Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Nov 1947, p. 6

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lint din LOLLLLLLL STATUTOR CURLING CLUB ANNUAL MEETING PRODUCEPS CITIZENQHIP LL AA II Le LL WV 31s ii LL VALU LL III LII VI LL LLL If ll 5L LL LL II IILI II LL II III iII Li IL LL LLLi llllll llllll LLLL gt LL gt ii LI LLLL LII L1 LL tL LL III II IIIL III ILI II LII II lilnlI lILLlL LrL ul Il lli LL IIL LLILI ILlIzl Li LL LL g3 1L ll LL gwie Ni Ll IV IIII IIII III II new LL LLL iml II IIIII II II IIII List Nltl it Illll LLL LL LLL LLIl LL LLII v11 IIVII II IIII II II LLL LL LLtLL LL lltll LL Li LL Lit tLIL LL cio PP RA LLLL LL LLLLL lI ILL LLIL LL LL LL LL DUNIDASSTWL TORONTO LLIL LLiLLLLLL iLl iL ll Eh MAIL ORDER HOUSE III II III III IIIIIIIIIM II III II IIII III II lILL dm WMUMHU iw fii LLLLi ill let lliI Ll LL ll Li 11 Mil II III II III IIIIII II IIII IIIIIII It III IIIIIII II II II LL Th ILLIliIILI IlI iIt IlI =l LIH Iil lLLLLL LLV 151 Emmi will ll LL LLLLaL 1i llxllLll Lip lll it llllllrllllly llll LLLLLL ELL has LIILI LL Itg wh lor ttllllNltillIlls llltl postal note or nionei LLIthr II III IIII II IIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII II II IIII LLLLL LL 21LILnLa LnLi llIllttllilll II III IIII IIIIIII IIIII IIII II LL 141 ILILLLLLIL LIL LLLILILII II IIIIII IIIIILIIIIII Slate lllllanl ot Iltnls lttlllllltl LL rut LII jLIh LMLLI LLLaI LliL iflIl W1 it LLL SLer LLiL lt lltllgtl mi LLLL LL WW IIIIL LII LILIIIL LLILL LLILI III IILI LL t1 ELLL LLIIIIM IIVIILL LIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII II III IIIIII II LL II LII III II IIIIIIII II IIIIIII IIIIIII IIII II IIII IIIII III II LLLLL LLL ill ltLLlli pLLLLinLLLLi ill ltLtLL LLLL Lgt lII Le lnLliLLLLml ILLLtL nt LLLLLLLl LL LiL Ltlfllll Ill ItLLL II LI IIII LL Slllttll Ln LLnLL Lt1 IL grulmi LL1 IelLiLeLl lltkl LiiLIII litt LtiLLiL LLLLLtiLLn tLLL et LnL tgttlill ine Iitlttl lllL LL iLI LLLLLL LLLLLL LL LLLL LLLLLLL LLLLL II II IlIII II IIlIIlIIII IM ILIII XIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIII NLLLILLLL tum LL LL LLLL iLLLL LLLL lli LL LLLL LLl Liiiid IJL tI II tItIIxtl Il It llt tLL JILt IltIIu LLLL LL11 LI LillL ill litllL 11 mlIll LIL lill WHILLI we lllLLL lllltll gtll lm llLllll IIII IILIIII IIIIIiLLl LLLLL iLLl LL LL lll LL tnLit iLL III III IIIII IIIIIII III III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIILI IIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII II IAIN LL LL LlLL Li li at some time ilit lltlflLLll Beat in this ttllillIL LL ILLLLILIIL ILILIIIIIIII ILLILLLLLL LL Llitl lt LLLLLLht tnL Mn IIIi ILLII IIILILNI IIIIILS LI ltl LL iitlilllit tht lion Lia LLIIIIIIIIIIL IIIII LLILLILLLLL lIlltl hILLL ILLLLLLLLLL LhI III LIILILIIIIM II tLllltl ILLL eariieti out tie was not ILL= ILIL III LL blaming LLii tiaidiiai LLLLt ILgII Ii It IIllI IIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIII III II il Liv Ill lLLLlerLl illllllll litl Ill4il mi ml Lttlltltlllll lt and modern iiLLsILIIiLLii ltltiilt LL LL lEL Li LL LLLL ll ill LL if Mim HM IIIIL II IILIIIIIIIIIL III LhLL LLLL Ln taiLnLLL LLLLl nelzl LLL llll Hf LLL LLnLi Liaintasi ll until the job lLIL 3131 11 llll lLtlt llllilltll 8lllllx illustrated LIL ccslgnctt ILOI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIHIIIIII IIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIII stYle lor comiOri loL weor PrecISLoLIL LLLLL NLLLLr ILLL ILLLLLL LLLLLL LL rLLLLl Roll With to the sLLan LLt tiLLI Lr III IIIIILI IIIIII IIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII ILIIII MIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIII sum HI IlllSUIClllFJllLL tiny iLeLLrLeLi cooperation This LLL lilllllt IL iLLll ll 11 IIIdIVIdUIII WHIPPIIIQI Llsle and ngmr IIIIII III IhIIIIII LII NIIILIILIhIIIII llllIrtltlltl thLL bill ELLL iILIIIIIILIL Mr Milliurn said he lltl no nL how the Government would Slim In MINISTER impose Sillllltf on tLed llllilli mitI he thought an etiort should beI IL gtilllll linnL MianLtL lll IIIIIII II III II II LLL II AI II Lo sLn Lie Loninnien in NM Illll lIIlIIIIIiItIIIi IIII IIIIItIIHIIIIIIS31 to pay the hot proLiLLtLr piiceI IIIIIIIIIII