1l IIIIASE IN PRICES PRESENT STOCK WHILE IT LASTS will o1 1lilll 1I Iliizt NO INC =IIIiIlI 4111111115 or p11tiurlil IIIIllI itlill1ItIUI limit on oi Ullttll 11111111111 11117 II 1Illit nl NDS 31 till 11 similuluo GOODS AND TOYS or All KI 11 151119 ppm The li vino of Thousand Valuable Gift to please any mem Ilio furlily See them CII mansions HARDWARE Phone 3997 Essa Road Allalidale Vrmmm ANN err 111111 11111111 lsIIIII lI 10c PVhRAuPI swun wit4 1f IshVWtqd uni REES ROBIN HOOD 1m Iii 291 ART ERAiKERSIESPIi 99 unnamedIIIIIIIIIIlsc ALL PURPOSE FLOUR ROSES SIIIRRIFFS PURE EKTBAIZTS ERSHEYS EGEQA MASTER DOG BlStIliilS HEINZ ASSORTED mill5 CHOICE PRUNE 1915133w WitIAN mdur allot 71b Bag dlaat 334173 CHI 40 231 22 19 igIb Ctn $4s4qi=m lIb Pkg snout on that In FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS 06s filth 1002 13 Tina Aiii tit CALANAVEL Best for Eating 220s DOZ FLORIDA BEST FOR JUICE 250s Doz n5 691 it asu NORTHERN SPY Combination Grade 6qt bask 31 15 1IbPkg Matured Canada No 75111 23 55W McINTOSH RED Domestic Grade Ian Mimi area Minions 111k ultras mrrt E3 Fu ES AWE ANN PAGE IFAMOUS FRUIT CAKE 31 115139 FRESH BAHAMAS BRITISH EMPIRE GROng FRESH SHREDDED VEGETABLES CeIIo READY TO SERVE JOLLY GOOD FANCY Cello Pkg Pkg 31 If some tiara r1111 BRAND BEEF stinks III items emigration nuts on splinters sultan Lilia was writ11 incurs 25 ufert 1w nrwlu VIMluau cu ewer lb Sffiml lb Your MEAT BUY or THE WEEK FRESH SHANKLESS 000K Siltllllifi 21 ruinous Mu IETmmdWW 71 WW Mfg sarcophagus sinner sir MA 1b 35 1A IIIE llAltltlE EXAMINER llAllltlE STARK CANADA gt BRENTWOOD COOKSTOWN IIIJ Iil bouLll PAiziiipt StalinIi liarh Iii lllllitl omens Itltlllll it ll II Ir 711 II II IIIQJ II II iI IiiIIiIiiIi tier In2 11 21011 11 In ll1IILI Iit II IN ii l1lIi llill 11 ll Secyr Ix 911 III Killsd Vhureh Report liows Surplus luv II of firthi rtIiI tttltl IIppt I1v Illtli In iii the auzli 11111111 tl Itev tun up 1141211011 ls 11IiilniIin amt Iilt tlit All llo 11 Ills llis NINA In alltl Newton Viw SnipI 1113 iiilrci 1le IlIvalIe ll Slyilles1ICiiIei Iris oil 111s 7111 lis LenI Hwl mill izox fIlls IIIIIIIIIL Mrs Altltdll HOME SWpr HI Ilidi titf III hen IllIII lill tllztatiuy llillil 111 IV 14 SMWH llllici ILIIIIiern sIelvziir IxILiijIlriL Illili Ire if IlrIltcy envelope sr ineen olt ormnbt NEW LOWELL gt Ilcceiiiller and Mrs llaxtoii and Siiaryli of Aliuus spcnt Sunday my in humus Wren Giroud lgtll Meets ffflgfrs 21 Mrs llatncr has gone II IllllllllQ LOL SQIU imi Iggy put$0021 IIiZ oiii Ilzd eIll New llI IIlriipsuil lid Miss is Itry and no for the wilitrr Iilliiils and is Iolloulng officels were elected with Di and Mrs Mather mpm Henry DMg Hugh md Jm Henry Cliaplaill Sheldon Bow llamiton isllcd 11 and Mrs Ivan mm Rec secy In Sm Fin Duff and other friends at the veck Sec1 Rinse meiio Trim mldg Reynolds Marshal CI Lockhart ld ML MWWEVFIH lsi Leoturer Bruce Wice 2nd Lee and family motored to Caledonia 21 1101 Ed Gibbons Cmnmccm the Iweelteild and also called zit Eldon Wicc Ed Gibbons Imllwl Emmi 590 Mrs McDonald Fred Reynolds 1111 MWbunV Imped llClllV WorBrI1 Lennox Black of will mil 59 IDCIVFIL LOL No 605 llLZd charge of thcelcc he Elmpm If CImmumy lion and the installation cerelnonv iIIesIIo the bereaved friends of Mrs was Cunducmd by past Chum Pkmcr hi WSW my NIBin Wm Gibbons If