Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Nov 1947, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE BARBIE EXAMINERWW WW I1Ia luv runlhbed liturwiliv onan by llll lHltHl l1llll 111111111 1n 93le gil vI ina 11111 11m 1111 111111 1111I11 1111 21111111 i1liillz ll 11111111111 1w got 1111 11 llll lllllll llllll II II iI fl I1 1il EDITORIAL NOTES IIII Ir 11 1EI11I III Min alum11 II III II IIII II 111110101101111 11111 11l lv II IL III VI IL II II 11 li 1137 11 3I IT 11 lg 111 II 11 gt Hl rmmarr 11 11 1w II 111 gt i1 Martians 10 llH It II IIIIIII 112 arm 11 111I 11 1ill 11 I1llllll lllx 1llllll 11 11 II II illsltisxl 1111111 lli In IIIIIIIIII IIIII iinww 1otii111 Illl 11ywlh mm li 1111111 11 11111 lIllll 1lO 111 ll1ll II it 11111 1111 111 1111121 llr git1l 11 lll II III III III III IIIII 1l111 Altnzl Ilt hinuoc tmmu 111 In 11115le 11 11 111111 1L ARI I1 ml ll111111=1lli Illltr Hill ml 111 Iv 1111 11111111111111111111111 31II11 III IIIIIIII II lI 13I 11 111 11511 111111 lillll thrvv 111111u1 111111 ll Hm 1ll1 1111 =11 ll 21 H1 illilll1l1l 1ilvlllll 33 11 lullwnl11llll llll 111 1111l11 11 ll V1 111 11 ii lull 1I II II III 111 II 151 llllllllllllllll lo ll illlfll limindmulllllllltill undo 111 l1111l 11 ma 111 11111 11 1111 1111 11 11310 1111 Ztllilllllll 11111 12111101 1111111 IIIIIIII4II IIIIIIIIII 11 I1 1311 g11I11 nc lllllllllillllllll lliiiem llilll 12 Millenie ill III 11 Iliwi 1111 11 1111112111111111=I 11 111111111101110 lltllllllllllll piper tiid tile 1llil IIIfm II MM LICW 41 111111 11111 p1 llllll ll 11i1 1111 10 01 IIIHIIS II IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIII IIIII IIII IIII IIII II I111I1 1IIIII III III IIIIIIIIIIIII MO 11112 111115 should 1lllt11111i1t 11 1111121 llilllilltlIIIIIINIIIII 1II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII II III II sII 111 III II III IIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIII IIII IIII MAW 3900 II II II II 01 nolnlllllllons such 18 111111 been 1111111 11I IIIIIIII III III IlII IIIIIIIIIJIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIII III II II IAIN IIlt 11111 11 lIllIll 3I mug0 II Illll III llll 1111 111111 11 ll Wu Fm ll mf IU 1111 llllll sector or 1111111011 1311 liil1 111d retlllel lltlllktl who lilld no 11101112111 01 culllestlnc llvlilllltb1ltIIIIIII It III IIIIII IIIIII IIIIII IIIIIII MIMI WIL lllml lnll Wm lllrwnlll Illl lllill1ilm llH l1n1111 111ll ll intmlilv 111 31 llarrle llltepdyers were nonilnllittl 101 21 IIIII TIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIII IIIII II III IIll long 1111111111112 111w 5111 lll mws and TURN mum WW HI 1llltllllttltlll 01 Slllildlr lllt llll NM 1111 in llilivu 112 ll 17 Till limit lullll 111M 1I IIlII II II II i1 13 ll 11 111 111 presentI his 1111 ll li 1101111110110 11 111111111 the connecllnu links lor 1111111111 iIL III III 111lltcis 111 11m 1111 lll enough l1 consulcltd unless Illlll lgt Wlllltll WWW lliuliwiw 10111111 the 101m limits s11 1111111 lhi tHmvlillsv 1wrgtuulvil 11111 11 1111 11 II II II II IlIbelow the estimates lt1 1rv eredltlllilc ilnv 111211 1211 1111I girl3uEEILI1IIIIIIIl1lIQI MN umpmmmf pm Imp Imlt it Ill inn 101 the Town Engineer the eonlr 11111slijf Im lillliiiIItl 11 11 1114115 1m ithised the retulning 0111111 11111 1111111 IIIIII IIIIIIIIIS IIIIINIIIIEIIIII III IIIIII WIIIKI him In