Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Nov 1947, p. 7

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7th ICCII II EI KIAIxIIADflI II III EIAIII Inf SCCzIIIII Ipcgct Orilhcx Soldiers Memorial Hos llCIl Building Campaign Becton Holstein Heifer Hos itol Committee Meet Lulu 130nm LLLL LL 2o II AA II Buttcrlat Production Arrange Essa Campaign iLL LL ii LI ii II III II II L1 Ll LL llL LlLL li LL II IL iiLLL above kLtLli shows how the Drillia Solute tLinLLrtLLL LL or 31 L1 LLrL LLLLLLLL LL LL LL in Li il iii1liliil lil appear Ltitl thi atrae new liiL IEtZ lLL llxlLLL II II It ililLLltlllLliuil II IL LLin liitl tliL titLItx are LLLL Lac LL LLmLLg LL Li LLLtLLiiLLi I1 IL LL igiLL 1114 iLLr their iLLLpitii Liitn Iit in rLL over II LtiLLLLLLLL ltLLLithi Li 21L LL LI IIIII LLLLLLLiLLi iL LLLim tune the liiLl ttllttlt niiillljlill liiL LLL jI ttl int Lit tlI lLLLLLLLHLIL lL II III II LLLLLiLL LL LLL tapi and LIII III III II Overcrow in At RVHJPL FARMFLRSL VILLLLL Collected II 7I LL litli iiil liL Li LllLL II LLL Til LL ltt in ll LtLLva LLL LL LL LILLIL iI iii six ioii iiixistiiii LLILLLLL in LL Il LLv ll II II II II IILL LL ILL ILLL II II IIII IIII II LL LLL lI iIIl Il LI1LIIlLLIII IILI IIIII III III IIIhIIIIIIILI lLL Lj IL LL ah itll 1L IL III LLL LL LL rLLL LLLLLLLlLL ALLLLLLLLLL netrat LLLLLLL iLLLLL LL LI In HUI Ill lldlilllli LintlIr IIL III II lI M1 vs LLI l1 ii the It EL ll ll film Hi II In Willi ii Md I21 mmvlhlli HI iv Ill ii LLLL IILIII ItILIIIILILI IIEIIHL il ILLi iL LthLLllLL LLLLLL llLlt lLLL LL LLlL II gt llllll in 7L LL LLIL ILL lit ii LL LLi Ll Kt iL LLLtLL LLLLLLLLL1ILLL LLLLzzm LLL LI ILLLLLIILIL IIII1IIII LIIIIIIIILI IIIlI LLLLL LILItI lIIlII lLit illl LL LLLLLLL HI WI lim LLL iLLLL IIIIIchIIIiI III mh 11 IL llIil iLLLLiL LLiiLLLI1Ln llLL ILLLI LI tLLt Li LL LL LLLLLtLLmL lllllilil its LLL LL IIIILt Li lllI lLt Aht uu XLL Electical contractors IlIlIIIIII III HII III llllllJns Ill hi lllLN ll lrom 08 LL lt LL LLLLLLL LLL LL ILL LL lill Julii LliLHH VWMM Hold District Mcefin LLLLLLLLL LLi LiL LLLLL LLiLLLKLiLi Li WW NULL ii 10 13 LzlLS Priced at $995 to 8199 LL LLL it LLBLLLLIILLI LLII III LLL LLLL LLL LLLLLL LLLILL21 LLL =tLLtt 31H limo LsiLLL LL inL LIN All 53 llll llltls 5330 334 fl IL Mutt illliji Li it Lt Ll LiamL LLLL Lilillliitl ILL flit Lt LLLpLLrLatLgalLLt liLL ilttllt II II Hill US FOR LLIIILNS tiltt BUYS WINTER VilAlt llII 17 7lLl1lL ILILL held In it iL iLLLL lillllIlH lII hm llwll LL SLI II LL lth lit till ILHLLl tittlt ll llooiti 11 lmllllWlH ll Vii OilMM my in Hui ml mm LL IL II Hump Banlo LII ha ililttlitl lingzmhLIII LL lll Llo are LrLLLI zL it or Li Ll LLLLnL ILLLLLian LLLl tll til itlll1 ivlllflJtItl Miser 35 LIIan LII III II III III II III II II II II II IN lLLLIJLl himl Lin liLLLLLLLL hIIS Loni lariy LLLLmLi to LLiILLLL LLLLLi iiLLw In the cedar lliain Lliss Illllll in lLL lit IL II II III III II II II Lilli IILHLLt LLLLL 11gt llL LntzntLLrs liie lllttlllll Las ill LiLL LLi 32 til Hill LL11 l31 lll lltM ill WWW All vii vLLliitl ILL the LL LIL Work of iliit Al lthlilllLLLL LL i3LiiL lLLL LLllt LlliLLltlh llltllllt IllW itlfltltlt liLLtt LLl iiLlHli LI 1Slldll 13 ll ylilw sftithLLLIL LLLLLLLLLLLLLdLL Vtl5ll NW Lltl i3 ill 65 THllm LLLL LLLLL illi tt Illial henna and HtiLLLHl Secretary hLiLiLLL KgLILLL LLL ilitltlti LtL LLLi LLLLILL1L LLLL the Tth IIII IIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIII II III titLLLL ILLtip 1IIILILIIIIII II IIICIII Uiiliia Convener lien ILLLL LLL lLl Elt lithli llILiT tLLLnLeily had Lix IIIMn 0h IMIILIIII IhIIIL IIIIII IIII gt2IIII III ILII IIIII II II IIII LLLLLLLLLLLLILL LLn IlillHtlIillLlHl WillLam ILLLLLLLLL Ll1=l itl lLtI has in beds for public LIII IIIIIILILIL Huh ILLILLIL II II ILI IIL LII Tlhls your fnund better IIl iLIlllllItlLlILI ILLL III It Ltlldl IL ltIL rLILlLLt llLLLLLLL ILl lL1LLLLLitL trannnit At the present lLLLLL turL Li II LLLLLLLL Lai tlLtL banquet ill lull5 itlltlllllllti Ll ixoizi liie liVll now down to iWPait nine prellnniiar LLdLLt LLiLLL Ll LLL LL LLLLLLL ILI Ix MIIIhII IIIIIIIII LILI1LIIMIIHIIIIILnIIIILIIIIIL IIIII IILIIIIL ILILIIS IIIIII ILIIILh III IIIILIIIL IIILI IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIII III II II II II IIII II LI IIIIIIIIIII III IIIIII IIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIII HIIIIIIIII IIIIII SIIIIIIII II II IIIII III IIIII II IIIIIIIII I16 II III II LII IL LI ILIlI IIL II LII IL III III LL III all it LLLlLHlt 13 13 LLL LLILL LLL1L LLg LLL LlLLt LLlLLLf Willi leather 5ltlillllllii MVLLIL anti LLlnzL tl inlewn rooms Willi total of Jl II LIIILIIII LILILILU III IIIIIIIIIIIL IIL MIMI IIIIIIILIII II IL IIIIIIIII III IIlI IIFIIIIIH iaelml lll LLLLLiiliLLii LL LL The main tDlIlllllth of tLL LLLL iili LLL tLL LL II III II shittith II IIL LLLLL piLLLL IlttI lilllll vhlk IIII IIVII IIIIE III IILIIIIImII llLLL LLLLL LL LL LLL ILIII MI IIIIIIh IIILIII Lilo LLILLIL LLILLLLLLL tar illiS ciLLiLLLLLL Ir LFLYILLLtLLl LxLLLLLHHHIi iLLtLLLLL IlLe Lireut maturity Lit Um III IIIIIL III III III anLLtL Utw LLL LLLL LL LLLLLLLL LLLLLL1 LlIllizItmn are in order to Il lllIIHI Ill ll itll llIlllt 11 llllllllt itltl llktmll Ihhtcd IIII IIIgtIII II IIII IIIIII LtitiLLTLLLLLL met iiL IL 3W IIIIIIII Th0 IIIOIII LLALLLLL LLLLLLL 12 LL LLLLLL lllt LLLL LLLL LLLLLLLLLLLL LL Im IlI II Hill of IIIIIII IIIIIIII II IIIII Li LLLLt LL LLI IIL LILLIIILII LIHLILA1LILLII IllIIlII lII IlIVLUl lit lLMlL on the llIlllfllillillVl l0 tllllllllillt lllt llTL lie Liileiens LLzirtl lith seven IIIIIIIN LILIIII IIIIIIIIIt IIIIIIIIEIIII IIIIII tLL LL LLI II ILI II IIIIIIILIII IIIIIILILI WIIIIIII bend Ciirtaiiisdripcs gt ILI LL IIIIIIILI LVIIIIILLIIL LillILIlIlltl ILILI IIII itiltI IIIIIILIIIiiILLItIII II II It IlI LL LL mm fltLLLI LlLLLlI IIIIIII sIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIII it oi III II III IIIIII IIIIIII IIIICLLMII LL and slipcottrs for our llllldl IMHO lll Il LlIL Lgt teed tor maternity eases thtrtith hwhd IhILUL IIIIIIIIhL II IhIL hw llthilll LLlliL i1 Lit LLi specialSanitonc Dry LL Nd and Mrs Middicmiss bolts ml Xlll ill room LLith it basincttes lLrne Km tlfl ilLLti Ii Li lie 03 BLL11tj LLIhU IIIIIIIIII WIIII II IIIIIIIIIIICII lane EhLCmCIII CIIIIIIIIIIIIINL II II thLLl toi bait Illltlllll and another IIIC IIIIIII IIIII IIIII III IIIIIIIIIIII WIII LIL II II LI lcaning bcrviccxct NOV It at the lloval Victoria socintion who were present trerl hm mp mi WWI 0m Ithme Mill limitml lcmrl Vote or SLLLLLLii Nl trLLL LIL unliuunlim it iMINULAL nearlyswnon spring Hospital Windsor Walkervtile and Toronto LINIS lxlllil Hwy Hllmllllill liklolt HHHLIILIE lllllll md Mi Lleaiiin and be re LIIII IN IIII MWIUI IIILIIISCSI 0h IIIILILl IIII II II Loition McAiLhiu both of IL LL Li tnltIftjilLl in 5mm lLlXllLINHHL no In and were assured of the fullest cu 11 WNW mtl Lil HIIWCI gt