is VAI Avw II If WI IIMIIIHIIIII IIiIIA II II Hill Elli 10 SALE Hill HAll As II II III III III II IIL IUIIIU II II 1IP Zr 131 1111lxi IAI KER MM vvvvv CASH RATE rent word minimum 351 II wi 311 1111 11 Mllsl bi paid llrluir liisrrtluii ll llluuillll lllg 11 out minimum 501 23c extra for bus number or rcplies dun11111111111 offhr I11 Alllllltlt ixsiiiiioss swim 111115 11 1L ClISSIth Adet Mu Be IIIvIEI II1III1I II11II1IIIEI1IIIII Not Later Than NOON WEDNESDAY You Hills llltltltlt cash stamps or Money order 111111 copy 33 to get low rate 1I lllllJ WAN Hit tlJfllNlUlllllllN WANIEU if 11 us 11 Hana I11 15i1 lt11I1 11 IV 1111 is sasrso um 14 1111111111 lil Ems 11 till 11 iri 1I El 11 L7 II 11 71 177 fiv17 ft $777 11 liSlOtK lOK 1li 111 Ak hit HWHIl 70 iii in 1z in ii 11 051111135 tf 1111 111 =1 11 111121 II 11 915111 11 111 11 111 1111 11 gt II II 11 111 III gt Ill 1111 1113 213731 IIIIII III III III III IlvIlIlIIlI1II 11 II II IIII 1I II 1111 111111111lI iIlItIlil iftilll 1l1ullli lli lift 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Wl lullmy 2llttlllllll1txI llllirknlibtnlillllildilio NtHlx huitliill 111111111 itIi l11 Plltml lvll lm 111 mm 0Tftllp jltl11E1p1n liftlltl lallll ll williiilvi lliidllli Illllihllliilrl 1W Im hunk mm used 111 111111111l ho 101 31 II my KM 1111 1711 RIM IIIIIII II 1W IIIIIIIIIIII 1III IIII mm III II IIII II II IIIIIIIIII1 III ITII lUlll II Wv li11lund1 131111111 15 11 IIHI IIIIIIK IIIIOVI IIIII NIIIII1I1111 111111 1M 1011 51 113 11111 lOll SALIz lznr brown Iski boots fil MP 18 11111111 11 131111115115 1V1 ITTTT +T 11 11 111111 black suer pumps 19111 lllllltOlJiI Mtll wit 1111111 Norms ND 111111 wwmmon 111mm 1711 11 Hunt 11111 intM MIMI IIII IIIIII IIIIMIII 111mm PKOlIultl 10R Rbhr IllIlllll ll llUll bllUlltl IlIIllItilleI1IIIIIII IIIIIHI TIIIIITII IKIII h1 Rub IIWIHI NAIL WIHI 1K1IbHIII 131113115 III NIIII IIIIIlIII IIIId IIIIIIIIIII RCIIIIIHI IIIIIII III II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII1 IIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII willed ll11111 31111 21111111 Ynmiu 21111 you MW 11 IN lllL EXAMINER Il IdIIlIV llWlI ImIl ml Pl 38 lIlIdilillfifl m1 111 Mufti 19de ml ll I1IlL lieH foi 1111 1111111 111 13 11111 1111 1111I 311111 A11 11 ALIlSllAlnllillitS tractor Model 11 ul tlilll Nut 110 11510 111111 111111 on 1011 111 Munump 111 11 11211 of 11111i1111 1LllNlSlll11 1100M for rent 11 37 111w 5111011 1111 1I 11111lu1V new Apply Ilnymond Build Uliil llljl Hllltl tw II 01 li 1111 11111111 1111 11111 1111 l7 11 OnL P1111111 lllltlll ll ll lll1l1i lllilllll mUl 111gt1111gt 11 1111 1411111 11LS BILLLL 111l11l llll Am 411 511 5111 tIII 17 11 I001 yomggump 1111011 umev 11 mwk Mod 11 II PL Ir 13 112111111 1111111 1113 111 11 Reux EYI1III1mlll111I mp FURNISHED ROOM for 111it1l 1IA11y5 111N11111 UATI 11211IlI1 U0 JllHR OVMKUAFI lil 1911 13111 Wt lIUl 11 111 hill NC ltltIllll 1111 111131 1111 111111111311 171 I1II 171 111111111112 Phone 2023 13 VlTll 41 111 3111 130x 61 1311111111 11 QUEBEC lllIAllIll with tillit gt4Il gm ll lilhlfIlfFwauf lhwa 50 IIImlIgi ml Hll imnmq 71471313 lillt lllllitl l0 ktlllti lill CXCC Malia ll PROPERTY FOR SALE l1 111 111111111 1111111 11111 17 311 1111 11 11011111111111 are nice appearance and Will 111W Sllttiill Ull Blbl OlHJl lm S1Nlll 11111111111111111t 11 11111 ILI1 ht Ir 1I 111111101 