Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Dec 1947, p. 1

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Tit 11 lLEKS 58le 7800 Copies Abfnckzl CORD CLASS It Diff OlfAA Mm b11111 Year rNe BARRtE ONT11110 CANADA THcRsoAY 1312c5311r1111 MEMORIAL HBSPITA Annual 11 11 111111 l1111 1311121 llllilll 2111111 111 51101 11v 112111115111i 1311111111 111 14111111 1111111 111 111111 111111 51311111 111 111 1111111111 11 21111111 1211=11 of slut Il from 1111111 11112114111 of 11111 131111111 41111 111 111311111111 12111 1111111 21111101111 t1111111111 1111111 1111 1111 1111 111 211111111111 111111 11111111111 11 11511111111111 was 11111 111111111115 111111111111 at lltfulc 111111111 1111 111 11111111111 11111111 1111 11111 1111111 11111l11 1111111111 11111111111111 l111l wu held last Monthly 111111 1111111 1111 11111111 111111112 111 lTtitcltut by 111llll11111 war 11 105111 11 111111111 111 1111 yc11 111 1013 11111 1911 to 111w 111111111 111 111111 11112 1111 11 11111111111 111 11111111111 11 11111111 1111111011 111111111111111 11111 111gt51111 111w 1111111111111 111111 nuditoriunl 11111 111 1111 1111111111111111 111111111111 11f 111w llo1111111111l have to 111 1111111 111111 1111 war 111 11111111 1111 11rc11s 111 51111111111111 lI1lucntion in Burric ll11s 1111111 111111v 111111111111sto llltYlll 111111111111 Sown 1111111111111 111111 lllcrun Dollars 11111 l111tl1vt 111111 1311001 1111111111111 plus 3711231 11111111111111111 11111111311 llowrvm 11111 111111111 11llcgizlto 1111s to 111 1111111111tcly Burrit 11111111111111 111111 l1111111111r 11 1917 111 1111151111 111 l111111111111g 111111 of 111111 11111l1 School Art1 111111111115111 11 by 111111111 111 lrusi t11s 111111111111111 by 1111 various 1111111111111111111s 11111111111 111111 conE 111111111111 toward 1111 now 11111115 School Arm and whose duty it will 111 to 11111111 01111111 111111 11111111116 1s11l such 1111111111115 and equipment as may or will become necessary for sccunllnr 11111111111111 11nd whcrc1 11s 1111 1111111111111 sum of $11000 rci 111111111 111 was contributed by 111111 property 111111111s of Barrio propcrI 111111 through then 11111 lcvy 11111N0T 1111511111 existing Barrie Board 111 Education consisting of Rev 11 llowdcn 11A Chairinanl Morrison MRlC Dr 11 Bigclow 11 111sh11r 11 Riddcll Rev lt Sinclair MA BD D1 11 111 111111111uglu 11 Gable John Woods KC Andrew Cumming tlurn to page two please Judge Tudhope Dies In BrockvilIeLOnt 801100 Scholarships From Citizens Vof Barrie New High weed Essay Cont FUND PASSES Geo Clark 1948 Reeve Elect as Hart Deputy 1711000 Substantial Donations Are Being Contributed 1111111111lltmpltnl111111112114111111 W11 311 3711 ME 31 tz111 diolj reports from 1111 c111r11lts113 111111111111111 1111 11 11111 to art Iris 111 the 111111 oz 1111111 tilcrt 11111 130 111111112rr 11111111 1111 Area my WM 2111111111 1111111s111p 111111 01g1lil1tl with 11 11 towns est Winners $17111pr11 1111111151141 1111 311 1tllllllttls x111r11g 1111 1111 1111 11111 Champion Butter Makers 711 3111 gluon 11111111111le 1511511 1111 11111111 11112111 in 3121 11111 111111 1111111 11 111111 1111111 CA Til 111010 111111 115311 illiw 1111 22111111111111j111v11t11 111 11111111 wlwlc 1111 cztnlpztlun 1111111111 11p 11 ltllc 21111111 111111 111111111541 511111111111 1111 111111s111s 111m 1111111111 $3000 1111111111 1111 31111111 111511111511 151111121111111111 1i11w11 Wt 111 1111 1131 111k11111111r1111111sQ1lWzlun 21111111111 111 111111 11 1111111 3111111114111119 111i 11 1111 3111113 111 1511 11 111115 51 111111 V111 1111111111111111111111 to C1111111111 ofcials would 1111 to stress 1111 11111111111111111 111 11111311111 ronncction 111111 1111 drive 111111211 11 11111111 11 111511 11111111111111 brcuuse it