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Phone 3721 Listed In Police Report For Past Three Months 1t 111 71111 1i111 11 11v1111 tor 11 1111111121111 11 11 iIi 1111 1111e Hiittate 111 15 111 stilloundlnz Ilnia hullilu 11111 tlttiler 111 II iIfIIIII IIIIIII slzws 111111 llvIS llllltIlitJ 311M t11tltrt the III lxmm Hm lhtglInp will ttt12111 111111 111g 1111 thet 511 one 5111 111 Have 111rl 111111 pend it 11 11111 11111 11111111 sus 1111 instants 111m tr111111111111 tht itbltlissttll 11111 11 eoliVelsion two IIIM WIN Mummy eaell Mllltlltttl to one month theft Illeinmkfm ileuI of clothes three earl sentenced to lCQIvIIIH TIMI III1IIIHIII XIII lllllct months agrauey 1111 mm In IIII Im III II 1mm gtilawn falling to remain at aeei mm mm lm hm UN 1111 rugliy gt011gt1111 has died 111111111 111111111 111 eat11 sentenced Ith mm mm MI to seven 111 months 111ght of those proseeuted under the criminal cod vere 1111 1111 21 years of age nine were 21 to 1111 and only four were oer 1111 iined Sf for speeding careless driv 1111 one finad $111 and one dismiss ed failing to allow half the road 85 inadequate lights two fined $5 failing to stop at stop street three paid $2 TUNA reuse two fined $111 1tll two others withdrawny no markers fined 515 time three withdrawalparking on boulevard three paid $1 one case withdrawn oneway street $2 dog at large three paid Eaplan 11i11 mars FURNIIUREELECTRIB nIlIIIIllliIIIIIDIIllIIIlnIlIluIlllIIIIIIIhlIIIllllld 11 1111 111 gt1 11 111 11 11 111 111 11111 111 111111111953 the 11111112 1111 111 ll gt112111 111111111e 111 111111111 in 1111 1111 1111 111 111 111111111113111111a 11 11 11111eeoll111ll 1111I 111111121 Il 11111111 1111 11 111 11 Viv BER tAAAtA iYJEXEiii iiAliiifi 1131 111 11110 111 MULLIGAN 131111 0111113 11511111111 riNED FOR SELLING poax ABOVE THE CEILING cores of Prosecutions lllltlf litltill ltltll iNl llltllll lllilil GARRY Says loin Us In Our Farewell Party For Wm Note To loo 11 1111 2111 1111 lthytlam liallziany Melody and 11111131 toyour1t+1t11r1t1111 11 111111 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rugby players are patell ed up Ine gtllljtt1 of tlattulzb Under llighway lrattle Act elght way Bear traps may be bong11 a1 Al mstrer is Just hole 111 syllniatily for he Filth lllv1es class who lost 13111111 dynes in the prout ol major and three paid $3 1111 11y noise $2 no operators li dyncs knocking abut the 1111113 will wrap them up al1 send 1hr 11 to Fifth Physics to coilsCIe1lein in their sorrow Till PROK Under lowu Bylaws meter over In September the police found four premises unlocked had 14 2nd Hospital Campaign lodgers in the cells overnight and made 611 inVestigations under the Meehng In 00 TownShP Criminal Qode OCTOBER REPORT An organirfation meeting was held Fittccn traffic accidents were rc 11 the 010 TOW H1111 ThulSdily ported in it the damage was less Netting NUV 13 101 1110 1311113050 than $511 111 two damage was over Jf planning the campaign tor the 550 two persons were injured one 331110 and 1315mm MCIUOIlal H05 child was killed three minor Jital Fund The meeting was not breakins reported $20 from resi argoly altCHdCd OWinl 10 the dencc some clothing from clean stormy night but there was enough ing establishment and camera interest and concern about the need and typewriter from nzwspaper Of anew hospital to warrant action office 1111 IpoliCc Car travelled Being taken at once 4177 miles HitllOWObll nighLDHSS Jllitchinson campaign chairman ed Quietly presented his views on the great Prosccutecl under Liquor Control need IIforI increased hospitalization Act drunk three served 10days all over Ontarioevcry hospital be drunk nine fined $10 two $15I0ne Iing greatly overcrowded and if an 1520 