Conodion Horsa Among Winners aluminum 29 was ll til ltleli il ll llvltl lily lll lllli loliT ANGLES lllH ot the period liliidil ll llllililv evenitll lenltally llttltlltll lllillp Maillllldon tlt ll liteiltlltl by Mlll illlll lll lllli of ill tallies iii flit itl llllillltlllllltl AthleticI tll$i illtl ore of the tillatest pitche in lllllfl ballot ill llir dar lo lh lllbt and his tlllllflltti all loltlx illtl la llt llitllltl from his lltlltlillli illltli llllilll laxellld gtlll Ila ii otlzl on Haip It tol llJll ln 1v info1o illlt lgt llll Llli llllli lllllll illttll constitl of Archie lholllilslllr aft litl tot lrillllll lllt Ilol soil fat base llolll llainsaV lttlll lall lliti lolp oxlfnlli Elitl v21 Squadron llllltltl ll tililslallll llzrrllall fail nor ttltliltf lil llairie Senior Adlllinlsllalyl fficli of gtsll at talnp iloitlen tllllllll tli early days of war he was riaplirilll fo netting bits ball tllll at lllt Stallon anti had liun his irain lllltt times to lllltllllll for thaw lheil li oilirl llzllrlc iliay is of those days but the illi lilillllt to lztl to lIllllLlllillHlltllt because of offal tll11llt it lllllllflll1 hati lltl sent out to Lolllllmrood lld luzwl Illl laliu and la in llltl tolllz til the North Siiiltoe littftlt of lltfilll rial ll Ill lllllllt lls rtprtstllteti ilzt ltlltllldf lleolllf made us it tl lio lljllall tilty appreciated our llllll ttllllt up to ii in honor lllll ll fatl lltllll tllt stillilflllll was called on one of the rillakirs Ililtiiael ll lllllt calm aild leilliliisteli about the days lllll llt illajttli aatllilsl the areal Marelllldoll li lllillllt lNlllllIi lo up elllly for liretulntlutl gathering ill the tiltlll Hail and arrlltd shortly after five oclock This was sup posed to be or Malcinltloli to meet the visitors and had over all hour to chat tlilll the Babe foes as be all id as with open arms of llleits Ktle llttl on what llljllt ano lllil himself was quiet person col ltl el liy loquatiolls now for stllt We kept firing questions league lpe ll individual with at him about titlpt lllllxi interesting hollr MillllllN SURPRISEI up and llll on with polished lelCItlllllll speech on juvenile de llinplenry around outside the big lealule bull parks ready to steal anything athletics never wound up that way and he advocated strongly the re treat into games of llilisll1lll aild hockey inwlulbollriau llall and the chief speaker was tor of the Chamber of Commerce of the Philadelphia As was expected to be present but was unable come alldseilt along nice letter of regret good intertown relations with Penctanguisllene MR GEO ll lSOUPl CAMPBELer sports editor of The Oshawa Times Gazette was ill mellow mood the night Barrie Flyers tangled with ills Generals Pcrhapsit was because he was just back from his honeymoon bill anyway while other alleged journalists were panning our Flyers and the Canadian Press wired out of Oshawa the uncalled llltll lt ailadlan low Ken WallI Krn ilillieilie aial llill lllllfll laden all Hi lh ll still aiouild lcl will lixtepl for couple of people from lenelanu we found we were the only ones pitsalt lie welcoilled his old The Barrie and llelletann clubs you would call fraternal lllll during whom But be has come out of that his big eilces and he was not hesitant iillaivlnl out with the inside us further at the banquet by getting ill ltlltl of lh irresponsible urchins he ran into llaileiilit lie said it was lllf txlltrleilce that young fellows who got into organizedl ial work that takes the kids off the streets out of trouble and Ill the United States the American Legion sponsors tremendous nationwide junior baseball progralli llayor William lhompson of ienetanu was chairman for the banquet William Robinson of Midland former ltlltltllll boy who is now Memer of Parliament fol Siiileoe lltist llill have fine