will 1131 1111 111111111111111 1111113 11115 3111 1111111111111113 1111 3111 in 1131111111111 1111 111111 311111 to 111 11111111 1111 1111 now 1111111111111 lllc lists published below do 11111 1111111111 stVcratl filllhlltllld donations 111111 have bccn rccclvrd to 1111111 11111111111 11111111 1131 br pttblisitctl 111 following issues 111 1111 111111r 111111111111111 11111111551111 will 51111111 111 311111111111111111111 1111111111111 1111111111111311111 1v1111111111111 111311011111111111111111111111111 g1111112 111111 11111 11 1111111111 111 Ewycry 11111 111111 11 121111114111111 111115111151 1CxW111111111 ll rolled 1111 1311 1111441211 111111111 111 the 01111111111 111 11111111112111 0111 yotcstru 1111 11111111 111 11111111 Ut1l1tics 1111121111111111111 1111 11 111111yt111 111111 111 111111111 1111111111111 111111 who in 111 first 11111 1111111111111 11111113 collcttcti 2111 1111115 The bylaw 11111111111741111 111 Town Jouncil to 511111111 1111 111 dpitallliiilding Fund Endorsed by Judge Harvie 1111 1111111 fvtlrl 111v 11151111lly 131111 111lt 11 il1111 111 111 11111114 11111111 1111 1111111111 1111111111111211 1111111 11111112 wlnh 11 5111111111111111 1111111111111115111M11111111 11 11141111111111111 11111111111111111112111111 11111112 ll1131 111 1111 11111 111111111111111114111 2111111112113 11111111111 1111 11111 1111lt11 1111115 of 111111 11111111111111111 111111 1111 111111111111111111S111111 111 1111111 anytl 11111 111111111 111 111111111 1111= 1111s111vc 11111213111 Now 111111 1111 111 11111 1111mm 111111 1111 11 1111101111 11111111111 1111111111111111111 111 111111 111111111 1111 111 111111111 1111 1111111s111 1111111 Stratum 111111 11 111 In 12111 1111111 1111111111111l 11111 5111111111 1VVl1 liarxw 1111111vij l1 211111 111111 11 Here are some 111 1111 winners 111 the Wood Essay Contest spon sored by 151111111111 County Council Front row left 111 right Joanup McKinnon 111 Barric 11th County Clerk Simpsori 11111 McGinnis 111 191115 11111 81111011111 Warden llaery frow 1111111111lcrrault 111 Midlat 2nd in the crntra at 1111 back is Curl Rogerson of 101111nsctlr who 1111111111 131 Two other wt trophy 1111 1111 111111111111 111111111111111111211111911 1111111111321111111111111111111111 1111111 11111111l1 1111111111 1111113111111111111111111111111111 211111 1111111111 1111111911 lon1111 111111i11 111111111 11111111111 1111l111111111111111111111 1111111u11 11111111111111111111111111111L111rts 11111111111111111111111111 11111111111111L11111151 Hospital Contributions WATERVVVVVORKS $10001 11111111111111111111 1111 111 11111111 sites 111111 1111151111 by 310 11 210 11111111111111 11111111111 1111 purccl 1111111 1111ty 111 bouuht 11 W111 1111 11111gt1s111y 1111 11 1111111111111 twoalnrds Vote 111 11111 council The largest V1111 111111 1111 1111 11111 11 1111111 gm 11111 111111 1111l1 111 11111111111111111 11111111111 11css1yc 1111111111 11111111111111 111111 11111112 lilll 1111111 Hill 111 111 7111 Brian McCaguc 01138511 1111ch were not present when Borne chool Nurse honorary president of Barrie Branch piessive military record Serving in France and Belgium in the First continued his interet was appointedComm dant of the and Sudbury On the outbreak of vhibition grounds Formerly of Drillia Mclvillc 13Tudhopc 73 judge of the County Court of Leeds and Grenville died in hospital at Brockrillc on Friday night short time after being admitted for treatment Native of Orillia he was called to the Bar in 1900 after studies at Queens University and Osgoodc Hall 119 vasVappointed 111 the bench in 1931 Hcisisur vivcd by three daughters Mrs Jas Cow and Mrs Paul Fenton of Toronto and Miss Margot Tud hopc of Brockvillc CHARLES iMcMARTIN WINS ACCLAMATION 1011 SCHOOL BOARD Charles McMartin was