BA RIB TIIIS WEEKE ISSUE 800 Copies 1Lv1i3 211411 mmu UDIT BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Ill MEMOR THE EXAM NER 11 ilil ltrtll 1111 1111511111 11111 11111111111111 ifTTTErprAiiERiw Plan To Establish Health Unit 1948 IN PUBLIC MEETING For Simcoe County MW 11 111111 111111 31111 1111111 111w tn 1111r 1hr 111111 111 1111 111111111111l 111 1111111111 111 1111 1111111 1111 1111 111 1511 111111 11111111I1t1 111I 1111 111111 111111 1x 11 11 11 1111111 1111 11111111 g1111 1111 111 ilIIIIiJIS 111l 111l1 111 II 1311 111111 111 1111111111 111 1111 1111111112 11 i1111111111w11 11 1111 1111111114 11111 1111 1111111 11111 1III 1111 ll1r111 l11111111vr 11111 111111111 11 g1111 111 imprint lilh 1111 11111 xII 1111131 11111111111111111 111 lilrw l11111l 111 this issue 11111 It 111111 Ill 111111111111111111 11 1111 111 11111Li ii lntlw 111 1111 111111lf lflv I11111 11111 1111111111111111 11111r III tlltirlwx utll 111 IIIIII PROGRESS 101111 1011 11113111111 11111111311 1111113 11111 1111111 111v1 11111 111111111111111 lii1 111r11 21111 11111111 ill 111 Home nun 11111111 111111 111111111 11111 1111 It result1111 1111 iIioir IIIIVII shuns 111 lr111ll1 1111 111111 11111 vunwtrnction 111 the new Barrie and lelltl 1111111111 IIUIIIIAI shuns the present lloysl Vieioru IIIMIHIJI 1111 location of the new 111111111111 and mm er 1111111 11 1111 left 153 careful study of the sketch and 1111111 Illlillll 1111 111111111 111 description 111 the 11111tr11clion the tin11 111 1111111 11111 Ilsllltl 111111 are being asked to subscribe 111 this 1111111ori1l IIIHIIIIJI 1111111 1111 get 111tier understanding 111 Il1e project ll11v 1111v 111111 11211111 tl11t the new hospital will be 11111slr111l11l 111 stages lbere is 1111 intention 111 ear 11111111 1111 prewnt 11111111111 1111 112m 11 come and even then the likelihood is 11111 it 11111 for nurses residence The greatest urgency 1111111 t11r 1111111 11111111111111I111111 11111 slruclinn of the first phase 111 the 111 1111111111114 joined to the llltllll 1111111411111 H1ll Hard 11 1111311 Victoria Hospital 11111 case that burden he l1it1I1 11111111 11111111 1111111 room 1111 111 The li1111111er 111 prctlous issue 1111111111 the 11ti1n111 111111gt1 Mung tum 3mg tive of the new Barrie and District Memorial IIthIIJI 111 11111111 Jum HJH 11 mum the architects are Wilson 11111 Neulon 11111111111 pull ill be 1111111 lhe Iollouing infornintion lnr your 11111111 lllflltI I11 111111 mm 11 prepared by the architects and gives in some detail 1111 111111 111 be l1111111 111111111111 and the modern services and features 111 111 ilitnrplbratld 111 the hospital project IONSIRIICIION II liIIHHNG ll 111 17 CENTS MONDAY DEC 111111 11111 1111111 111I nurwx 1111111111 11rL 11111 HOSPITAL DRIVE BEING PLANNED IN ORO TOWNSHIP 11111111111 the 1111 111 11111111 11 1111 11111 1111 111111131 111 the 1111111111111 11 IZl11111111 l1 71111 111111 1111111111 1111t1111 111 111111 111151112111 rim1111 1111111 111l1i111v11111111111111111 1111 1111 11111 111111 1111111111111 11111111 1111111 11111111111111 1111 111111111 1111111 11111111 11 13 111 111 113111 11111 111 111 811111211 11111 which tiny 111111111111 311 1111 ii 1lii 3111111 111111111111i 4111111111 t111 liv 111I1l 11 11 11111I1g111111111Mar Ii 1111 lii 1111 Heme 11 IS 11111 111111111 11 141111111 11111111 IlllllltN 111111111ss11111rr Iii11111111 1111c 11111 1111I 1111 pulling H1rt 1111111 111111111 lIltnxl 111111 111gr111111reil I111 11111 111 1111 lr lr11111111 111use 1111 lilIr11 H111 Ward 111111111 11l 11111111111 111111 1111 1111111 l11v1 111111 111c11111111L111 11m 111113111111 1111111 11111 y11111111111111111 111111v IIU 11111 1115111 111111111Z1111111 111 1111 113111111115 11 11111 j11 11111 111 1111 1111111115 111 1111 K111 111111111x1=11 1111111 recreational 1111111 111111 