BETTER pR555HOLDs and LONGER PERSPIRATIONSrAtNS IIII Is It IHIII lNIlI gtIILII Lt Pierre Meunier Relates Experiences In France and Burma Nihilist leuilccl Its the IIIESI IIIII ilIit IIIIILII 77 A4 It pan to lcad the itllt Monday lIIroIIgll Saturday CFOR Goes Calling 905 to 930 am RESIDENTS OF BARBIE LISTEN TUESDAYS HERES WHAT YOU GEI WITH OUR Sallitonc Service SPOTS GONEMORE DIRT REMOVED BRIGHTER COLORS N0 DRY CLEANING ODORS OIIIIICIIIIOOOIIOCIOOCQIIOOCOI You May Win Cash Prizes and Valuable Record Player CFOR 1450 On Your Dial GOING TO 1000 WATTS AND ODORS REMOVED THE WRIGHT CLEANERS PHONE 2631 BARBIE lasing uuuuunnulIunguunuuuuunu Inrpl SHEARD Dressmaking Designing CABINZ 2lSTROUDTEA Roomsl THERES lino CEILING 0N LAW SUIT SETTLEMENTS and ONLY comprehenswe Liabili ty Policy canrtake care of the payments ALcomsoNsv 41 DulIIop St INSURANCE AGENCY Dial 3735 Christmas Trees onmmlvow All Sizes VariousPrices IIiaI solo or 4490 Delivered to your Door When required Willll lrinlc Minister lISltlllllH wire up at six oclock Inst IIlIIIsdar Illolllilliz ov 20 hear the radio IIlozltlvast ot the Iltldlllt tIlIlllllilfx It ctIIIIIth llllt lIl winch the Archbishop ol anIIrhllly unIlcd an Illillllillt IlIIILc IInllp Duke of iIdinill ch and Irlnccss lillxabcth hIlr pl gsunlptlvc to the lhronc ot Ilclll Ilrltain and Ireland and the Ilolll IllltlllS lIII the hundreds ol school chll IdlcIi throughout IlicTIISllltFlt was holiday III the days prior to the wedding they had been decorating the classrooms with pictures ol thc Ioynldnnllly and had been lczlrll Inc the significance iol the occasion lroln lllcll IllClItl III the morning and III the after noon llcszIpcl were eagerly bIIughI as women and men too scanned the willpholos of Ihc cvcllt and read details of tllc spectacular occasion liaeh ol the ontstnndmg mony in distinctly different style At 043 am Barrio heard the chimes pcal the tower ollllnity Allelicall Church Iarillollcr was ll Wright who has been an organist out from years lie was playing an ocean hen Illnprcscn Queen Elizabeth was married to George VI some 24 years ago and he was learning to the Queen Mother hilzllzy was unit reporters described the royal ccre residents in the Thurch of England lor 5t Alzltlicllel livcd ill ire1 llrltllln recently one Illt llrstgpcrsolls to iltll ililll was two ycar old limit ickcds Iltllllt lrcIlc is It Illlllllll ol Mr and lr Robert Illtkltls who are holidaying Ill llrltaln Illilc serving with lllc Canadian Iorccs llllillgntllc war Roller Illct of Ir and Barrie Girl Greets Prime Minister King Kill ill his Scottish on the Queen United Irwedding Ceremony Followed With Interest gt IIIlnulcds o1 llalrlc and IlIstrIcI cd ln llillllllliit lulu twinge Ill Inc In the carillon pro zIIII IhIIl lIIolIlIIl1 ll Wrc played three or ilttlllill Itlllch ltII Illoleltas ovol 1h IIllllllItJlIIHEI IIIII Il King IIIISI Soul Ihc Ill ot IIIHIIIII IIIII II III Ilnpc II Clor IElc wizd llIIlilgtIl 2x llVlllll lllc IIInccss had tlitncll for her Ivtdthlli in iIlIzlsI tIIIIlI IICIIIIgt the tIIIIIt IIllldIncs tool advantage lLl1LliJillJll Iol aw cilll gettogether wlllch was al tcndcd by Ill Justice VIIIS who pzcsltinln ovc lllc Suprcno tourt Siltltllgt toast to PIIIIII IIllllp and Princess lilixabotll was proposed by His Ilonor Judge Ilarvlc lnlllc had one weddlnu on day of the loyalnuptials and It was Ilgttl1 Church of IInglllnd nIoIllv IFgtI Sarah Llllllli was illc IlI III Ilollltord was joined ill IllillllzlLtt to Lawson hllLIltcllcoII o1 Barrio Iilc Inznn topic of conversation throughout the lily was the wet in ol the princess to the duke and majority of those who ll not followed the llCLLLllll broadcastln the curly Inornl hca rd one of the lcbloadcasts lat lll illc day wedding is always an occaslo for joyous celebration and the Col nlony last Thursday surpasst In splendor any event blcll IlllIltCLl to celebrate PEIiSh Housemaids Soon Be