gt Cat oFor Junior Hockey RheumalicIIIiIii Pains 11111l11i 1111 1111 The moment 1111 feel llxillgtit 111111 start liruscliin peoplu llmnlnatii 111111x 1111111sailtis ho hau rilllltrtd from II rheumatic pains have 11111111 it 1111 1114 lltiw 1111 lltlwti Wily Sllill 1211111 N1l 11111 11111 111111 111 31111 1111 14111111 gt local ll Fam exll lr11s11111i 1111 111 11111111111111elpoti liyt1i111lfrus111eil 11 121111 111111 lung 1111 system is III is ill this line Illlllllllllltlli and 111111 leads and eased So try the regularly 11111111111111 by the nnneral 1111 The organs 11111 rlllllllV are helped to 111 normally 111111 improvement ill llealtl 1111111 of rheumatic pains Krusrllen treatment 11111111 on cmli bottle for the next lew IIHIW III IIIIIIIIIIIII At all llruggisls 2131 and 71m 11111 1111111 Financial lost 111le11o11lu111ei lukurdlltl tllrlVion the 1111111 of what ttlll 1n futule Conservative rliltltlydll wide range of inure1 stltiiitstion frequently stressed 11 private enterprise of government intellelenie 1n 1111t1 lltSS 11 1113 KlillSOllEll Helps to leap you smiling llogressne palti Recreation The point 1not liltlllt 411 avoidant and Dont call for tile policeII You can get rid of these moths the easy way The USanO Insured Mothprool Cleaning System complete protection against destructive moths Every woolen garment treated with USanO is insured against moth damage for six months Try it today hillSERVICE 74 Elizabeth St Dial 2471I gives your clothing USANO vsu REF MOTH PROOF unalqu Istsrm WE SUGGEST The lnglis Sterling Electric Washing Machine Or the MaxWell Washer Make one of theseIa family gift For the fisherman or hunter why not Order 11 SEA KING OUTBOARD MOTOR now in stock and hold for spring delivery We have both Land cyl ljloilltey Sticks and ISpoing Goods Many New Styles In Toys and also thenold Favorites CALL and it in Here Next Wednesday DEER SEASON OPEN 1N SlMCOE COUNTY DECEMBER CI 1l l11 111 111 1321 111 111 1111 ilii1 iiir ln1t1 111m 1111 this 11 1111 1111 111111 l1 11111M puliilacll 111 111 1i tlllttlt 11111 11141111111 111 with t1111p 111 111111111 1411111 iitit 1111 1111 111 1n 11111 1111111 her 1111111 111111 11111 11111111411 1111 llulilllig 111 111 1117 1111i 1111 111 1111i 111111 1111111 at 1121 1111 ile hunts 11111 it is 11111111 tor 111111111 11111 11 111111 tumor to 1111 111 1111 1111111 to par ltfll 1111111111 11111111 lot 1111 gt11111111 11111111 1111111 11111111 1111 pluti11111 1l lltl 111111 1111 llslttrit llllwt 7111 11 lion 11111111 1111Is 11 per 1111 Juli 111 1111 holder 111 more 111111 11111 111111u 1111111111 1111111 111 llllmlt Ill 1111 lal 1111 1111 ot 1111111 llotgulis 1111 11111 11111111111 ltllts Ix permit tut 1111 1111111 50uth Simcoc Hockey iTcoms Meet of Thornton LTonight for Planning mar cwssrrosg lliE EiAERlE EXAT131N3R BARRIE 11 LIA irst Games Nov 29 Air Cooled Engines To 11111111111111 farmers Ulllftl tors 11111 ltztltls STEEL FOR SALE lltElt plates shirts flats cold rolled 1131111111 115 gt 11 1111111 Engineering Co 17 Mulcaster St Phone 3744 Barrie 211 711 11111lo111lu11 ijIIII II Iy II fI1Comcm Will be Given vI II 21I Wm 1I IA Town Hockey League kibiim 211 111111 12 Friday November 21 111 101111111 111113 1521110101111 111 it it Il11111 1g1111vrs I1 I1I 11 II It 1111 11 11 11 ltl11 1111 11 11 17 11 11111 11111 12 Q11 11 II 11131 111 la 11 til 111 31 11= 11 11 11 illx 11111 11 111 lti 111111 l1111111 11 111 11 1L 111 11111 11 II 11H IIII III III II 1111ll limit 11 ill le 111111 11 11111 111 Ulla1 11 11Qa ilwr flan1111 11 11 11 rtl Slit1 1111 111 ill 11111 IV 1111 11111 1111 1131 1111 111 III