tUt 101 THE BARREE EXAMINER 81111111 ONTARIO CANADA ll 71 GIRLS 11111191111111 11115 IF YOURE 0n CERTAIN DAYS of The Month Dofrnil2111 d111111111111 r11141111111j 1111111111 111 1111 1111511111161 131111 11111 1111 3111 Plan Program tor Peace 1l VWorden Harvey Opens County Council St Andrews WMS And Home Helpers Hold Joint Meeting 111171151111 3311 We houd Childrens Coats Samples and Broken Size Lots from Regular Stock Sizes to 10 years 121014 and 14X 31011115111113 and 750 me 441 81 Va ARSWERilll GAY BATH PREPARATIONS from ELIZABETH ARDEN 01919112 Both Oils Bath Salts line Soaps Velvo Both Mitiseoch lrogrnnt reminder of your good wishes for mcutths to come All these both luxuries ore exquisihaly pergzmkeodged Carnation 150 and 325 571ml 22 1000 Lilac 300 475 luxury Bath SollsConCentrotedBlue Gross 550 Velvo Both Mus100 in box 275 June Geranium 125 and 350 Blue Grass 150 and 425 June Geranium Both Soap75 in box 215 Blue Grass Hand Soupf 100 in box 250 cusnsuls PHARMACY Wellington Hotel Block and delightfully mBolh OilAmbre Pine or 11111 0517111111111 Blue Grass 450 orhzl Both SaltsJune Geranium VEGETABLE COMPOUND GOOD STYLES MATERALS COLORS SIMMONS co lt1 THE COAT STORE l1 1l 111111 llktllllll 1111 11111i11 say 11111ty Dunlop St Sign CT The Bear 111 11 11 1tl1kl11l Artists to Thu ll an llu grandmother Knows What Brings Quick Relief iillrrr lttl 111 11111111101111 11111111 1111111111 111 1o1l1 Ilr 1119 5111111 111 I111111l 1an 1111111 11ir11 111 111 1Iv1111111111111111l 1111111 111111t111111111111 111 11115 11111111111115 1d 11 101111 11111 111 1x 1131 11 111111111011 11 Turn il 111 tt 111 111 11 11 ill UM ml 111111 gt roltls 111111111111 21111 gt11111121r11111111111 111 MM 1111111111 gt1111 11 11111 lrgt it Im mull HM db WM Hm 111111 11111 11 Srhhrs 1111 11 gtgt 11 llllll 1511111111 11111111 111 11 1111111l III llN llainil 111 Mr 111111 1311111 111111151111 1d 1111f1 111111 111 Toronto 1111111mlll 11 01 n1 l1r111111 $1111 111 ltrr Simon 11 ltl 111114 511 1y HY FAR IARTEST Tle Dr 111 111111111 1111511 11 taunt or 11lllll1 W1 117111511 1111 lll DONII 0f Lmseed and Turpenlm 35 111111115110 times as 11111111 71 case of 1111111111111 11111111 111111111 11 llll 1Iilt if his 1111 1111 1111M 11111111111111 111111 colds gt11 in 111 11111 1155 was l11 1111 his pen 11111111 111111111111 11 11111 13 1111 counter 11 11111 111111 111 111 15 1112112 1111111 1111 1hi0liMl ill in littl wlllh Sll inn With her 1115111111 was 11111111j 11111 111111 $1111 11111111143111 purch mm H10m1h km NW 3111 111115 11111l Sriglty 11111111 11131111a 21111 11111 13 lttltration of Agriculture 1111 111111 c1c1111111 111111 1111 11 mud mg 111 the llolly schrol 121111 11 gt1 111 1111110 11l 1111111 11 Md Vl 11m 111111111rs ltMll 111 Nov 111 11110 11131161111 at 1111 012111110 Hall Almr 1111 Farm lorum discussion Uttlvll 111 11111101 Minn llcltn BOW Pl Jp hold 5111111 ll 11c man and Henry Coburn prior in 1111111111011311 23 la111r11ri111$11n tllCll 11111111111 which 111111 place entertained 1113 group with ins the myowi 5311111111 The young mmrc camera Scenes of Niagara lt lrtlls Kingston New York and the 1111111119 were 1111 1111111111 1311 111111 to 1111c strains 111 llcre Comes thc ATTENTION lilride rendered by Emilys 11ch cstra 111111 which 111 11111 was read by Miss 011411 Galbraith See ThisiAmazing New Ifweritibn FILTER QUEEN This address was signed by Agnes lortcr Annic Speck 0111 Gal brailh Bernice P1314117 Mr and Mrs Bagless vacuum cleaner No duty bag like it With six improved Murray Ilt111dry ltoss Gould Bruce Uonld After the presentation Cleaning Attachments Made in Canada lunch was served and the re 71 111ai11derrofrchc tt11111g1its5126111 Two year guarantee Easy terms if desired in dancmg One year to pay Immediate delivery Costs no more than old style bag machines Lighter to carry Easier to use Free home demonstration Given any time any where Country town or village THREE SPECIALS Filter Queen Rug and Furniture Cleaner Filter Queen Plasticized liquid floor wax outwearsa11 