15531 vI lttI lwili ill Chimp IIII Ill 11 IIII 11301 IIIM III ril Ilium arl 1111 Iiulntt Spence II IIUIIUIl erll Irwin No 0117 Alex itllfi llilleII Irwin 1911 lie 2y lloii lllliiry Kelly fIIII Oliver 91111 No 0300 llurke No 11303 No 0305 No 0301 No 0307 No 0100 Hill 31 Pat Gordon Moii No 0517 11 Stillllgcon New Clllllnr Frank Campbell No 0084 flay Goodlfelllow NIiIrman King 00011 K011 Dugald Camp Robll Duncan Earl Clalwford Sam Nevills 45 Simcoe Crop ties llllr 13ILKS 7800 Copie chH It to 011 301 011 no 1011 3011 31 0o 11011 to lltl 101111 11 04 11 on gt 30 01 1000 ill 10 301 11000 3100 9001 300 Ht 200 201 51111 1211011 30110 231111 illtillo 13100 ioo lino iIIoo Linoo 100 211011 130 231101 l01i ioool iooot 1111 00I loot 11100 211001 loo too itllitl it 511111 41 3115117 tl Id Il IiI be it Mo all it oIlIIy 111 1IelIby wi II WiltIOi II lIllI Ivarotk Iii Iti III uiIly 11 will sIIIIIIIi II Iierrier I11 II lllarkstoek 200 10001 200 10000 5000 ICIIJI 1y IlolIlpIIil lidd iIIuIl IIIrankie lidher Wallin Fells McKeown itll Vttlls 11 ill AISIHCIEIII Illlilk Shannon 11 lirliiiiiilksoil llalit llhomas Mrs Vera Reive Will Browning Reuben Rogerson lytrs Lydia Willson George Averill Glalinlger lIrs Christian Mrs Flower Mrs Beamish Mansfield Harnson Marshall Campbell Weight ltobt Campbell Illlllk Kell Seymour Kell 115 Goodfct ow SIth Year Collect An Memorial Hospital Fund rimii n1 HOSPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS INNISFIL 10 days IVicioria Hospital extra illroiliiliotiatiol In the first lllrllltld an liltilhllilll tlltilitiyrt was iii the job and he ltttlaitzl llilllliilllilt slilgmll attention lie was rutlied to the operating llIozli iiid llzt opt iiltiol was performi ed However tlielt was not vacant Iii1 in had to ltlIILILIL on Illt operating tuiih sacvein hoursI lttl was lllttlt availableoy Illllllit the author ilthe patzcilt sent llflllt IIiiliel tnaiiT Illilutives of this patient had to travel nagl this time the worker InnIIE 1110415 Ior2 2500 Hundred and Fifty The annual meeting of thesouth Improvement sociation held at Newton Robinson and attended by farmers from all parts of the county revealedthe fact that steady progress in better crop production is taking place As pointed out by the president Eugene Smith many worthwhile projects had been undertakenby the Association and these had re sultedin bringing proved position for the farmer He referred particularly to the edu cational work done and the var ious crop projects and competi tions such as the 500 Bushel Po tato Club the 50 Bushel Winter Wheatr Club the pasture demon strations and the testing of varie As about an im The years program was review ed by the secretarytreasurer The llarrzl Ilil ItiIi Itenalriai loviiig along siIittlI 1111 another 810000 111 tin1 gtIlilllltl il llit pus Week 1111 111111 the iota to cut to over 580000 While lip luliiiasrlls were linking tilwzl suits their Wili two incidents wilal Ililltd at it which tlilglildrilzvil the ilzgrlary Iii providingf this man Eventually ty of doctor to have was strictly warranted 12 miles ill from thi txllflzly and dull who llll suffered the ixtlltltlll had to ltllliilli on the optldtliitl room tablH NH II IIIIII1 illIl it IIIItllI lirIIIH iolIin IltIiLii 1II llatrintI 11 tiol one oiliptI and this human vlI Illllll Ilzlolhwl of III111111 IIII holilv Mount ILIiIt incidentI to 1111 lliolitllr bu lllti too 11 1I lillar XIIIIIIIIIII of the difficult 11 lIIiiII lady III Illiliti 11111211 ll it puttsv SlzliiIIii iiatt lion time IIhilliinii for pzilvlt needed food support rinloilnrtiui IliletiiizirI doi1 111I11lv IN and to Ill rodi 111 illliiiztipIIlliiw II 1111 the Izlinpuliiii lo the new Iiubplllll Monday lllizht IIlIIII lllilIII inut IIIIIlIiirmli vllllt plum vel ilIIill