27 ular adventure story of the Minister of Finance to France $1200 tEC by Samuel Shellabargcr tale of love intrigue aiid Iii by Richard Sherman $275 pornct gm $300 DICICP DOOIHVAYH ll Tuymm $500 it la Try Our Fresh Meat Dep tor Beet Roasts and Steaks Round Steak or Roast lb itc Sirloin or in Road lb Illi lORli ROAHIS Loin Trimmed lb lfc Butt lIiInmcd lb ilc Shoulderrhocklcss lb 111 lc1n Hamburg lb 331 lb 351 Homemade Sausacc thickens to lbs lb 1191 Roasts and hops of Veal and Lamb ORDIIR YOIR IIIIIiIIYS lIItIiIINS ililiSlI II NOW for IIRISINIAS BARBIE PROSTED FOODS FOR DELIVERY AND INFORMATION DIAL 3750 BARBIE Store Office and Plant Located at 29 Collier St Books to come Fri Harrie in ye coinplimeiit you can pay your Production of good books has se ready for your lIIII IOIIIYI1 by IIionias ostain lop King harles II of TlIE PRINCE OII EOXES adventure in Venice $300 rrrrswallli llOAleIHTIIIiby lt Roderick Kennedy Eiu incut anadians st Kmncm Wong Woddcuts by Lucille illc Wells novel challenging double love story 1mm 313le llllmV llieaiizidiaii Em and with sum lighthearted story of the experilt TH ences of writer and his artist wile HRONWLE by Gerald in achicveiug their dream home in Hrllet $350 THE RIGHT PROMISE lug woodcuts and photograph5 Dorothy Dumbrillc $300 HOPE 01 EARTH by FATHER ON III IIARM if 19 By Kenneth Cragg llll Hints TIME by 579 Taylor Caldwell $350 homely Sbumorous inf VIISIIZRS IN VIENNA by ohan Ontario farm Bruce Marshall $300 page OIOIY IO NATION by Lower 5500 STUDY OF HISTORY by CANADIAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS by MCD Clokic $350 of world figures by Harsh $600 IICTORIAL HISTORY 0E1 CANADIAN ARMY QVER SEAS $350 LEACOCK ROUNDABOUT SDOYt5r4 $325 IIUNTERS HOLIDAYS by Jack Ilamblcton author of $300 THE WATERFOWL HUNTING by Ben Robinson $300 $329 OConnor $150 Travel Adventure rl FEAMZNER Illinois INTERMEDIATE SHAPING nut 11 AN Economical Quiet Operation HEATS Your Home ailment and Writer for JV may owes5 General Air Co Appliance Cbmpan 24 Owen St Domestic Use nditioning and Ltd Phone 2976 womomomomomomo BARBIE 10 Dan Rea1 la linger Ai Edwards Specially Shop Midland for your Christmas Gift Shopping SHOP will he found suit able gifts for everyone lrom Inoqniiic cnl silver to the smallest remembrance bul ill Individual Shop in the store is dressed lovely things Lingerie Gloves Hand Bogs Costume Clothes iviiltxll 1IIIrl tilttiiJ 1111 All 1b p11 in the GI lililllilli llll llIliTll 1Ili lIi thi Ne lil lIo llllt 1in llnlnlit Inn of Illtltll Ian Hill laud Fill lll1tIHl cuiuiili Ithl unit 1tl1 luivlil 1H l1lcgt lfd Jinn iii 111121 11 and id fiil llI Ull ANNOINIIXU IIII ARRIVII Ol ELEVEN BREI SHEEIIERD PUP seven nIales and tour Itlllilltwi On Nov 18 FUCKER Dlilwlitli llzihilllON SLHAN llil anadian Champion Slew of 12111111on livery up and oil Housecocds iowollorv Kiddios Togs Sports Dresses iior all occasions Mens Furnis lugs and Accessories Linens and House lurnishinqs pmd Ina non llllil 2i Itlilllid IiiI llaliill itipcncr III chIlIr tlilltlvi lnnini tlIIIlivil lIIIIt Ilull llu fttliJi liitc runr Hrs 111351 In llaIIy ll tiliilliltil illaiiy lci Iililtllitll lltlll llIll rilIIleIicd llI lill Juan1 ln tcaizi epcct lluiold lllill Srott in don llIgtlilI1l the nest inaciIcc and till ll ceilainiy bot IcI the Hana coiinp punch liui 41 Al lioucn Is cIuIchIicd lic Intoincd 11 Icain last cII HAM VF DAM 11 DAM the highest erytliing lllpiultiHQ the biggest release IItiltllllt are riends espcciall tliose Will have ev auada this yearPublish aIid ROSSILLVDS SIRE 511311019 Allll American Champion Stall lon il1al Minimum Price $100 Registration included and Mrs Stanley King Barrie Ont llSl ARRIVED were still busy 111s iitls iood tttillI have that they ate tllj1l cutlin ilicii iown tlIIoiI In Illm IIII him in play ltoi unotlil lliirlnlrrllillo club Sonic 1111131 Cuvnp lioiden puck new record in WW with Rest Sellers lectioii olftlic HOOKS YOI WILL WANT 37 IIS nave been lcrowding the presses has packed its shelves With Wide se Early hristmas Shopping air IHIII Iiziit and It rt liusriw rawstill in bilinziiu mail1111 to the club then Icloiy Iuuu Isan lllllltlssllill lash Hlllc the campaiin is under cwnctid lint lcnctang tul and IIllin UIIIIHIM lliI litltilli although nulli tiiii lllllllllt can be stated as tll lt tlieic happen to be any 1111 Interested and wlilrl likc lllli brrntrHamir7rvIIIiIIixtgt MHIIIITH llijtlli It IIIII lIN ILITE