other wax Filter Queen Demothing gas crystals Sold onlyby your LOCAL DEALER Sales service accessories District Distributor 11111711711 TATTERSON VA ENDER cakes little cakes and cookies light even textured mufns and butter puddings thats the story when you use Calumet Baking Powder And cortitlcntly line results with Calumet will make you join the thousands of Canadian women who once trying Calumet will use no other baking powder ACztlutnenotcnrbakingfronrsrarttoti 111511 Irrthtrmixing bowl myriads of little bubbles form when liquid Is added In the oven thousands more tiny evensized bubbles are released to continue raising the mixture holding it high light and even Follbw directions on the tin for any recipe Mr 11nd Mrs Freeman Cole of Midland celebrated their lth wetl ding anniversary at their home this week Mr Cole 81 was born at Lyndon the son of the late Mr and Mrs RennierCole Mrs Cole 83 was born in Innisl daughterof the late Mr and Mrs Joseph Tur ner They were married in Bar rie and resided 111Hillsdale for few years before coming to Mid land where Mr Cole was engaged in the lumbering business up until his retirement They are both en joying good health and are keenly interested in world events Re cently Mrs Cole was presented with pin for faithful service in the Red Cross During the war years Mrs Cole mnde neatlyr300 quilt tops besides doing consider able knitting They havegive sons Harvey Barrie Cecil thnsing Fred and Roy Toronto and Ho 21rd at home and two daughters Mrs Frank Taylor Midlandn Mrs Thomas Shannon Toronto GIRTJGUIDE eunuch PARADE 1116111111111 maul11 CALUMET footstranwNr BAKING Powvuz On sundyjmorning Nov 23 the crew of SRS Princess Royal organ ized church parade for the Guides and BroWnies of Central Division Toronto to the Church of St George the Martyr This parade 378 Water Street was to mark the wedding oil111111 PETERBOROUGH ONT Princess Elizabeth the heat of Rangers for the Empire Followhtg PHONE 049 the service March Pastwas heldu led by the band of SRS Princess Royal Mrs Wishart Area Commissioner took the salute Many residents of Barrie will re member this crewas the girls cut tercrevv which raced at Barrie last August at the time of the local re the Junior Secv when you want it Nowwith the New Fleischmanns Royal It keeps in the cupboard41s quickactingits always there Fast Rising Dry Yeast you can bake more delicious breads and rolls in extrafast time No dashing to the store at the last minuteyou can keep months supply standing by use it as you need it It will be as potent the day you use it as the day you bought 11 113 YOU BAKE AT HOME get Fleischmanns Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast today At yourgrocers or 11 49 11 rtrion otthe Chamber of Commerca 111 the lamina 111111111131 Nook get other valuable 1111111111111 11mm Va rchchinr 111ch 915151 too Flrke 101 lo 111 111 1gt 11ka 1110 11111 WWW BO nd for 11111 maltya InW1 titanic Llnldmn in hes Posts Bran tr ys gt one come 11151111055 crownups am 80 191135 11 1th all to thewstory hour at the Barrie hum to Supply 10l IPubhc Library next Saturday r0311110011 value Wham 001 1308111 La 01 lllllb POtls 1311111 I11 0115 to It mung Minimum lrcysausc they altos also provide up food Was vv 1119 With Ulllor With who 211 Wheat V1 11 in fill ally 10111110115 111111 ellttlivc IV ll lender 11 accordimr 111 mutlms made the rehipe printed on err 011111 and Largo Packarrus BR 1011101611od morning at 1015 This week we are to have special request pro gram of your favorite fairy tales the ones which you have asked to hear again Seven fairy tales were requested and of these four were chosen by lot The Mouse and the Sausage The Frog Prince The Fox the Bearand the Butter Jar and Hereafterthis will make up the program So come along boys and girls and bring your friends 121 Only those boys and girls who come will be able to borrow booksat the end of the story hour Dont leave your printing order till the last minute and expect immediate delivery your llblcm moving IL nourishment