lot 111 gainanon nleitinz to flllllll Itll lllfll ieil 11IIII tIIIII 11Itlil endorsed the plopct and air voll allaliiilineizt foi savage and 1I llIIiIIIIIIIII Hospitalization Coop 1A1 Balric Dec I9 Silvzirll IIllltaly iitarlo towiprratlvc Illc the speaker at the first annual inlettiny of Suntoe tlrop IIlvdlcat ISeivices to he held ill the Library illall Barrie Friday afternoon iICtliDKF 10 near Local llit to lutiiplltl the lllIllllltj lillnlile also visited Iitopla later At the Utopia utiloo elichre pally was 111 Iltll4i5tlltl iii oppor tuillly to addllss the 7111 Utopia dis llltl residents on 1111 Inew hospital Tuesday evening campaign officials rie and steps xvire taken to Iliit up the 1017 part of the within the were also made to renew the calllIREU 1101113100 IIUIIY up Iprthis year president of the Sillicoe folinty Federation of Agriculture For the period from February 1040 to August 31 1017 $0000210 was paid iii hospital at eoulits mostly to hospitals in Sink roe County VtllllilL lIlll Ill gthH illIlt fol meeting of us hold 111 flar campaign next few days paign With new vigor holiday season QUALITYGSTRAlNS OATS AND BARLEY INTRODUCED HERE lluntcr Russell Midhllrst is chairman of committee of the North Silncoe Crop ylllillltiVlliiOllI Association that has bemi organized to encourage the growing of better quzility seed grain The following growers cooperat ed to make start during this past year alld they hilve several bushels of grain for seeding ill l018fllln orris Darby of Wav of Cold water Albdrt Maw of Mincsilig roll of Elmvale Ernest of Oro Station Flook ftlt Barrie Certified Beacon oats registered wheat OAC 181 peas and cred Galore tor Russell erlcy George Graham Earl Ia Crawfor Bea reg gr wn George Gray pcctor for the Dominion Depart ment of Agriculture said there are only about 60 farmers growing reg istered grain crops in this district which includes Bruce Grey Sim coe Parry Soundand Muskoka Mr Gray said good start had been made by the Crop Improvement Association this year in connection with the intro duction of good strains of cats and barley and if there is correspond ing increase next year there should be substantial quantity of good grain available for seed in 1949 RevH Howden Infifed To Conduct Ordination At St James Cathedral Rt Rev Beverley Bishop of Toronto has invited Rev Howden rector of Trinity Angli can Church Barrie to conductan ordination service Cathedral in Toronto at 10 am next Monday Dec 22 Rev Mr Howdcn will conduct the ordination of two men as dea cons and two as priests according to the rites of the Church of Eng fiend Newton Robinson Meeting Smith Simcoe Crop Assn Lashley barley were ted plants given Christmas corsage the intention to make this an an nual affair holding an open house once year and inviting all the customers and their friends to visit the greenhouse After the trip through the green house tea was servede anadjoin Boulderfeliis mem ber of the Floristslelegraph De livery service which has members scattered around the world district seed in North Simcoe ing room at St ames land He also reported on the healthy financial condition of the organization and the finesup port received from tgc county and townships in grants Bryden soil specialist OAC led 1a discussion On soil Conservation and the maintenance of soil fertility He stressed the importance of building up the or illustrated his points by the use of lantern slides Kenneth Murphy the crops branch mnt of Agriculture reviewed the seed situation and the need for in creased production in Ontario of feed crops for 1948 edvthc soundness of farmers pro ducing as much of their livestock feed as possible on their Own farms district director of Turn to page eight please Guelph ganic matter and