opiel LML illTI Ital El BARRIE lily BARRIE ROXY 09555 FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARBIE Christmas Gilt Tickets Now on Sale aeratiTYaNRTJuvenxle Family Court flIIlY AILIM GRIIIISIIIIII ITIlIIIIIU IIIIIIII TM APU 7y PLUS FOX MOVIETONE NEWS and LOVE MY WIFE BUT EVE SHOWS 64 and PA HITINI WINN Repea THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY IIlIS SHOW SAT 1330 ll MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY MAIINEE wran 230 IM Iivia snows and rm Now shed give her life to kiss toforgivc to live again EAGLELION FILMS rmmu IlllllS HAYWARD lllllNIESLlE RICHARD BASEHAR lstaits 20nd period Whit Mousscau scored IlIs cut out the rough stuff and the fight There were five in Ihel rformanc ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ALSO EXTRA ADDED TREATS monomonomouomonoz GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT All told 21 penalties were handed The good hockey was confined al IThe attendancewas well over the next Wednesday First HeOVy Snowfall LostSarurdoyond Sunday Pammounl Present MlllANll IEIESA WRIGHTRUNIEVI The Trouble MONDAY 1Fo unIIIununnunuvuuIwuuun THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY MATINEE TODAY TIIUR SAT 2301M EVE SHOWS 040 and RM BRIAN gt TUESDAY WEDNESDAY MAT WED 230 PM NERV ETINGLING HITS Universal Presents nnnuuuuuuuu in Indian TIN TGRIER an arrow THEM EVE SHOWS 650 and RM COMING MON DEC 1st rover Amber ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 4nnnuunu ONTARIO CrATlKTADA Ni MXAMI NER occlrsf lLrpd x7 OPENS NEXT Harden HTrIrI hill iizitsi3i Procedure is Explained Ionii Nuvririixir II II T20 pin Antoni the items of himnru In hr IIlTidlrld Iill III the ITIIIIIII JDIIUIIIIHHHI to lhr High School Arm Honda xhirh Hll hr rsuhlishcrl in Litmus Ilixtrlrls lhis ill hr thr tInTI rxslirn of the hill Iouncil and the III tuiimr Items at lIuinIrsx Ill tuniicition tilt the rIr ciid Iill In IoiisirlIrcd CALDERNOBLE ll lillTI 91 ii EiTTrr IiTiai iITTrl lloti izIIn TT lli iaiillT Miltif ling Jcic Illt UliiTT TTiITTiIT iiT lTT llIi It tllll had their lilllll til liTIITI lui TiITiTlTiT1Ioiiic liiill llllllllll ulTviT he had lawn Imzn lii lililil hc lllIIIlt=ll lITIIvIllIT lohiiwii o1 llaiiic Sincct llllt lii llTIII erIl llljiliixil tlll Iiiw llll iltl TIiip lloidcii TiTl iipciinvnvlciit racial unit at 1ch lliiainccx Stunting 1i Nolili iT lIer Ilt HuiInn on lappcrion SI IlTiiilt NTIITIT Illl thT IItAl iii the MaiiI IIIII TiTI Itolnit Nohlc in Dur Inzin and two sishin Mrs Stanley lITIJCNIII of Hanover and Alis Stciiiochci of Durham llic IIiiicial IIILI for the Into Tildci Noble xvill llc Ioiiliictcdh lTcv III Lewis hunt the Lloyd TV Sticklcj Funeral Home at llairici on Friday altcriiooii at 130 Iii tTiiiicnt xvill he made the same day at Durham with the giavesisie Sch viic to be taken by Rev Mr March lYIllt Kicrnan vho Ias also civil rarvicc llllt at Camp llordcn resided at lCVcicll lie is siii vivcd by his wife and three chil drcii Marlene 13 iva IO and Icriie II There are also four biotlicis and two sisters surviving xv Barrie Itlycis defeated St Mich acls Majors his night at Barrie iinatch for their fifth win in cightt that got them the first goal in two minutes Ioe IIIIIICEIII Ir netting the puck on thriceway passing play There was no more scoring in the opening period but play got rough and scrainbly Referee BillI Morrison of Oshawa kept the pen allv box well occupied trying to Icool out the battlers on both sides In less than minute of the secT onr Barrie Iaul Meger assisting llap was fast and exciting all throiigh the middle session as the sctllcd down to straight hockey Gil St Pierre netted for Ivlycrs near the end of the period and Stanl Vliong fired in third goal The last period was taken upi with more bumping and fighting Iso there was no scoring Near the finish Hannigan of the visitors and Long tangled and it took some time to clear the ice as others joinedT penalty box when play resumed out most entirely to the middle period I2000 mark largest of the season St Catharincs TeePees play here Last weekend was the first sign lsnow on Saturday and Sunday The iweather was below freezing every night during the past week One