Available In This District Arthur MacNaIllalra Federal dep uty Inlnister of labor states that he wishes to deny rumor that dis placed persons might change their employment merely by rclunalnc costs of transportation to this country Polish veterans are now permit ed to purchase their own farms or to rent farms which they intend lo operate themselves Hon Hum phrey Mitchell Minister oinlsabol stated that this meets with the gen elal plan lol which the veterans were brought to Canada to increase the food production ill the Dominion However almost twothirds of the veterans have de emlployersMany of the veterans are now renewing their contracts with their employers having served the Itirst year of their twoyear contract Cooper manager of the local employment office attended hCOIlIClOIlCC in Toronto reeently and states that excellent reports on the character and ability of the displaced persons about to arrive in Canada Iwore presented These women are only tOo glad to be given the opportunity of workipg in CallilCIl said Mr Cooper and are willing to give good service To engage one aiatlhese women as domestic servant it is neces sary to contact Mr Cooper at the Barrie branch cided to remain with their original ol the National Employment Service He will take the application and supply desired intolunutmll 1n the majority of excellent service Polish BRUCE rRsTEEs OPPOSE Hs AREA Kincardillc Nov 12177er decisionl has been reached on the formation of an enlarged high school area hori Iollomng meeting of 100 school truslees from the district Dr lchonald representing the ipley School Board presenIsd resolution voicing opposition to the proposal while John Melind yen TIVDIIOII charged theDepllljt nleilt of Education with trying to force smaller schools to close by imposition of per pupil cost ceiI ing People ill smaller conimunl ties are trying to keep their schools open Can the Department of Edn ation say the saline he asked Flank Asbury high schoolin IptCiOl and department loplcscll alive on the Bruce County con sultative COlllnIltttC and frames inspector of publiesehools for Bruce declared the departlncnt was not trying to force any com mllnity into an enlarged area and that the initiative for such must come from interestedmunicipali ties While Kincaldinc desired an area and wished to be part of one Wil liam Mitchell of the local board said the friendship and support of other district communities is more important STOCK PRICES EASIER Blocks of preferred stocks are now appearing for sale whereas it was dilliioult to get offerings be lore reports the investment editor oi Tile Financial Post cases those immigrants have given ovclsells lo IlcltlllI itltlllt1llll CAN year bItorc Ilc annl IiiIIcI Ivlll Illw war III the pres III play the orng 54 years ago tvllenlgcllelullon of British subjects have CalltltuliclsmCllas Jalnicson handy GI RCULATt an ll llzllllc tor wd illc Atlantic ollday the Illllllll lill II llclil ls IIIIIIII IIIIK Ill IEI ll lll III llddanulltcr gt7 II iIIlIvI1I t1 Home School Club Presents Radio To King George School llil lI lull IlI lzovnlcd leslallin In HI mi It lIIIIiII liltiill III HKiwlilt Ill IltI it fl III In luz III Il III IIIc IlloIhII IIIIIIIW III Ill 13o lII will ll Ioclmlpd tl lIIi II Io IllCKi l1IIlt2Il mom lllII IIIIII gt Itlllltlll Jll IIIIisldIr ii cc lhc qulzIltlc holltlnll IIIlI ulll wa puc has llltII II lll Ivczlvallon on till II 14 loun hall Iloln IIII III1I IIII FIUHIEAIIK Iilllll llcltlll plant there will First Quarter Century Member Here IIIt VIIC II II mariner III the To III lllc Quarter CenI Ill lull Illlc IS assistant torcmanl of the lllnshm tfcpnltlllcllt of tllel lelrrlc IIILIlllJIl 1hr Canadian GenI lclal IIlcctllc si AAI ch III the grinding room lol Ilnr anadlall lidison Ilplizulces ISIIIItordiIl ltlil and was with itha coInpiIn Ililill thc ill tookl oIcl ltl 1130 and trallslclrui manuf Ilactullnc and personnel