fieldman for of the Depart He emphasiz lsaac King MOTORISTS PAYING $150 PER NIGHT OVERTIME PARKINGV Several Motorists hle llllfl to pay garage lowing 1Ililrg1 of SL311 to rrrliini cars that IlIHl been parked where they inter fered with snow removal The Town of liilrril bylaw which forbids parking oil niv slrert between am and lnl and the police also lll1 authority to remove ehicle which at any trrfcres with snow lhis authority is ngiiitrd under the Highway Traffic Act Board of works officials are asking for the cooperation of all motorists in 111 effort to keep llarrie streets 5110 President of this oop ppnmilvas organized lll February 1040 is who BouIdcrfgl Open House Attracts Well Over 100 Mr Mrs Fendley Hosts pell house was held at Boulder fel greenhouse on Sunday Dec 13 alld 113 guests There were 35 or 40 who did not register so that the probable at tendance was nearly 150 Mr and Mrs CIR Felldley act ed as hosts and took the visitors through the greenhouse The Fend leys had taken over the business from Cox on Sept 15 of this year The greenhouse was attractively decorated and there were fine dis plays of Chrysanthemums and pot Thc ladies were each It is Read Examiner Classifieds Ontarios Orphaned by Ontarios Worst traffic tragedy ofthe year Mary and Kenneth Howey aged and 11 third andiourthrrom left above are ll that isle Once happy family bers of the Baptist Church went to Tillson With their father and their three brothers burg and was incharge of the funeral service killed at level crossing south of Tlllsonburg on Monday last and their mother killed by the resulting my liori ital Illupaluzi til the pList in Royal tiled oil 111 hospital lildi limi removal clear of Will Address lInlon vill Ile severely frIII which VlctoIia III rolitiiicd for pelor of spot welder 11 the It Works Illgti Murphy Will be off avail ful naiy weeks Originally flwlti Naknltl Miss liilphy makes her home 11 Barrio with her aunt Mrs Rupert 1237 Elizabeth Street 8111 was ill Barrie for two years eiltployod at the United Clam Store went lorontofwi few iliollItis and lllfli returned here last Ocobcr Cll 11 total Sanitary Inspector Stanley Sharp were registered Arrives in Barrie BARNIECONTANIO CANADA THURSDAY oz are 15100001 liltilllllh llle majority opinion In 11111 the regulations should either lu strictly enforced at all times or the motorI should IH removed After discussing the lllllltlll tin of parking iii the winter lild the IIMl that the lllttlillll isnl of the meters is not sativ factory ill severe weather RtlVl tirorgc IIirIl presench motion that llll meters IH lt moved from January to April ouilIiI concurred Eileen Murphy Fractures Leg Tobogganing IIlleen iliuihy IIIId her IiI iieIr Itli veral toys Hm Stanley Sharp who has been on gugcd as sanitary inspector for the Iowil of Bfllllt arrived herelast Monday to commence his new duties veteran of four years with the RCAF Mr Sharp is qualified sanitary inspector and he has been two years with the St Catharines Lincoln Health Unit since obtain ing his release from active service lie is married and Mr and Mrs Sharp have obtained house on Worsley Street Ihe new Ontario regulations ill connection with restaurants willpo into effect on January 1948 and Mr Sharp is considering plans for conference to acquaint the restau rant operators and employees with the new regulations which he Vlll be authorized to enforce News items for the Examiner Election Prospects In Essa Township IN WmTER MONTHS MCMoster to Retire IIle lolvil nlilltil on Mon day night discussed the oprr Illioll lllll clitorlrlllIIit of park i111 llitlll during the winter iirlrt 21 roll while iIIZ=U1IiIlll 111 Sunday after taken to IIit Iloyal where sElI will 1111 you think folk school euuld In lltlll siltgofilll