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EllCClS 11 1111 liilfAA Algal li 11 11111111111111 1111 11 1111 II IIII II II 9111111 1111312 511111111 IIiIns 1111 mm lIH Il 11M Ml 11311 il l11111 lliollt lll ll ll 1lilli 11111 1111111111213 lilltllllt 11l1 1I 11 11I 1131 uslunulnn 101 51 lIl I1I II III II 11 II In I1 111 11111 11d 1111111 11 113 II III I1I lIlv gtllltIlll ol Sigma 111l1t lIiulii ll 1l 11 3112 11 lt 1lll1 II III II AIS IICI1ICIII 1111 111 11xI qurlci 111 1171 111 111 COOKEIS STORAGE llw lilillll 3111111111 My hmLv Farm Fres nuts an vegetables 311171111111 11111s111111 1I II1I1I1 111 Essa RoadI Allondalc IIlIIIS1 I1I11I1II lI 111111 1111 II II II I13 FLORIDA MARSH 5IIfor19 Morin I11tIui II 11 IIII4 1III1I 1I1I1 1II II1I11IIII1II 1111111 11 111 SEEDLESS 963 11 11 1111111 111 ll Am FLORIDA Do 110111 111 I11 11 11 Ix 111 III II III IIII IIIIIII 1IIII Saturdayl November I111 I11II1 H111 11IltIl l111 pi1l11I12111 II II II IIII IIIIIII lII 1111I1111I BEST FOR JUCE rm mnnmu in I1 111 11111s thus 11 W11 1111 ll Vi 31 Nlllm 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111 111 1111 gt mm 1111111111 ml lHI Ll lllill 1311111 15 Will Nlliti 15 lllmllncll Fm lm AHANHCPACHK wfc 3133de Excellent 73 lb Who Tmmht i5 Ju lltbllml 11 11115 HENRI all IIIIHIEIITHHUEI 111J1T13I NW ll 12 Hlbllwl llt iil5CCU ll HM or mt Somgc 89 memory 11 111 III II v11IIIIIIIIII I1 II1 IIIIII IIIIIIIIJ III IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIM 1111ie tin1t Ihe l11lIlttliI 111II1r111d appointment fioni tlit Om 11 1111 11 If i11 111 Fire vllllls eminent 111 power IMDORTE 011011111 pl 11I11 11 11111 1111 11111111111 11 Selcntncally Washed and Packed in IIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIII1 III I1I1I IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII III II IIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIII IIIH Wm 1w111mmCI115I111W55 Cellophane Bags Guaranteed Free of All Grit and My Heart Belongs to Daddy 1111115101 Munro 311111 11 11 1111111s 1111r 111 1111 711111 snndI Ready to cook A1r Fresh Daily No Br 11111 111111111 751 1e1111ds slezch bread 11m l1111eh1re 1111 lniitstil lie l11lltl invest 3131 MN lll1 llilllwll liVI iullil 14 police he had been robbed 71 skutos hull 11131111111 mum 511ml ANN 07 ccu PORTI VD p111 111 my 111 1110f llv liiw Cm 1731 HLHC IIllii LE 11 11 CEMENT chui 1111111114 hoards quantity Adi 1Ilf1 HLIIl 1pr If 310093Fll9ll0 Blilllllllll WI111b1 in CII10I1 101 of sil11111 11111111111 111 lllllll IIIKII ml IMImic UUL Wait Till You see lsl lllIlll room 111 lamb Hm5 Imp WC Cherie 751 Direct from United states 1111111 11111 H111 111111 11uplovees represent oinplovces 001 Quick Delivery sils Sll1lt11 dish pans cutie 111111 ll1111dL11lli at tho iiillllllfl Uf IISI 23 saws tools Laiiies and min tr1111 sod by Premier George Drew Pnnmlmls only llll l0 111111101th liltYIllllln tor the iicw Hospital 101 Sick olilpFIdHHLL hullhm Dina1 comp1112111011 The above goods must be sold OHWM 111111110 on 110mm Positively no reservn VHITE 11 hristinas Dreaming 011 311 01 dclsI TIIIIIIIS CIISIII SIIIII III IIIIIII XII 1i1111111 t11llllL1 I1 Shan You 11111111 4150 011m gcnerm 115111 lobcrt11i 111 111111n111 111c BI Dem DIV II Building Mamms such 3111m Urm 11111111111 Wm taken to the Royalv LIVESTOCK MAN BROWN 202360 gt 11 $110512 9111110111911Victoria Hospital in serious con1 10 W1 11 