the only candidate to qualify for the sixth seat on the Barrie Public School Board by pm last Thursday and he won an acolamation The other nom incc Mrs Bessie Clemmens who had served on the board of education for few years did not dualify asa candidate The second nomination was necessary because only five persons had qualified for the six seats when the first nomin ations were received Mr McMartin is plant forc man at First Cooperative Pack crs Limited and he resides at Dalton St Col SVTA Carry Lee OBE MC Legion Honorary President goncls Garry Lee OBE of Barrie has been elected of Canadian Legion He hasvan im World War he was wounded and awarded the Military Cross He the army following the war in in 1936 he Royal Canadian Corps of Signals at Camp Borden Two years later he became seniOr administrative officer of MD and it was during this time he was responsible for arrangements in connectionwith the visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth to Toronto Ham ilton Niagara Falls St Catharines the war in 1939 he was charged with the responsibility of convert ing the Canadian Nptional Ex into military camp and the dispatching of units Turn to page two please COL LEE OBE MG Two Accidente Fridll L111 piano 1115 111111111 Addie Ball of Mcdontc 3rd and Larry I111111p 111 lulll1 Utilxttrs 111111 rlyl 8111th Studio BARR 1111111111 101 1311 DCWIML 01 bunmdih Edwards 1Iltlgt 5000 11111111111 ll McKay 1101111 HULKMUIH XVI lVVH NV Margaret 1111111111 1000 111 1111111 1111111111111 Joli rpm1114112151 along 1111 WP Institute PIGSIdelW 111lls11 111111111 1100 111111111111 511111111 Im 1np11rnxlmutoly 130111 111111111 1111 Illalph ongdon 80011111 111111111111 1137 lJulnns tlynt 11000 it1111211 811111111111 lntll 11 imry It MVHIPh LVNINHI 1111 other 500151 11111111111111 1111 111111 1111111 11 WWW 11111 VV hymn mm 4011 PEWM Hm 1111111 11 1111111 01 ltlayot 111111le 111111 K111111001 V1llinu1 Ramsay 411011 11111151111 111111 11 11 b1 11 on 11 111 111111111 dents 11111 11 111111111 1101191 Vililki Eggglnlcx Shukcll 311 11 1l11 1111 111111 school 111111111 seats 111111 11111111 it HM 11 11 1111 11 Iiiiiliih81510210001150 iilMillzari iiiiiiisllls 531 l1i1l iiild 1111 liIIilrilnli punmushy HM by umlumuu 14 lnrkcl 25001W1111wd 111111113 33011 VI 11011 mm mimic ImMl Nbc CW 50 Will 51101011111111 Polls wrrc 11111111 11 11 111 publtt Uttlnms Commission held Chas Forsytlu 4011311 Mrs Geo A1111str111111 whim the 3rd it was rcportcd that Water Kenneth lllllllls 1101111 Vol$11 on111111 t111 111 11111 1111111 1ltt lust and WUIC closed 111 11111 1111 tcst drilling operations tn thc E3tllltlll111 David Connors 111111 V1 1111 111111111111111 supply 111 1111111 111511118511115 Ipncllod r911an 311 51 11d trotCd 11 111105 letSnlim 1111110s lnnn fll1111111 111111 an 1111111111lly S1V1is 11111111111 11 the Hvlun Chcvsmzmw 15111111115 11 51111111 11111 111 MW Wit 011mm 11 81111111 110111 1111 Rake Wt1111111 McArlhm 1dv1111co poll 111W 111011101111 11 10111 level but not 111 sufficlcnt 17101 lWWW 511111VI Fowumn 2111111 11111 11 11 111 V11111 11 11111 VV quantitics 111Vjustify dcvclopmcnt 011611 Orr 21 lbcit Pratt 31m Ilium 111 VV1lls sanVc 11111111 V111g1111V111lly 1111101 11111 llVlf Iltxtl IOttVtVllln 11111111111 continued 10 do Lloyd 1181111111110 41 Cyril McDonald 1111111 WW WW 1211110 from Ward at 1110 293 ft W110 midian 715 CHCOU Clarcncc Jackson William Wallace 2500 51M 111 iiswd MOSL 01 the remaining 105111115 tercd These results are very caldwcll Sam Reynolds 1000 11 1111111 VV 111119 cgmmisston AlCllle Marshall No 9414 51111111 0m 111119 191111111111 thtlllll the 111111 111 gn 11 1111511 10 as 11 water supply at this location witdlwtm 301111 801311er 1911 11300902000 1173 HHMVH dump 11u 111111 