Irtil lt itll ll llfi MW TronsContinentol Requires l0 Trains Days until XMAS neer 51 ions For the lJar Owner Sill IltlVllllS Silli itllllilOllS ROG AMPS FLASH ll iHlS ii ill lfliiii IIII ILOOII MT TS SITIIIIIT PLUGS Allli llllillAlI KLAXON HORNS HURT PS teerinr Wheel Ithls lllti NpiTiiiIrs Wiper TIITIs llladw BATTERIES Scc our show window for many other zisIIiil gifts llAlliTiiiIlltlD RUIURS lyfil lllTSUIfl Distributors it ollicr St lhoncs 31873 SUPER HIGHWAY TO TORONTO STILL IN FUTURE mv PHELPSTON WMme lllllliilllllliil Even for double the price you cant buy anything better than IlTiiilIIlI netn dealer todayl III III Onl tractors trucks car5 From all filters head oexpenslvo repairs keep em rollingc If your equip ment ls already filterequipped Install new From Replacement Cartridges to giveyou full pro tecllon See your nearest From RRAMT DIVISION meantime COMP ianono ONYIID ANY was 44 Illllllhl VSomc Ways One Can lyHClp Make Electricity Stcodily Available II TT rei Tili vT Tt urn ii IIIII It Vi TT rm iI IT Ti Ti lITm TT TI it lll Itll II lu II =TI Tci lIITIlI your Il Iiiii IIT Tv7lAUlJll ll llllLILll Ili IIII TTt lTillifltl Tliilcsli3u2 l1ltl iiti2 ll llvi iii lllllllrlil Milt Illll you iliT llrJltTllLI Ill Ill lill Tllilllltlx on ti lziiii IITT iii IISL Food Pmis Io TKTTT Of British Comrades Gift to Princess iUvrl tlilttls tn flaw TTTIITTII= ltiTltli lTl4ltill tnT ldous Tuill in Tlllrilillll chciiiiiE ucd vI lllt and srTT Iiice ITI the All lllilt ii ITZlftlllT lllITllllllI1llil Tii slimM this cant Tittzn 11 Will Ill lot at lltlli illl IILI ha iTTT inTiiiilcl that tizs cIT her it Iltlt llI Iic senil illilitl IuoT parcels inTI LIIll rather to Livc iii Illtl In the Iiaiichcs lliiith It are in stress 21 Canadian lTenloi mi ITTT on it conveyiii lac Iicst wishes to lJiitIli Tt lll immatures II suiting that II part Tui tnc Regions wedding ciTt to Princess Elizabeth if this campaign furrs out in he hc rlICCCgtS the Legion plans it should he many thous Ill ol pTTrlt cls IIll he sen to Britain this winter In addition the Legion has in ranged for Prime Minister Mac kenzie King to present gold iiiaplc leaf brooch Ci in diamonds with the Legion crest as personal Tokcu gilt He will be accompanied by the Legions our represent atives on theBritsh Empire Service League Council 2i Fines Tomi$7500 infractionsof WPTB Fines totalling $1050 Ivere inipos ed in First CooperativaI Packers when they plcadedw guilty to 21 charges Of sellingiporlvovcr the price ceiling The Charges were heard by Magistrate Foster in Bar rie on November and the decision was given last Friday Charges were laid by officials of the WPTB and were in connection with the price charged for bacon sides last March and April when the meat ceilings were in effect The 21 separate iiistancesiwere in wide ly scattered communities including Midland Barrie Powassan Tim mins Sudbuiy North Bay and 0th cis Grade bacon was sold at the price established for the next grade higher TI Gladstone Currie was the special prosecutor for the Crown and the firm was defended by John Woods IIIF IiAIlltll IXATTSITQHI IIAEIRIII INIAIIIU ALANADAV lASSORTED COINS Rev Dr Vaughan CyanrSidveichoiring lIN COLLECTION Formerly ol Bradford 0f Farm Machinery In OF IANIES CASE Will Go to Brontlord winfers worst with III the he lilt4 hill to Prince IlliLTTlictn ll lgt II3 iTTITzivcl Irv lior iiigal Ill nd tlltlll to gtIll tniccls to TlfCi will it sticker with the name nfl Ii TILTI litiT til iil Till IT ilt IT BOYD Real Estate Business Broker IllNITIll sr It you have property to sell tractth town rural or suburban IIIUNIC 3388 llAIIIHII It BUYERS WAIIING FIRE ANDCASUALTY INSURANCE COLD WEATHER BRINGS CAR TROUBLES Protect Your car against cracked engine block asplit radiator ruined battery thats Whatlcandhappen to your car if Wintersf first freeze finds you unprepared So play safeget aSunoc0 Check nChange Specialand get it 30011 llAt one stop your SunOCO dealer will make your car wintersafe But dont be late because winter wont Waitl IIITZSI TT IIRIVI ltillsl BRENNAN IIHIIIII tl SYASLISHED 99 Its flood lolicv Yrs its will ionhm to Ilati collvrw cihziatiun lui Hlll Illltl and ill vml liiiIiir In inakc sim that Twiii IilJtlhlll ch llllil out lot will TT lrIT trlll IlTII llii niIIiiiviital lli Illl Tatioiial lTTlITI xiil jiiiildlllit the Iiilhlliiiciil of niii plan Lillil Tlial hTiHIcih ti Inn nicIiiatc liinil iTill lw TIIllllili lni Hlll Illllii mliirItTTTini tii iii inisiiiru hir Ioiill ITiiTh uiii T2I ni Tliiilitri cu oil to iollcgc Tilli no lliougl xlrdtwmri ol ti1i Ilil Iil hlH rh UIII lilillllllitIlJl Il icpicTTitatiw to IrlTllII lion Uillllltlllitl lair IilllullllTiI luliTI on Hlll hic xiii lltllllll uiii llrlitl ITItiittTTIl ITITIIIIi Imuri lliE CONIINENIAI lle INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE IOROIIIO GRANT MAYOR lgtT up Ttircl IILIHIL fl PUiY Canadian Company connections IAY NOVILiBFR Eli into Iilrrtrtc Scrtirr