by ip bIicllc Roi liiIlCILI scene could bare happened uliercier there ambition stead last hope $300 XVIII CAVALIER by If lrauus ParkinsonReyes Iltitilll lite in France between two wars and durinr the Oc cupation SILSIJ WORLD STORIES from love story 0W trczil but tries not Ippcai and bi til 1mm from lililVllilllllSl llllPtHl litililt all womans 2s ITS HERE HIEAI in stories Modern or IIVIs by Margaret Barnes $149 TRANSFER Kathryn Ioibts $3235 FRIENDS AND LOVERS by Helen SALlemurs $275 II EOIIHiII READER $15M MR ON LOONG by Ilob crt Standish $2100 HAS SIZICAN THE WIND by Mitchell $275 oclock GORD nRowusETs NEW RECORD 408 scorn BOWLING lorcmost litels SIDS LADY IOINI Meduntc lounshiii MM WW Au almost perfect score was recorded at the Barrie bowling Monday Drown bowling lor HIE tcll ot completing the bowlers dream 1150 Ilow ever he did IIIIIIFFIID with gidiid total of 4th to set new town bowling Before coming to Bar Gord used to alleys when lord one ball short Globe and Mail Ottawa Writer account or life WHO record in league rie with GE roll for the DA in Toronto but could coveted honor of being selected to roll for the city champion ship Ilis highest score was re corded in scored the remarkable total of 410 chuckles on cver cartoons illustrations $250 Blue Grey Brown Stripe Also Blue and Grey erge NonFiction GEOGRAPHY FOR GROWN by II alaliaih $450 by William NOnFiction Flowers Trees Gardens Encyclopedia vars $349 lil Flowers ated Ilustr never reach Am6ricn Wild FIOI American HZN tscagle $500 SIIIIS by Hendrik van Loon $219 IIIMAN Garden $150 Garden Encyclopedia $450 Garden Planning and Building iv 3325 or DESHNY photos Modern Famin Garden Book $198 American Trees $150 Flower Arrangement $250 Biography UNFORGETTABLE UNFOR Anna Buelian Toronto when he DESTINY by Le comte du Nouy $400 RAND MeNALLYS IVORLD ATLAS $400 DANGEROUS THO Lancelot Iloglcii5300 AGAINST Barrows Dimham $300 ORIGINAL llcasi send CASH with Class erIl Adletg for the Examiner All Barrie Examiner subscripl Liens are payable in advance Make Your Selection of Christmas Gifts from Our Large vASSOrtment Leather Windbreakers th Hoods UGHTS ID MAN MYTH BEAUTY SUCCESS COURSE by Joe Honomo 3250 IEE GOLD by Arnold Hoff man An adventureyarn and text book of Canadian mining information $500 WOOD GOTTEN LINDEN ON IIIE SAUGUS BRANCH by Elliot Paul $450 Fishermans Paradise tells of IN SEARCH OF MYSELF by the hunting grounds of Ont Frederick Philip Grove $400 illiO II cant miss fire with SONG OF THE sports enthusiasts $300 THORN TREE POND LAKE AND STREAM Barkc $300 FISHING by Ben CRoblnson THE WIND THAT SHARES HARLEY by WOODLAND FIELD AND Burke $300 Rcligious DOG QWNERS MANUALIY Complete assortment of Bibles Josephine Rlne $349 Testaments FISHING TACKLE DIGEST Cnnmdmes Hymr BooksHymnarles Man SPORTING GUNS by Iack Ital orrraygrs Rosaries and Inspirational Reading Birds ROCKETING ROUND THE FLAsIIiNo WINGSby mam WORLD by Miltori Reynolds Saunders if $325 prougn max19 450 GREAT ADVENTURES AND 3mm BREW 121w CREEK XPWRMOM by Vlhl bvaalcolm MacDonald $350 Stefansson s4 00 mu ILLUSTRATE ENCYCLOPE IIAVE LOVED ENGLAND DIA or AMERICAN BIRDS rims Formerly of Elmvale now located in rear of Can adian Tire Corp Mary St entrance General repairs to all makes Tirevchange etc FOR Poetry BEHIND THE LOG by Pratt Canadian Navys defeat of UBonts otf Greenland $2500 POEMS by Robert Finch $150 BOOK OF of Bushcoats Parkas Reversibles some wi theirs lVloutOnTrimrned VERYgSPEClAL5 bristmas Sale ys Parkas sizes 28 to 364withllannel andIIceccd Linings eorg 160 Dunlap St James OXFORD ENG LISH VERSE $400 COLLECTER VERSE OF EDGAR GUEST $375 DRUMMONDS POEMS $250 POETICAL WORK ROBERT BURNS $125 THE COMPLETE SHAKE SPEARE $250 and $300 LEAVES FGRASS by wait VIIIIIHRII$I45 and $295 SALE NOW 1940 Dodge 110 Motor Harry Crawshtiw COMPLETE or Encyclopedias Prayer Our ProC illllIIlIllIIIIIlIV lIIl Il POULTRY Musio NEW GUIDE Tonnconnnn Irving Kolodin Bird Watching MUSIC $450 THE BOOK OF MUSICAL KNOWLEDGE by Arthur LI MUSIC by illustrated We Pric gt es for Poultry gall kinds IIIIIIXGOID bone Stayner 87 31 write Stayner Box 77 and we will have pick up truck right at your door son $395 AT HOME WITII Sigmund Spucth $425 MUSIC LOVERS ENCYCLO PEDIA by Rupert Hughes and Decms Taylor $7349 CROSSLAN DS Opposite PO Square =1 by Alice Duer Miller $350 $349 MRS MIKE by and FIELD GUIDE TO THE Freedman $300 by Patterson $350 Fin Barrie Ontario BAIl RIEjl reet