1111 II IHI II II ab 86 4w mm LA Bmk Tm luebd lgm mm he For 8110095511 sale Naughty Angeline large 111211101105 15211 iiuurcd in an 1cc1deni on Ilighway1 of Household Furniture Dmgm 73 WIRE VRITL PHONE pmlxuuc Js twi 202303Kate sensor 111 car driven by Vt alter or B1111 mg 7777 layiies Marlboro Ave hen the Commission vehicle wcn out of ebno 7111 Farm sum and 90 251 0mm m3 11 Sgiggbkafl1110axillogffgllcm All Imueflm lmIOI Idu Implements Just An Old Love Of Mine genCY at Cookes new storavc rooms 43 Ladms Wm the dupe de PHONEWW The Old Piano Tuner 74 RiChmond St EW Road Term Jim 9111 typarlmcm at the Burner Tent Bv Tnlninv Dorsey 111 11 rod VTORONTO ONT 1wzdpmf A105C mic the Adlets 202436 bdd bm MirAWE DWWL Im in Love With Gal WA 1437 Lot 10 CO Vcspm TOWN OF BARRIE lv Future Just hissed Open Evenmgs on nk fmmI Stock And Inch BV D011l Rv1hm ang 731 00 10111151 8810 Ci 11pm Telms 9097B10 Blce C35 CF15 push Cllon cor 46 47 11 he DC ZoBzxqkcp RN Boys W700 They Didnt Believe Me Please Be Kind We are buyers at all times LAW SEED COMPANY BRANCH PHELPSTON call him if you have seed forvsalc 1usr FEED YOUR PIGS They willgrow quickerr lziilcn 11ui1lurrm troop healthier and rciirlriiimkitl weiglil much sooner and at lower feed cost FEED lig 91116121 112151 MM Hog Grower w18n you want to feed own home grown grains preparation of sterling merit For Sale by Allenwood Allan Barrier OliverrrWilson Jilires Browiro Cor le Dennis Bradford McCandlish Fidlei Sutherland Cookstown HarrisonIBros Ii Cockburn Store Edgar Bell Red Clover Alsike Timothy Sweet Clover BEETON ONT PHONES 1111111 BEETON Mr Leo Javanagh Phone 96 Mincsing is our agent QUITE SIMPLE OG FEEDS from thevery start 1111 to 75 lbs Town of Barrie Iacquire sites for the es industrial operations iivLAw No at AND WHEREAS Sections and Co as follows The Council of anyCity Town Township or Village may with the assent of the electors qualified bylaws pass bylaws to acquire of general bylaw authorizing the acquir purpose not exceeding stated amount thcclectors is obtained to such general may further assent pass bylaws from time to of Barrie hereby cna ts as follows The Council the Corporation of the $1000000 and to sell or lease the same for the This Bylaw shall come into force and pemng of the following events 111 The assentof the ClCClOIS qualified to cl The final passing of this bylaw from 75 lbs to market weight FEED Hog inllttlllllll your Overlll years 1x Crltllll in the scientific ivcsiock feeds ensures Letroy Minesing Stayner Stroud 4IIREAD first and second time this READ third time AD 1947 Above is truecopy oftlie proposed bylawx to be submitted for assent of the electors qualified toyoleen money bylaws If the electors assent to tth said proposed bylaw it will be con sidered by the Councd after the expiration of one month from the 13111 day of November 1947 The votes for assent of the said proposed the annual munICipal election on the 8th day Persons to attend at the polling places and of the votes by the Clerk will be appointed the Town Hall at the hour of 200 oclock in the 28th day of November 1947 tenantwho desires to vote on the said proposed bylaw and whose leasc extends for at least twentyone years and who has by the lease covenanted to pay all municipal taxes in resp than local improvement rates if he makes and files with the Clerk 1711907111191 than the 28th day of November declaration