5mm 1min HHWI iii Hill NW NW milId mil v1 iTiilAiHiiliih lihU ii Hm Hi KIWI illllllli vlllllliillilm iiiliki pitHill io lu is cozlvliiu the ltlllll illltl doling it llllt yoli olIl llimi Jimmy Icriiiii upyltb IIIII ItIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIII II IIII KIIII Illllltl and tIlt ct 3H upon to II II III vv uni401 himma IIIIIIIIIIIIIII pIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII II II IIIIIIIU pm in sillirltloiI but tllltI lll suctxssron on titling IIII III IIIIII IIIIIIIII III IIII III III In IIIIIIIilI llltl pin AM llltltl on lrix ivlivrisl ho ilso nirsull and he lrnd to out tor liliiIiii llts by AltArdlw lllltl Armstrong IllII IIl lII ISIIIII III III yIIIII IIIII vIIiIIIIIIIIIII Ii II In lrii Illithtl llli SE Mikes lloston lliullrs ii Volvo Seniors rind llriilri Sllltll ItlilUllNS Mllmm Him THINK lunior club he wm plowing III IIIII II III WIIII 31 IIIIIIIII My dlVtIilllll llzuons recently lplttlI pIIIIII IIIIIMI III II 1mm puck lllt IlItlIIIlI IIlltllItIilI IiIlIrIiI IIIIII II IIIIIINIIIIIIIII III IIIII IIIII IIII III LIHIUIIIIIM mgr0p to our oil lllllt but finally gluit him his rrltnsu didnt lituluiidotliloiil 1w Illiililtl5 rounded thIt do lIlIlIIIIIIIfIIII IIII III III LIIIIITIIIII lriigtllii pm im ll pom rimr tlll lir no doubt til the iiiIIHtl lWll 5tllltlIltvIlii 11ml lllltl ill mime Tami II lIlI AIJITV IIIIIF IIII IIIIII III III Aov IIIII III ippy wrll lirItril tloni ill llii Spllllltl itltl lfll lxl HIVVillllli IllltIllllll llltlllllllll mm III Hm should um lllliillroros rind llzilrrillon Tuch ll tligtslo tor the ltilkWIlo stirl leltl he made no luls tilld IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII up IIIylmqnp mp halt in tho wob PRESS BOX SITITS Iiblnu ho counter injected the Our threeslur sellritual tiiistltki lllLlll ANI llllIlll tlltl rwtryvclrolw turd oppeid lilt lpnlt that hurl been kicking Til the we to Gilly St lulle liiil llllll IIHIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIII AI IIIIIIII IIIIII II IIIIIIIII ISIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIII IIIISSCS mm IIIIII RIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIY SII IIIIIIIII topp lllt littlllllll ii It the il tho ltlililIthtit ditililudII lilIilIiltIioIclukI wars the only one who could lloliso llljvl oil Illiii lour lllltllltlll lllt Northltilitl lisl lllolltlt by tint llIWlI lni 5t lIlmrIi Alklil llzllltll llllt any pmpugmpm In tho nil lItIlII nor loiixolils on that ltillll are now With IiIlltlldlI Bllllllllt llliflli lllllhdd the hirllttord llftlltolllllIIlIll llnzrl illllllt lbs iolu litlllflI ropilllo of qlillur plyriu iiid Stun llllltl Ilt lullziu bollr o1 IIIlUllllllI1 some ltllllt pussull Dials mmluxll lit lttontl llim llrls yizii ll 5mli HM TH mm mm Eh bail min Barri Shin Cuimid SFHHDMU llllit Ilt has ltlllltll tho but lllllL IIIII SI HIM5 IIIIVIIIIII VIHI SIIIIHIml iolll1ILi5 is worgc llilxlltlllllisll ill trolrtIot Ltlnlpbcllsdoorstep HI my has II mm 13 plums II IIIIIII IIIIIII IIII IIIIIISI II IIIIII III IIIWL IIIIII mmgit is also dorrlgIthII MIMI 51 pIpIio counted his second mudo up ot ltt pooh ind vlrlI II lll point iolluttiun 7011 JUppnunrris ltlltlAllItlS rthlrllnrs Iptml by slipping the prick into the IISSISISI troll hot5o oil iipht wrrlg wllilo lion lollolil and Syhlo Illllt haw linyptv pmu IiIIIIl MIIIIII IIIISSIIIII IIII mod up with llostou lyrrlpics toluu than is now in tiltQuebec Mn Phil Iyors colltnnlcil to fly pinp51 IIIIIIIIK IIIIIIIII HII III ior loop well is the lIUSAllA throtulll lltllfoidsItulllllfls bl lle nuiriogcd to tally tlIIltI illlll pick lilil lilorus Ntmmlrlrots mu to lllt Nationle lltltlxt League Vlkltllllll thrill With tucks ItIllfIif up three litllltlSI to st lilo is now Illllllll toi Matters in the senior llll Varsity loot litsides ll Ill W31SpllyfillIlmFUWIIll iillfldtf on the robot jumping for NtWlllilllitl llottiiuins iii the HM liittriiwtlltlli sorlts Will Illillldlutd ll 511k 553 Citilicpy was gmn bill tJlll lIl two lilll played with Ntwmuikol Itedrrloil when they bird the trziiltIIdurrlor