VIII IIKIIIIIIII IIIIIII III IIIS IIIIIIy candidate was nominated 10r more 1111111 OlltI 11 vis llnlgtilltgtn llt Mono Illlll illlth lllV lhl lllSl lltllilllllllltill W118 consider TI ll urns litllldiilt 11 111111 litlmtrous 0110111105 11 lilliitslllle IOltsttl 111111111 11x 1111 11 1112 II mm 10 mmmmu Signed Tmlnnivervirv short time tlo 11 tn ttittlr N1l 1W 11 mb ml WU lmdlh M1l HmitI MngJLLfHAAlND 9153051531 iv 111 11 Mil11 Jll 011 il1 11 51111111 10111 Commlmt 10 In 99 In IN lent newspaper and rcllccts the elilerprlsniy IIIIIIII IIILIIIIIIIIIII 111 lltt Imumnp ASSOCIATION 111 mLUHD I1Iil has played litrge purl lll the 111021Wsll1i 111111111 IM illLllllilillllllm mm District Manager In your WM 8le pm mnvmmwnl lmhdevelopment 01 Huntsville one 111 the smart lltlllllltllIllllllbdlllilllltirlImlllllllllli 111 oiln lOXlllClJmlli min Box Barrie 19 11 113 iIII1i 15 llldllth LU ll 1105tll1vl llll ll not yowns bm01n 011111I1 and IVUHII BIIII I11 II11I1v 1IhIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIII III VOIIIII IIIII llrlf Iconipklt tltl1llt send in this Ph0ne 4I157 Will have until pm on 1101111111111an lily toI I7IVIII ml 01 IIIIILIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIV WIIIIIIII II III II make his lPClSIOll Tim COIIIIIIIIMC OI Economic Dtwllolllllllll Ilti11xncz i111iInIIHIIIIIIMI IIII IIIIIII IIIId II IIIIIIIII III lt MINI 111 IIOIQIGI my 15 Immhm mmimlmom 1111s II II II II II Ir II Hf 11111 Dunlop SK lluscn loull llalu it lNllltlSrlD YOIR NFP11NUX ARGEST on which might complicaw 11111 111mm UrlbA hdh feud LFUEHSLL HH Ml lllLlS can you cihiuioil two lines EXCLUSIVE bytnxuttoncunliemzidl101310111010lilwllllu 11111111N 111111111lor rlil1 11 10 IIIIIi monuoned amendment ml wbymlonlity in ii lltt economy This is it Stub1117111 11 WNW lt11 l1rlllll 120J1i1 Jvillll 1min 2111111 liciond MU AND directs the returning 011Ilcer not toIclose ti bIKIEIII IonICIII IIIII IIIISIII IIIIIIIIIIIII DI IIIIIIIIIII IIII NEIIIIIIC IIIINKIN SISSONS Slur ACCIDENT nomination meeting until such business lsIIO Stet Im wIIIIIII WOIIId IIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIII III II II II Kiwis Mlit 11111 ANNEX thi 11 11111 gw III COMPANY lli Ill 111 llll1 he considers may piopcrlv be brought beloieb lo llu l1il11ltil 1111 12131111111111 uuH 1N 1115 lldqet 21nd iioude 11 stuplus tot debt liltlltbg 12111 112 1lt11i 1119 l1 II 11 ms been mpgmed 01 mm to HOW cm merit at 2111 Iagreed hivh level 01 cniplovnrent ll llilillfllli till ml 1l willlluilnrfiwcmlzt Tilliellevillts 131 Mr OWNunimu WORLD lfllll leeway in the event there is rush of TI lfI IItmioo 11111 Md 11111 llitt Ill 110111211 lllith 111 your WWII WI Inserted III an Chino and nationdl income 19101 101 11 10111 IIIIII II VIIII NIIIIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIIII II nominations 111 the 111111 minutes of the nom My AI WNW UhII leave the rates 1110110 11111855 lll111m 5171111 nu1 11 savanna nc 111 111 lull11 Illltlthl 111 its 01 gtw 1mm hom It comwable mm It ml major change in national policv or condition lne tliuie 11 11 tnlt Illllllllclllllillms Almost Hxll hurt require hall all 110111 for the returning 0f of Inow lire gt 4311 111113111 11111 1111111 11 1311 llgt1gtl incc the unions music hall llCCl to properly IPCOld lhl late nominationsI llllllslll l1llte Show iVCliS lLIllll