talk and among tile other speakers not including yours truly were Jul Mcliltaggart who was president of the Ieiletanit ball club when lhil was pitching Herb Beaucllamp of hildlanrluwho used to manage the 138111 and Marcel Bellchuineur secre Buddy Rosar of Buffalo star catcher to We oldtimers of the Barrie learn had swell evening and we felt we lid lot in fostering ttzi lilit i77iiii olsralcrl TOWN AND HOCKEY ON FRlDAYS FOUR TEAMS ENTER At The Maple lax lrnlfls lutlff li ltllsins lltli =i lliiitstlil li Jtllt Afl lllil lll le hm lil ill ill him it ll at it til lfil Ill tt ll ltllll lllnlli tll ii iii lft it ill ill llttl tilts tt ii llElflllNTi ll ACES WlNNERS VTOWNHUCKEY Fl ll ll ll ll lo it VI ll lal fivllil lane llx ll 4l ll it Ill ll ltlffl NW llzu lll lolm tat al ll ll lltll la MA ll ll fil llll it llllll lily ll ll tli anemia lllizllll oil land it rill Ml will vnl 22m ltllllllltlltlxi Viii ll ll llllit nlt ll NEW ll HM wltltl til llllllll iUH llll Hl ll iii ill ll ll lltl lool liit 3tlll vllllt ll ll Ii ppm Alilp st lit iii till to lll in It it lll iilliatl lll ill 13 llllW tttll illlt llllll lilt lttll lltiitllllt illfit lt rt toaster last lzll tem ll ill tll Rally lltllitllltlli Illlscoiiti lll into ll llflllitlS lull oil il ll ll ml ll tin vl tillla All llllll It llltllltllll lill litIll tl ll llatt or ill roster and Earl ie lean ttiIElllit ll lli ail Ell tliliitlllltt as he seoiv in lta hatlt all lltt ttlla tlllll laillt Mines itmmmy 13l lot lax mm vVl All 5112 ill ll tilllli Ilolll llllllillli tIMtlt cllxo tt and Kiel ll ltfl of that feail Runllpl it it ill apl ll ll Ltd the only loil Ill tilt llisl lltl Imp molalt anti i7l tort rl lltl lall lltilers assisted by lmp llllllll to dill KW Hllll ill All llalitzel end ltll Ill say on Monday All1 Barrie Fiyers can play hardchecking rugged for adjective roughhouse Barrie Flycrs good old Soup had this to tough hombre and little crude in his checking technique but just the same we wouldnt mind having him on the Oshawa team we thank you those kind words Soup old bridegroom type of hockey without being dirty This husky boy Gariepy may be For LOU fllOWDISJhe curly blollde from Montreal who guarded theiliet for shawa Generals in the past two seasons is similarly engaged this year with St Hyacinthe of the Quebec PiovincialiLeague BUS GAGNON rangy liglllWlllgeivllfipCIfOlmCd with Young Rangers two yearsago and raised great ire among Barrie fans has been signed by Canadiens and farmed out to Buffalo Bisons bce senior amateur clubs last Winter Gagnon played for one of the Que BOB DECOURCY goalie last season for the tailend Hamilton Szabos in Junior has turned up with New York Rovers of the EUSAHA this semester and even had crack in the nets with the parent Rangers one night last week after Chuck Rayner was injured cHEererELDs REUPHOLSTERED VELOURREPPTAPESTRYBROCADE Wide Range of Colours and Patterns BARRIE TENT TAWNING COL TEL 4314 34 BAYFIELD sr Jam l36EItoalllble With Your Gaod Health Good health is riceless Millet that should always be rotected lor good health onoo lootl may never regained If you are troubled by restless til hto litto bility or nervousness try Milbuml th md Nerve Pills Manufactured under the supervision of experienced chemist and pharmacists they contain only the pillcat of ingredients For more than 50 yum Milburns Health and Nerve Pills have been used by thousands in it tonic for frayed nervos or general rundown condition They stimulate the nerve cells help potth and thus helptto promoto policeth 31609 on Pill are sold at all drug countrl ill loom 0o mud MW lglilburncnlth and to improve the blood content increase the ed that Paiksides were unwilling tlllt llllasrlst liltll lloweii scored ates Dalt Enlms Ken Einms Ever merits crdpped up as first the llllll Rmiiloilltllts unfii ha la ltla iovl