110111 1th VVOFY 111001 1V1 tentative 1EIHV Firmm gioogMnbglmbsn 2500 1111111y 111 111 some test 111111mg for 1155 While only LllICC 011115 Plans fol Wt 91055116 for the 1v Knight 111011 M155 Partridge 25110 Miss rmn mm 10101190 supply were contested there was coir higher sections oLthe TOWH McFadden 500 Ben L0 311110 11 15 11 l1111 MUMHM 11 My 11111111 11111111 hold up for crpupmont Siderme interest in the It was decided to ask the Parks Mr and Mrs Norr 1000 William Reynolds 1000 and Mm TV AV MW 1h 1mm and hurc not been 1111111 to 11111er 11 11 Mr and Mrs Norris 111111111 311 r1110 1111 51111501101 totswerc kcptbusy Commlssxon for permiSSlon10 put MN Me 10000 WW s1 111111 1111 11111 11111 11111111 downia test hole at the SOUthLEaSt KLliln Mi llirlorrisoiim 3000 13mi$9331hogtfddwick all as nurst for 111111111111111111 5111111115 1111 other problem is to 11111111l1zc reporlmg lie5111145 0191le ten mm Kempwmdt and VHSS RHODA YOUNG 111510111 11111 3000 iii21151110111 if 21111 in anw She 1111112111111 11111i11lhc 112vss1111 111110111111101 1111015 phonesin 6110 011160 Of Th Duckworth St There 15 no ques Chas Grach 50113 6000 School 111111 Barrio Ctlllt1illt 1111111 thc Town wuh that on the lower tl who member of the Stlfi of Charles l111sh1ll 13111110 Exammel f1 0m 5101 110 about water bemg Mimic MI 311d MIS A1 1500 Howard Cooper 10000 forc 111111111 117 the U111vcrsity 11f 111s1lt2111111 Willuun Storrlo whom we anywhere along the head of the P11ncc of Wales School has beerr1 Mr and MFSV Norris 50m John Mum 101 mum Miss Lowe mm hm Bach nsi1 be capable COW after pm until nearly Bay bUt 1110 commlSSlOH did 01 CleCiCd mfg ofsllthfiTeaer M13 and Grant Mayor 10000111 Bailey 1900 1111 of Arts degree at Trinity 1111s1111111g engineer in the waterworks 0010Ck Btheen and 1110 Want d0 anything that mum Ilfilltilie 31 1011511011 inylocnvscilf Q0 Agtmm 1391881K0mcl Romnsm logo 1111111111011 cntcred the School field has been engaged to make 11 telephone lilies were never interferg mm thc owmg wensigditdriiftilciindoisaEtiveiTht1 Bar No 6367 500014 Smith 101 Nursing at the University llcrjstuvoy of our distribution system idle of three 1ndustr1al plants fie Dmrm Club Miss Young is Robertson 401100 Turn to page 51x please prmmm 11111111 was in Tnmnm31111111111019 rcco111mendati11ns for cor The COSt to the ruepqyerg This being the final meeting 01 William Stewart 10000 General 111151111111 Vonlcns nllngorcctlrm its faults He has already aughter of M1 and Mrs Brllt lthe Commisswn the Chanman Young of OriniaV She attendch Mls DonV101 11113111111 ch1 ilOblljltdl 1111 51111 lunnphtd 111s 11111111111111V sultrch Vholdmg 5111 01801 011 VllV 21V Robertson expressed his 3DIschools more qmi is graduate Pam Gldhltm 48 1101111111 11111111111 lsychlntric 211111 1111 11111 2111111111 511111 1110 1110111111 111cludmg the advertising and preciation of the assistance and Pcterbom Narmal School She gagrelsalggng C0 11111 Iubcrctllosis Hospital Westonlfnrward to receipt 01111810111111 expenSc of renting and Staff cooperation which he had received After bcmu 11111011111011 HF 11 111115 lhc Watcrworks Department is of Commis mSttauEm 010 Townihtlp and lGemgC RIBmwn 50000 Members of the BarrreTown torcd nurse she obtained her 0111 1111 11 wmg the poumg places ls dp 10m the mom he was Sault Ste Mane thlec years lJ Boys 60000 1n or 1m ham sion and the staff during the year before coming to Barrie In 1930 Boadway 21mg Council for 1948 Will be as grcc n1 publ1c health nursing and 11111111111111 13111111 owendituml momma VV He also expressed very sincere She went 015385 as an exchange Ernie Lindlay 500 follows 35 11111111111100 11113113113 F110 OIR ahcatl ofus for next ycar we will The Towu COttllcll in 10411 regrets