1511111 1111I1111 1111 mg Apply 111 ljssu 1111111 11401111 SMAHI 100K Srva Uni1c1lcs 51 77111 nIiuLliI LthIIIiIifIOIlt lInIIIlIlil II1I1I1I1I111IIIlI11IIIS IQIlAIkIEIvIliu gtdlIIIIlIlMltIII11I1II $11 IILIIouILliIIaIiIiIiIiISMr111 IIllltIIUlIIlI TWO III IIIII IIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIR 11111 1111 111111111 111111111 111511 1111 111 311 1111M 111111I1M 19 l3 dtuek C11 lifil hsilliilllll AWE lvllLlARGH FURNISHED Oomdm Clniilehill Ill471 NAVY SKI PANTS Eula lkllkol Slllilwr 0mm Ilux 310031SOIL RR Run Swill lmal 31131 Mlui AHhultimlll 1111 I171 11 111 central 111 2030 1717471 12 and 14 brown pla1lt suit ll II II IIII II gt7 I111I black Locker Spaniel hou Ml ok MM lAl 01Ilbltdlllll Jail 11111 1111 COACH lltdltl so WANTED MW WWII MM mmII1111c11I BEDROOM Sto 1111tIb111l IIIIDIIIIDBIILKIIVI5I5IIf$r01 IIg CHI phone 31211 717DI 703 I111I111II1 Mp 111111y2I1VQI1II 1111321310115 IILIIIELLIiIiIsIII IIiIIII 1IIsI 11115111 11C11111IIiv 1I1IJI1SIIeI111I1I 11111 III u1IIIIlIll s1IlI1IIIIII1I1I1I1I1IlI1I 11 1I1IIII Iml hIII I1111pn1n1 11 Grove 17 11 In gt 7471 coz 21m umcs pianozircm ominn 11w ms 1111111111nc11 so gt1 II III II I111 ltll ll lll 1111 mm 1111 111 IrIIIII IIUNNIFD ROOM 1OlIIlCOAT 1111 111111 Islt 111 iigllqbluI1111I011151I1111iIIiffllgrIItIgILI ltIgt111II11SA1gt111I1Undonlhwu 1111711LMLQIWMWWWM 331113 11i1111gt1 11 17111 CI1 11 11111117 r011 sALE electric 11111111111211 18011111 81100115111 11111111s11311lt1g11 b1111 11 11110111111 c0 m1 11 1111511 11111 51111 11111 111 mix IIII II 11 v1 11 1M 55111 Wm BOX nmpu lupmwmr LO Longiljlil ietv Shop Collier St Tfllp PUREBRED Leicester raan set of 101 new tires heater and dcfrostcr itl limll 1111 liN lllttl IlellIlIlIIlIIlfiIlIfIlI1111I151I211 wimisimp 11111111 1101110111 3111111101 740 bmchma 1111 1111111 11111110 10 111111 cash balance 12 months 711 111 Hull 11141481 31111111111114 11111111l111111 Ave Bar BCmfm llmml ML 1101111 CHAIRS or S1111 L1111 1121 RlulllGhltATOR Universal toni leVli Ull b01001 sillilllIbllbIIUll 1119 LCM Old J1 Gtmlk My MAN lt MODERN HOME 1II1C1II 11 IOIIIIIFI 11 ph 111 1501 43943 mercial 17 cu ft 60 cycle 11119avaIlable coal heater medium size ton Phone 40113 OH 10 II urn FUl v1s111 r0011 Hmv v11 11 11 cum SLFR 1111 Stream sedan Lonmlb loom A1111 0A l1 ml IO 1111124 717p enamel new condition Box lll 05 lWh 11 WW 11 311111 1nwnnnm 15471111 TRACTOR WANTED siel or rub 10 1061111011 llwnt 337lm11l7ll lBarrie Examiner T4Tb lciul ponIIcr Icuttmg box IIrIoot $3 IBlIJIengI1IIoIIspxgsIIngn I1 3051 5909319 ffglltjfg 111 11 Hr VI p11 per 111 new common 13 7F Pl 111 ll 18 Vii111111133 10512113 illnfLIi FURNISHED bedroom for rent in RFgggylIESEIIIILHl REGISTERED puppmsI 1111115 Good choice beef scllIby the quar exchange foIIrI brood sow 131111111 Phone 2281 134111 EllIlIIgIIlIIlIlIIILIIlIZIIIlRIIIQl ILIIIIIlIEllIIEIIIII ley RR BillllL 34711 Alliuldulc Near btis line Phone 2161 19175011411 Danes and Doberman Pin tel leilllldld RON 101111011 01 G13 Col5 11 T1111 11111 3W7 11470 5111013 Champion stock 1011dc11111112111o 746lll MDURH COW du II 103I7I BUlCIKICIOUl CIonCi1ille3IIwJtl 1v or sa en ier upio sIeIry new ires Iica TmfAMy 1N1FD 1fUl ClllCl ROOM suitable fol IMnfs IAILORPD blow 510110 ELECIROLUX vacuum cleaners freshen in couple of weeks Ap c1 good condnmn Phone ump lROOMLD Ol F1Il1I complth 