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pro rirlttl 111 311111815 Stl11l girls liicred by ltlt I1 Social livents t1lllll and l11 dance linlrsdxiy lliltlillltoll 111111 111 inbcis of lllllljv No and their irieiiilrr and relatives Will he held Loungc at 1131 The 1i11111uiits itivc every indi cation that this affair will be big 111111 l11lll come prepared to enjoy the entire owning The officers of the prospecialist this week study11121 for and writing their final examinations will descivc res before procseding to their new units Sergeants than llie last course busy mxn which well earned after they Nagy of lTS Orderly Ronni ending two veclislcavc with wife and family in Barrie finalists in the roll for the land Mrs Co her who in uppr ll1 week bowling league Stiitiorlicliznnpionships for the best team and best individual kcgler number of personnel are busy these nights will 1111 Ilobby Shop preparing variouzs lovoly gifts for 1hristmas 1w 1e section of 1116 vehicle me to Van couver to spend two weeks leave LAC DenBoer airframe section is spending llaiiilree Alla Eliminalion Waste7 First Rule For Health Regular elimination of wastes from tlicbody is one of the para mount rules for good illOlllLll Mil Iiurns LamLiver Pills are of help to faulty elimination The combina tion of laxative and tonic drugs contained in these pills make them one of the most useful and best ieiiieilies for minor disordered con ditions of the eliniinatory organs Milliurns LamLiver Pills help gt141 stimulate Ill liver clean tlip eoateil tongue sweeten the breath and eliminate waste from the sys As an afterdinner they relieve that bloated feeling and help indigestion Sold at drug counters everywhere chunic gone months leave at were soft blue afternoon dress rem quite fair Remember parson you ThnrI Mllburn Ltd Toronto Ont PepsiCola hits the spot anytime Theres twice as much in thebig l2ounce bolllel ORILLlA FOLLOWS ASSESSMENT ACT 1riln in 14 1114 r1 1511111 Lu 111 1111 niit thesis on the 23 LE Enr lab111111112 JVVlilllilx il Ill lch 111 111i 11 1x 11114 15 Ln li oi 111111 11111 11 111 11 11 ltI n11 11 izn1 11211111 ll v11 Haul l1=lllll11 Lfil ilfiiii 111 iliii 11111 11ir 11121 mun 1111111 11 111111 ll Mini 11 gmiiitid 11 1121211111111 1h Ilillliltlii rd lii 1112s in 11 Illiallnll ul 11111111 111 117112111 li 11i1l lo rile 1131 i1111i 511121 liiillllilig 1il Hr 1111 lllllil under 1oi iilllilil ll llzr cliirlll Elilli will he no leimlc to Milli lint ll 111811 lllllllullillllll lll 11v iiuuilril p11 till lii 111 111 111111 lll liii EllllVAlE 111 151 111 11 ll 111111111e1111 lit gl1l1 ii Xi ln i1=1 ic111l llo 111ll111lo ili iiii 111 11111 11111 11 urlers Banquet ll1llllt Ii 11 1111 ll iillll 11 Model lll 1111 ili Hall on Nov llll win 11=111 it iiowr to the 1111 5111 11717 if ls TiLi 1s Masonic Home The 11 111111 onn llilllit ws llilll 1111 N1 iil11ieiil 1111 con lll1 lininhlc piii11 lo by lloiizild llllltl2 and v11in sol by iigt Frances Whitney llll were much 11 lt1lliltl Cl 11111 Midland rerfoimance lletiesliiiieiits were served Mr and Mrs oopcr Honored By Neighbors About till neighbors and other friends of Mr and Mrs llios Loogter meetind at their home on Con Plus 35 lion used them with presentation before they moved to licir new home 111 Elm vale An address was read by ilar iy Iliurlow and beautiful table and mirror were gltstliltzi to Mr riae words 1ked their lllLllllgt for the beautiful gifts and good wishes SDCHCCltHOIllTll Wedding pretty wedding of local 1110 cst was solcinnizcd at iic inause of First United Church liinniins when Graze lloinuth duruhter oi Chas ninth and the late Mrs lloniuth was united in 111111iagc1 William Spence son of 311 mil Mrs Spence Elmvale The bride locked Charming iiia white streetlength dress with blue ac ceoricsland cor 11 5c of red roses luileen Homuth s11cr1nl1v of the bride was matron of honor and blue accessories and corsage of lalisman roses W111 Homuth brother of the bride was grooms nian Gills to the attendants includ ed pearl necklace and earrings for the matron of honor and gold watch band to llie g1 ooinsman Fol lowing =1lie ceremony 11 reception waslield at the home of the brides sister M15 Ruddy Mr and Mrs Spence will reside at 79 Pine St liinniins EXERCISENOT F001 The new vicar had preached his first serm011and critical mem ber of thechurcli an exceedingly fat man vaylaid him after the ser VlCe Available in Blue Red Wine or Brown An Ideal Boudoir ur Trnrrlling Se Eullvlillil III In in nili 111111111111111131111 