Assini Vteston Hos Ial last Tuesday The Dow LOL 2453 Smk funeral was held Thursday from hel homc here Women Institute The Womens Institute met at Mrs Carters Roll call Christ mas decorations Mrs Slaillton took the topic The gift without December 11 Area Convention and Mrs Mumbcrson gave readingJ lunch was served by Mrs Carter 11 1I Oi and Mrs Herb Barker humm Slncm December Van Hedging Miss Phyllis Cockburn visited at BrideElect Showclcd Albcrt Crawfords New officers for the yearlweie elected IIVlrany fridilds of Frank Bell of loroirio formerlyof 010 were glad to hear of his obtaining top honors among the 66 drivelsitaken from all parts of Canada in the recent ATA contest The Oro Young Peoples Society held their meeting on December at the school The Young People 011 Guthrie and Forest Home were enL tertained and Miss Louise Culley of Barrie led in recreational pro Igralm An excellent time was re ported Iby tall December Miss Evelyn Jones Toronto spent the weekend with her mother Mr and Mrs Charles Hickling Barrie visited at Walter Cooks Mr Loveless and grandsons Jack and Garry visited Ialt ShawsI use $9 wede Barrie family Toronto were guests at Maurice Jones last week Mr and Mrs Glen McDonald and daughter visited in Orillia on Sat urday The Home and School meeting washed last week at IMrs Clam nicks very interesting demonI citation on wbod carving was given by Mrs Srigley We are looking Iterward to class in carving in the spring Advance notices of events by which money is raised are not in serted 111 Lets Chat isodtwsrxrcxsfc or Ciivcilvivtitiilii 21s resistsii iexri 12 In GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS WHERE YOU 13qu MORE iron LESS pping Days Before Christmas czwmivucwnt flust Eleven She Toys and Games in Abundance for the Boys and Girls and GrownUps Too 1IIII1I I1 CCCIfIECCEKEIVCTIKCTZKQKTKW IiliEHiT DECORATIONS ItliIlt giti Elm lit IEI lial ttl 111 IINRICI IEill7 illltlril Ill1 llli NOMA WOODEN TOYS xiii tlti 111111121 All IIliitlin TOYS any 12111111 ltiiI 111 IIII lllnlli $11111 gt1 1a1ss Mistral s2ils io lirziliast I3 Il All1xl= 1111211 KIIIIIIIu 111119 ltiailiA llxl Ilfiltliji liijli ELINIII slxliii 111111111 ror miss CONSTRUCTION TOYS TIItIlfvti 51 18 11 litany LIA 1111 511111 who Ervi III 111 IVlziEv 3011 7351 lltg Zai 131111119331 Iliitd Ilt Alllfi IIISEIIV 11 lJII xi Ititlfxlrw 2191 FIltlin H310 83 5121 and H311 slit 5103 131 lleii Ilrill 1125 MECHANICAL TOYS Alallorl IIN 11s ltltltill iilzi lNl IlNII METAL DOLLWCARDIAGES $331551075 $11130 to 83300 $125 to $1150 11lIIIIlIIZIt ill III 11 llolj All ilfiltll $173 VIAIIICI $530 731 Hi II1I 5183 $303 to $700 tllfLMIHIIIY slyrs III illtilosi Illi sluts Si 111I1Iltt 111 at IIiI Ill il Ioi 51115110 llttlltl have Iiiillu ilI ir trii Il tiLlI$lltllIllll1 tor 211 ol he Iillttiu II pal oi IIIIIII1 and asked the Illltt $12 10 IliiIlIIrIIi Ilie headed for the lit rletii ta tttlilltil Zilil Wit 411 teIhI vialInt Eur out ill iilllitll 11 tillii Mw 111111 IlH lllll SIANIS 050 and 5003 fiiiItl lrid illlI colored lIlltIl lll1 IIllifl II II stirs satin s72 i111 ioi olnb lllti 1111111 813123 $1103 DOLLS FOR EM ALL 1151 $135 3253 $7330 3100 111121 AtilL Hilly oloiI lied and Yellow 1511 IIlli IAMI lhllY $7100 Sit00 IINNIS IIIIS 5100 $150 $200 $2100 31 No 417131 lAlilfl 3111 30 $1105 llitINS