01 WK Wm 7W slittislzenlzllilll good coiithJOIi1 11 11 p11 1m 11 T0111 117 13w 1347 ly furnished tlillilZCli on Orr me you Jvmv Cream housumpmg llhlil 9110110 31 74 DINING ROOM CHAIRS Cd giiwdli1lil11iig1im lidjtuluslmsllibtltou illionc ligiinvngoansim lt1 17p Bum 111111 0111111117111111 091111 1154711 lr45tfb iuin Quebec heater dresser and L0 118 50ml 51 111C reasons for how populamty 1938 CHEV COACH 11 lllCSI SCRl ngA1 MVP11g 111 11111 15 LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOM MISSES CIOTH Cw bmmll 2021 htgildlqlxgbltnghoum Authorized representative in sales BRINDLE COW dug Dec brin beam lights heater Al condition NEW 1lODERN IGlUOlllCtl house lub lt mmltmmm LC Hi 1051 0W 11 rriBanch dle heifer incalf sow horse Apply 15 Cumberland St after lllllllttllillC 110550551011 Smilll WW 1c 111 M11 Am 111111 and llllltliLllC ltlinlsllcd llan 44 47 senicc 1111 upp II 1111 41 11 111 141311 1380 ltip Hm SMALL WOODEN CRIB and mal Office 31 Vespra Street Dial cream separator Bowers 90 pm or Saturday lo4111 138N111tnl A1101 to 10 1111 les Billiin mum 31111111 w1f11111i m111AM SFPARATOR MCCD 1trcss also gocart Good condi 3393 7415zp nghwny mmC 3161 94 m4 N1c111v iUiiNisnED bedroom 11 11011 Mrs Whitbrcd Minets VANIlD TO lguy 111 llLlllV 51 A11pr after six lm olunlm Ehlwml Point Phone 4363 11711 ROBBINS BELTS shuttles and SPRlNGER COWS llOlSlCIm and rubber good running condition nilOOMltl llLNulOl foi salt 1110 11111111 1110121Ul11111 111111111 l1l7p Hume 201 needles for sale Sewing machines Durham lid Cars $83 CHICll Slim Apply lladcr Angus iill ItllilltltlllttS hardwoodpizood In good flesh and close Stan Phone Barrie 835113 134711 oca 115 ear possession 10111 GASOLINE ENmNEI 112 111 1150 pioinptly cleaned and iepaiied It IIIIIIII III IIIITII oidiscIsg1Iod condition State cash AIIAIIIIIMIINIII ROOMS ADIIIIII mm Id OIIdIIIOI II 111100 1N otter Domis 199 size with shelf Miss Bond 111101111 01 111001 If lIIIIIImT1ICmIC UI Welles Fmonm ldhb $110 mummmub 2713111391 1823 Slroul 747 gig 13211111C11l11i11 Singer 506V REG HOLSTEIN BULL monthsztmechanically May be seen at shIoe TIlOOMlIlI HOUSE vacant Cll POUITRY OWN IIIIIII IIIIHSIIII IIId ing 1112111111111 Company Telephone dam Grace Dutchland Rag Apple factory during day Manly 1111 1111111611 giilIlfllIIII 1113111131 11AT11MENT rooms unfurnish Cim 1111 phonf 111 3111911 SINGING CANARIES for sale onto 3361 146471 sdycdli911I1b1331119 31310111 In BIIIIIchIII 111111 1ILII1I III led unheated Box 50 Barrie Svild 1141113 7W4 and green budgics new and used lOJI ays as zycaro 111qu IIII III ABOUI cw Humpbhnl llll111illclf I5471 cages African violets in 14 Colors OUTBOARD IlUlllOllZCd 81312 94 OLDSMOBUJEI III II lnigs for sale Ihonc 0470 Bani WINGIIAM BRUCE II N1st wmI AgarI Bcc1onI 74051p Sea King sales and service for and defroster good tires new batrBUlLllleI lI4I suitable Ito Iic r10 141111113ED51TTINC 1100111101 young II II II1111ILfv mm 51mm County 111 $75 1111 RED POLL BULL from ROP dam leiy and mechaineallngoodI 11 C011L11Itl 11110 small house C1111 it busimss lad Phone 2781 OI IIg 94130 131 Icon mos me REMNANTS from our cuttingiublc $14965 111I1319285I A130 mrail and Sue serviceable agcI ten moved 1111151 Also lots f111Isiit WE BUY all types of poultry Call Enmmm SL 15471 31 stripes floral patterns and 1113111 mm in 12 111 spare