111 11111111111111 1111 11111111111 1121111111 11211 11111111 11111111111 1111 131111111 1111 Il1111lii1111111111111St1111111111331117 311111111111111111 1111111 11111 11111 1111 1111I 11111111 lliix 111k 111 111w 1111111 1111 Department 11i11eult11111 1111 Ontario 111111111111111 re Wcst Gwillimbury Council quires that 111 new hospital construction 11 11111111111 111111111111 Scuts Being Contested 11111 Nonfireproof materials ari 111111111111 11111111111 1111111 iEicctions Monday Dec Kilie Barri and Disirict Memorial Hospital 111111 13111 budding 11111 have reintorced concrete 111111111 111111 1111s11nry walls re OF III EES iiutoreed eoneretp floor slabs surfaced 111111 1111111121111 111 terr l11 Web 1111111 1112 11111 111111H 311111111111v 11 11111111111 111v Marx1 and steel door frames It is also required to provide 11 least 111111 11111111111111111 meant 101 exit from each corridor serving nursing 1111111liis require 11 111cut will be met by an escape stair at each end 111 11111 IllllIlIIg Hl HWII 111 addition to the service stairs adjacent to 1111 two elevators 111 11M 121i1 11l Xi 1IMl 3571 the escape stairs Will be five feet wide and have nirge laud 11 11 151111 11 11111 11111 11llllif5 to enable stretchers to be turned easily 535 111111 neuron11 Nourish 111 1111 Each nursing 111111 is identical in 111111 to the one above or 11 113 n11 Ilt1tl 111111 1111 11111t11111 11 111A1 H1 n1 1111111111 r1 Lightm1 bclow and considcnibh savings 111 onstiuttioiicosts 1111111 11 111 111 mm M1th 15 18 s11111rom the consequent Simpliti zit1011 111 training DIIIIIIINIIH l11111 my gt my 11111 11111151 1111 115 111111I 111 11 311111 111111 1bl1 1111111111111te I11 lresilnld Llccuuumb lHtlJ Kim Elmo1 liwdvm 101111 Maurice llincs 1111 1111131 lMPORlAAl llAAIl 135 111111 lllt lll 11 14 11 111 1111111 1121111111111 11i1m mld 1mg 51111 1111113111 haeh nursing tloor Will have more 111111100 oi the patients 1thlfi H241 1111 new 1111111111s 1ciu iiit 11c 1111111111111 1111 1111111 1111 111 WNW 11 MW Lr 51111115HNL 8mm MCKmMHL Lib rooms toeing south and overlooking tnepaih 1111s is Lt11gtlILI mm mm 1M5 m1 mi 111mm 13 and 1m led ideal exposure for hospital 1011111bcrv1ce 100111s111t group lt Instead of 11 montth 111cc1111 in ed so that nurses will have minimum distances to walk in 1111 111 lllltllll z111 11 51111 l1illtlilltd irowc trplasu 2pc111tiber 1113111 willl 11141I 111111ccet performance of their duties ihLIILICIHIISHH spurt lrneiess 11111111 1c11rs 11111 11115111115 11 11 1111 cI 11111 Is 11 1111 115311115 11 lolmslim Ken flute luul Sims eember 11 The nllpclmiy 901 111fucommodlu 1mm to pluumjiivlicre l111 cheques 1111 1111 11111 21lilihl5 With adjonnng delivery Sillt and nurseries Ilie nurseries are 41 11111 is 1111I planned 111 accordance With the PM iv latest recomniendziLions of WWW egro urCh ReStOred both the Ontario Department of Health and the United States Public Health Service and will consist of individual cubicles In grouped eight to ioonrwitli nurses statiorganddoctors cx Reopemng Next Year amining room adjoining This arrangement assists materially 1n combating infection among the newborn infants portion of the Cciiiclci grounds is covered with second incorporating The 5111 icai floor consists of an operating suite and nurs ing unit mos together witnchildrens accommodation of six beds The latter formsasolfcontained unit capable of growth or young trees All 1110 being closed off from the rest of the hospital dead wood and rubbish in thisorezi complete emergency department is plannedon ground Wm Clear Id 105 floor level adjacenttothe ambulance entrance This consists left to grow lhe clear part of the cemetery in be MCqu in me of an emergency perating iooni rccoveiy iooms obscwatiou spring and planted with orna rooms and xtl1 department mental