PAGE EIGHTEEN M4MA An NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTIC TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS II IIuIiIiiInIIIIi him Iii 5th IIIilzi III IIIEIII Ills IIIII II III III NOTICE To COREDITORS AND OTHERS II III llll Ill ll Illlil uIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII II NOTICE TO CREDITORS IIIIIII II II II II no lil II III II II lhlhl II llil lit iii ai II in APPRECIATION NOTICE To CkEDITORS II run III lllIl Ill IIIII Ill NOTICE TO CREDITORS If ANDOTHERS IIII III If HlIl lHlle IIIIIIII IIII II EI III IIIII II Iirgui KY IIV HIM ii lillll IIII II II II II II 1000 Bushelsm tII Ir storage of VI NOTICE TO CREDIT III lllli IisIIlI llI IIIIIIgtIi III quf MCIntOISh Reds Northern SpYS II gtI III SPECIAL pACK lINI II lit and Hill Ii IIIII III III iLIz IIII tII SoriiniIlyillv luWIIl II 23 III II IIWI IIilI IIIII II II bus IIII Il IN II III II Nd ii VOTERS LIST I947 FIUIISI Vegetables Essa Township and Groceries VOTERS LISTS 1947 tllll ll El Iil II IlIIII in Municipalityoi the TownIIII2I1I=IIII15II iIj PHONE 4535 of lIlI llIl IIIIIIII III VWIII niI of SincoeI llvlll IIII llIlIIflI III 50 ill on III II II II IILI II Il III IIII IIIIII IIIIII IY I1 Ml Iiniix ii III III IQ IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIII IIIIII III II II IIII Im itI IlII IIlIIIIi Sl MvnfT IIIIrII 1I IxIII IIIII III itiITIIlIlI IIY II BARBIE IIrii iiILII I1 will gt FLYING NOTES IIIilrilIlli tlIilI IIiJIgtIIII WIII All EQUIIPEI TO GIVE YOU SERVICE ON lluiitInupboards upboarcl Doors and Drawers Store Fixtures Repairs and Interior Alterations lI IIII III iIIt iI III IIIIII tln uIayIIrIIhlI II he xi Iti IlI IIII IIIIIIII oi Iil II llI Iii III iIIIYI sIhodullwl III 1071th lIII II Ii iIliIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIHIIIII HUI III III IEIIIIiI Airport II SAILEBF LANDS IIIIIIIIIIIIItIII III IJIIIIII gtI II llltlllbtl III the IIIHIIIIJIIE IIIIIIIITIIIII For Arrears of Taxes IMIII IIIIIII III IIIIII IV II SIM 930 31101 IIILII Moth and tail oyIII IIIII ltLl II IibIlIIrc his Illll IIIIIIIIIIC lh ill II III llllllII flawII IlIal IlltI II II ilI UI lillnl lltl iIIIlIlII ltl llt siIIllllilHiI HIH Hmmmu for IlllIIllb ol IIIII III lllt IIIIIIIIXIi PM WWW Mi It SIIIIIOI llih IIIIII IIIIIIIIII mIIlIIIIIIIss Ilm IIaII III Illt tltlllIlllrllil is IIInil llllllIIIIIl III III zIIiIIIitISII IIIIIII nnzu IIIIIIIIIII IIHI the IIIII Snow was falling lrIIIIly and IM IIIHIU IIIIIIIIII IIlaiIIII IIIuanr III lllt people xIIut IIIlII IIII lI lIL lIIIhoInII thinkqu Ihal lhI IIIJCIIIIIIII l4llLllllllIllI Hill lIII IIIil in lll IIIHI IIII III II IItllIII II will III llllllllll iIIllIll mak ml HmP my uppmnum IIHIIIIIIII In III Iltlll 1an weather cleand alter fault of IIIIyIIIIIn ol farm as shown WW lmk Id Willi Iltm on sum III IIIII lllxquI3IllllllS took the Jumper llIlI January IZIII 1048 at tlII hour of the spoiuhcrc lhechap wish two orloil IIIIIIhII IlitIllltllllL II SliillleII II gum 1va mm mm IIImeI at that tune III IIII oIIIIIIl llzllIllILIIUIHI bunk llIIIvIIyII hII lumped IIII us 10 liIJCIIIIl III IJoli liybliiililu rlllillttllllllus sump Hwy mam ml Rm the said IIiIlldrl Ill nay Flltll lllltillSIluiH hill mm his Chill 0pm together Vllll Illt IIIuIs thIIIIonIdgtTm him Ill Tomi Airsdjnmmd 3IIII III lnnhuldiIJUSlllOll Upon landing on the on lIIiIIsday January 27 1048 at Iotlicr side of the field two specia