limsiv Ill Dciioii spent it ter wih IlIL tutmoi mother iths Il VlllIllllel Iiud willillrs Neil ltilsii 2nd Wilkinson irld li Elliott BILii Burrii Id Mix Kenneth Bush Coir rl iind 1ir tind lrlt Geo Bridger and Joan of Toronto spent Sunday Nnr ill with Mr tincl Mrs udun Bush who celebrated tliiir ltitn rctlriing nnnivcrstuy maa Aw NI IIII AI Is d9 Resorts Her Experiences ORGANIZED HERE ELECT OFFICERS il Iii lxiltil 51w tin 775 II II WU II II III Can You Think Grander Gifts PORTRAITS of your FAVORITES lllltll thim IIIH lHII HIIIIIIIIIH IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIII IM JIlv EII Hui ll III iIIi tItil llll or Christmas you should tmlIIII lllllillitlll ll MAKI AN APPOINTMENT RIGHT AWAY and $30 qwo us plenty of tune to get every WYEBRIDGE WAVEBLEY Ii hit of charm and personahtv Into your Lam IJ Im out II III II II II IIIIII III por ertll ll vx Il III III II II it SDUNLOP ST DIAL 4176 lt II IIjII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIII +5 new mm aimwommvmmlsrvoums II It ll II hnmw In it IjI III Ii ll III lI Il ll II lIIliIiI iIlIiIllliI il IliHv lil Ml 0n liuvlnlilv onilvounil to rtliIvc tit HI hxyIIIIItiIIIIxllIIxliIIiInvilivine II In at The Month islltry Vfri luv liu IlIilt purposiv WM II II iII on II Du fimtilu lunitinntil monthly For mvr Itt ir illlHlnllHlN of II IlilttIIIliIIltI Inzilie you vol IIvIu girlu Iiul WUIIIrIl llllH IIIlttlltll II II II II III IIIII II II mI II IIIIIII IIIIIIIIILITIIIIIINISI tin Imtl lwmlillml Itll1lhHIlUlll II gt Ilrmguwl out at such tiInis rvpurt Milcl Illl rtwultsf nIII IIII MIN lliin do try liliI it linkhuins IllA come to at lll mml VEGETABIE it lllltl ZI MM COMPOUND II wt limit Silu 4v ll ll lwi II wt lnIu It Iw II ii In ilr int com and Cheese II III II III II II II II IMAM Ml mull HOLT1 ngcns In it Ill IN II III EIJIII iIlt III Ilii 1l1ll 3xi Iziil IIIIII IIIIII nirt IIIitvmtid It il 11 ii Ilt II labilpool IbIUH ls Ill film Ii Mi itll iiuw all Surillui 5PIW ml IJLPIPC ng ItiCLllLLJ IIIIII Whm llmpoun my PW lm ll Vl IHWl li to Mr and llrgt pared WSW up mill up ml it Hi ill llll II llll llllV It ngecIIIIcIIieem MILK Yotks IIIIIII III IIIIIII IIII II III IIII IlIIlI II flll IIl IRlly II in int lllrld lwl ll It IIIIIAIlIl iIl litllll III IN HERE jutIt l1IIlIIlIl llIIIHlT Il lIlIlil lllllLlllllIllLIlltlllLIll have swn II III IIIICII 31 Imrll ll yr ItIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IICIIIII IIIIIIIIII II III IIHIII III mm Iii III In tars uIrl it II II MVHIMIN szt ltfltgtagtInI IIIKIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IlillII IililI 23 MIIiIIIIIIII HI III IIIIIIII IIIIIIIH MIIIIIIIIIII II II InHIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIV Ilh minor llllliillll xhl iuzn III RHIHI IIIII II IIIIII IIIIIIII IIIII III In mm mm lllllriliill ll IllllllllIlll FVIWIWIIH lltll iii 3I ilmui an lllllllllt mothrm lIl It lgt tiIi IIinIniil II IIIIIIII IIIIIII INIERNMIONAL mIIlIIII IIIlIw II hit LItlllltllltI In Iud TTfT IiI owning tlt3llL until LiullSIlllEli vlllllllolslxilliiuix llllllilllil ner anilrlnlllllrll ilIiIil Ilic will luluIi limllll lvlldltl Il ll ll it UHl ll Ml Li 32 in lului my gym IllrJIIIiIIicncw lictlnnl llkllUllllelli llljlIIllIl lillli IIIlIlll lit vxgtiu ii =Ij gtlVlll hf HR Chulm NHWNM rv Mlll Lr Ittlllll llurutxiii ll ltl numb It In Hts lt iI Or 11 Vilma lllllktlllll0l5 Iv lli xI llm 11 il tlitlgt ziitiured at lw hm Im $11 Iii it lEI1llI tut bu loud IIIl II lIlvl lr lill lr lllgtil SIIlt ll llI Ill your hrlp llKl Ihwl IIITWII 11 II IIHIZI wont pliiyinql IKmIx IChIIIIIIhI IIIIIII III it Ill You limit your llllll in of in Mignon uII lIl Illflcc 511 Illalw it llll ldllililtl Zorn Illl 2qu IIIEn lIl any way