113 WELK qii 7800 Copies HA in iri Grand Master lOOF Ontario Speaks at District Meeting 11 11 l1 it lll ltlil Former Barrie Mon 1111 31111 i111 11111111412111 11111 311 1ltc 111m 11 11111 111 ii in ltliiliffl pllia 11 lie 11111331 1111 31111111 ll inrlrau 11 101111 1111111 Ill Don Caldwell Takes 576M113 FENCIndm Jamicsons Lunch Room COMPLETED AT FAIR GROUND ll1111111111311 1111111111 utvrliilwl ir 111111 loltll 11111 11111111 l111nl lill1 1l illitlilb 11 11111 lilz ltll1 11 35111111 11 11111114 ill 111 11 131111 lift llt tilllx 11m lllltililll 111 irltw 1111 11ll built and 1llIll it 1111 ltlli tllll11l11111 l1jw 11141 11111 11 llixll 1111111 Illlallttl 3131 lhw mnzlll 111 17111 11111 111111 tillli Ill 11111 Tim laltzln Iii 11f lltli1 itll lltl 111 111 1111 Nll 1111 111 lillllAttl ttllrl ltllllt j1111 111 ll itLi illW 51111 11ml 1111 111111 in 11121 11 1111 1111 11 11 11ml 11111 1111 Now Inn 111 11111111 ill 1113111 lhw 11vtllllli 11 i1111 1111111 lnurll 1111 11111 lltlfliltl 1111 1111 for 1111 11111tli1iloll of the newt 11t1 for 11111111 1111111111 1111111 lair 111111111115 Ill11111 to have 11111111 all til lllllil lIllllllll 11 rialiiil l111111wl 11 that 111th1111111 rant thunk Ami llitllllil 111111115 limit and 1111111 11121 vell 311101111 111 15111111 1lillie11li 1111111115 111111 1l llllilllliltl 11111111 111 itl form11 to wit he thr 1111711 1111 1111 he 1114 11 111111 of 11l11111 health and All will 111111111111111 ppmHr 1211151111 SA 11512 ll ll1 been ellinpllliii 1111 111111 11111111111111111151 illar llliilgl l1 fence v11hl i11l 51111511 tlllitlttl 11 Halli WTWcommunieation between the xili iolltitlilllill on the 151 51111 11111111 1515521 11111111 11111 1111 the north side along anlphrll lllel other l1 ll1 have 11111 left Opelung ho qunSmtril is 111111 111 Ltr 1111 111 111 31 1111 9131 l11 11112111 git1 11111 1111111 11gt the urn111 l11111 ltncl tlzell five 11111111111 114 251 11llei lo1il father irovuieial Police ill this district will 13111111 have twoway radio ers at Barrie This is the unit installed at Aurora to serve that area 011 the left is Inspector 11111111 111 Aurora and 311 rao Opcroling Police Radio it 111 cruisers and district llluilrlilillt ill il it 111= ll 1111 111 111 1111111 1111 Plot Coils Dilllllltl first111112 lor 11 h1111 1111 hit hill llltli hi Dilflilmlm ill lnerly with the Barrie detachment Cons Erskine was trans yli iL1ll made 1111 1111 burr hiya Ill lZl Ill Nuts 11110 lililli lv 11 Milli 111 111 1111 MI nml hi1pileiiid to Bladtmd some ll1lll1ll ago and 111 11111 nicvid Vinmglxdr My 1111 lvth optlg not 11001 Ty mo 1m Isle R0 to Aurora he police radio installations are completed ill the 11 at It 11 111 gt1Cli will he 1151111 as the entrance The Aurora district and are now being Installed 111 this district 1111 111 Mathew whale area has been graded and 11 which includes Sinicoe and Dufferiii and Parry Sound and 1l til IINlll ImWIINNIlIl fences removed halfanile race1 Muskokn 511111113 1111 11 1111 mlr 211111 11111111 that 51111111 only i112 ed and all the rough work would SALVAGE Collection AREA Noi lllAl DANGIaiois N0 Well said the insurance aueiitl llo insure your have been completed if the show had not come so early lt ltrzlik has been coliipletely SlilYt to the newlywed Angus now that DIX youre married no sure youll wani life Awa wi ye said Angus Shes iio that dangerous MRZRZinCS books papers cloth ll area enclosed by Mulcast er st Hayfield and Ross S115 1111 Welliesda November 20 rugs and fills still Advance notice of events by which money is raised are lltlli Other officers elected were wruiriat Horticultural Society lhitby was elected to sacI 1l Mini llarrl Merren us piesiI dent of the Barrie Horticultural and with many brilliantlintlachronaa Town Improvement Society at the annual meeting in the Library Hall had taken 11111111 111 this l111 111111111 11111 lil 111111 11l 111p1T1r reptilith 11111 1111 lliiiulelpalitles 1l1llttllllll1 Jecd pg Mum coiisciolls The worst 113111115 vere Mr Lillilllt illustrated hi lvirll1gt llmll In