I1 jil OBITUARY lli lllilll Ar 4sll 13E llil lllilllt Ix Special Flavour tor the week is CARAMEL NUT ICE CREAM lli Il ii it ill tivi it llil llttl lliit illl ti ulvt tllll llnlilt il iiitllltl Iii tlll limit lttlitl iriti HUM lttx tillt Altilll Iiltii itlto Vancouver Sun GUERNSEY MILK REAM JERSEY REAM if It lii lzitlli AlulllliAH lllil lllllll lllli ilil lllllll Nin CHILI ILANI llllT at Barrie till 23 ituziit 1his tiii units tll ltsitttizittn lc1t ltixs to moniti llt iit ll Illtl ltiy ulritu ttlu1titcilt lltilll of London and 1ioztinto Robindale Inn 51 Blake Street WHERE FOOD BEIGNS SUPREME and the BEST PEOPLE MEET $100 DINNER 12 AM to PM MENU Celery hearts and Olives Soup or Tomato Juice Fruit Cocktail Supreme ltoast Sprint Lamb Mint sauce Breaded Port Cutlets Tomato sauce Individual Chicken Pic Mashed Potatoes and mashed Tutliips Zlioicc of assorted Pics also la Jartc Steak Chops Cold Cuts PHONES 3741 or 9055 Caterers to Parties and Weddings ICI7iliclii tl $100 tilt Log Chefs Special Salad Tea Coffee or Milk COIlBlvllTr rlll remembrance if my mm Mw swagw IlllulllltulIIIlllllIKulnnlnII ntnnutnunuu ADVERTISHI IN COLLIIII tl nunnnunx gt0 For your special Christmas llSI Who heads yourChristmas list Someone very special of minute Can you think of anything youd like more special person liana portrait of that He or she feels the same wayraboutyou So right now before the rush make an appointment tobavc portrait made for the rst names on your Christmas listl well capture your personality in your portrait and tlicgift that only you can give will be very special gift indeed wanyuuu Call tclcpllonc number and make your appointment now MEYERS STUDIOS BARBIE ONTARIO iu iiiW ua ilIlvvo IlUlIllIlIIlnmi 1iixlrnImnlnIunIIunllnImilniIIulIt luu IIIIIuIuvianuunMulLQul STOLEN TURNS UP 30 EARS LATER li lill lltttll tlltl lliltti itr liliuti Ctll llttl nil iilt iinrw llittii tcine Survival nit hi widow lllt for Illtl Maude lolc ladthstiii and wo tiri Norman lTtitxaitl and Kits it vii til lintisolis llt rurilviti lo by llt brothers Ilitiiiits Voslc llllltel hlclvtllc 11 of New Lowell and Oscar oi ivy lii nt three sisters Illizti utvui sown at New Lowell Flor tlltt1ll3lltllll illll liclla Arni tioii liolh tit Stayiitl may it ii ii ii ltll ii1 lltll iI lu llllllltittgt it ImiiiiileV 1t lllltlttla uncriti lon tiltot II from liilv ii Ilium llttllJtll Slay ltI2 tollligwooti lllitllllklll tc4 Blltltlllc family of the late llllLY Ilirl Vlsh to thank flitnd lntl ltlllithS for the many kind llcsscs and floral tributes during thf ltttlll liticivemelit itll lilli lvllr Mantle Bates anti tailiin wish to thank their tlill lziiiitls relatives and neigh iiois for their knltl expressions of sympathy and for their beautiful floral offerings csptrially thanking lltev aitlci for his consoling tlltl iii the loss of husband and illtllitr 47b dear husband Thomas Corbett who dcptiltttl this life Nov 23 IllH There is link death cannot sever Love and ltllltllllMZIIICC last forever IEvci reliicmbeictl by his wifo ITp Elizabeth Corbett ItlltllClIElluln loving memory of dear vilu and mother Hen rietta Fletcher who passed away Nov 23 llHli Loves liltllitst