oil Ilabri lion no of finale was season lztl he illttl all the from the bin late tinom Ill til ttaotitl ita glt iii the lllltltllt of laiilet llltll ltl ll4 our lllll flame and taro lit the last Nicilatlzelii one assist ao Alli ldi in inlllvltgt lll fills twill Uf mm my 11 PM Han lam llltl ally St Pierre ttld ll Ln imi Tilllira la fo boll names KIN 11 WM Hm llilllil fl Him 30 lllloft llaiile cot alnllltr go lqolll Allin slls voll lliiy lLll Wm mo mu Hm Um litillllstlll and lllll Bllfl on hand low the Hm of MU ii sinlpl lilliutd lll hitttiual an BMW mnhmm URHJHL otiH lell scaled folli goals MN HY Imp mm W3 lllll llollinson not three Bird and lnalksmall Ken lillllllS were the other marks lltli tli eo the puck ill the net once bill it was not counted The boys in this lillllll whoopetl it up and as result ilap Einllls handed it penalties for cooling pur plate ACiSwluzli George DAmblos sio delenco hllck Lawrence El don iltl forwards Ab Bowen liln Gilmore Ralph Knowles al The last period was lllnilsilloll gollt alld there was no scallvnt baf Bilililey got penalty for elllo illgz and while he was ill illlltt lt ed up with linger 1nd Silllliw for the Rangers second and liIll score In the last five minute Flyers pllt on inure pressure simply skated the Rangers off their feet The result three more goals by Aikin Favero llld lieid tilll termites lohll Stevenson Garnet illtlhllltlltlll liarl Richardson Jack Okl 151 plot Richardson iloward Hamilton All lllo mill ills lllcl 1h second stanza Gilly St Pierre and lanky Spragec ital er dropped their sticks and glow es aild sailed into each other litlli centre ice St Pierre lanle at Walter tlllllllllSl1ltl liillinons Ied Kine MlNitlSlNGvCloal Percy Muir defence Mel Priest Glen Beilby forwards Leo Cavanaileh Emmett mail it leer liglltviillt lllllliillg ll it 23 Spralilze Biddle Dillon llaskrnu llIll 11 33 OFFICIALS lteleltt lioilvr in Kuntz liitchenu lliltslllan lailr beatity to the Spraege chill an heal Gardens Views On li lilt Iwrl ii ll ii ll Ell 31 al lllll lit Sneiford 3Barrle ll 132 lw ill ltalloltl Ntlt lil Ml l1 ll ll is not llvti tl 3lv in Lin lt nw llaillt llltg ll lll iolt lllllaa Zia llll ii ll lv liaallta ll lit olltl itlitllllldlli 5le pr ltlll lln alliil Il ll ll ll1 llliwll il 2w lzoim lllltltl3ll lat ll Ill pull ill pl liltl ll o1 lair Ii ltlt3 Ian hit li Hll litiro arvltii liltlltgt ll ll ll llli l1 tl tllHl ll lol all lllw ll sltoll lllllttll in itll lali lV llllilil llilllfll tllltI llllf llill llllllt Snail Ktltr kittens troll in itlll lilardal imp ml llli bis llllllt lltlllltlr Alibi Wymsll lf tlitlltl lljl tllltll detected from ill all tunl or ell Barrie llhhngers tMapIe Leaf Gardens Nola1T llAilllli lllill5 toll an def llt larielly lnlllfii St Pierre ltmcslklil altirnates lllzirda Rico BARR BOWLING LEAGUES 1lrke it larke League llllllllill MWNNU IM tll 7i ft Ionas ll as rouse ltNtllillUtlitl Mc trio 1eililal defence lllitllt35 ll ll ltl 37 man centre llliltill mis ll it it bee btlpllell alternates ll VK itt Walshe llewmaiket lllwt tor men 05 illvettil FIRST PERIOD Tavanatllgll Del Priest alternates lialry Adams Jack Downey Bill upperwl hlcn ll mo lnlzvublm Slfide iltiti Clarke llllee for RangerswAshbee tHlllltll l3 Adams Ray Ward Harold Adams 0f Como Helm Oll1sl lllV KW 5111141 373 BarrioLong liarrv Flaiick Ross RonaldBolrwllamdl boll lmbllilllW ll liimvllf thielger VFtntltll tilt Maw 13011 MN Babe AdamS ever it was clean name wlth only l7 kl lijiilvtl FfJISIltlllgtlt NA it Billiiegtlilerre Ball llll ll MERCHANTSGoal BUl Glb we pcmmcg mmmii Hm ll tlllte iorhvoiiieli tiili Ctilt llljidllll Willlams lTlli Barrie Rangers had only five alternates two short of regulation Melennan did not play as well as he did in ass Iqmms Joe Emmgy Barrie Perhaps he was still Fred Aygcnaulf punchy from that Illgoal oil slaught