One $500ne sentenced 20 days epidemic should occurit would be one schtcncxlione month consum national disaster Iring rubbing alcohol sentenced one Mr Mitchinsonwas followed by lmonth having not purchased legal Sheriff Drury who cmpha 1y $1011 keep for sale withdrawn sized the seriousness of the hospital hill1m 011 81 $501I10111 at $15 one situation and drew the attention of at $11 one dismissed onc commit those present to the difference tb ted ill default day when people are so well taken Under Criminal Code drunk care of by hospitals and the situ driving one 10 daystwo cach nine ation 40 or 50 ysarshgo when doc days two each seven days vag tors and nurses had to travel long rancy suspended sentence danger distances at great cost to everyone ous drivingwithdrawn theft of After some discussion it was de clock dismissed theft ofclock cided that meeting be called at three months theft of hams one an early date and that the Womens mouth theft of hams two each Institutes and the Federation be re given three months theft of flash quested to make arrangements for lights two months indecent as such meeting Mowat Tudhopc salilt two months common assault will follow this matter through $10 common aSsault withdrawn Highway Traffic Act 10 paid $5 4111 FOR CAnADA for speeding onc speeding charge Of 7084 patents granted in Can Awhdmmmcardessmngwhe41da i114045on1y 486 were from dismiSscd two withdrawn lWl1C$ld01lS Iol this country mod $10 lwWsfllted $20 faulty lights thrch fined 315 no license Pay in advance for your Exam plates two lined sro no operators iner Classifieds and save money uuw 1w November 17 lll BRINGS YOU PICTURES ITHAT com 10 use If youve never looked through VicwMastcr stcrcoscopc you have thrill in store Pictures of worldfamous scenic attractions National Parks Famous Cities Ilawaii Mexico Central and South America actually come to life in startling fullcolor three dimen sional realism See for yourself ViewMaster slercoscopcs are pre cision optical instruments durably built of metal and plasticOvcr 350 different interchangeable Vicw Masterreclsc1clicontaining seven stereoscopic lullcolor scenic views are now available for use in ViewMaster stereosmpes Costs less than 5c 21 picture Educational and catertainingl for adults and children grand gift WATERER CAMERA CRAFT supmns Phone 3927 SAVE ON FUEL it Wood 3111 12 11111101 DE LUXE VIEWMASTER STEREOSCOPE tsoc piturc above tongtastingncncpm mg celiitructiin 1101 1011111113 hull1n shutter If STANDARD VIEWMASTER STEREOSCOPE ltmgctl onen inIi conlrutlon El Cord Loads 897 $1 111111 ler NEIL Phone 2163 Barrie rd $2110 VIEWMASTER REELS 111m Cbnlgcahle Live1 iztnc llll 10 color Established 30 Years POLLARD Real Estate Broker Houses Lots Tobacco General Farms exchanged RR N0 NEW LOWELL PHONE 102124 Or Aehiel De Selicppvr 45r23 lead naturally to the Sadie Hawk1 ills Dance next Friday weelt later for various ltltr lilt111euniingany1 Barrie 37 ElizabethSL List Your Properties with us theorem lm sure that anyone who has caugle ot iJJUSLIIld 1pare llH 11115 111111 1943 TRQSIIE AUTOMATIC RADIOPHONO Now you can enjoyreal Iconcertperformance from your records This sensational new fully automatic Crosley RadioP110110 actually plays 104111111 12 records INTERMIXED And plays 1th in smootli continuous flow with superb rich ness of tone The famods Crosley looting Jewel Tonc System liuslics all surface scratch and chatter You got this extra retord enjoyment plus powerful SIuhe radio as well Hear it today MODEL 111711 ARDWARE PHONE 2451 1311111111 PRECISION BUILT IN CANADA BY MOFFAT ROBINS 11 Floating Needle Jewel Ordinary needles dig into the record but Crosley Floating Ichol glides lea Recorllnsrnpw on 51 to 10 times longer