uiftremembrance Ever remembered by th Husband and Family JENNICTTIli loving memory of dear father Robert Jcnnett who passed away Nov 22 1946 In sorrow we saw you sinking Anti watched you fade away But father how much we miss you As it dawns one year today LVlllfly remembered by son antl daughtcrinlzlw 47p dear son and brother Pie Nor man Robert Martin 8118005 who died of wounds in hospital in England Nov 22 1944 to year And friends from day to day But never will theonc we loved From memory pass away SHANKSIn loving memory of Shanks who passed Nov 19 1940 But still the empty chair Reminds us of the face Of one who once sat th re Ever rememb red by the week id in Orillia latters parents iiie tiiiielal ENIIIRONED I936 ll0i tlll llii ii ttlll lltllit Iiii ll in lltJ MANS ligtlottt llliIlllll Iltli Alaon llinn SK llllttllll daughter llIlltltli llthllll ll liltilitz tvl anti llllll llnt stli REYNOLDS Hospital lillllll oi and Mrs ltii lliadtoltl St SINCLAIII NIA Hm it 1ttoil IT iiil ll llillilx llmal lll iuiyniti in ltll iul il tiiii lll llltl ill lillllA Itlziiti ilI iillill is lit hi lll tititw llltl iiiiziv Hl il liti Nor tonlltlitt llv lli Ill1 it Iiiii liilitti tlzi cit bivalves Ilnltlvll if tiit llttl lllilu Roi lllt lltiill Vitiorla Nov IllIT Iatl llt iioitt lilittl lllt lull in litv ZIIis Sinclair ll tllillilil it tlit lloiul lllllllivl lltis ll Hill to Smith Barrie and l1 tlzt III iil lll tt it Iii 1l ti il It 2i lll=vl Ell it tii Ii ltw ll xl ll iii lt Ni ii lit zi iil li iiol Riv llltlY ll li Valli til it Rnu nit llitllil iil Io il ll ll it It tilII vlll lil lIlIAll All llll ilt lloutl Vtl=ll llttlllltll lilll iui itll Ill lztln lil li til iii Iii ilt llitllfdkl liit lEiiviiift SMITH pilttl ltlllliu llld Aliza Still IVIIIIC At lllt Royal Victoria llosiiinil lilllllt on Nov ll ltll7 ind Mi lil till Ntlt lwznltllu Ilfll MAPRIEDW OIIUIlNr BOWMAN lotl ir lllll daughter Into Not llttltll Iltlcn litiw Mrs Albert How lltlll lli Hill It mun lotilii anti innit tit liillllt tiliilllL son of lll lintl ohurlL NIXON SMlllIOn Nov I3 1947 in Port rtidit United Church by Ix Osborne Barri lnnuis lltfx Lottie Asa SHAW Church Ill l7 tithy Stanley Smith of Nixon of Toronto IIW MAN lltlllttltl llov Mr Itlnnc tilitl Mrs to Mr the UllllCtll on Nov lltlllt Ntwnizlil tauthtcl lltiwzlltl man Allenfoiti to Victor Stanley TShaw son of Mr and Mrs Stain Icy Shaw llllwkcstonc lolgt Mrs New Advance notices til events by which money is raised are not ill scltcd iii Lets Chat lll Ill hid unit tll ltl oi in ltltllll tiiw tlllt ll ol tllt il ft ls lit piniitl Amp linnltll illiltt li wittli lttll lill titlul timl Illl ll tit ul uvm to ll it plot int ltli lul llllil Klll llt lllll IllllIJlflNl lllzllltxlni li li lo 11 Ilil it millil Litl ll ltllltltl lnl tin ill ittlil itt lilllJlItlii tlt lt Illlll ii hi hi ill tin ilrl vil it xii lllll ll1lttl LlIllll llitl llltl lllllll iul lIIlltl tl llllltm lll Its llltlli 1hr lllltsl in otll lllltllll in giant tt iiptliix lrll ll ilnl youth liviiisttl Johnson Il in your limit llloiit Col lt till liiit ill ELII ii WANTED We pay Top Pricyu es for Poultry all kinds ll rluliooni Wmu vl Phone