to their 72I1d Street plant Ill Toronto Ills long and loyal selvicc continued all Ilhut plant ulIIlI key pclsonllcl Ewcrc llilllrltll1ll to aIric to open llhc new zlpllllzilltjc plant here in llH waiIiMiihq Discusses Value School Area Plan in ltltl to discuss the values oil the school zllcn TI members of IFIos Area llch at the VVavclley School iorihc first time on Nov 13 txllltlllg those present were mom lbels of the school board teachers learctakcls bus drivers llzllltlymcll and their respective wives and busf bands The gathering divided into disv cussioll groups with chairmen as follows teachers Mists Helen Mid dleton bus drivers Speers Inch Hiscy Each group oral gathering John ITZIIIIDICDICII general 2iislt Icnssionvaon the merits and defects of the area All present were greatly in favor ofthe area Vicepresident of the Simcoe WJWWWWW SALVAGE Collection All area east of and including Mulcaster St Magazines books papers cloth rags and fats still urgently needed IMJM MNJQPMJWMJldid LACK or HOUSING cosrs MIDLAND TAXPAYERS $1798 ee ol $15 per day ior the pas ilve ilivollllls lnallllaln the chlldrcn wt Iuo IaJIIlIlcs who have been llllalllo Ixlcts to provide shelter and food brought barlea report tothe genl Ilrtlllld ILILI Ilcss IltllIlzl Ixpler of land have heel pll of all Illo ion Ii on uwr to land IIINIFIIIQ acconltnl danon From June to September $137035 has been paid out of the taxpayers tor llcse lti children Iprclldilurcsl duringr October and Novelllbcr hovel been at the mic ulIIleillliliLlt tItltlpcr month According to AM Im McKeown Lone of this close to $3730 is rc coveraole from the 1lllltllll or lederlll authorities and none of It has been budgeted for It repre gtCIIIS an expenditure at rate or well over one Inlll on the tomlsl tax rate Only payment on account receiv cd from the parents of the twol lanlllies is one sum of $24paid in June The children who have been placed in foster homes by the local branch of the Childrens Aid Society are chargeable against the It vn at the rate of $1 per day per child Corvette Barrie Goes to Argentina The former c0rvetteBarrie re built at the plant of the Canadianl Shipbuilding and Engineering Com pally Kingston Ont has left for Argentina Renamed the Gasestado the ship is manned by 29man crew and will be sailed to BuenOSI Aires where it will be turned overl to Gas Company of Argentina The corvette built at the Col lingwood Shipyards served with the Royal Canadian Navy during the Second Great War The ship now has capacity of 300 gross tons and has aspeed of 16 knots County Ratepayers and Trustees Association John Kidd gave brief report on the annual meeting held at Stroud and invited all to attend the 1918 annual meeting John Devine and Hooten led an enjoyable recreational per iod during which games and cou tcsts wereheld lunch wasthen Iserved under the direction of Mrs Caston and Mrs Latanville Why not have your Barrie MidI Before theChristmas Rush Interior Decorating Done To brighten your home for the Heliday Season FOR FREE ESTIMATES EXTERIOR and INTERIOR DECORATING Colour Combinations suggested OVENCOATS MODELS FOR YUING HEN IIL IroIII Sixth BUYS SIZICS ti to II cu Priced It still to lllllo SIIIISN HATS $830 to $1000 others 8331 8330 SIIII him TIIICNH Illd IEUYS KINIIIII vlflt WILF TODD ll IHIIS lilt 33 Dunlop ht Harrie We are MOVING Our Uptown OFFICE olnlncncing Monday Illaember Isl IllIi our uptown office will be closed and all future business will be trans acted at the yard ollice foot of Toronto Street Phone 4091 SCOTT COMPANY COALCOKEWQOD DECEMBEltlylh IS THE LAST MAILING DATE FOR DCAI DELIVERY OF MAIL argon CHRISTMAS DAY sure to allow EXTRA TIME for arealtown delivery at no DELIVERY CHRISTMAS on your letter carrier will enio Iris Christmas at llama CANADA POSl omc Issued by authority oi Hemline Bertrand KCMP Postmaster Geharal and Winter Months Dial 3010 Better Painters LLIK Gilhooly Prop