turdoclock Itoxs took their jeep and drove over II OLEMANI jand brought him back Treasurer ouuly ol Suncoci The young man was ful of TrcusIIrIrs OHIH IIIIrI llouscI III It Ch Barrio Ill EIIh do of October pal 01 13 mews md IH7I 432Iliiiiidlcrl the plane loi his first IIIIInICI PHONE liiltl Ilii llilElANG ST COOP NEWS NOTICE There will be No Grinding Mixingor Cleaning aIItz goop min sIII no Mon Dec Our machinery will be completely shut down for Change over from 220 to 550 volts There will not be room to store any custom work in this period THEICOOP RANGE truIy fine kitchen range APPEARS AMAZING An cxsoldiey got II job as=a cook Til BARBIE EXAYIIINER BARRIEAQNTARIO CANADA LBCALS and SALES II WcBuuSetIExdian9e AUCTIONSALTSW TVARETYS DIAL MS COLLIER ST BARR ON CHESTERFIELDS REUPHOLSTEBED llillll lilill TAPESTHY llllllizAIHC III idc Inner oi hairs and Pattirm BARRIE TENT AWNINC CO llil III Ii uniTun Sl Sealrite Insulation Co rI you illitltltll iu Insulating your Home with llock Vool lor Suuuuvr oinlort and also he lIlllltI or lllt WiIIIIr llaysI llllill liSllMAlliS ilAlllIY GIVEN llIltS tor Sale All Work Fully iuarzmlccd 4551 PHONE llAlllllE 0n iiand For Immediate Delivery CEMENT lIzIII llrtI Swim lIIIl liIII Built lltiILllllLlll Anllt II 4l1iilItlIIu lwIllilrlil wllizIIIIII Hutchinson and Arnold lormcrly of 0m Station 3400 an AV Ill Illlllllli REPAIRING REARCHING AllGIIST STOCK GENUINE REPLACEMENT SPRINGS WI HHIIIIIIIH ANl nusr lIIQUllllril serum snor lllllllx lIII IIIIIIIIIII OF 3M COMPLETE srOCK ON ALL SPRING ACCESSORIES lllII Sariecmt Co Ltd lllthli Htil lilillll1 BARRIE SPRING SERVICE 12 Baylield St Barrie Ont Inrun AMI HlMIll 07 AILANIIchicmlt IIi HIE SHE Hllill lllJAlIlY INGREDIENTS III TIE Shallow iiiiir CHEESE 41 HElNZ ASSORTED Barr roars 25 nrrnmrr CLIPPER WHOLE SIlIlllIlI 110 2402 Jar YUKON CLUB CONTENTS ONLY ill LLOL Tins AiiiiiiiiiriiFiiiiiiii Emmi ME Egffjggg 35 MAW S0IJPIIIIIIZIIIIIIIIIII5I MIKESDISHESSPARKIE II SALMQH IIIINIIYIIIINK 12IHII21c Tours BBIIEESBIRD SEE III 19 Farm fresh Fruit vegetables FLORIDA MARSH 21 39c 00 59 49c GRAPEFRIIIT DRANGE MAINE DOMESTIC GRADE miss Talisman APPLES SEEDLESS 96s CALIFORNIA NAVEL 552 Best for Eating FLORIDA PINEAPPLE 250 Best for Juice THE BEST FOR LESS 6qt bask NORTHERN SPY 6qtI ACOMBINATION GRADE rrrrnr HEART iii Elfin IvHFaeaestra LIEII AHldlinITPlrIelt Isainplcd Some of the soup he had leSl made then said You say you served in the army as cook with highrshelf ff$139oo The exsolde il was officersE lcobkp iIeir twoycsalils Wlth warmlng HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS land wounded thrice The proprietor said Youre lucky man its wonder they did nt kill you closet $15000 FARM STOCK AND IMIPLEMENTSI Phone 2571 ICEMENT USA PORTLAND CEMENT available in icarload lots Barrio ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES NO Advance InI Price While our present stock lasts Select Christmas Present 3011 silicon Direct from United States from this list II Quick Delivery Grahamette ElectricRange $8500 Principals only Electric Kettle $1400 Direct confirmation IIToastwell Automatic Popup Toaster $2400 on all orders Force Electric Toaster $695 Also other general Kitchen Aid Mixers by Hobart $5250 Building Materials such ICOOp Mantel Model Radio Walnut Cabinet $3950 as Steel Nails in Noma Electric Heater $1000 large quantities CoOp Pressure Cooker large size 265U WIRE WRITE PHONE