teli Millslied It Hi1 and It too IllRISlMASlltliilil11illllNGSlillfl $2515 5210 3351 5193 llristlnas Bulbs szlm sI1IYsIo stall lloititlzv slicks WM TABLE CUTLERY SlAlNl1CSS Slbflllr White llalidles SETS 01 SIX KNIVES BOXICI $200 $1395 $335 $303 to $000 SETS 01 13 IIICIIES $1150 and $050 SETS 21 PIECES Two Tone Red and Wllite $000 SETS IIQJI PIECES LIWO TONE Amber and White 27islieccs in chest $1050 Pieces Sit95 $450 131 10 $350 IlIIlIIRII AIIIIIANHLH WAIIIIIJC IRONS Just In SANDWICH IASIIIIIE$ SIIIAM IRONS $1730 and $3100 hilllb to $1190 171215 to $875 Sllllgt $705 IIcIlIIiv Lay IRONS ICIIFICIIIIC IUAHTII HEATING PADS 131105 25750 $895 RANGEITIIS MOIFIPAT iIANlllClllil lilitl lvtll $41105 KETILES $1102 and $1400 SILEX COFFEE MAKERS 801110 with stove $445 $495 $515 to $1005 $1025 Ill IIICIII 1I 521I05 $7700 CARVING SETS $505 $050 $1195 $1305 $1495 $1050 $1850 $1905 to ELECTRIC LAMPS SOLEX 15 25 10 it 100 150 200 BUOWRtt COLORED LAMPS MANY COLORS 99 Id In rearmt viilii ELECTRIC HEATERS $750 $005 to $1095 VACTRIC VACUUM CLEANERS With Complete set of Tools $6950 Remember we are here to help you witll your shopping problemsso feel at liberty to ask for our advice czazczcz FLAWSILVERWARE 1847 Rogers Oneida and Kings Plate Sets of 20 34 42 and 52 pieces ill Cabinets DECORATED DINNERWARE Breakfast Sets 32 and 38 pieces $985 $1050 $1095 $1195 $1250 $1295 to def v7 zgtzlzzaxizla Lzz 1595 COAL AND WOOD STOVES FIRE GUARDS AND FIRE BASKETS snows nrrl 1r7r 92lglgrgzgu DINNER snis 96 pieces $4250 $5295 $7500 Rum =Ihc iver is void Mrs Day then Mr and Mrs ILlliIIItI Bush of Bar hllc an cxccllcut lepmronih Tie 5pm Sundayiag Elkgqukgw Quite numch of the Angus men enjoyed lthc3days of deer HAR 98 104 DUNLOP ST aWWisif5stzzflslzliIEElillzit 23323c213k23312134323322122223a23m31313132221312Q21 93213439434 $431381 CCngezltulations to Mr aildllIrs Gordon Watson on the birth of ii soil in the RV Hospital Barrie Dec ers Thos McCann is out of the is zut Isscc lalt EEEEErc 13133 gtZl3ni1lgt2IIXLEERDIXIEEBIIIMZIIE 1631 33 Jr xv 21 xggxymyaahmabA3I33333I iii ll jllospital and is being cared for at the home of her daughter Mrs and Mrs decorated basket The bride clcct speech wt th any lovely honle of her Ipzirentis Mr Blair IMcCracken Over 30 guests made very attended The time was spent in thanks and was confetti She received in Wm Irwin and Illseful Igiilts very daillty the gifts lunch was served by Misses Dorothy ill beautifully Woolscy Jlune Rose and Valerie sung Zikbtzs333fit fittini showered games and music After Ibricf address by Mrs tilee Thelma were presented very All Barrie Examiner subscrip Ions are payable in advance Examiner Classifieds bring her parental home for the weekend miscellaneous chowor was held The Presbyterian Ladies Aid Saturday evening Dec in honor held their annual meeting at Mrs of Miss Beatrice Mchka In blldCIOIbe of this month at the Watson re eeaaeoaanAAEOA herg arlson andMarconl The PerieCtVChristmastifti artists 60011 sruicnoli or MAlllEl iinniriconmlulrloiis consrr 111m IIII 11 RIIIIIIII consummmammris new on HAND PRICES RANGE Flith $3095 111 ISIIIII 92gt YOU SAVE THE LATEST PRICE INCREASE ON MANY OF THESE RADIOS Iv Teds Radio and Appliance ncnnrs umunun seeasoeeeea P11111111 3109 anoaohuancghnnaausi Dexter Mrs Winz Irwin Mrs Fliltold and Mrs McCrackcn