405 11111111111111 11111 Contains Perfume Face Powder Toilet Water Bubbling Bath Powder Lipstick 850 CUIEX DE LUXE MANICURE SET contains Cuieit Polish Polish Remover Polish Foundation Cuticle Remover Cuticle Oil Emery Boards Nail White Pencil Cuticle Pushr Manicure Slicki VANlTY SET Containing Hand Lotion EXA BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA ffQif enmmci aid1 Du 5W lllnf Iiiuulijul Puckuuti llulm llirililiu lifts DU BARRY GIFT BOX Created by Richard Cleansing Cream Skin Freshener loun dahun Lotion and Face Powder cm lffi 19 TW $1515 51 BOUDOIR GlFT SET Irlulwl liv BOURlOlS llutlnul contains Exquisitely Beautiful Blue Lea therette Chest containing Toilet Water Perfume Face gift that will surely please Contains Lipstick Per fume Toilet Water Cles Tal 400 gill of Du Barry Preparations to Caress Lovcly Complexion Foundation Lotion and Face Powder FXlilamling Bath 59 350 Hcr cum PERSONAL GREETING CARDS Mulch he Mm alcceplnhlcl From Your Own SNAPSHOTS Enlarged to in l948 CALENDAR MOUNT 49 each Coloved 55 Extra flirislmos Rvmrmbruncv LADIES GIFT SUGGESTION Bath Salts Face Powder Talcum Foundation Cream and Yardley Old 93 English Lavender 550 From Your Own Negalivcs for 49 10 for 8911 Complete with If relopes CHRISTMAS GlFT commas OFDSNNCTON CHANEL No Gardenia No 22 Cuir de Russe 5001000 1750 BOU R1015 Evening in Paris 75cl 35 750 300 TWEED Bewitching us Narmamlie Meadow Vaoz 210 1Aoz 360 Vzoz 660 PARIS MUGUET 85cl40 2755 P2 EME 50 111qu ll 5100375 LORIGAN 752755 25 DOROTHY GRAY WHITE LILAC In Beautiful Sirikiugly Beautiful BOUDOlR SET PAGE THREE or llunx Lwiiwnii AlterShaving Lotion The Famous Yardley Bewl EVE NE lnvisible Talcum Du Barry Bath Salts and Du Barry Toilet Soap all 3mm SIINGY The man Im engaged to will never tip the waitress when we have dinner together He says he llll 1111 uell paid but always feel mean Do you think should leave 11 1111 111 but would give some attention to your ll youre ashamed of him now what sort 1111 yours turn out to be Stiiigy husbands 111 live with you know Slim is it true that most of the minerals and vitamins in vegetables are right under the skin Youre riihtthiits exactly where they are Thats ly les 11 instance if eaten raw should not be peeled illctl for 11111111 sauce they should be cooked vnh kins on Welikc to use steel wool on such vege as tiliiols and save the undertlicskin vitamins 1111s 1111 llf 111d be cooked in theirjackcis and then til thaws it you want the most out of them Tur 111111 licots of course have to be peeled but keep luiiis 111111 as you can sllZllltlllllilt Im second wife and my husband has just died My stepson has produced letter from his mother stating that she owned the farm and willing it in this son Helms ordered me out Can he evict me What you need is good lawyer not another woman glVlYlli you advice Take your story to reputable legal 111 11111y in the meantime if the stepson tries to evict l1 and your case is just you can apply for police DIO iltlll CLOCK TROUBLE Will you please repeat the oily rag recipe for stubborn clocks didnt catclijt all in the broadcast Sometimes this method will start balky alarm clock which is not broken Sprinkle clean rag Willi coal oil and put it 111 the bottom of tin can Place the alarm elockon top of the rag and close the lid tightly leave it there day or two then take it out and give it shake it frequently starts The oil has penetrated the works and Oiled 1111 the dust Its worth trying anyway Some tunes the same method will work with an eightday clock Put the oily rag inside near the works and close the door Send your qugstlons to KATE AIIKEN 225 Jarvis Street Toronto Ontario Shaving Cream Not bird beginning sir said patronizingly bit trio sci entific and modern perhapspbut must feed theisheep The vicar surveyed his bulky critic and replied My dear man its exercise you need 1101 food EmilCum the rwlsmud math mail In Cnnndu cl 1h Foplequ Company of Canada llmlind Manicure Oil 500 MANS GIFT SET by FITCH so pep HANS am sry Cream 691 129 rCellopImne Presenlalion Box Gardenia Studio Great Expectation 75c 225450 Gardenia Hand cream Lipstick Satin Base Cuticle Remover Manicure Polish Polish Relnovel and Orange Stick sHALiuAk Richard Hudn Bright and Glittering Fragrance The European Ea vorila Handsomer Boxed 1200 AfterShave Lotion Sterilizeil Shave 20 cc 5120 KIT for KING by FITCH Having Cream Lotion mpoo Fifth HaiiOilivv Facial Soap Woodbury Loon AlterShave Talcum Shaving Lotion and Shaving Bowl IiHiiEiIgiilrmrm111