lolluIeverIdtEIchIiulsbixllItil rosls ullIIthroughI IllliI IilllHKI ilIllIlI lllll MIHH Bllyttlls brick From there he 0111 ll Ill 101 01 Wt 9le llf THE BARRIE ETHIIXERI BARR THURS ONTARIO CANADA PAGE IlllRIEElI Wvmewnr GRANT ROBINSON IFlyers Trounce Stratforcl 105 Junior IAgglIockey iiiilicCONKri COMPLETES or ono HOCKEY SKI COURSF Some Observations on The Strotlmd Game Action in Town and District Hockey League a4w4 Maple Louis and later to Chicago Black Hawks While in thcWincly TillllldWU gtlldb Tims IBitlIXltIlI ilv llL lCIllll seriously ill tind was iii terrific fight for his life MUltd on Atkins rIebIoun olnII tlf When he got better Bill felt he couldnt curry on in pro rilrkitso took Ilwills CIlt commit last dnd furious to rotoretilig ill thr Junior last year This only lasch till rnid MCNABNEY SCORES season though 15 he landed the job of coaching Marlboros after Boll Sid MCNIIDIIW came up with his lords lltlzick Dav linkirey suited that Guricpy is ourin lllt litid Ill fencenlzin in the litigui turd to hini is ready forbig lllllt right now Thats quite at colrlpliinoilt Davidson Will to St Louis This Frill itiilbirds Weru astounded to find usual gortlilgauie effort and Honlllilllt3 Illllllml Slim 24 lflioms oil the lettuce for Ntlilitiltl WIIIlllL they were practicing in IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII MIC defence with IRtisty Alltm tor his groutIplzlynrzlk Ilnrlie Artnu pIIIII Mcgmns pass 10 score on liIrgI and continual IbncktluclItmg REMEMBER PRESTON VETS when they staged Spring playoff low mm shot Joe Beda got one ICIhlck ICIEuaran and Sld Mi Nd mini PRESS CIUICH iil llurric against Bobctlygeun for the Intermediate crown which they of the Cullntcls back on long pciLoimcItI IIIthIII IIII IIIImIIIIIII VI finally won in llllti lhcy iced very classy outfit that year but now blueliile shot that cziugllt Strachan II MI It If IrIfII III III they ititllllilll solrle lickings The lltllll is still iiittict Willi but two glttplllg oil the job Ilhdf IIIltlIlI dYIK HM II exceptions and are now in the Intermediate bracket In recent AS the period came 10 close BilexAgIaIrJnItI IIIIIIII IIIIIII II exhibition game Waterloo Kents handed them 100 trillnliillg The Armstrong was given penaltyfor on slItt thisI itI IIBIlI IItII Senior IT must be titougli cirdilit Brnntfold Redirlen who won in using broken SliCk MOST 9f the Ciiiimct0 gt1Ulilf 12 III XIII terrneditite honors lzrsti seasoniby virtue of defeating Barrie Colts Fryers drive came from the hue of as iIIiesuIItnol llistrdit on It unf in the semifinals and Georgetown ill the filial round are almost sure BIInmtIAikln andStPlOllC as they 11 IIJICHIUIIAII ItIIII IItI two points for the other Senior clubs With exactly the same team have perfected some extremely move III IlILIkIUSISIIdkLyNEIII tag as last year plus three imports they have garnered but three ponits smce beautiful passmg playsI Mega and veil Mousseau company If any Stratford player is to be mentioned it should be big Joe Bedzl who was tower of strength Oil the Kroehler defence This lad is very smooth skater and possesses hard blue line shot Don Campbell in Stratfords nets received little protection if any and shouldnt be to blame for the lop sided seore The clearing of re bounds just wasnt to be done the schedule got under way and that in the first garlic of the season with Owen Sound Mercurys It just goes to Show that they mayl have bitten off lllOlCIlllaIl they can chew Reid worked hard as did Gariepy aild Guarda Stall Long had hip muscle tighten up on him and had to re tire for the game although he did try to carry on at the start of the second period Stratfords total shots on goal in this stanza were seven II SECOND PERIOD It was the Reid Meger and Fa Cl0 combination that applied the pressure at the start of the middle session and the little snipers stormed around Campbell like bees Meger gained possession of the puck in the corner aftera spell and passed it out to Reid in front of the net The lanky Owen Sound centre wound up and let go with THROUGHOUT THE VARIOUS