year ago on November 23 there was similar heavy fall of snow iwhen three inches was recorded Maximum and minimum temper aturcs for the past week were High Low Nov 13 38 29 Nov 14 36 20 Nov 15 29 24 Nov 16 730 24 Nov 17 34 25 Nov 10 37 20 Nov 19 40 30 HAMILTON FEATURE HORTICULTURAI The annual meeting of Barrie Skulls Iiilii illtT Ti ll jITa IKILLEDNOV II ll gTIiiTIcct llc tl TTITi wind or Toot Ifztlal liill1o1 llilll ol child Twliaic TiTo Jzio gt lIITIiITITIx inc Ti lt win li TiililTiII will Al ni nTj rticinI Tl listcred during the campaign Church and the Salvation Armyl tents attended the First Baptist the of Winter with heavy fall oflcubs and Scouts Three or four BOTANICAL GARDENS Horticultural kind Town Im movement Societywill be held in the Library Hall on WedneSr day Nov 26 at pm The highlight will be an il lustrated lecture The Royal Botanical Gardens Hamilton by Leslie Laking BSA Assist ant Director and Horticultur ist The illustrations will be in the form of natural color Kodachrome slides taken this past Summer and featuring the beautiful Hamilton Gardens Mr Laking is graduate of the Ontario AgriculturalCot loge has done postgraduate work In the Division of Botany University of Toronto and spent year III Kew Gardens England MONDAY Recommended in Simcoe ll ElT Tiivvt ll gt IT Ii Kl II it lllllt ilTl Ellfllfl all tin Tllil TiuLI lhr In ood Ultll n1ii Irl Hoin Illltl pirliln iippoi You cannot lltilll llllI2llI1lgtlIl iioi TIIZ TiliI lhc =cii ol li TIi Illl li Ttllilt shit is IioiisoiId ii iii lliiic IIl The ioroiili llihii tliillI11c hint of fifty tlltt was heard at all lll crowded in the doors Alis Marian the First Baptist Rev Hunter Burns at the Youth Rally held at tlic BCI The speakers tvCic all forceful in tlicir messages andI many decisions for Christ were regI In the mornings the student hody conducted spiritual CIISIISV of the Town of Barrie The purpose of this was to ascertain how many people actively attended church and to try and persuade them toMacl cept Jesus Christ as their Savidiir Every afternoon ill71443 childrens meetings were held at Central UnitT ed Church St Georges Anglienn Citadel Included in their itinerary for the Sundays were services III the churches Sunday Schools apl pointments in the district Old Peoples Ilome and gaol service On the morning of the first Sun day of the campaign Rev Dixon Tl Burns and the choir were at the First Baptist Church The Rev Rhodes attended Essa Road Pres byterian Dr McNiehol was at St Andrews and Canon Paterson preached at St Georges In the evening Canon Paterson spoke at the Trinity Anglican Church WilI liam Rogers and some of the studI Choir and Rev Dixon Burns were at Central United Rhod lI ITII District Ministerial oIIItIon wat MUM ITTTIT concluded last Sunday flv tiziti lliTIIl at ll tlwi IlllITIlllfl tin litsn ii illitl Iiic ucck night Illtgt llII iii lnti vice prc ITIT IT or titi several instances the churchcs llihlc olliuc Iva Il the linroi TIINTIHI Illxllflllr tlIll TIIT II lliiiteo tlnircli liieitl vah contralto TppIIicd TL soloist at each oi the cciIinI scr lunch um IITT Itomtctc tact TITitT vices liiirin thc musical INHHOIIH to 51 of the services the male TpiartitttcIITt womens double trio Indies choir and duets vcrc all Icaturcd ll lauls illl iiToinni During the Huang Mr IiTi Ti and Iiit1ciits were at Inc liit littlh Speakers at the week night scr HAHN WWI Ami hlm iIrIIts 3sr Mikics TM me Dl 518W Were Til TIIITTTT SI liliilttl ciTTTTTiT Ariiistron and the duct tilllm 5L Ulnlfd UllllVChT wl ltllill the Salvation Aiiil citadel AIInn Il in an OIIA Junior AIHL iiylIII121lilullllllllliillgE Mulhmum MI mmvmg ya Iglllllllfjllllllll luflluimli All Kchiirch and Triton latcrsou was TI ht Mikes opciicd with iIishI NW Iowlllhm ISI Georges Anglican vcic ilillll lapt Special services avcrc sponsorch idyllic ISCI at the BCI where Liicgsoii was the inaiii speainuttiidithcre were 1377 pancl ltlTIEl Tend ltilii lfbl lCliilITiIiis lilffLlItiLiEi were held of led at llTIrric losl tfmc itll tor ovcrwas sliipiiicizt inastci lhoinsoii rcported lllilhs weight of the hi St Andrews under the direction Bill Rogers and ended hour at Collicr St lTnitcd Iiurclrllllni interiiatinnall