wardcd witha spark opermijI LllllLll it tll llulllttl LLlLHHIthLLs lost to the itVll for six months II 51 lIimm lliln Burnett and her sis ThI IIIIII II IIII IIIIII ILLI Having the east which is Iced LHILLLLIII hm IIIIIII IIwIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIII ILLILLILLILLLLLI in LIILLiet li LLLn LuannLL on out Inert lingfresh house liL MIX Kltthti it tut le that iert lions This lli is LIL me lmnlll lll Vii WW in 7171 ml it liical Ctllllltltltllgt LssoeiatiLLIi exist IIIlIIIIIIIIIlII IIIIlIIII hum III III IIIIINIL lLILSlMLbS Alilult Lnt at the close of the day The tr the hater AND ORA Nummmww Cd mmd mm lLLLLLLLLLiLLLLL iv ltlcx LLLLLLLLLLiLio aiidl bmmc Elma he lllllltildi Alwm Clulml My LMm llltltr ClltlLLL LE ll REIAINED inteting to be hnid in Midland on ILII II IL IIts Donald taintLLILLLL and the LL huhCI IIIII IILIIII CIIIIIIIIII III IIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIII DOC II LLLlLL lLlilllt tunintd oi lilttjttl CIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII INN LI II Slllllll work An adioining room Ulm hillh 11 promdcm Of the WWW Wti by 5lllllitL illitll MORE REMOVED R70 000 1b LIIL LIIIIIIPIII gIMhIIILL IIIIIILdte the sIuileithoard on 24 hour hor south Simeon Junior Farmers was ow lLtinias Wilcox of Bceion COLORS III IIIII II Vice LLnt look alter other clerical iti5llizlliL Those taking partqn LIVII SIIIIICC IIILI Ihe IIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIFIIII BRIGHTER On Dec in Itiznrofjfiin LILLI Il mm lid mldlllloS 1911 15 it 511 Of 0111 SlCll the itltiglitlll VtttZ Allmt Neilir In the llililtlli elitertiiiLiieil keep suppiv of needed CiinpmentL he IILIIIIICIIIIII IILCIIIIIISI ILIILIL IIIIIIIIIV IVIIIIIIIIIII III IIII IIIIICQ Iogiaplieis and cleiks of Lilithd Bub MILLII If BIIIthIdI CIIIIIIXIIIIIIIIII III LIIIIIICII IIIIIIIII And dont forge our AREA Vlll tile 01 l111 building lttl IL The hos itai has italified diet MCCLEUC 0f Allilo lid coil Heed oi iiillo LLILillian and No Ih Ihc III WILIIIIII LIII II tn the main floor is minor II III in II DIIII NIwI III IIIIHIII II II Sanitone benicc l5 WWII Lie LL ll III II ian iss iury so it Coo way was page OWCG NOVI 24 pay the cost of rink lhL iittnc thanlIlllhIIlIIIlIlCI fiagIlIIIand assistant cook There is staff VFW05 were lllCLClllCl by 3115 MIS Lllltli Elitlll 0f NlWVlLHii be fury New Includes seating lighting and otheLI II IIIIII IIZI III Inf dmhoshcs who SISII atvaILIOIIS Flora Durnin to the LVltllliPls in the Hobingon second CLokstoitn Clmhcsimo mu LIIII gIIIIIII III LIL accommodation 3his LhIMILLLIOIII the hIIIhhhh IIIcI QLLls cctLLLnL Tliilm obtaining over ILIIIILILLILC LLIIILdIIIIId ghp fhLIIIIII mm WI WI occupying space on the main IChIIhIIII IIII of AIIIIIIIIIIICI 771 III III LI IIIII IIRIIV CTIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIII III male orderly IILII Lcio ILLhc odd of Idiom dungreys munth he Jude 0f LLICI gI II lLllLRAIL AUIFIIORIH VIIIIII IIII qu III IIII All laundry is done at the lltls Joanne McCLagiie of Alliston and amateur COIIIgsI was Lorne AIIIIIIIII MagazincsI hooks papers Matters over Willtl the Federal wmp Io ipita and this requires staff of six Gladys Ullglllml 0f 890W LLt Cookstoun Mrs Ross Williaiin ILixs and fats still Government has authority include lllilIlLIV lilgor OHIMMS Ildl II Charge of he boiler room IS Those obtaining between tilt and and Airs Andrews of Alliston werel gj urgently