that Craig Who has teacher in South Wales and year Inwer galley mayo Grant Inf Hi SCh19011WW11$ lmFI 91191116 mum borwwmis CM 5111 Will have th0 new members ivcn splendid service the Com 05519 11 01f Reevc George ar vrntlvv 11111 1111111 111 110 pun 1c 1mm ibission as Mayor Cbmmissionep iaqtgiggtgfgi ggzglcmwslgelgcoggg MargaretVnght 2000 08qu Reeve Hart 51110015 and SL Marys 3Lth is New QR inch man MW been Maurice Hinesrand William and chairman for total of 18 is well known ouout the dis Elvglgm Aldermen Ward Clarence given phys1cal cxnminntlon and hid DIN plum gl Vincent M91T10k The Wlu also be can rb t1 nd Ham ton Fralick the classrooms arc cluckcd from 11 11 returnm 10 yealsv W3 unable to be 9105 at trlct as an clocuttomst Keen 100 CO It 11111 Cook 81s 111111 111111 inch marhsl 90 men Eliot erilicthanijg11111151115111t illness and 11131yVgtLemrgorli geracziclgamhydarg nut 11 111110 on Dru Lima ROSS StVVVand Ship serve the Town after an ab 1a 11 act re no as ons ance es lam WC member of the Board His Worship Sterlmg Trust Bulldmg Vcrdclla VDixon 2500l Maurice Vllines and Mrs Mary kilhmlschW313 1111ilzfdo0 $13523 $91169 $101 the counclli ngml Grant Mayor hcartlly concurred Af Five Points Ready dwm glislon Laurie Ward 4VGHE Jayne Street but as it must cross the street ton Flalgk glames Halt in the Chairmans remarks an 10 81 50 and William 8y um and 0m 10 W11 wire Charles 0110 er PrObably Early In iiiiiii Charles Grifn and Charles cdnsidtrnblc fill it dobld hardllv be T1 11 Mrs Houow 100 POWhe vwad Riglnaad 111100 VBHXtrI V17111111y 1110 19 undertakcn while thestrcct was re Evans of Bradfo was The appomtment of Flrloite le wla 10hmgtare 110$ Minesing Womens Institute 15000 AW and Herbert oug EMUSIC by Slum Mumauleers 11111er as detour and the work again elected by acclahtion 11 as 511139111113de Of export trafflc ifmpdele be XdWOSboiey GCWC Firman 7500 ced 13811ka Tom 930 10 V3 Violfb has been deferred until next spring reeve and he will 10 0501194111 canadlan Naimnal Rallwaysx 35 1C1 $05 Omh ult mg WOmtVnS Cimadlal 111113 ll1 Other work authorized has also had community on the county council announced bl 1319810 Cthf emc on 50 Gas comelo mils WNIHLL C0111 51 Umhd to be postponed 11n11ccou11t of the in 1948 Reeve Erans served 11 the Five Pomts for the Sterlln 2f tragipotdton tMr Frllowttetmll Trust Corporation of Toronto school room Tuesday D00 111 893V impossibility ofgcttingany more cliaiirnatiofth LEM 3V9 15 93 our p111 pin mittce of the cuntv council General Contracmrs are Gatc Progressing Euchre in Utopia hogs if Toront61h 1331 VSchool Molidzfy Doc 15 8130 sharp xe ne an 1e or as are cc an Good prizes lilvcrvbodv wel ward of Toronto is doing the The Editor Barrie Examiner North Pole 81h Dec 1947 comc an Barrie Ontario Dear Sir must apologize for being somewhat remiss in writing to the Town of Barrie this year but Lam surc you will realize that the pressure ofWork preparing for the 1947 Christmas has been heavier than usual heartily enjoyed my visit to Barrie last year and was pressed to return again this coming Christmas and it is with pleasure thatI can inform the children of Barrie that have managed to squeeze in visitll to scethem on the afternoon of Saturday 201h December Just how will appearfWill depend great deal upon the weather We are ex ilpericncing most1 remarlfable winter up here at the North Pole and plumbing and the electricians are D1 11cc Midturst wnslii1 Hall the North York Appliance 11 Friday Dec 12 Auspiccs PT Club Lucky spot prize Music by Item alds orchestra 3011 Danco lvy 01111ng Hall Friday Dec 12 auspices Ivy Junior Farm ers Lucky spot prizes Music by Stroud Mountaineers 5011 CGlT Candlelight Service will be heldzin Collier St Unitch Church Sunday