Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Nov 1947, p. 8

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110 EIGHT momowouomw NEWS OF ELMVALE 111111 111111111 111111 1111xlt1111111i 111 11111 111111 11 PepsiColo hits the spot anytime Theres twice 15 much in the big lQovnce bottle Cclaii 11 reairtered tade 1011 1r Canada 11r FrmWCelo Company Canada limited hpli LEAVE BARBIE Standard Time TO Toronto To North Bay 855 am 700 pm 1040 am 750 pm 105 pm 940 p111 125 pm y1005 pm 330 pm 425 am 11 410 pm 145 am to Gravenhrrrst to 01111111 only St Sun H01 TOvaen Sound To Penetang 1040 am $11040 21m 11 750 pm 410 pmj 125 pm 131010 pm 111010 pint 410 pm except Sun H01 Sun H01 except Sat Sun lt8 except Sat H01 Sat Sun H01 Bus CONNECTIONS AT TORONTO ForMOn1Vreol Ottawaand Detroit GFARES ARELOW NN iRoundTripTaxlnoluded HALIFAX15780 WINNIPEG $4820 QUEBEC 2775 BEGINAV 5945 erOHNV 4485 CALGARY 7950 TICKETS ANuiNrograAuON Ar Barrie BusTermingl Phone 3162 73 Collier Street GRAY COACH LINES Elznvnlc 11111 to 1112111 1111 111 111513 i1 1110 for my gtl 531111 find it She 111111lt 31 2111111111 11 111 hc 11H lovinu 1111111111 1111 gt111 if Vllirln two 11112111015 Mrs Archer IClndyst 111111 11 Vtoushlin 1C311110 111 171115 grandsons Rzlipll 111111 111141 11110 sister 111s 11 12111111110 111111 tltrcc 111111 01s James 111 Elinvuic ill11 111111 11 51111 John 111 11 1101 1111 away in 1024 11111111111 died in 19718 Relatives 111111 friev from 11 distance were 1111 11111 Grunt Slltlli B11111 Mr 111111 W111 Croinpton Ottawa 01 C1111p111n lnnisvillc 31 Richardson 311 211111 Mrs Bill Wil son 111 111111 Mrs Walter 1311111111 and Mrs 1311111 of 31111111111 111 11nd Mrs ORcilly 11nd Miss irlzidlyn Coughlin Toronto 111111 Mrs Howard Dreper Burriezirlso friends from Cruighurst Hillsdzrlc Phelpston Anten Mills lyev1lc 11nd Waverley Legion Banquet Armistice Day Elmvole Brunch of the C111111111n Legion held remembrance 111111 quet in the Parish H1111 Tuesday Nov 11 with 106 present consist ing of veterans of World VWuls and II fine p10g111111A113 enjoy1 ed delicious dinner was servech by the ladies of Wycliffe Church 11 few games of euchre were enjoyed 01111 Crowes orchestra provided music for dancing Toasts were proposed as follows C111 ado 1by Comrade Harring ton The Veterans by Rev Stubbs The ladies by Jones The speaker ofVVthe evening was Dr Markfim Old member of this branch who is now minister of St Andrews Church Hanover He was introduced by Sam Kimberley who reminisced little cn the speakers mterest in and servrces for the young people Dr Mark spoke of The Dead that Live the men who proved themselves worthy of memorialization He referred to achievements of lesser creatures than man thich in themselves make an interesting story in thei annals of wVar But manVs achiev ments 11311113121113 consciOus put poseful transcend the achievements of the lower creatures fNever doubting clduds will break Aware of the risk and perils yet he goes on Thespeaker cited examples of valour from the London 131112 of two noncombtrtunts 1111 old lady and young school boy Our 132111 rades in action were in the steady grind he saidWar was their business It was their duty 10 live dangerously for King and Country and 10 die it need tieMany of them did just that and in conse quence we memorialize not the form of these men but their spirit 11 is not with poppy wreath 01 cenotzph merely that we memorialize them These things in themselves may bear cover up or 11 pretense Indeed that is just what they are if the ideals and principles Jdor which they fought and died do 1100 find expression in