trees The late word in kitchens is planned It 15 recomnlcmml 11 Slb soundproofed dishwashing area special diet kitchen infants smmml fence be erected 10111111116 preparation room and dietitians office There will be placed under it The porch has two sides of the cemetery plot ad been repaired and rcshingled joining the farming lands 1nibwa1ter serVicebetween the kitchen and SclveliCSVOIT vet now it was menan 100k New sleoers have been put in It was hoped to have the worlnT each floorwhich will greatlyassist in the more rapid handlinglirmr 501111 911 patients aha sum 01 llwllzgldflfIll 099 where necessary and tIlC floor rc completed for an official rCopp of meals and special diets 30 every day That was an in 118 mlmu Ezliiidihfdniiiwth$011139 Saidbfmg of hChmCh 15 will Dumbwaiter service is also planned from the central store 1crcuse0f nearly 60 with 110 im 1551 Mm Twenshn H311 e1 11c ui ing owmg to lateness oft sca 1provement i11 SIZL or facilities lt1 The old seats have been repaired son and the uncertainty the wea on ground fIOOl level to linen and supply StOlttge 100m 011 The big on 01 patients and mm11111 Dec llgtllcs Pl and placed in the building ther it was decided postpone the each floor There IS special dumbwaiter operating betweenna the hand continues EllgffnillliltFinn MUS by Big u1 lt P4133Eon513216iRdVanfiaikeigl reigkpcgmg 113111 9711 it the central sterilizing room on the surgical floor to the steiile the b011dthii are you gouig 11 NO ML mined1 bvs ommi 11 thanks apslfign Sf supply storage in the delivery suite on the maternity 11001 to sci 11 114101 accommodation Brennauod WA New Low Han STAGES 01 CONSTRUCTION Dec 10 Admission 33c and 20c irpgccoitjslide has been repaired where That was just one phase Mr Rob COUHCI BX CH 111m lertson announcid and iOCCCCILd Some minor repairs on the inside Best Edgar for his vaanble 115 The new hospital building is GESigned 50 that consuucmon to give some stoLrics aboui the pat 1111511 11113210 Puldmg mm 130 00 551 C0 lmShmg them in may proceed in two stages The first stage leaves the existing icnts and they were really pItIIUI 51 id af pictcd such as Sualghtcnlng the early lustory of the Church the in CO him in the hluwws 1111111111aftc1110011 tea St Andrew chandelier and attaching it family names of those who built hospltal and boner room and laundly bulldmg fun Opelatlon on rearm mg lscmgm fix WA Friday Dec to p111 Lcc ceiling the church and worshipped there while the new hospital and new boner and laundry building because we Sim ngiom mm Ammo 48149 arebeing constructed The two hospitai buildings are Shell Loci2KStiffiooilmm biliiadkfzznd connected by corridor 80 feet long which joins the buildings tTurn to page eight please vim1 11j 111M1 111 liii 111111lI 1111 1111111111 7111111111111 of 11111 111111 111111111111 1211111111113 11111111111 11 11111111111111j lionsc 1111 N1111111111 ifll Ii 11l 11111111111 111111 111111 1111111 1111 was 111111111111 by dinner 1111 11 11111 III 11 111 111111 111 1111111 111111111 1111 1111 11111 il 111 11111111 11t11 11 111 11111111 111111 111 11111311 13 11111 111 i1atecharrtmm11111111 111f11111111 111 ll 111 111111111111111111111 11 11111111 11 11111 1111111 11 11 1112111 11 11121111111 11112 111111t1il 111 1121 111111 11111 11111 11 hwhyw $1121111111 11113111 1111 111 Those 111ct1d were Pres 1111111111 Church vicepres 1111 111 11111i 111111111 1111 2111111111111111 11 Ilealri 315111111 111111 1111111 in Wih 11 then 11 1111 11 11 1311121 llic s111211z111 11E gt111 1visiiti 1114 to 111 picked 1111 1111115111 11115111 11111117111 ship has brought 111 some 11111111 money 111 less than week 111 calls The other townships 1111 well 11111111 control and organization 11111 COMING EVENTS Leading Some 1111 11711119 gtI11 but We 111 getting the 1151111 11111 gt and Women