CoOp Pressure Cooker medium size $1600 Building MontgomeryWard De Luxe Electric Washer I$17950 FI Ia Successful Sale Commission MontgomeryWard De Luxe GaIsOlineIIINasher $19950 Budget Terms if Desned Irolwousclrold Furniture IAgenCY II II Farm Stock and TORONTO ONT DISTRICT BARBIE Implements W1437 Open Evenings nu PHONE SIROUD 23111 900 PM Dan 2429 MARKET BRANCH 3061 in cincrrenr mirrors POTATOES BBKAR 5115 meI NEW BRUNSWICKand PEl No ANN PAGE murmur Is IIIII$239 Fully Matured 8L Excellent Storage Quality large24 oz loaf ll 2401 Super Right Quality Meats IA RED orIBLUE BRAND BEEF Billan STEAK 0R MASTV BNELESS 345 PRIME BIB MAST FRSTSfBS 37 SHANK OFF lb FRESH SHANKLESSI Harm EITHER EIND lbI gtggbms Ilb 45 rv Sea Fond Suggestions II HERBERT Sill100K STEAKSI lbI 35 Kiwi535 5811 EMIIHDEBS I21 mW Henson DECEMBER I94 Si weaewztie TCCC DC Huff Isct EA III gr hi Si $3 vi If KKKKbKKKKEKKEEMWKKKEifzll li Iib iziiih iieizlti mxmezztngmzzxmzzwz wimmmwmmnww This Christmas give Victor III lnrh Black Label ltlllll REFUNDS QtlvfilltiUl of Me Iii Your Hand Madame III IIIII IiI Mr 73c 303illT In An Evening in larix Tango ol limes ll liLI IIIgtv KLIw 73m IIIYlilli Honulhinx for Nothing last Night in llrmm Ily IIIIltII II IllI 75 EtlEilIIIwlint lhinz Slop lllrou in lltlIIH at llu llcyil II tlIIIi ill SIIIyIiiI CHIZiifllw 75c In llu Uld Spinsh lrIil lyI lot lmlin Ily llIIy liIIllv IIII fdQllltl Yourr not so lTasy to Forgot Dont tell Illt Ily lIIzIy IIIII IIII 75c 30le30150 iiclnd Spring is IIIally Spring This Your llj lII iltlli 750 ZOIEZlthlTIIII licho Said No II Apple Blossom Wedding lly Sunlin Kay 75 ltllilll Ihrn lhr Summer is gone lillIolIl Music ll lII liIIIIlII 1011lllllcasc be kind They didnt believe nu IIy itlAlt Ili 7303llls Years go liy Secrets Tu Iy Russ IIxI 75c 13023431urntablc Soul astancis and Law II Sammy lIyII 202347 umana The Lady from Nine lahns lly IIIIIIldy Marlin f302l51 MotlIIrI IlotIur Mother Youre Breaking in New Heart By litlylt Davis 75 2012360 Love and thc Weather Naughty AITgTIHnI By Dennis Day 750 Twenty 75v 2021lGlYou Do IIKokomo Indiana lly Vaughn Monroe 75 202365 oinc in mi of the Rain livery So ltcn lly Della Rhythm Boys 75 202370 Smokt Smoke Smoke ha Iidad son 3y lhil IlillllS 202371 Just an Old Love of Mine The Old Piano luncr By Tommy Dorsey 750 202372I Thats What every Young Girl Should Know Serenade of The Bells ByISammy Kayo 750 20237lStormy Weather Body and Soul By To BcnIIkc 75c 500021 Thc World is Waiting for The Sunrise want to he Happy By Bert Niosi 750 500024razy Rhythm Pirdido By Bert Niosi 75c 500025Indiana Ghost of Chance By Oscar Peterson 75c 216583 Father OFlynn Square Dance Little Brown Julr Square Dance By George Wade and his Corn Huskers 75c 250059Hora staccato UilillOllSlB By Henri Rene 25007lBlue Danube Vienna Life By Henri Rene 75c 750 Victor BLUEBIRD Western Classics 580051 sure got it from you Answer Ito the Rainbcw at Midnight By Texas Jim Robertson 00c 580050 II Dont wait Till Judgment Day Sharing Your Love with Somebody new By Will Carter 580049Red Hot Po rWho Dug This HOle Im In By Spade Cooley 580048My Adobe Hacienda Cornbread Lasses and Sasns fraIs Tea By Lonzo rind Oscar I60c 580047 Castle in The Apple Tree After we say Goodbye By Elton Britt 600 THE RECORD BAR 26 ELIZABETE ST PHONE 442 600 nmmammaxxmmmamHistaminemayxxzmxmaxnzmxzzzaiazxnazamaazmzmzamnnzzzmxmmmxWERE57223 NCAVICTOR IE lg ii IE