higher 11111119 mg 1and better living We are chol longed to on emorialize these 1men spiritually or with on lmlnlslItkbl CAXAD 1111111 11111 1111111 gt1 0m Pal of NEW daminc Ragaa flan ARMY 6051155 VV FREEWhenyouhiiy1hi$isiiecildeal1111111 VV 0110099195an11911102 11119111151121 PosBR FLAKES BOY15 AND GlRLS See These Wonderful Goggles at Your Grocers Made from shatterproof plasticdustprodf windproof rainproof Wide visibility The same as those pornOverseas by the Army as eyeprotectors Just the thing to protect your eyeswhilc hikeriding motorceycling and for many other outdoOr sports Adjustable headband 1tsVany size Goggles lit at in pocket when not in usu Get Yourself Pair While Theylost Theyre yoursat no extra cost with each purchase of the special packoi Regular Size Packages ofPOSTS Bran Flakes and pair of Goggles If you havent tried POSTS Bum Flakes before youll be amazed at their delightful flayOrso mollysweet nutlike Iihrelzt So good 101111113011 111201111110 bran is natural hull food and POSTS Bran Flakes 11150 contain other pans of wheat to Ahring you added wheat nourishmeni Product Y0ull enjoy POSTS Bran Flakes every morning So tolling advantage of this extraordinary offer and of General Food get pair of these valuable Army Goggles for every member of the family Rememberthis offer is for limited lime only A511 your grocer tomorrow for POSTS Bron Flolm 11 FOR MOTOR CYCLISIS Perfect eyeprotection for VV FORSKIERSI Fine for the skitrails shatterproof weather proof FOR SKATE Comfortableenay on the FOR BOYS GIRLS Just right for hiking lukmg and many other against sleet wmd and cycliataVwide nndialorl eyesFine for all outdoor sports Inpw ed visitm Iporll VV VV llI FOR FARMERS Excellent protection STROUD LROWN HILL Wm 11 es HELVINATOR SALES 11111101111111 tHlNllilifflAll IFlll ouunircinl 11111 11111111111111 VVV P11111111 111137 113 Owen St V1 ViV 1V VVV vil Hi VVV VV VV VV VV 11111111111111111111 111121 550 Po E1 ht Bills of Damages Sheep CBAIGhUBST IV 40 Expense WWWJ VI IV VVV VVV =1 1V 111 lt 1V EV 5V 11 V1V11VlV V11 111 AVEHV 11 VV 1111 11 1V Vh 1H 1111 111111 V1 91 11 V1V 1111115 11111 11 V1 1V1 11 11111 in VVVV VV or 11 11 11 11 11 21 111 4111 11111 1111 11 11 91 141 Mj 111 1111 1111111211 1110111 111V 11111 CENTRAL 0110 11 n1 =111111 11 11111111 VV 11 11 11 =111111 11 ivy VV IV gt 11 1111121 111111 1s rcre iew eisc 1mimns 111111111 11111 llisinn 11 111111 11112 11gtlt1s11 1111 W115 VVV VV VV VVHVVV VV VVVVVVVVV VV VVV VVVVVVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Dry beast the modern granule torrn 111111 11 ztlwnvs 1V 11 111 ill pVVI IM m1 1111111111 ther lunva le NU IKUI Ile Mi Aim ll VI iVIV VVV 111111118 1cchoxNcw llctsclunnnns 11111111 12m 11 11111111 11115 117 11 11 11 Risinger thst strvs trcsli in 1111 1111113111111 for 1111311 IVVVV11lVl11 X11111 111V VV V1 weeksready 11 211w t1mc tor spccdv 111111111 11151 1111 gt1 11 11 dissolve accordm t1 11111111111 on the 11111111 YOU BAR L1 17 VV VVV3VV 11 Al 101 llV11u 11 111 11111112211 11 1111 1111 1111111 111 its 1151 rising 1111111111111111111111 11 the 1111111 111116 111101 ner texture it VVVVVVVV VV iVV Vents 111 1111115 11 cr VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVV SVVVV VVVV VVVV VVV month supply AC Humhmnnnvs Rm 11 1V VVV guy no 11 VVVV1VVVV jVVlVlVVf11VV 1511 LVfoVlVV1Hlltll1Vrtl 211111 11111 11 Fa Rlsmg Dry YLJSI mdli Al OUIV 31010151 11V 11 AV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVV Attliv 1le VVIVH IV V1 on gt311 1Vfo 11 1111111115 9111 1111 11113 Srthos 11 11 VV VV1 1V V1V VV 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