It Round By KEN ROBINSON SYMPHONY ltlllSlllr lilttltilt 11111th silgate the pos lslhlllti of the tollnation 111 11 $111111 ghlondajt night last met 1111 favor 11111511111115 lillllttl will it 11134011 jas brass and reads appear to be Elnnlr vell represented ltageous to the music lovers of Bar league League also appears headed for successful season and last Friday had the added pleasure of taking mother RECREATION AND COLLINGWOOD the recreational movement tivcs LADIES BASKETBALL been slow in coming forward games should soon be startcd has 111ml 111171111 illl1n v1th 7111 LHii 11111 111111 st 111 111 l11 111 511111111111111 11111118 llltl position With Morelieepers olllmpe 11111113 111111 hand the palms are getting startI gmnw Lian able support lwellty lllt1l e11 earlier and players should 111 cieation ottiee through the co with 74g wimp AibI Mcpuddpni 1110 111113 111 113 1111 11 operation 111 t1llmttllltI Programs and Dick llendelson were right 111 liraneh ill Toronto who have tittflt With 691 and 5113 BurtitIS II wellstocked library of complete NIl Ii 1051 IllllIl 3239 113111 ShiNI 1111 when over as ttt WANTED lilnivalc No Were the better of such Iltitlsltnl ventures it is felt the siting teams with 3701 C1 111311 11 Vullltl ltlmlllb 13 lVillll Reynolds titlii Archer 5117 and l1 rie it such musical group is form The El under strong executive arid pmmws is mum in mum row hillLt last Janual so have not had Explnumwml in use troll 1cnc1d bowlers However they are of chlllNE and 0E II 1107 K15 11 good bunch of sports and show the Church Hockey 14011111105 110111 ilig improvement every week will1 and their anlitlal organimtiollal meeting be hard to beat ill the playoffs on IIIutsday night Suggestions tor Collmgwood Ilielped liarrles posttI TRUCK BODY MAN itvlslon of the constitution and the 110 by 1103111111 01111111 1111111 011 rules and regulations have been Iorwardyd by an investigating com mm Vllw If 11011151110 Elmvale journey over to olliulrl Illlt the administration ol the wuodI The Barrie rllown and District Barrie Bowling Club tains last week arrangements wcrel attendance was obviously big en mild have the 8311105 9011111101161 qualified icotlragement to the boys Willi the calibre of the playing improving 1111r 11nd such names as Bill Bird and pom ha Ch 001 A13 BQWOH itDDCitllnt lineups tthI games on time Everyone isi thch is no reason to doubt that asked to cooperate Teams bowling LIMITED the teams will have something to at part should be able now to getI otter 1113 spectators Each hockey Slalltd 10 II SI night tree draw is also made and last Friday littlc Sally Houghton Thmlllh the Ilmmlner dated P110110 370 nice new electric toaster home to NESDAY AFTERNOON Oil11h surveys and investigations having been carried on in Coiling 101 the past nine months iiiijdblpthe direction of JackFinlay of the Childrens Aid society it ap pearsthat this town in the north crn part of our county is at the stage of appointing fulltime dir cctor We also licar Owcrf Sound is considering the appointment of To Now The Has such supervisor which also added indication of the growth of Pretty Tonight the recreation counsellor is meeting with Collingwood Group composed of interested bodies including the municipal council to lay the findings of the surveys before 1959 epicsmla Better bring it in and have that work done ndw We teams from other sources have at is hoped before long that four1 trademarks mean the same tng team league will be formed and Authorized Bottler of CocaCola under contract with CocavGola Ltd with the cooperation of the Board of Education practices