Canada vadcnce Act SOstatingfshallbeeiititledto havchisnamc entered on the list of votersprcpared by the ogIIIgg Municipal Apt Till BARR EXAMINER Biitllb US lAiiti ti1 forindustrial sites and for borrowing ney for that purpose not exceeding the sum of $1000000 WHEREAS it is considered desirable blishmcnt of industries and The Industrial Sites Act enact and expropriate land under and subject to the piovisions of The Municipal Act and sell or lease the same for the purpose of sites for the establish ment and carrying on of industries and industrial operations The assent of the electors may be obtained by the submission of land for industrial sites and for borrowing money for that by twothirds vote of all the members and without such purposes by the issue of debentures payable within term not exceding thirty years from the issue thereof NOW THEREFOREIthc Council of the Corporation of the Town it is hereby authOrized to acquire or cxpropriate land for industrial sites and to borrow mbney tor that purposcnot cxceeding the sum of establishment and carrying onoffindustriesand industrial operations 1b The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board 3rd day of November AD and finallypassed this clay of SALAD DRESSING or Bylaw to authorize the acquisition okrpropriation of land FANCY the Corporation of the FLOUR PllllllY 33 IN MOLASSES BEANS Jar2511 CHOIGE JUICE 7lb 319 YUKON CLUB CONTENTS ONLY to vote on money SPECIAL BLEND 2002 Tins sm1H 11111101111111511311121 lillllPEFllllll 111111132111111471 GINGER 11111 230025 3111111 111111137m131 iil CREDAY Ul llilil 1117 By Beryl Davis 751 202312lf lts lruc Just Plain Love By Johnny Desmond 751 202334 Chocolate Sundae On Saturday Night llow Many Kisses By Pat Flowers 75c Wewitcbodn Spring is really Spring This Year hm By Larry Green 7517 2024ZlN car You OLD ENGLISEHEESE 14111 Picsaiiicin mg 017 CXPWDHQUOH P19 FANCY zoggrlsaally ElicaiiIII 67 and if the assent of ANN PAGE f1 or bylaw the Council llb 20 07 l1 Dont You Think Ouglila Cake Know time to borrow for AI GI PI SOME STRIKE By Bill Johnson 75 2Ib 302312 DOG HEAL IONAADDED PECTIN 23 GRAPE JAM Jar CLEANSER 11111 nurcu 111 MAKES DISHES ISPARKLE IIIPkgImI Bag 11111 5111111011 lTS BACK AGAINA Town of Barrie be and purpose of sites for the II NECTAR ORANGE PEKOE take effect on the hap vote on money bylast 111111 11111 cairnz 1119 lEll 111115 is 117 29 11111 111111 1111111 BRAND our PORTERHOUSE WING ROASTIM CHICKENS YOUR MEAT BUY OF THE WEEK GRADE ll BOIEENG bylaw will be taken at of December AD 1947 at the final summing up at the Clerks Office in the afternoon of Friday SILVERBBIGHT SALMON STIIIMIKS set of the property other under the rrrrr Sllllllln E11st Clerk under Section 284 Super Right Quality Meats STEAKS or ROASTS lb QR BONELESS ROUND MILK FED GRADE Sea Food suggestions in Serenade of the Bells Thats What Every Young GirlSliould Know lz 1b in IBy Sammy Kaye 1756 202420Zubi Where Is Sam BySammy Kayc 751 202361You Do KOkOmo 1111111111 By Vaughn Monroe 750 2072394 Im Still Sitting Under My low The T111113 goes By By Vaughn Monroe 75c 202433Ballcrina The Stars Will Remember By Vaughn Monroe 75c 202376All My Love When White Roses Bloom in Red River Valley By Freddy Martin 756 292425Julie The Stanley Steamer By Tony Martin 750 202396Lazy Country Side Too Good to be True By Tony Martin 750 THE 211 ELIZABETH ST 11mm 4424 lb lb