parts 111111 be good young cows and spring Ibull II Call aflei pm 9011 111411 at your door Box 119 B111iultI SMAU WHCH SCM 18 mum goods upholstery squares Barrie stocked to insure speady service Gnl03 CamDDCll 194 MACK TRUCK 340 90 Iliilllllllli Hllll LARGE ROOMS for rent at 73 III 104 mad 111211115 Tent 1h Awning Co 34Biiyficld Phone 11612 Smiths Boating Ser CllUlChlll bulb411 plctc with hydraulic Ilu111leIocl Niall iIsllOIJlVlrJI COTTAGE oi ltmlilul 51 No children lmllud 111 31 717J St 7471 vice Barrie 747501 new tires hcatIer radio VtilIl saf sale lIl11l1OItI IIlIOOls llllOlllllLtll 100 ROCK AND SUSSEX pullelsniaic 11115503510 15471 bOMh CHOICE Oxford Down llllCL Phone 18 blayner 134111 immediate possessieiiIIIIIpply 117 $1 each Apply Finder A1111115 FUR COAT 1101 A151I1an REFRIGERATOR 101 51111 M11111 siNGEn SEWING MACHIINEump ram lambs 2yrold Alsospray E5511 Road 01 11110110 418 107411 Pllonv Bum 533113 lillllEURNISHED BEDROONL lmmed lamb size 38111 41 wood commimh gomcry made by Frigidaire deluxe head good condition hot water 0d Norther SFIJSS and rglmim FORD VS COACH scaled 093 iale possession Apply 10 Worslcy gm 1111611194113 747p model cu ft practically new tank with electric heater attached SWCCL aDDlCS BlClllCl tom lllll allfl llealgll 11 800d Cmdlllon BRlClVLILAU IlIIOUblA 190mb BLACK AUSTRALORP lllll St or phone 27l2 l547h $2100 33 Donald St or phone good condition some pipe andm 246r5 Stayncr 0471 Apply 1ties Sermcc refreshment and snniooin good cellarsall lets for sale Apply Stucliffe TUXEDO 11115 and Win10 mm 3101 7471 111145 11nd furnace c011 wash 1111 booth Burton Ave Allandalc hardwood floors good eoutlit 1011 stand and hand wringcr winter GOOD DRIVING HORSES 1200 Ont 13471 11110 and 1411111311 ar lhone 4524 Cookstown l447p 40 PUREBRED ANCONA pullcts for sale months old Goodlayers Apply 128 Codrington St 14471 75 BARRED ROCK pullcls starting business girls privrlcges Phone 4748 to town fcrenccs 10 lav Phone Arthur Morrow 23111c1 17471 LADYS BLACK clothcoat with lJl St lUlltl 11 mile Con 10 lnnis black fox collar siie ltigir1s green in mle mlmacfpisfbldltl115 will Apply Price 22 St Thomas 1946 CHEV STYLEMASTER mil fil l4J47b BRIGHT CLEAN furnished light ghfwd 1mm 23 74471 quilted ski jackctnwith parka size all 1980 fl 11 Toronto Randolph 5l41 0r Herb or deck lighter and spareItI1rc GROOMlDIllObSh IiioderiiI quick liousckcepihg room VCIV central 12 girls blue suitfsizc 10 Phone 050 30L 1555 ounsomc Bradford 591133 9454711 smalIl nIiIileeI13gcanw gritconditou IDOSSCSIODldfl00lllCl brick in v11 20 NEW HA and Rock ll lets 11 r1 Apva avv cc on 11 age mime 1a possession rooms Apply BOX 44 Built ClllLlS Il AllICvF llllClLLE Ind 308 17 ELECTROLXGISSupcifluous half 30 WEANED pIGS 60 chunks of phonle 1III BectonI 1347b DWI DeccmbcrI occupancy Iglcgg Abstaincrs for sale ready to lay FranCisEExaminer Shanahan Barrie RR Lat Craig hurst l447pI POULTRY AND EGGS wanted Highest prices paid McLaughlins Egg and ItuiltiyTBlation Alliston Phone 77 lAlA4452p FURNITURE STORAGE clean storage Road Phone 3359 miles froin Barrie 300 GOOD BARRED ltOCK Jul1 Road Hydro and telephone Ap condition Phone 3450 7471 with stripe size 4042 Both in good Is and becomcwcak Duheanchrvc gt ER $5215 131115111331210121 1311113 ialiilliliihm Hdm Bdtcfhiii AMFlllCAN chFNr 1111 it1111213vs1 1i1 Tablets