Ill vnllr Imlnr lolllilluilit 111 Illljttl of disruxsilpl at 111111 tillIiIrylll IIUIIVIIHI by the lliitelt farmers 1lperdtie 11 in lnlullto oil in 11111111 lllr lllitell illilnvis tIlnrlliy colllcntioll NlrItuy of our llislnsslIIll rollp at the conference Belle Elmira llirrie rltllrll iflI 111mm III dum ill hr group llo would like to attend folk 111ml Ins 15111111 is daughter of 11 ll brim1 president of Slimor Illslllll tttlIIlt Services 11 All Jrnilnix right is llrIlllsImu Klimtnil ll lltl right Is Iosepll idlud loronto HAIIUHIII set llll Ill 1111 it tillI loluin llld llJlllllIill of the youth lontlrclil PARKING Mathis WILL BE REMOVED W11 51 11 1111 1V IIIII IIiuI 11 01 11 II Illlilltt ti mil It ipIii lllfill IIIl lI IIoIVaIII II III 11 illt Wit 1tv lliliIi III IIIII IllltiirI lzc IIt vI lita II Illw gtviiior1 IIlv tlii 111 11m of 11 will 31113211 1m lI lid IIIII 111 let ml to lillll Ill ll 11111111 iro 10111 NoliliiialllIlI at Ivy and it no11tlltlflnle be some new llilli Ill 1111 flrld to rouncil ttIll II or IllII 1M Lll 91 valid IiJltillllli tlI ltlJl lI illlt flilllzv rIIlolI ltllr 113 SIilaI lltIlttli tile lilll CHRISTMAS EDITION OF THE EXAMINER TUESDAY DEC 23 rt rrn lullr of Hit Iriir 1xinIlllrr will to pub llsiird Ull inc5114 member tile days IIIruli of the Mg 11Ir x1 fiftllll llll wilt hr the Jiilltlnl Iliisililas Million on lIllurrl newsprint llx going to press funds It will be pm silvll for the rural drlnrrlrs to In 1111111 Ihr 11 tirforr hrlsi Lu 111mm llflll and other who 111111111 IllLt to extend holiday tilrllilits to their IusiIIlnlrs and illtllil ill the spit151 holiday slItlIn 11 this llfplllr are umli lu lllliinll lite Irllnrlis tin llrplrtiiirllt not Liter 111111 tomorrow fridrli orlrspuiiltrlih IiUllItl lli ilt lopl in our lzllllt In Kll u1d1 of this work lullir llol rtiarantie llilllttJllUll ol Ii Elv lrltnrll tllri lloir Il lllmil llmiilllil lor lliillvil Itilrlx will in londn lt SIII pill 1811111 111113 111111111 11111 IV 111 11 tIIIl 4111 1111 so 11 ll LI II IIlIli lll IIIIlnii Ail 1IiI liIIIi III on 11 ml Io tn Shiiaf III illltI Ilxous III halfhour 1111113111 11110 tiltll Iiltlinatiiiiz that ill will have sunday BroadCOSt ilfl1Ii 111 for all the children who Dr Laurie Ken Robinson 0n Recreation Program On Sunday night over ililY Toronto Neil ill Laurie IIIair mail of the Illillli Illfltlllliill i111 at 015 pm giving highlights of llarrics recreation program This is feature arranged throuin the directors of recreation Intlal Ontario zone and each Sunday night over this station at the same lime directors of the zone are civ ing the story of recreation ill their municiiuilities The program will be litllIgt oil through the new year with new phases being add ed chief of which will be partici pation of people who utilize the facilities of local programs at which fillies they will be able to comment on their opinions of the municipal recreation picture and voice suggestions for improvement Dr Laurie and Mr Robinson will give word picture of what has been accomplished in Barrie Concerning recreation improve ments to date and some of the further developments it is hoped to see ill the future Though the Examine is dated Tllursdav It 1100s to press WED NESDAY AFTERNOON Dont neglect your printing needs should be sent ill AS EARLY AS 111101 You are Tight 011 Snd your POSSIBLE to ENSURE insertion orders to The Examiner earl Worst nail ic Troigedy 01 The Yedr shock the tragic plight of these children has deeply stirred the Ontario public Rev Humphreys of Barrie former pastor atEden where the Howeys were mem T19 Imt 111111 the Ladies utlliary of tie anzldlaii Legion have Itilitll ittiillul to Ill on hand to distiilllite III ltiIIll present with Santas good llit RIIIIIII that all