III II II II amtI ammonium Ontario Secretory III CHURCHILL TBNnEaLTER v0 NEWS OF ELMVALE non null1mm mom Iiiiigmntg lIIl Fl =t IlI llu III II it ll =1r II it is ri II IIII ltil llIlI lll IlllelJ III Il iu IIIrIlIIliII Hl gtIIIIIlI IIIlIiow llll IIIIII III IILII IIIIIIIIH mi lIIll II llil II II lire SerVIceBatlery SerVIceRoad SewIce PICkltUp and Delivery smite ill l5 lmtlt lllLll IiIlL lltlulr llx lim lIlr swm DAY NIGHT and SUNDAYS wt DIAL BARBIE 35mm 91 III III Servnce Motors 05 Barr oliorli7rict IIIII WHITTYIS Imperial Oil Dealeis lllllxllll llllx it ltllll vilpl III ll lIClWCIrdS JOllllSlOlle II III III lIMMC ZXIIZ II ltlltlHX Iu Highway ll lli HHMMM II II II In II 101156 BRAND 3m may Il IIIIIl xI IIIII III IIIII IIIIII II II up Ii gt II III IIIlII IIt IIztIi III III 1I II Ii lI iv zi II III III IIIII II HBES gt III IIiI II II 1cm III tgtt tum tiii In Ig IIq 00k 161 you ml 1m ln lilt Il ng 13 ll ltllY FLUIR Is hcst tor ALL your lurking they lllCJll III plzkny IOUR Mk better brmd Mm 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Will Reid and Mrs El mlollg cmsomA LoaLAws 01 Hm II 1Q1jing duet lCOpll 10 IIIIII JAcquLL JAR me Home If who meeting OLH 17c wu ya IT HR CUT MIXED PEEL no CHOICE Tours Btl3itHlmllbli IIEII IIIIIEE CHEIIIIIIzs Ir BRQBIESEKKE FLWRttt tt 33C curs ll plaques 1th eSlgn Ct Varlous SEIIlIIiIIIIItIl IIIl SCIIIIIIIIICI JOLL 1501 AmlllBLE ES AND CHOPS LB 110 Ilces MIIII5I SICprIIS CIIAIFQCI me meeIImg coco PIIG IIIIII HQCK sumnn mums Ptllllll Fltllllt Ale PR or In 31 MI serredIItIe Unit IICI IIIII II LIIBBYS WI 3C ROASTS CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR SUNDAY 51313EuthellfgitlEllielint snnunn ALMONDS mzzc EVHPBMEB WillKW FRESH BUTTS oncnops Ln puma election of officers III SHELLED PILBERTS 401 19c engage SMALL CASING III III 28 OL Also books for more readmg Iatrrizli Issuaizuiimied suzunn mums 43c IIIIIIIIEII mus MAI zsc 3lTTLE PIG poIIII snusasr 39c snumn nnAZILs 21c sunum wmmursufz the social evening sponsored Churchill WI itThe Savannah Halt rnrswm IIIz3ciII3vc 577 Well Bound BIBLES and Testaments 29c Cedar Harbour and had It nice time 77 hos aunt Mum II III III fe13CI1110Ik wondered why the Mixsn oz m1 Julia FLORIDA JUICY OEENGES AYEMEE OVERSEAS PACKAGE DEIVIRED POSIAGE PAID TO ANY ADDRESS IN ENGLAND WAKE SCOYLAND NORIHIIN IRELAND 134225 3175 Ir 525 communin hall here had not been patronized by the OlIQdlllZBIIOII le formerly and the query brought the reply that our local hall wns budlv in need of repairs and not In 23c 54 IIEIIIz BABY Fours await II wIISIIIIIIITIIII CAFEMELO gt002 JAR SIZE 252 BARRIE CIIIIIIIIIIIOII III IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEI IIIIIIIIIIIII IIILLIIIICWII IILIOIIIDIIIII JUICY MARSHIASgIIIIIESS II 5t lrllttsl mm damn IIIwrnIIHIIIIrs Isizsc GWEN II III 27 II IEIIIIEIIIIIIIIICIS VCAMHYTOIEEITSGHP WI ac CUBES II ucwIAIIgvn KIWIIIIIICI I29c IIIII SORTMENT i63132333ilil$i supm suns MI EEBLDATEundNUT BIIEIIII mxznc FROM OUR LARGE AS It ggghgglfgsggggasaz IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIMAIIIIIE our mi 31c om summit I4 cu rmmm vrLUIb PS LB lEEEEEWSSEEEEEEEE mu ltlttiltllltlltth mm XIII II lt It swms cnnnmsnnzmzsc Ontmw APPLES F01 lavow WALLPAPERS It PLUMBING wmmmn mm pmms TE SP III GIIII III we 505 453 ESTFUL sump lIrul Exclusive Studlo Maisterpleces ll HEATING mmoson JAYS Eugen 17c WALT 25c RING 3339 l55c by Boxer also DeLuxe designs ii Sheet metal work em scanms wax Eta53c SWEET PIEKLES 0411 49 it For Eating 0r Cooking ll 64 BAYEIELIB moss mum It 16c FANCY TUNA FISH Ovnosi er DRer antarctic 13 Ph 3270 It PHON3626 LOBLAW GROCETERIAS co LIMITED 82 1311111010 ne ll II uuuuuuuunuuunInwluunuuumnuubid nmouquIIunuuwunl la