Dec9vl4pm1 11 is expected the plastering and trimming will be started in the near future and the building should be ready for Occupancy early in 1948 High Position in Torlodto Retirement of Dr Horace Brit tain as director of the Toronto Bureau of MunicipalResearch and the Citizens Research Institute of Canada has been announced follow ing more than third of century in the direction of these important oJ On Highway in Barrie Three ychicles were involved in until rthcllastmoment wont be able to decide my mode of travel All vCGIT groups and friends are research organizations Mr Eric an accident on Bradford Street near might add that all the reindeer are finecxcept Donner Who hasbeen invited sop Hargyhas 09 appointed 10 sue Elizabeth Street last Friday even suffering from severe cold and Prancer who fear is beginping to Christmas concert Churchill cecd Dr 13111ng effective immed show signs of oldage or perhaps he is just aiwee bit tired ing truck Was parked on the highway and acar driven by Bruce Clark of Nitro Quebec stopped to avoid striking the truck taxi driven by Bert Coulter drove into the Clark car which was damaged to the extent of $50 Also last Friday the day of the heavy snowstorm 1947 car in transit was struck on Highway 11 near Giorgiannis service station In trying to get back on the cleared section of the highway the car was stuck in the snow and it was struck by car coming around the curve and driVen by Roy Dwinnell Gill St Orillia Each car was damaged to about $75 The car in transit was driven by Mr Steed School Dec 17 815 pm in Churc 11111111111 Admission 35c Studentsi apd children 25c Dance to Mul liollands orchestra 50131 Savage secretary of th Ontario Coop Union speaker at annual meeting of Simcoc Coop Medical Services Library Hall Barrie pm Friday December 19 511511 North Simcoc Crop Improvement Association announces the holdingr of the annual meeting at the Com munity House Barrie Friday chv ening Dec 112 pm Special speaker from Crops Branch All interested in crop improvement Cordially yours work are welcome John Kidd SANTA CLAUS Pres Morris Darby Secy 4950b ERIC HARDY are 115 lately accordin to recent advice issnedjointly by Rogers pres1 ident of the hurcauand Berkinshaw president of the instiV tute Dr Brittain pioneered in the field of Canadian municipal re search and has been recognized as arr outstanding authority After conducting the Ohio State Rural School Survey in 191314 be under took the task of setting up the TorontouBurean of Municipal Re searchand was appointed its first managing director and secretaryriv In 1919 the Citizens ReSearch In Vstitute of Canada was formed with Dr Brittain at its head Well over 100 institutional and Turn to page two please If everything goes well expect to arrive in Barrie about four oclock on the Saturday afternoon although you will appreciate some times have terrific time getting away from some of the tawns and cities as there appears to be always another crowd of children who havent had chance to say Hello and whisper few of their hopes If recall correctly met all the children of Barrie at Post Office Square last year and would like to see them all again at the same spot would like to mention tho that thought many more adults than children actually saw me last year Understandable imagine as were all children at heart However Im sure this year they will stop and think that they have seen me many times on my Yuletide trips and thisrtime the younger generation will have an opporgirpity of get ting little closer and really meet me In closing may request you topublish this letter so the children of Barrie will not think that old St Nick has forgotten them this year

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