and leagueI The Home of Friendly Service Dont delay in sending yourl Classifier Adlets to The Examlner tlore 1111 11111 1111 all 11 11 1111 Lil tr tire points 11L tom llt1 1111111 la vllall 1s lletal 1111 1aanloaaagtsia 31 for 11111 1111111 taxing five from uzl 113 For VCi 1511 1313115721415 libiooo los ltlnw 11111 lattelxon 111111 11111 wear itH 11s 1111 to the lltlitl 11111111 1I 11111 1111 Kightlty 11111 11111 1111 11151 11111 111 ltie 111111 111111111 moved into 1III 11 11111111we11111111vtakingsiwelifionl an yo 111111 o1 pavilion ou 11111 1111r 11141 lltei lralisport Barrie lannllu 11 LI 1w it 111111 tltlre battle iitll Moliison 11 111 It 11 11111111 W11 Muttlli 1U 51 11 111111115 3111111 hllW He or ire feels 1110 some war 1171011 11111 ons won the fllst ttltl by ltltt 1t llnns 111 Tiltstilt night amazonfr itltt Vie 11ieai IUlltll 111$ forI 1111 team tili moved into 1111151III NI mg place vlth fivepoint win owrt Il II II 111111115 liletlllt itlltl hitlntui iII II III in INS with MUI 11321 1oup 111111I111I1I111111 1111 11 Barrie 1laullner without their 1e 12111 in 111 15 usflrlal captain won sevely points 111111110111111 Junior 1It Slit11 11 to eltwe to pl1tflI 11 111 So right now inate the rush inartr an appointntn to have pozlrait made 1111 the first names on your hrislnir 1111 Well capturqyottr personality in your portrait and 111 3111 that will 11 IHIV If 11 11 II only you can gnaw 111111c it very specialgift11ldwtl 1111 number attltl and make your appointment now we are our 111 nr 11 t1j wingI 151111s 111 Illttl ltttllmzo III 11 learns 111 Satiriday 11 11 at 11 ti1 The CAMERA snap I1 on hand by 111 Anyone who wish es lo voluntxer to score should eon the p11 and tons of such an or 11 11111 111 gantralioli and gt11tl others 1l1 1H mum 181 IIIHIIM II 11 liltlilltl 11 wel deflnlt 111 111 ll Inter1mm Lvuzm ln111 111111 11 11 1111 tereted but 1ttt unable to attend III IIIIIIIIIII 11I our to prior commitments lhe BM 11111111111 11M 11w 11 WV1W major concern at the moment is an CUIHHHWIIIIII II II II 1111111 111111 MEIWth ttt int111151 1n the litunber of strings xmm studying try turning the desk 111 11 1tllllt11lt at apploxinlately L111 1t The local fivepill bowlers tooltlltUS 41111 11 111 Filllltt Ht 11 111110 Tm 111111111 pump1 11111 be hold over first place in the Conntyi luzniuativll the authorities tell 11gt on Tuesday Dec at time alld Lmbll nasulmmV by llklnii lllllt 51 111 V03 ml tll 1111111 place to be annotlnesd next week 15 1mm 1mm Iimlm mm 11 21110 litzltl wittiuitl 011110 W01 Th e1unlneneellient of librarv Ulla10m Dim 1151111 1111 Shuttltltl ittttt tuc should bt It continued thelr 11111 pace with $3111 III II HIP an II v111 be handled through the 1e ipl ppmIv was high inan work 111 hand Columbus 51111 were not doing bad nvalc boys are llillltlltltplhtli 111 that they have had alleys only SHOVEL OPERATOR much opportunity to get exper1 their own alleys Ito place both and SPRAY GUN Hams one point behind Barrier plays at Orillia this Saturday aud lAlN 11 STEADY WORK GOOD WAGES At meeting of the team capL no not Ilmy unlmq mm little earlier than has been usualf Official scorckccpcrs Will be 11 and they will be authorized to start Thursdav it goes to press WEDj WADE MARKI RIG have large stock ofparts and skilledmen tdldo the For some unknown reason afier II successful 194647 season the Nb we SpeIC ahze prevnt ve ma nt anfe um uremic Ladies Basketball League has been slow getting under way Jacobi GralialnIarc champing at the bit to get into action but the entry of Ask for Hither any batJ 65 COLLIER ST PHONE 24873 Penetanq Ontario 7iLL