needed trade and commerce banking cttr I1 heelmml mm Hymn engineer and his IISSIgLIIIILI III 75 were CthLImCC lxilnklty Hi the judgesLi the public SptziitltlLLl 11 annuunonuonuomqom lCHCyL 311d lYlllWikVS for vellum lch every sur the summer when two or lllICC Lorellov Ben VHS NOW The entire program Lllltillllihlli the mm cmichud he plates dotCCtldClts of hospital LLuden are to be LOWCHL Bell anlll 0i COllIlla evening was most enjtwabie diiciinl Hm bIIIlS IlIIlle RIVHII has ICIllllliCl ICIIILLLLI III Ihcm sCUIId IISSNI wood Marjorie iodd of Gilford IIIIILIII II leadership III CUIIIIIIIIII lit ICl lm III Ih mm le Joan Kerr of Alliston Doris Nicol itv Singing witen bv Ross Beanie Vldes Specialmsfm Mimi XRnys LEISDTCE LUTCHO 14011150 Slice atid Georgeblaris with Mrs Ira iPhone Dunlop in connection vith various ailmentle II II ihornton Edythe Gilroy of Cooks WIISIII III ILIJIIIISIOWIII IIS thILIIIuII liliCl flElClUlCS lllll illC lll rcadilyl la hospllzll ls Used hilly by ll LownI AILSI Jean HughchI Bradfmd IhSCCIhIhIC III he IIoI shined hI Barrie liliystcmns and surgeons and hem IICSSIII III BILIIIIIIIHII D0th WWII mi Wk lflif glow IMIlIermCIlIfItl CUChrane of Thornton HieI rII gt 11 10 litiSCmCIll are the iOOItiSt I5 SC 10 Cunningham of ihoinlon eila where basal metabolism tests are from mm to me Cochrane of Thornton and $ylvia made and electrocardiographs are Those who use the lloyal Victoria Jainicson of Thornton taken There is also an iron luiigIllospital most extensively are Dr IOther prize VillilClgllltfllldLll which is available on this floor Corcoran ot lilmvale Dr Frank Norma Chantier of Milton Bessie KLLILCHEN BASEMENT Shannon oi ICllLllClllll and the foi CaldweilIof lllOllliOlLLlctlll Loch Jrs The kitChen where meals are ILWIHIE Barrie medical men DILI III Iane III Ihomhm III VIIIIII VIIICOC provided for the patients and staffI BigCloW Dr DoidgoI Dr of Cookstown tr IWI IS In the 06mm II is badly crowd AmD Gray Dr Laurie Dr WARDE HARVEY 1LLLLLi ed and congested particularly dur Ilittic Dr MacPherson Warden llarvey presented LJ II h1g IIIOIII IIOIIrSI 1h LIIIC CeIIIII more DI wlnmm oIIksI II mm the prizes to the Winners in the IIIILC Iwo Chhihg 0me one for Ihc Ross Dr Seymour Dr three SCCllOI ol the comlgtlll0lI maids and other hospital helhI ahd ISinith Dr Taylor Dr ii Ewell bemors IulormmllCSLAlld another for the nursing staff IlllllbullL DVL R055 Elllnlull mndmg OIheI moms In the IIOSpIIEII IIII AII IIIOSC COIIIICCICd IIIIIIII IIIII ISIeiIiIIioLIIIVLILLIILLiiIetIsf Lclude office space store rooms ac present hospital are doing the best H1 mr fillel commodation for superintendent they can to provide hospital ser out 0f800F1dk dd bllmrd are NOW issued 01 Jewellery ttlld he moms pantries etc VICC for Ihosc with IhC gILCII05I 7423 helllielll Wilson of AlllsltllL While the Royal VICIOIIIII HospIv need However they IIII ame II 740LBOb Brown of Bradford 740 rs ersonal BelongmgsL Real II IL Joint Fenneil of Bradford 708 atid Lil has much valuable equipment would be CublCl and mote CfflClClll DOIIIIIIIS WIICIIX If BGQIIOII Property Automobiles Liability and is fitted out quite well conI to provide the best of service if TIE IIIIIeIIIOIIIIIe VIImegs wrc Isidering the cramped quarters the accommodation were expanded GIIIIIIIIIII Wham III AMINO With an many Othel ClaSSeS there are additional facilities that to such an extent as would be pro VIII II Id eI