the helpful nerve tome iuiiiliniilli 13031 111113911 311611 ElpttcamJiliilcdwiaSi 0330111 5353021lii5iibaff iicy Midhuit 147471 $125 bag Ed Wilsdn Antcn 31 gmfl hf ind Alliston 70 11 947p change for cattlcI Alcx Allen anee easy terms New 41oon1cd LOG CABlN rooms with large Phone 432 Mincsing 7471 LIMITED NUMBER 1115131111111 mo CgII OgthIYI Ououln calsgggf Cookstown 134713 0011111401 Anslls Huffy 01110on new shed attached IA acre land tors complete to husbands anicc REG HOLSTEIN COWS yrs RealIrEstatc Broker 12 Ellen SL mullV obtainable due or 105 due Dec and 14 reg Holstein 1944 CHEVROLET TRUCK Al Barrie Phone 35111 iii47p CHOICE ROASTING CHICKENS to lbs delivered in town Rea sonable Cecil Campbell Barrie RR Phone 8l2r32 14471 150 LEGHORN PULLETS just comIl ing into production Dr Roe strain High grade mating Phone 1845 Stroud Ralph Robinson 1447bpcrsonne1 CARTERS POULTRY FARM wish Alliston to announce that creased the size plant and this year w11 be able to room attached supply New Hampshire Barred Suitable for Rock crossbred chilis in addition If to their wellknown strain of pure ElMTedRocksRerHawke stone Phone Oro 101 14464811 Immediate possession pm Candles APARTMENT for rent furnished all conveniences niilc east of Alliston also blocks from Post Office St NlNETEEN 022 IIIIFAGE nosrir ro 1011 ZAillt CAN Altllh itlll SALE lilE BAREth EXAivthinl 1111 AND LtiElABLES WARM BEDROOM suitable for Light housekeepmi 1547p 8ROOMED llOUSEior rent close Applicants must have rc Box 15 Barrie Exam 1547pI said two warehouses Cooke Cartage andStorage 43 13553 l5l4tib snoomnp HOUSE for rum ll Sunnidale Apply after David Cazaly Ferris Lane 15471 rooms one Suit Camp Available immediately Phone Alliston 44 or write Box 404 1547tfb they liavc indM of their poultry1LARGE ROOM with closed sun large closet light housekeeping Business couple or two girls Three Phone 1151694Mrst9Mhiter7770wen dillQll21MCDQnald St Phone desired Simcoe District Coop Ser 1547P 1197 COOK STOVE JCM 11111101 43A Elizabeth 51 first Applesatc Phone 5122 Ivr 9471 l933 FORD COUPE good condition 29 CHEW SEDAN new tires bat tery and plugs steering and wheel 1bs well broken single or double to let out for their feed and care till June 1948 Apply oat size 18 tall All in good con ition Phone 2793 747b BEAUTIFUL property outskirts of Barrie good brick house all con coats Iiidresses size 16 too small for owner 33 Grove St 747p CHILDS WALNUT DESK walnut tea wagon springtilled mattress and boys leather aclet and win Biol Maple tcr overcoat slize Phone PERSONAL Clarke Box 227 Orillia 9471 alignment achar ago Ingsniount Ave Phone 41128 74713 2287 747b ServicIc Station miles soIigthIIot ycnlcngcfsm Igcrcs IIlIinIiIidB outbugd 111s I1L ox T151 mm IF BACKACHES arc slowing you RE OXFORD SW miIICL I1647II lambs for sale Excellent quality Eliick Owen St BRICK BUNGALOW rooms hot watcr lieating4vell constructed modern conveniences immediate possession Other properties avail able Coulis 15 Owen St Dial 21177 l6a47p 4q COOK STOVE Dohcrty with reservoir 4Idining roomchairs commode chair tweed overcoat size 38 boys CCM skates size 511 Phone 2948 7447p MANS BALACLAVA overcoat black size 4042 mans suit blue $150 OR BEST OFFER1931 Modv cl Ford pickup witliracks tires and iiiotoigood Apply Argo Scr vice Station 154 Burton Ave Phone 12386 before pm 