Wm ml imlll 11011 111 reported three fields of that he had taken of the plants 1111111 Itll 5pm ml mm mm MW iof litpa 11111111 to eradicate 11115 11pim inngmln has ymnyiit1l 111 lllllllilll 111 the 111111111 11 51 LSltllllgtllil for 111 floral 13111111111111ilnllllc htV Lid ll Wm urgently needed lt iu Lrll 511111114 fllltlllL lug romconoouuunanooruauu Inserted Lets Chatn ccllmx AKlmsmi Jud gljlihm inlvdlmni 3N Ii Reuardine weed SplllVil on road ames Cockbum so search 5111 recreation AH Educmlon is culmipd mmuh115 1111151 11 out 5111111 111 111 11 511111111 111 1111 11 treas Mis 211 The H011 11nd 1ltillllt bill 111 51 Cwilliln 1111 1illtt 19 1111 1lt llresidelit is His Worship Klfour different groups that are tinliml 31 to nm illnnn lad Lllll of 1e cc soc 5511 il Your Telephone Is Handy 12190121 11m 1l1gtlllllllillitllhillduiilyilt Seth Township had done some mow council suggesLIed that WC 01 w1 01ng 1111 1111 Siln 11111 11 tint 11d are Just as easy to reach as call by Brown RalphWeaymoulh Larry mil Lmllhlltltllt 41 ltcvlllk Vi lwxllmnguultmm LU mllimi Th mhd K5 Whitby Jack Johnson MeMiL V1116 ilcmld 9111111st MW pmmmh Km my RH phone will give you the Information you In Rnokc Mrs Edmund Ha JillViljSllYm sunnner Llllllst lgtl SHAWN Paw Biimk mum Tum mw mpmm pk Mm much Miss Isabel conducted 111 Jillllliclltlll llll lllt no or want about an 131m of insurance that 15 Bird itiiliilsll lnohlc 111 wmmm rm mm 11 =0955955539355 public Al citizens are Invited to L1 iv hi Adamsoll llacLalc11 tllll 11s ago and sunex was s11 ANGIE Carson MISS May mum 111111 of 111 lectules flee and othels mm Om mo Ari Limmnll 15111111 Miss Calnpbell Misslltn tllfTlilthl brml 11 twirl llllet limirwon Miss Gertriilelill public lllt plants and flowers WHY Silbllm Wm 1DOlllllllUIl Department of Agrlcill Blvd illL itddim 111 bl mm1 Ml line map of the eoiliitv in this it DUIIIUD Si INSURANCE AGENCY Dial 3735 T118 IiLPOEl 0f 10 11011111141101 com ll ls lllmnfmd lmlmlulmil connection had been 11ircd and mmcc introduced Room SDCClliltll he will be able to lot in printed report on the sinvc was unammously adopted down the name and 11111 lnalie 111 11 gt quirics about the possibility of obol 0L do 90ml fl Mis Hairy MOIICD 101111111 lJlel er Page declared that from to Im roviewd the years ictivmcs taming such plant 1111 his ownQ Ii mentionEd various roectc game Ito pi an 011 will 11 mw The fotirth group is the childrel1L00 0mm ds mm ml in 10 10P01l 0f the SCI101211314101 inches of 5011 and he urged contln Last summer the officials of the sulei W115 GIRI showed lllllC of this committee mbcrqhi 56 for He veal Royal Botanical Gardens Condilctedl in Receipts 1were followsiibalimcc pmdicm Classes for young smdcmsl 011 motion ofC IInis iiidll These bovs and girls cared for 111 brought forward $28200 fees Benson council expressed to 710114 lets in advance $14t50nlaailmth plots md liilid dblWlsinccre congratulations to County E14 mm Q16 36 flower Show gaidening from the piactlcal sirlocl 17 In Jivst 11ers 11isl All Sizes Various Prices 11tiltRfimttuuititilitli ti 742 might $230 50 CiViCin1Lrov3lllC program as one of the most Thquilv mUmingJ Sm SE11 satisfying aspects lmvmb $161M mellllg5 374301 The qsqishm lirccml Ur 1hmvas honored with the presentation tor 51 31if71rllltlgc50tslhrfllDdsalsggllldnlgi Row Botanical Gmde bmflygot handsomely embossed testin Ll lb traced the history from the time the molna hem the Provmw Of Onli eherlliesoutsldndmg $9167 balancct tario in honor of the golden wed lilOJCCt as stalled by cltlzcnsmf Wu 5102111 Hmnmon in the my work Thedlllg ceremony of himself and Mrs 1t wered to your Door 132121259351329591 illustrator the head of the Bay and also the 10 ui Ex 211litidbgiiclzb Ullgbllllgrttigf formal sunken gardens near McMas Ifgsrlagganiolf 315 Jdlignchdilc lf ter UniversitV Thl ritzkc ias Er 11st of the Royal botanical Gardensxumukud by iCOJVLECCjlizjmlU andGcorgo GUJohnstmL The pm 11 lat Hamilton uselitatiop was made by Colc man coiilitytieastiiei 54 Local hellEmployees gt 31 Honored by