set one the Vid III 772Lp01nts Pat OLGdly Of Lotetto won I0 01 mI le 10109050 1ch 759 Don Harvey of Cookstown 743 needs is an automatic dishwasning BdlllC and District Memorial Hos An II LII MI IL Th III II 0n 01 11 OIdLI II mflIclllIlIuIath edIlICb Tamod lVIlUlIIy WELIHICdIof Bdllicl 7312 Bill you areentitled to ltptlmlll of the Refundable Savings was MEI5 0f AllIStOUK 7301 GOOISC loti LL lmed 59 15 0t Unducwe Church Filled to Hear McCague of AllistonL 726 Donald WHO Louie de Wench Walkerot Stayner 724 Wes DOLWLL L411 St INSURANC LL addlllon to the above mete Bble conege clo ny LLL Alliston 724 and Bins lollvwlMmeallrthsUrldulhang 01 muduem AGENCY 9181 373 tioned assets of the present hospital Bingham eaker BILeIheLt 0f fottehham 720 Marriage or other reasons since lilingxour ll lZlnconiclax return there is 21 nurses residence which The IIIIIIIOIIwIIIIICIS were Don First Baptist Church was filled to Biethet of Toitenham 726 points capacity on Mon N0vI 10 to hear Douglas Kerr of Alliston 700 Vin if the TOIOIHO Bible COUEECV Chillr Eintd Mligow Off 21115 lsing ahd Dr HIHI BIngham reach rn eownL is on It As people began to anti the Hawson HalilS 0f Alliston 573 you ha 00 0t yet done 50 Please Lt no Cllllltih Shortly after BJVL the Kellh Small Anismn 645 LROSS at was spirit of expectancy among WhlleSldC 0f AlllSlOnL 636 Slim lads Should be In Dbpdrlnnnt by hov 39th iliii ipiiii islscl 775 IU LL LLVHL THE BA Interior Decorati have your and WinterMonths Dial 3910 Colour Combirioitions suggested To brighten your home or the Heliday Season Fort FREE ESTIMATES Barrie Better Painters EXTERIOR and INTERIOR DECORATING rig Done Gilhooly Prop RE+E XAMINE mun UDIY UREAU them and their expectations were amply satisfied asthe students sang II He Rolls The Sea Away and the ladies double trio sang Hark My Soul It IsThe Lord Four students gave words of wit ness in which they told of their own personal experience with Christ Mrs Marlon Newly thrilled the congregation as she sangJcsus Is AllLI Need Dr Bingham in his master ly fashiOn held the audience as he spoke of the number of ways in which EllillllCOllVElled person might find the rich experience of the new birth Fellowing his address the male quartette sang Shall Crucify My Lord Langley of Loretto 635 and David Scott of Ezgtbert 608 GRAHAM WILSON Donald Browni chairman of the Agricultural Committee of the Simcoe County Council presented special prizes one of which was the $50 in cash to the high boy of the contest the money to be spent on La trip to the 4H Club Congress in Chicago The winner was Gra ham Wilson of Alliston The run nerup was Pat OLeary of Loretto who wo the trip in 1946 The next nearest competitor was Jack Walker of StLayner Donald Brethet of TottenL Lain won the Honorable Earl Rowe medal but because of having won medal in 1946 he request licuicmiwr lhcrc are complete details of what to do on thecards delivered to each household in Canada during recent weeks llulor any rcasoiiI you did not got your card or an insuicicnt supply was left at your address go to your nearest district income Tax ofce or your local Post Ullicefwlicrc cards are available Ilf you have change of name or address to reportfdo it now it will assist in lhopropcr delivery of your cheque DE PA RTMENT0FNATIONAL LREVENUE Ottawa Taxation Division on James Mchnu Minister of National Revenue

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