possible ILIIlHlll tr luizm lItI ltlillI Inc Shurh zuul il Iill he it iiiiolllitr Iilh IlhIH Hi Inuit IiI if ll iiiILilsIlilI VIII lIIJEx itizw uiil llllllil llupcrt zind Mur tlu Ihulc lllmilv ll ll Arum llitstllltd lltlSSCll undl II gt ll 5Lllhm Alum ll liii Hl llrw lll it llil ot wol hlInlet The lllllliV of Clllllll oru QlIIIlI ii li lt iwI lm IbJIEIlviJVIIIUI IIlIIlInm hisrill liii ltllLlltllillvllllI lull EIililil lIHEi RUIHIIIIlIfrIIWO IS the IIIIISUII lul Its pupularily lll in 113 llSt II II III II 11 Iv nu II gun us iI II IIIII III IIII III Iin IItIlilI In II III III IIII IIIIIIM luInuumn limn out In hunt Curtaln Net and ll min ILIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIjIIIII 2IllllI yum IIIIIII In IIII III III ReadyMade Cumms mi MINESING It Aim IttitItl gt III II IA lI gilIIlIlIliIlIIIIllm irrihmv ll 911511195 XVllmll ltllllh iI le Norrinbm 17 it IIIh clIlmIIII 11 DWI IIILI NVIbCI Also Manufacturers ofCrown Bram Corn Syrup Phone Barrie Bayheld St ll VI mil Al llhzMmimn ml mind le it itll Well 15 Wm minute Itt ll iIC PrOpllelor lll iIIItl Mrs Bernard lIuBush bilxitill tIllllItlltlL inI Itth iiuullll VMI myFl Nisi iv mom The CANADA ISTARCH COMPANY mited Iuvi htirtlllUlli Illl Nor 3h The lizilL bulIchlIlfIIlIiM ln10HilUlI ent IV mm or JWYIE tlta If We canned goods jtnns e1lt II the VICqu hHTI on llt liill ltnxtwn December meeting to he sent Ml Mm pcn Yr Mr rind LIlr Archie DucIuvorth lilJItlilql ltIlIiLl was rciid lIIIIIInl II Hm walla Sim mildAl Simon liming mei1 lg it Il Hilton leyI telling of their rtllQ tiillViil ll II llr nd ilr liigtlo Wilkinson and Shanghai alter their length Iur Stransmanls Ladies Wear Now showing one Emir complete line of TRIMMED and November 17 ncs art spending some time in lfriroizto visiting friends Mr Ellld Mrs Kurl Gilchrist and Izigrl ncnt Sunday with Mr and IMI Pzit Duane Oriltizi CItx 15 st illlllltlll Jlllieiltllnzlti lt If llflisIiIigtIIni C1Ilvcr1y 11nd faiInI FALL and WINTER liftItrr1atrial rt WI On Nov sliuvcr was held in thu ru Iiclumlhmuse tol Mr and Mra ll touzh Aticr the gifts weie named the evening concluded with In lunco and refreshments ltio Oro United WA and WMS ii or Mrs Shannons on Nov Willl tho llulwlwstoneWA us Izuc ll1e topic IIn Iukcn by Mrs tIlmInnIni and much enjoyed by illl lho Oro YoungI Peoples Society held their meoting at Mr and Mrs Goughs on Nov The topic riis ration by James Pearsall is Isisted by Mrs Pirrie Retires mints were served it the ronclust ion oti the meeting 44L mum Mix AIIR Seeds tmd Miss Irene BETA SIGMA PHI laugh Noxtmcotin will he in me The extu re issPerFch enuzit ilill rs Campbell it lll1iCgt lunch wits served ill the close and mati211 Thanks lO Calumefs Double Acrmn Holly Federation milltliitifititthfiFlilt period Following this Mrs llI Hung have at very interesting and Intormative talk on her wort at many IllII1l0I present lemme 3223322 OR EVEN neexalted baking without holes and Camp Rziwlcy conteretrcg this Frill wirhouk tunnels depend on Calumet Baking Powder Quick loaves Icakes biscuitsall bakingIs feintherlight moist and evencrumbed when onu iIse Calumgf For Mrs Kingoutlincd briotly the subgt jects which were under discussion by the speakers who attended dur tiilgjilm week lelowing the recre alibi periud 2i delicious lunch was served by the 1m hostesses CaluuietsIIfIlotlbl artron Protects baking from startiItoII msh Headaches duerro IMIyIiads of tinyeveninzeIcl bubbles are forrned in the mg Whd added The on Yeld quickly to 313515 fit iv3 Willi can ralsmg mlxmre to eat my ten er Vegembehmw Milan tiniilttIrisItizstisizzrtsliit cause of headaches Makes you furl I7sFlltFltPPrEli II 5E3gillllllllliilllkwill mmegg IT Tm Pa no 40 25 XII