IIITII IIIIIII OcIIIbIIII III IIITII comparable to cost on bacon tort cimn ltlio United Kingdom and lillll make LL II Ltip lllt LlLiLL lLllU bLt Leon ILhLLtI IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIhIII III IIIIIIII IIIIIIIL IBIIIIIIIII lhe itLVtlliilitlll should lIth dot LIILIIIhIIIIIL hIIhIIhIh INISSIth III mme irain to the cast Speaking of the speculatntv LLle lm nt making profits and the Lifect this had on the price of feed grains the said all coarse Lilains should b1 placed under board like the wheat LboguidI II III IIIIIIIIILI IIIIIIII III IS lliats what may well pop into tour publicity he declared llt added head the lust time you curve your hands that the neiispapers had hLLLn kind lLiLt they word only as LLLLL LiLLI Mound thehwl huolu ml IHL lllltl$lIll1ll LLLLLLtLLLHLLLL LILLLLLL LLLLLL1L1 smoothly and smartly down the street lNLLLLit them to be Speaking again of the LLLLLLLLLLi of ltgti short lmtl r01de WHWlmll PillVhUV 59 ceilings Mr Milhntn said it was umhlumrhIIIcwnmny fcwrcsymy ILILIIIII hwctbgumht Inot the Mlls that took oil the ltll II Lines and lot positive it was not Pawn md PMUUIIMIY 1015 ltiiose in the Department of Agri enltLLLIe and IIItlont think it wasI hlr Gardiner Mr Milburn said he lltl not be there the farmers could put on tilt SlYLISl IN YOU will spark to the lowly lllICS Islrike effLLctivelI but he suggest and LolorsolthatcxclusiciLitliclicd Body by ed mass move on ttaa fromI Iishcr Youll appreciate aneLabplaud the WNW lL while LrhmImILILipI 1ch line tLLbrirs and llw l1 ml ill limmli Wml hf have to support their organizationi new hmngs 11le or new are Lith money its money thatteiis such specialxnnvcnicnccs as the the GUVLLnnient what to do hattth litth crankL that control the YI ILVI III II ALXIJNSEI IBERIIIILII FM 1VolhilltVCmliHlon aniltlicpusli IS IRAIJNSI Ll buttons that lock the doors Lil ILli1t Nuwlon presented lengthy resolution the gist of LlilCll LLas protesting against the increase in feed grains and this was unanimously endorsed mm Julian LIL Ferguson MP said Lu Id IwI LIL Wm Ih III YOUR PRACTICAL PENNYWMCHING SIDE LI iv ll LiiL lill hLL Lipid LL mlg YOURNllNCHOPRQIECh5l9bemumg hi IIIIIIICUIAISIIIICLHip mgr IIIClEIUIIIIJIIIL Lit bUIl read when youdiscoicr that hctrolcts the allsteelsaietyand cascolhandhng of the new hamlet yum IIIIILIIIIIC IJIIImIII IIEILIIIII lowpriced line that inakcsgas and ii go farthest gentlest footprcssure brings swift sure response from the brakes EL blame whetg it lies or let the man 01 UCTOlCIbBlBCF 50ch Steering is amazingly easy and shockproof And you dont get out ofiIis jObI Thig SLIILCIIICIILI Iconitort and performance With clear even have to take hand oi the wheel to operate Chevrolets was vigorously applauded Onscicncc for Ihcvrolct brings exclusive vacuumpower gearshift Mr Ferguson also said it was LouBIGCA LL not IIccgssaIy to Send II mIISS meet QUAUTY At Low 37 Boxvise Keep your present car in good running condition by brindingrilL ing to Ottawa lie declared that lr klled erVice 9l inlermlsl to secure Cl the press would publish Ihcr news Jdelivery at your new Chevrolet Come in for complete service checkup mdnulociuringgTheseimprovements demonstrate toyouihoim high quality is maintained INN47 MAEWPMNED LLLLLLLL it ill ilLthlil in iiiAhLl HOGi and added Dont worry Gardiner King Abbott and the rest will read it in the papers Wiiile heLwas speaking there was an interruption and Mr Ferguson called out Will that hog caller in the back keep quiet Referring to those who were opV posed to gambling in grain prices Mr Ferguson said if he knew grain was going up tomorrow he would borrow every dollar he could to buy it However he added that he did believe there was no parity for the farmers particularly in regard to grain prices and hog prices URGES REASONABLENESS Dick Graham of the Oti tario livestock branch urghd the hog producers to be calm and rea sonable and know what they were lAliitli it Aliltl NADA Newton ii liSiJA today BlGCARQUALllY AT Low cost VRoll icn tumw ApitouucrforENERAiivioroii GistB HARRIS MOTORS LIMITED as 89 ELIZABETH sr BARBIE

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