witness liiii lcllnulthip WI WV liTlltl Week with which group during witness of Christ ATTENTION 0R0 COME ONE COME ALL To The GUTHRIE United Church Wed Nov 26th 830 PM gave their Concert and Organization Meeting es was at St Andrews Bresbyter ian Grant Wright the male quar tctte and few students were at the SEIlvzition Army Enid Carter conducted Flannelgraph at St Georges Anglican Church for the students also went out to llolly United in the afternoon For the closing Sundays ser vices Doii Wilkinson president of thcgiaduating class was at the GARRY Says The Management FORMERLY EMPLOYED BY Primrose Club Toronto Glen Ross Manor Lake Rosseaii As Chef Extraordinary Our New Staff Is NowTReady To CaterTTo Weddincjs Banquets and Receptions LUNCHEONS DAILY 12 till DINNERS DAILY till 830 PRIVATE TEAS ANI BRIDGE PARTIESARRANGED Dancing Every Friday and Saturday Eve FAREWELL PARTY FOR JOE McNEILLIE and HIS ORCHESTRA Saturday PM No Cover charge $100 Per Person Minimum Charge InuhIIIInnLInIIIIpu For The BARRIE AND DISTRICT MEMORIAL IIOSIITAL Let us all getvbehind this campaign sponsored by the WomensInstitutes Fire iuununnnunnann Cluh Where Good Food and People Meet isihappy to unannounce the appointment all uuTT TTTTITT Ia TTTT IIuIIInuuuun SCI COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES WILL BE HELD NOV 27 28 vI Hzln Illtflz Jlri IITI alttl 11 ll Iti TIirirzirliiriit rvtuw II ta nITl iiT Ill iTiI TI IT LI Il IIIIIIIInim Ii lizard lilt Ingram to tilzlrtiv iniTl ltir zip to Hit Il TTI lll and All Em iTII the lllllllllillljll Irrliin II In levw iii II in Iiiiiax til TtITTIIrkhip t=TTIII zlitl gradualTon ITTziTiiiv ILII and honor tlzllllilll Irli In l1ltgtllllltl I=TII IITITIIT la prTwziiI lwirn Tlll hr loll IIl hi pro grain ui IiiTixii rllll dunu TTTI plj IIIch will le In litllilvl Tut vuciiia HI tiI liltIl and lid ttI IzInn lIITI trctwl HEAVILY riNED FOR SELLING PORK ABOVE THE CEILING and Discipleship Campaign is Concluded HTT lT TiTTTTv liiiT TTi fi IITT LIIi min mi IwI il III til IT llftI II lI l3 li IEIID it ll lilt TJTT Ti Ti Ii wwi iic iITIiTI inTTiLdTI lit iII TTIlIiiliHI ii IIIIIIII iij Elll iTTt iclnTITzTITTllii Silt litll IIl ill IIIITITI nucrrncd vlllllll Woods KI Inna TT 1v ttiizilITill said TT llltltplTlli lt lll Ilia II TI llll iitltfl li ltllTlt tonato lza llillldltl ZIIititIIIIiI III of poduch 1511 1Il rm Allllrlllll izxIviccs till lI into it li II pzTga tvTiI pitauw tlslllilijh MA RIHII IIITIT INDICR WAY lTIl ucch from liondij tTT Sn parcels was MEI pounds ZALibrary Hall VZBLibrary Hall 3A0ddfellows Hall 3BOddfellows Hall TTT TT MAYOR illsMrs Freemans House 4ACentralUnited Sfltoom unn Vu II II II II rIuT WM TIT IMPERIAL THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY VIVIEN LEIGH lIil $Vll IIIIH llljivllivllillit wuizN and Tilt BIG SNOOZIEJ DNE iitrr arr ESDAY SDAY CRUDE RAINS he AND CLEO PAIRA ILDIII AND DIIITID Ij 17 Mkzxrz Stewart UITIINII llorilldwlriiiosl SalliTn l=AL flaTTT erwrvT VlVlEN LEIGH In her last great role since Starlctt in Gono Will the Wind mmvm aux Im Regulating CtI energy For The Offices or REEVE AND AIDERMEN Public School Board and Commissioner for the Barrie Public Utilities Commisswn WILL BE HELD THE SPUBLIC ETIBRARY BARR AT 730 OCLOCK ON THE EVENING OF Friday November 1947 and Polling if any will be held on Monday December 1947 gt Opening at teiroclock in the Forenoon and closing at seven clockiin the Afternoon at the undermcntioned places VWARI POLLING PLACE 7Zeu ergt me oom lAMrh Humans Housc 43entral United Room ttDJentral United Room SEAMrs Ilolmes House FIBMrs Holmes House gt GAannge Hall ll SBirnge Hall In Advance Poll for Railway Employees and Commercial Travellers be 1947 from pm until pm at YMCA All interested in the no sharp at 730 pm as th BARBIE NOV 11th 1947 minations are requested to be present at the Libra nominations will last only onehour SMITH Returning Officer Restrictions how in effect only partially oilset the deficiency OI available electric Voluntarv conservation is very essential not only durv in peak hours but at all times it the rcquireincnts oi industry arc to be taken care of ITTIRRIE llIlLlf llILITIES COMMISSION TPOLLING IITACIZ Walla