behind the cainimiun The Womens lust11111cs have Ic11 simply Wonderful all the way II Robertson 11111111111111 the board of directors of Royal 1c 111111111111111 111 1111111111111 sports coverage in 1111 Examiner County Council Adopts anrmmtuii1Program of Recreation 111111111111111 Sale auspices S1111 111111 mv 111 Trinity Parish llalli ton Howlml mmr Im wm 811111111111 Dec 11111 Telephone time We have been faced 111111 11112375 4849b problem of 21cc1111111111dati1111 There 1mm 311mm Township has been great anxiety The presHHH Midis DCCV Crows pm 5m orle mafr cliestra Auspices Minesing Hockey ICIIL1clclttdlCUIKIItlpIIS lmubv 49p 11 111111e 1111 11111 sma 1e kitchcii was built 40 ycarEIHAo 111 mhill lffm1l gilgti handle about F11 patients 111111 10 3111 13 AL L1CL mug staff It was not much bigger than Ijufikm Nb any ordinary house kitchen And 1151mm Ewnmg WA ml and sale Is Baxter rice 111 Iudbope of Oro presented 1111 report of the special commit lcc appointed by the county coun cil to restore the old colored peoples church and cemetery in Oro Township The report as pre sented to the county council in session last week included the 101 Simenc 1511111115 Council 1111 21 closing session 111st Friday afici 111r111 adopted report from 1111 11111111111 connniuee reconuneudm 111111 the county 121k on the re ceiriron program as county ser 1Lc The county council will ap p111111 counnittee to administer the program lowing information The church building has been levelled and concrete foundation Tuo year 1111 11155 Louise tolr 1031 was engaged by the Commun 11y Lite Training Institute to 1111111 duce program of recreation throughout the county Following this introduction financial ance was provided by the Sinrcoc Coumy Federation of Agriculture and later the County Council 111 January 1947 the county council appropriated $2000for the program and appointed the couiw miitec to administer the projecg This action made available sub stantial grant from the pligsical fitness and recreation branch 111 the Ontario Department of Educa tion The ltediion ofgricul tluin to page six please1 evern rest Area 100000 Acres Supt Lanes Varied Interesting Carei an ty stolne cgiirn withd rigg anite and particularly for writing poem and no more beds available ta ct ias cen crcclc side the which describes the reason why Hos pital accommodation all Utl LOUIqu LOLLLI Church contammg he famlly these peopl came to canada 1Tur11 to page eight 11114115111 1de bCIMHAifdliidtu fit names of the early vorslnppeis DH mm 0L CS pm the church wide 49p Candidates for Public Utilities as ea xamincr Cla551f1eds crop Improvement Assn ber IO Local Assessors Should muffin 15333 Report to Municipalitie States County Assessor 31modernisation Newton Robinson on Wednesday County Assessor Eric Simpson 111 December 10 addressing the county council last The meeting will start at p111 Friday morning suggested it would in the Orange Hall with Eugene bc good idea to have the local Smith association president in assessor report to his municipality charge Soil cbnservationpm ter once month This would keep tility and the 1948 feed grain ob the councillors and the assessor in jeotives will be discussed touch with each other Blyden WSotl Specialist OAC It was pointed out that change Guelph John MacLeod director had been made 111 the asseSsment mops branch TorontoGeo 11M act and 11 the period for assessing Shay ZSed Inspector Barrie and now begins Jammle each year Isaac King director Ontario Crop The assessment roll must be return hnlproyemont Association have ed by Sept 30 according to the been invited to speak law Mr Simpson said that some The constitution of the association assessors were taking advantage of will be d1ealltwitli the laxity of Councils to neglect At 630 the vaiuiualbanquot will this