Stltynct or write Sliiypci Box 77 and we wiII have pick up truck liiht at your door ucun FRIITS 57EGETABIES 2885 Van Camps New England AymrVilh Pectin PORIIBEIINS 29le IIIM GRAPES lbs for 29 Modem Iloiicy Flavoured Plain or Pimento IlG BAR BISCUITS to 35 CHATEAU CHEESE heads 29c Ilcdluntls With Gravy Frys Juicy Tail Sunk ORANGES Cal Red El doz 239 3101 Cal firm eeberg LETT green Pascal cE ERY stalks MAETINIn loving memory of our Wm CARROTS Ont waxed TURNIPS out No looking ONIONS Quailrt MEATS FRESH YOUNG LAMB Whole orhalf AP Sweet LAMB LEGS Thick and meaty LAMB FRONT RED Olt BLUE BRANDBEEF Boneless ROUND The world may change from year Loving1y remembered by room and dad sister and brothers 47b lbs l4c dear husband and father Therolling stream of life es on lb 25c Lean November 17 beth Matthews spent Boneless lVll apd Mrs Ploxton and out Anignus spent Sunday Fresh hock off PORK Shoul Fresh either end PORK LOINS Whole or slutfifbe mild Smoked lb 4155 lb 37c Bates family have the sym of the community in the tie lh of their brother William who tossed away at this home in Barrie Quite number from her attended lb 41c Skinless WEINERS milE King George VI succeeded to the throne December II 1936 on the it abtlicatimicnt King EdwardEVlII GROCRY FEATUPZS 23 MEAT BALLS 34 cucoil SUGAR it AptcSweetened Plllil Steak or non Apteorange Grapefruif TCalifornia Seedless 49C lelng lt 11 Choice Quality BEEF BRISKET lb 18c SATURDAY PAGE SEVEN BEN IN APPRECIATION LJ You are cordially muted to attend souAltos SPECIALTY SHOP il ll 2I flll till lt= Nil ilii ltliillti Hill itill find CHOICE MEATS AND POULTRY GEO COLES 124 DUNLOI PHONE 321 Ollllflltlltllcrlli Illlllllllllil JIIIJINIIJII 13 milomit SNAPSHOT llilrik Ill lll thrill of Liking and owning Snllplllitx in full color miritl with Kodak or liitiwnie tntl ltidt color liltll Re voaflonary Kodittilor Iiiim is photorer Pl1 biggest news sintc Ixtitluk shunning ORDER CHRSIMAS ll mum onsermcs MADE FROM your it ill Iiitl StiltILIiy Fun See the many attractive PhotoGreeting Cord signs available this year For horimnttil or vertical nega lives Envelopes to match PromptserViceasusultilliere iillltitllii ctl rail iillii QM tt fil it IS rtiit UIIIAILS or KODACOLOR FILM 616 820 120 127 WH TTYS DRUG STORE We Deliver COMPLETE STOCK Sizes 116 ESSA ROAD PHONE 2823 24 oz 29 25 39 802 oz Postsl7ree Ski Goggles With QTRequires No Shortening TWO Packages RUM Billiii ILIIIIES 22cm lbsl 3c Iiicnit Sweet Mixed PRUNESq omg 29 16 15c Jar 25 NEWLOW PRICE signs 16 Oz 802 12 Aylmer Choice Qualitye 29ng In Tolnato Sauce Ib 49c GRAPEPRUIT NICE 10 pm MABEANS 10mm NICE aging Saxonia CutMiiced 20 Oz 19 ARD Even kings enioy cooking and King Edward VII was an expert in thepreparatiou of succulent dishes With himgcooking began as hobby which be cultivated into high art kitchen be baked many royal ldish and cooked to perfection tasty meals oz Pkg 16 oz Cello Bag 19 we pay highest prevailing Shoulder ROAST 29 GREENGACE PLUMS 235318 market prices for ungraded In the eggs with confidence to Dominion Stores Limited ders lb 3lc VALUES EFFECTIVE 828 Old Weston Road To UNTIL CLOSING rontoReg No 029 DOMINION STORES llMITED