JuniorA cities we find many corn plaints pointing to the officiating ill the circuit and they Especially have the finger pointing to the interference ruling It may have been noticed in recent games that player deliberately interferes with the progress of an opponent when the rival player is not cpiryeyor of the little black disk Ifthis inffaction had been noticed and not clamped upon ve blame the referee and if it had not beeniseen then we still blame he said person We begin to wonder how many of those contests won by onegoal margin would have been turned into defeat We side in with the other scribes as to the criticism of the officiating and hope there is something done about it For those that are not familiar with the interference rule it reads thusly minor penalty shall be im posed on anyrplayer who interferes with or impedes the progress of an opponent who is not in possession of the puck 01 who deliberately knocks stick outbf an opponents hand or prevents player who has dropped his stick from regaining possession of it To the referees this rule it seems just doesnt exist If they are finding that the respon srge ON THE GAS llii Vi lnan Oldsmobi evil ra aue llVB Fourteen driving motions reduced to only aim No gear shifting to bother iilh No clutch pedal ill the car at all Just step on the gas and tiiiiiiiiIfl far more quickly Iar more sillootlily than if youshifted gears by hand Thatsth modern way to drive 1tbe HydraMute Wilythe Oldsmobile way Read Examiner Classifieds all youido is STIR IIN THE BITS and IIvdraMutio Drive was introduced by Oldsmobile years ago SlbillW 15 100 great the we SuggeSt giVing refereisprillleggs lhlr gsifgeen Sh that blinked the red has beeirproutl by nearly 100000 0ilsinobiletvrjtisiiltlItheres Iinesman and that might call for cleaner hockey As one lineslna Plgiy became ragged with Strat still nothing else like it today The lowestiirrted lll to ollct that Perfmmad ourriBarrie Arena said sawmany infraclions of ford moie concerned about the man llytlraNlatic Drive isthc smart newOlt srrtobileitlio car that the rules but was unable in do anything about it Must this carry than the puck The boaruds were sIrIed people yin IFS SMART MINI Oldspi 01 used to largeextent tits wingmen TI OXII IMO IIII III6 new II IIIIIIII III tern ted Id ass along hem IFanS 11 97 5110 OSHAWA GENERALS Still are not Timed With the dEfeCde Iatteg to shpout for penalties but The Practical Drive is so widespread that it still greatly exceeds the supply parlment SOUP Campbell In the TlmeSGaietle said the Other day deaf cariwas their billy nSWeY of Dad Make sure your present our iirries you coilvciiieilllyluul safely We havent one good reatguard player in the lot We havent leg Ist Plumphovyever did get Iasen through IlIe Wailing period by having it SCIWIICCII regularly by $3thIfamlilhitiglgoft13 Iggggawggg11352ng Sngffgrcg rzglggatw 31 $550131 DOMINION ROYAL yourOldsrirobile dealer time None of themcan pull off rinklength rush up the centre and the game Hap Emms and Charlie to take full advantage of breakaway Heggie is getting no better Good began arguing and it did look De Luxe iv fast and is too slow both in action and thought Sullivan is big dis like tempers were ready to fly unI WIN appointment being ineffective and slow Ward Brandow apparen ly ahuge pawreached dovm from le Sldewall Tues hasnt got it or at least hasnt shown anything aOleksuik may be lit LEW mtok in steel Vblit 60016 65015 HARRIS MOTORS LT 8389EblZETH ST the crowd and mauled Goods head improvement bothes certainly no worse than any of these three 1m diately that wellknown cus It tom was ejected from his seat by CHESTERFIELDS BEUPHOLSTERED Once while Gariepy Guarda Me ger and Reid were teasing the VELOUR REPP TAPESTRY BROCADE Wide Range of Colours and Patterns BARRIE TENT AWNING CO turned loose Gariepy was checked TEL 4314 34 BAYFIELD ST Opliarml at extra cost 04573 in his own end directly in front of the net but McMinn missed the open net St Pierre accomplished the hat trick by placing the puck bel hind Campbell on Aikin corner