13471 34 DELUXE DODGE SEDAN new generator new battery good rub and moles permanently removed OpeiatOr Mrs Erwin Reg Nurse RR Cookstown Phone 48r3 Alliston BHGZp NERVESrOur modern way of liv ing puts great strain on the entire nervous system with the result that nerves break down arcoverworked doll carriage sin good condition Phone Stroud 214112 747l PAIR CREAM PLANNEL pants size 10 boys brown wool chrcoat size l2 Phone 4289 71471 GIRLS TWEEI COAT size 1214 tweed suit and crepe dress in good pigs brood sows due 10 store cattle Suffolk cwos registered Siiifolkram lamb Pine Crest Farm Spring Wyevale Phone Elmvale 36162 94547b TWO PUREBRED Holstein bulls 11 months grandson of Marksman sired by Glenafton General two STUCCO COTTAGE rooms with full basement back kitchen at tached immediate possession Also 6roomed family house early pos session tcrms arranged Coutts Real Estate15 Owen St Dial 2377 16471 $7250BUYS lovely house8 large rooms solid brick squarcplan de tached new air condition furnace 2piece bath and separate toilet large garden Immediate Christmas gift Sewing machines promptly repaired Finlay 45A Elizabeth St P11 3361 74647p TYPEWRITERS Reminiton Deluxe The portable with ig machine performance 97925 Mail orders promptly filled Barrie Business College 7e4750p IMPORT cancellation on washing machines will cause scarcity Ex cise tax will increase prices In stock at Coop MontgomeryWard PAllt LADYS white boots and skates fur trimmed worn one win ter sizcb Phone 4290 747p condition 4whccl drive or neces sary seal beam lights booster brakes 2speed transmission 12 ply grip tires heavy platform Suit able for lumbering or snow plow ing Phone 812r32 1347p 1946 CHEV SEDAN 1946 Pontiac sedan 1941 Buick sedan heater and radio 1940 Chev Sedan 1940 Ply mouth coupe 1939 Plymouth coach 1938 Buick sedan 1938 Plymouth coach 1938 Ford sedan 1937 Chev free privately wrapped at the above price from Duncan Medicine C0 Dept 133 Atlas Avc T0 ronlo Ont 3047bP PROPERTY WANTED ALL CLASSES OF REAL ESTATE in demand reliable clients with cash waiting to buy Buyers open for the following General store on highway store and apartment for distributing agency restaurant with heifers yrs due about May 24 grade heifers yrs sired by reg Holstein andibred to reg Hol stein due May 24 NW Boake Thornton 947b REG BULL CALF 10 months dam Bonnie Vale Inka ROP 305d 2X 18342 lbsmilk 712 lbs fat average test 488 Also one five months dam Sylvia Colantha Dutchland with 18323 lbs milk 634 lbs fat Above calves are sired by iiENrREw RANGE for sale warm portalch New 1111 oven and reservoir Apply Chas Hickling Phone 81212 747p FORDSON TRACTOR and plow 101i sale practically new Bill Coe Crecmorc Phone 10410 747p WASHING MACHINE Maytag good condition for use with either gas engine or electric motor Also Deluxe Washers electric $17950 apartment equipment and build Hays Marmaduke 6th nearest coach 1936 DodgeIsedan 1936 Ford garageI mantel battery radio excellent con gasoline $19950 Budget terms if ing Confidential service Phone dams average 365d78328 milk coach 1935 Pontiac sedan 1933 possessmn Pollard Real 13 Estate Broker RR New Lowell Chev coach Graves Allen 14 3551 Harry Michie Real Estate 2140114 1347b Phone Dial 2429 or 3061I 747b IBfokciiSZIElleuStfBarrie 3347pStroud ring 13 94711 Clappeiton St Ontlhone 10224 16 2m 717p vices