brilll 1111l 1111 excztvlllionl 11d 119111 this year that Will lll mmnzidn 1113 111 Hood about 1110 L111gt 110 1111 1111 11 mftrlseoxfslieerqlgle munC qt nomination report from KltChellCT Stillle lllftl Nb 111 117 111 titled 01 the l1lllllll tllil on My 12111111131 remdents of C1035 H111 had objected to 1111211 lollng ldinieis lo Biiiqutt Abram lt1111n 11111111 111 mntx meetings WI requm me lemmmg Grimer tgmailldelivery because they preferred to 111 01 11 1411 Wm IM IIY Ill 07 DOSE all nominations 0n bomd Assummg gt 16 nd hqve Chat WILII 111 101111 10 lllilllIx lllllllI 11plzlccIlt was well buill wooden gt there Will be 75 nominations at the Barrie heirleniiegfggrs sud Lxchalwe Opimmm gnIiIltllllu II1IiiI11iiltIiil 111121 141 110ltrugturcIilboul I11 ftIel Ill NIH up 110 Mlle nun r0111 1111 running Jut 1011 mow there wIem laSt 36m the letul nk world affairs Invited to comment 011 this L1gt will be 110515 11 ll lnrirey 1001 and extended llllCl to nellr 1111 mg omcel W111 be qumrm to lecewe Chec item Stewart Page agricultural represent 15 51M NW 23 73 10ml 01 the brick wall lnllu win and number these as they are entered Then ative 8am he thouoht that condition hIMI1 limited to se llL etipllcity are low with door north and step11p they must be posted 011 board in order that illlflllcflni 111 10111 Itlllllsllllls to the door formed the front of the 1ll in the hall may see The returning officer gone Ont when the geneml stmekeelel htop Wl mm DliICCI T1101 15 W111 21 Wk mx ped selling biscuits 110111 cracker barrel 111 oxitcstanlsIfllkc11qu to llicsotnh or the original Willl we flInd eel55 to extend me nu Mr Pagehfelt that the farmers in this 118 we 35 IMr King being lllilll 01 de le nomlna lOll mee mg Only 1111 contestants entered the Leland Opimonc pm UpIowa 1111 11 III IIJ In preVlous years the returning officer for um Wre $00 WY to In EOrItI Ill IrmI mine out on oc lJlllilp I21 19101111111I 11 111C annoy Barrie usually arrived at the nomination 195ml 905 0m NI 13d COlllC 13 iml010011110owlliniicclOIIIItilbuilt so 111211 he could live 1110113 meeting we in advance of thevopenmd hour mail delivery C5535 lCfIilICUlIlllOl 1110 and direct the workmen 11nd 1110 II I13le money was tlvldet between building Ind 150 Md 1110 1110110 to make preparations This year it appears Charges that trainloads of Canadabound 11 gIIdIDIhe111mmwas II1II1I1CII Ofce CIIIIpmoIII IIIOIICd IIICII TIICI he will not have the same opportunity be Ukrainian Immigrants were approached by Iri1I1IcIIol icuicIchIo scicloolIlInoI 22 TOIIIIS IIIIIIILWIIMI IIIII IIO IIII canse another new amendment will require Commumst IIIIIIZEIIS before me ream IJI 13ij JIIIIIIILD ISIIQIfthIMIfI lficully 101 not tllllf1hl tlllCn gt the treasurer to be in his office at least one ed the dis erysaIparenI at FOYIWIIIIaym were DWI of AIyIL11ICI 1IIIIIIOI Mm hour prior to the nomination meeung for the made r6682 Cross direcior of will choose 1110 county irinllll lll purpose Of supplymg candldates Wlm eer cOmmunit 3rlogrilms for the Ontario Edli tificates as to the payment of taxes t1 E1 cation Department He said that in lecent BORN ALGLST 1900 Them are seven ml ec 1011 months between 5000 and 10 000 persons 01 Majesty Queen Elizabeth amendments that should also be studied byIfrom dis Iaced Sans cam in Euro mamas 1mm Aug 19m and was