requirement start in Newton Robinson United Mr Simpson said lie was disap Church The bodies are arranging pointed in the present courts of re fowl dinner and tickets may be vision In the pasti Six weeks he bought from any of the directors had attended several and found Stroud Hockey Club box social 1111dince Stroud Community Hall Eriday Dec Erizc to winner of boi bringing most money MulholI lands orchestra 48491 Christmas exhibition sponsored by Simeoe County Arts and Crafts Associalion Library Hall Saturday Dee from to 11 p111 Hand made articles for sale 49b Annual meeting of Oro Hockey League GuthricVArcna Thursday Dec IL 830 pm All wishing to enter teams for the season should be present or represented 49b Play Aunt Tilly Goes to Town by Crown Hill Dramatic Club in Craigliurst Community Hall aus pices Womens Institute Friday Dec5 Admission35c and 15c 49b Annual meeting South1Slmcoc Crop lmprovembnt Association wednesday Dec 10 pm in Or ange Hall Newton RobinSon Ban quet in United Church at 630 pm Everyone welcome 48491 Animal meeting Vespra Hortil cultural Society 111 Continuatioui School Minesing Wednesday Dec 10 p111 Dr Ives will show his beautiful colored slides of Calor ado The public invited 49b North Simcoe Crop Improvement At the regnlar meeting of the di rectors of the South Simeoe Crop Improvement Association held last Some months 111111 official 111v iiouncenient was made that nch leforcstation area was to be estuiw llishcd comprising 90000 acres 111 SlIIICdUCOuIiIX and Musiroka 1111 forest to be known as the Mambo dash Management Unit large part of the credit for seciuingtlu establishment of this fine addition to the forest area of thisv districtlwas given to two local members of the Legislature Geo Johnston of Centre Simcoe and Dr McPliee of East Siliicoc AREA ENLARGED As the plans developed the area of lands increased from 90000 to over 100000 acres 01 this 40000 acres will be in Sinicoe mostly in Matchv edash township and small area in North Orillia The balance conv sists largely of crown lands across the Severn River in the Muskokzi townships of Baxter and Wood KENNETH CLUIE who is acandidate for office on STEWART KC who is acandidate for office on Utilities Commission The banquetispoaker will be Mr some of the members were noth EC Drury of Barrie Prize win niers at the Winter Fair will the ITI troduced as well as the winners in 500 bushel Potato Club Barley corn ipetiiition mind 50 lbushcl Winter Wheat lClulb Cosh awards will Poe presented to winter wheat club wimiero ing more than horse traders He recommended that the county should set up court of revision that would serve all municipal ities In this way the assessments could be judged on the same basis Turn to page eight pleaSE ERIC SIMPSON the Public He has had considerable experience in public affairs having progrcsSed through municipal offices until he became Warden of Simcoe County in 1937 Mr Stewart is lawyer and has been active in several community organizations the Public Utilities Commission for Barricrae Jars been an active member of the Junior Chamber of Commerce since its formation and is serving for second term as director M121 Clute is the district representative for the Dominion Life Assurance Company Association announces the holding of therannual meeting at the Coni munity HousefBarrie Friday ev ening Dec 121 pm Special speaker from Crops Branch All interested in crop improvement work are welcome John Kidd Pres Morris Darby Secy 495019 GEORGE RITCHIE LANE Forester id charge0f the Severn River Forest Area comprising over 100000 acres water The official name of the forest is the Severn River Forest Area The location of headquarters seems likely to be in thevicinity of Gold The housing problem is said to be matter of considerable difficulty Turn to page ve please