the young true belilvers ulll Irish 1111 opportun lfouniil and Kenneth IIIIllillsoli recreation counsellor will deller lSilliiulte broadcast fllllllltlll 11 of meeting him Santa Claus has llwlllesll that adults who are piesliit to illconvince tllemselves will assist to the extent of giving every child an opportunity of getw 11111 to the front and not crowd the dais or procession line In closiiig Santa requested that any lltlli that the youngsters forgot to get ill on their Christmas lists had better be told to him personally as they pass by 111 lncetlili him CV07 Brother of Ala Griffin Wins Election as Reeve Against Warden of York Vernon Griffin native of Utopia and brother of Aid Charles Griffin of Barrie defeated Reeve Hopper of Markham ill the recent elections lir Hopper has served as the Warden of York County this year and he was seeking oo retain his seat on the county cOllnClI zzg COMING EVENTS Dance at Brentwood Thursday Dec 18 Creemore orchestra 511 Dance Baxter Friday Dec 19 IMusie by The Stroud Mollntainp rs IDancing from 930 to 115 30 fb Guthrie Arena open for skating Tuesday and Saturday Good ice Edenvale SSNChristlnas conceit Dec 22 Play Too Many Relatives lialogucs and Choruses Admission Dance Masonic Temple Barrie Wednesday Dec 31 limited number of tickets obtainable from Kiwanians 51b ISchool Christmas tree and conI cert Communityllall Monday Dec 22 830 pm Admission adultsI 25c children free 5lp Savage secretary of the Ontario Coop Union speaker atI annual meeting of Simcoe Coop Medical Services Library Hall Barrie pin Friday December gt Christmas party will beheld in the Legion Hall on Monday Dec 22 from to 5730 for children of members of the Canadian Legion and the Ladies Auxiliary Par ents welcome 51b PULODUCES EGG 1le ounces Mrs Percy Bouncy of Shanty BLay has flock of Barred Rock whats that are doing more than their share to increase egg production The pullets have laid several eggs with double yolks and few with even three yolks However the largest egg of all was laid last week when pullet produced specimen measuring eight inches around the long way and seven and threecighths the other way The egg weighed five ounces about double the size of the Il10t0 London Free Press average egg Division H0 at Barrie Highways Department Snow Removal Program Ilil 17 III Final Regular Meeting 47 Town Council Held Discuss Several Items pitIli ll 11 12 1111 Iiil IltiiztlIi Mu epioii fii IllliI III III iiill WillaiizI ziili lit Iv iII 11 IH 114 ialoil ifrtiillliilll Ill The Ivliifxtsl iiaii Mavol Itll Ill Ifxgllw llit 1114115 tlilouilollt Iof the Itlllllit llilIllItl was UIII chairman of Deputy piIIzit fiiv 50311le Ilfflu Ft their Jtl tll lit ltl JIIliliII to tlIil nllnll lllllilll It IIlrlIIwil Po ffnl 511111 llIl ililllIIlllll Minnow uninitth Ville Illtt tzaffll ldi an we pIioii lillllillilt tIlllll man KIWI lit Saturday Christmas lirolvii 51111131 ll til in tlltrii Ir IIIiIniltIr lliocklniz oil the 1Ii 10114110 tion for such funv Ilclrve WilzIin iIltwrlrIl lo lion llllIl had illICI III ihai mu lie appoiizlwt II Wilson Ioiiiililttvo chairman of band voiliinitter Ald IIIisllliZlill lllllg Smith ilII II wn chairman first ItIflrrlnii to iIlllIlllliIl plant lliowil light months of the year the elections the Mayor said there were four fine candidates and he two would be lost oncludlng all the Aid IIIII and council should ow Inn and IiIi in bud EI lII legletied that liIIII his remarks itoiiipllllltllls of the season resolution from Port olbornc gOiLlllllllnt to subsidies to roll back the price of basic consumer goods of food clothing and fuel was ordclv ed filed Several hospital approved for payment but one was tJohn KiddiiQRelcted President Simcoe CrOp Improvement Association The secretary