candidates for municipal office The above Imnmed April 26 1923 been absorbed into Ontario and emphasized amendments have been Cited only to give an the neceSSity of combattlng COmmunlstlci mdmation 0f the SCOpe Of the Changes Mun r0 anda It is ver evident that eternah icipalities other than Barrie are affected in gigIlIaIgIce Isme riceyof Safety against Im different ways qu example one amendment evil wiles of thesf letters aoainst democracy5 as applied to the Town ofOrillia Will reduce Ibert town councu there from to nlne m3 members Other amendments Will particular affect rural mllnicl alitles Admlssm 1m mde at Guelph by Ommls of the Ontario Agricultural College that 110 Some time ago it was suggested that the tices and letters hate been placed on school Ontario Department ofIMunlCIpal Affairs be bulletin boards infOimlng students of Situ contamd mm the Ideal 0f holdmg Jone ations vacant in th United States Such no their schools on municipal affairs in Bar Wes have earedeon Ihe board 0I the OII1 If the Government continues to make talrldVetenggr Colle and on Stine bulletinl amendments to the ElectionAct it may be boards in the gorticulgwrm buIIdIn we let TIJEMANYabusinessthatnever necessary to conduct school to advise pros teIIS fromvarIOIIS United states IIIgStgtIIIIIOIISI did aI dollarstomrIof export volume before lid war pedtive municipal candidates onIthe proced setting out ldetaIIs Of OSIIIOIIS en at IOWII rdavs 415C951 bristflecwh Ithe strange names of me necessary to quallfy for pubhc OfflceI stat 11 aPh 1pr be iiioil countriesI oreIo anadas products are known needed ege 01 an 01 9X T151011 and urgently wanted in more places than ever before SECOND SERIES SAVINGS BONDS Virlgonggd MIX Eogktflle smely At The Bank of Nova ScotlIa youll nd wealth 0111101 ARE STILL AVAILABLE lClaI Imlg 61 employed mation on the markets you seek youll nd in many cases than thus lendmg aSSIStance t9 lurmg low mo that we have branches or correspondents on the scene ce Denying rfaports that the Second Series of students to the United States Would ll not 050 mm each Me You ndemybanking facility WI Ihe kind GICICIIIII canada Savmgs Bonds woum be Wlthdrawn be more Seemly for the Officmls t0 C13V0te haveprivalebalhondradio banking that bases wise counsel on long experience and from sale on November 15 the HIGH DOUglaS their energies towards inspiring students to Abbott Mlnister of Finance said the new apply the knowledge acquired at the 0110101 security would continue to be available until the benet of Canada which provides my rther notice The terms of issue said Mr be drawn at anytime after November lst but no ecislon hastet been talcen on the information as to 1512withdrawal From reports com for him date of Ab tt SPECified that the new bonds COUld brightstudent who plans on leaving Cavada facilities for their agricultural education should have no great difficulty in se tiring possible openings uitable llIIllIlllllllllltllllrllllilir 1r1i1i liEUaFfth CllJELEBER 20 If IllllllltlilllllillilloIltlil For reservations write orwire intimate knowledge Ihe Manager well in ad vance of anticipated arrival Lets do it together THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA RchClaerly Manager Barrie Ont 17 591311250 10 Oh No HIGHEQ ctive1

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