Company of Invited to the dais with Warden E1 Busmess Opportunity Btilmluel Toronto lof tlichench Judge Robb Judge ll Ir Harvie ii and Judge Duncan Harris manager Silll Mccllaig ExWardQn Slow 21 Due to change of policy one of Lallddab largebt carbonated bcvciclge Illdllltldtvlll 11121111 and 113 Stephens members aitwas also present Each of these ers Isdesnous of contaotmg parties interested in equipping plllllr to bottle and ulllle staff 111 the loealrblalich oflomcials paid mbum to 5mm distribute its products under an exclusive licence in the Barrie area gt the 5110 011 Company of 4121111111215 son and Mrs Simpson and their rc Limited were guests of the com marks were endorsed by warden 11V lllltll 1101 Slttlcll 314 The company is the leader in its held Its products nationally advertised for 50 years hind NOV 2109 in ht CIN Halve ye enyoy well estaglisicd sales volume thioughout the countiy and 21 p1 chtigc second Ballroom of the Km Edward 51mm Drum who had MC to one any us ly 191v T010101 appointed to direct the preparation The banquet i5 11 annual affair of new is cry imcoc oun Direct company representatives will be at the Queens Hotel Battle on December 8th 911th hum momm of 10 51M by presumed pmgms report He and 9thf0r the purpose of Interwemng seriousminded busmess mcn With merchun Oil company WIHMO or more years said he hoped the councillors would dising experience not necessarily in the bottlingindustry who have sufficient cap ISNT 1111s 105900 109 their 111me 0191 1L0 inrmcen protable businesq 0103903 gllrlfvndd longbCIVKO ldll effort to have the historical ques lUClS 101011101 1401100111 Ottawa tionnaires returned to him early in Contact Mr ShMcCarthy Queens Hotel Barrie till AVOR SW 1111111 ior1111111 1I111 aluailull 111 1113111 11ii ill kill 11111 5421111111 The 11111111 11117111 11 par gtllill1 for rlllHVlHtL 19111 ri111111 1111111511111 111111111 111 $12 for for these amounts Simcoe County Council November Session Notes EEPSTAKES SUPPORT HOSPlTALS 1112112111 11 511 lillii 41515 211 12111 11l1 tits riiltuinlt 111415 111111 11 All 1i 11111 litillltllvlitlillni 511 1lr11i had 1w 1111111 liglii tiiliilx 11111 151 lvflrzirl in tin ruliiiiiitlil 11 l1111 11211111 llvl 1111 1111111 1111 tlvllllllllltl llllil 111tilll1111 11 lilllltlt1l illiirr 1111211111 1115 11111111111111l 111 11111 11 llrLilillllllf and $3103 for UNJ1SCgt 111 1111111112 111111 with 111111111 Farltier tlip 111 Gilelph was authorized and eheuizes will lie lgtltletl 111 and Montreal The employees are 1943 He noted that local commit presented with gold and jewelled tees were at work in Noitawasaga longservice pins on the occasion of Collingwood Barrie and PenetangV it 15 20 and 25year anniversaries Mr Stephens has now been em Harris for 12 years and Mr Stur ployed with Shell for 15 years Mr man for 10 years Quit geezxwzzwawm BBDUNLOP sr 111 c1111111 olle thls couniy particularly 11 i1 31 ui Fish and Wildlife inspector Ellis At Trinity Mens Club lll1ll ill lYll OVERCOATS if ll UlNt lliNS Hill SIZIIH ii 111 11 51351 11 to 111 51197 515193 Slit tllltlllll illls leLF TODD in RCULAlly 1331 illl inlw in Hill i111 Hltlll 11115 Illll1lltrllll Ilw 137111 1111111 5519 lt ii iii hill ffi 153303 llSl1 $3173 51351 lll 5733 11 Hli1ll 13 llunlup gt1 liarlir lAST MAILING DATE FOR lOCAL DELIVERY OF MAIL BEFORE CHRISTMAS Be sure to allow EXTRA TIME for autofto wn delivery 50 that your lettercarrier may enioy Iris bristmus at home there will be NO CHRISTMAS DAY CANADA POST Hon Ernest BertrandvKC MP Postmaster General an The Wright Cleaners Next To Queens Hotel istotwoRichieumcuuuuuccucuucuwmmudummmwummm Iltlrlllclrilrirlrllavtblr lt5 mnvxnaavam A1 For real cheerful Cliiistiilas 11111 71 DELIVERY OFFICE Issued by authority of IIIFICIgl Irlriwuvrl Dalila 11 wonu is 11 yeast have your holiday clothes Sanitonc Dryflcsiied Youll look goodr feel good in clothes you knew are cleaner fresher bcttcr pressed Call as low and be ahead of the rush 11001111145 our SANllourorrvlcr 111 BEIIER KIND Or DRY CLEANING iii 35 PHONE 2694