Morris Darby of Waverley read the minutes of the previous annual meeting DIRECTORS ELECTED Directors electld were TinyJose eph Marchildon RR Pelletallg Gardiner Wyebiidge Morris Dnr by Waverley Eltch Nelpln Wye vale IIiyllalolrt Frank Rulnlley Kenneth Robinson RR Midland Josele Gratrix Vallbaushono MatchcdashBurtoll Taylor RR Coldwater OrilliaJolln llewitt RR It Iia Don Ilarvie RR Olillln Belt Bray RR 101illia MedonteCarman Robinson Moon stone George Graham RR Cold water Boyd Miller stone FlosJohll Kidd Giffell Earl Parnell McFadden mlttoI this lllIltti oiliiliittee had 111 been zippoliitlvi foulicil endomnl IIohn Mllellliisoli Billllt and IisriI lilillltllllll lli pilnl eaiiipauin askiiii per to place scale lilodcl of 1111 piI posed building on the loIt ftlxr Square near the Tellptaph Will be leferleit to the Parks accounts were mission IIliln to page 111Ill pleasm toluitil l1jol ish ed request 1111 tIlItlllililrl I11 federal controls ask iii lnpose where ilecessalry and IIliI Illit Kidd of Elmvale was re turned as president of the North Simcoe Crop Improvement Associa tioil at the annual meeting ill Bar rie last Friday night dent reported on attendance at meeting called by lion Ken nedy Ontario Minister of Agricul Iture and he said the emphasis was lnore feed grains ill Jolln The presi Vasev Midland Oil growing Cowdcn Ontario Isaac King of Toftenham district director on the Ontario Crop Illi provelnelit Association pointed out that the seed grain question was uppermost in the lillfids of all This seed drill survey is alarm ing he declared in pointing1 to the fact that 42 per cent of theseed be ing sown had been rejected as total ly unfit Mr King said the matter of prices for quality seed had been suggested Registered No oats would be $2 bushel and lower grades would 35c and 200 stbjbc $175 and $150 Registered No Kiwanis annual New YearsiI barley WOUId 139 $250 Mid 1110 next grades would be $225and $2 He added that higher prices might farmers from buying quality seed and defeat the aims of the producers of registered seedi grains Hunter Russell of Midhurstple scnted report on work that had 0111 Moulr Good Music Admission 15c 51b Spence Joseph Dyer Elmvale Sunnldalell Lowell James Buie RR Staynel Harry Gordon New Lowell VespraAI Maw Minesing II Hickling RR Frankcom Midhlirst Arthur Walt Midhurst Hunter Russell Midhurst OroErncst Crawford Oro troll George Horne RR Hawko stone Rex Watson RR 12Ballie been done by the committee oil George McKay RR Coldwaten Ross Currie Oro Station Hlmost Half Gratin Sown NOrth Simcoe Rejectedas Unfit Nearly half the seed gi Charles Barker New discourage Barrie Cecil Stroud United Church Sunday Sta seed grains 5051b1 ain planted in elds in Nortthimcoe last spring was classed as reject in tests made by the crops branch of the Ontario Department Of Agriculture The actual count of 42 samples No 17 No were apprdximately the same for South Silllcoe Mr McNaught sa duals were being notied how their ownseed was graded Befelring to the replies ill ansWer to the query Do you treat seed fbr smut he said only 34 of 837 ggrowers answered in the affirma ld that indivli was No 17 rejected 42 The North Simcoe averages were not very much different from 951 five samples taken in 21 counties across Ontario No 32 No l2No rejected 42 The samples Were taken Raikes weed inspector North Simcoe and the results nounced last Friday by Kenneth McNaught of the cm branch of the Ontario Departm tute He added at the gures The speaker stressed that it did seed cleaned and he showed how the figures were muchiibcttel rwhere the seed had been taken to seed cleaning plant Of 245 samples that had been cleaned the grading was as follows No 57 No 16 11 rejected 16 to hav 14 yC ere an No of Agricul