he had to face at Windsor lipfew nilzhts earlier Ashbee and Ringer will do on ally of the ltllllUi outfits but the rest of the Rangers hons defencs Doug Peacock Len ooperz forwards IIal Robinson lord Perry Iollil McCabe altern ett Einms Lloyd Lougheed Gord Conifer Bill Bird CGE Goal Cliff McKeezde fence Pat Patterson Jack Lovel forwards Mllrdy Campbell Lorne McGibbon Bill Noble alternates 410 more llmmB ll5 pcte MCGilmom Bob McDonald It was the second halfof Gard MCLCOd Don Dunn Dick doubleheader Marlboros bloating St chcll Ernie Fulford Cal1 Green Mikes 51 ill the opener but had to ough Wall Smith Emmy Osborne on overtime to do it As tlsual when L05 Mam Cord Hobbs the Irish play there was it big crowd at the Gardens at Mldland Declares Gli lepy is it be dttlglmivgl played very strong game but couldnt break into the score sheet at all the only Flyel without point St Pierre got him self back up to the top of the leav gue list with ills two goals and three assistE Stall Longfs one goal and four assists were excellent for defencemun Reid had two and Copqcos Premature Claiming Title IMidlauleree Press Herald Somewhat premature was the an ndunccnlent iii last weeks edition of The Barrie Eaminer to the ef fect that the Copaco ladies soft ball nine had woh theCopaco Trophy emblematic Of Simeoe County supremacy by virtue of Midland Parksides defaulting the game wlilclrllvas to be played in Midland on Oct Tile Midland clllb has yet to the notified officiallv ofsueh allllilrr it was through no fault of the Parkside club that these postpone Fall Fair then inclement weather and finally Iludllopc meet officials re quested the alteration of the play ing date The Examiner also stat points each Bingley Favcro and Meger were good for two apiece while Williams and Mousseitu had one assist each Hap Emms used just three de fencemn Bob Billelcy was moved from defence up to left wing out line with Reid at centre and southpaw Ted Williams having all oatrol the right boards The other two Barrie lines were thesaine as through lTiOSl of last year busily engaged in their lrwn league playoffs However due to the lateness of the season Park tlo play elsewhere and Copucos could only play on Saturdays These statements are unfair to two Aikin and Barrett got three step forward lll diplomatic at Barrie Allingley lLonlz teidl ltilaltieswAikin Sillllkiit SECOND PERIOD elllrek single 275 licllllclt High eracstor MeirA flir vtt Bill Skinner Elli Baiil lllfl lat ersiiil Hill ilieh Averages for WoinznwMrs BnlllldSl iierre lillllx 177 llculick thi flreda lAikill Lonil 115 loll ilrs llLllltI 137 BarrieGuarda titeirll ltlgltl t1 BHlllCAllillll ml 181 Pierre ongt I$l00000 HGSpltalWlng l9 BmTinmrm llonned for Penetang lAikin St Pierre Niall PlilyCllilpllltlll on 34 An objective ofSlOllfltll for the 10 Rmmcrfglggrggm lllJ lleinoiial wine to Penetatlti lnger Spraliltol llltl gt General liosplall was set at meet BarrieAikill an of LtlllJll heads last week lBairett St Pierre illt llei Sco was named president 12 Balrichavero tt tanis ccznnlillce Othel officers 1911 AIlldsflm iv rt 13 arrie elc lire eyl Tl llllttlllC sure PCmmcscmmjy Blml hwy George Mead treastaer and layettepllblir ykr llgtn plansbe outlined by riszgizor Caszcx are for illbed Lflfllllflll Presan costs and terial shortage make anything out cf the question at this time Mons Caster felt Pay in advance for your Exam iner Classifieds and save money MOTORISTS LOOK HOW WE CAN SERVE YOU RAISED TO AMBASSADORS During 1943 tlilcl19lllCiiilzida took fairs when the Ministers in United States the USSR China Chile Brazil and Belgium were raised to the rank of Ambassador action To Sportsmen You can have that fine large deer head mounted trophy unwrmas TIRE REPAIRS BATTERIES AUTO SUPPLIES gee sides accede to the Barrie riiliilc and extend hcartiest congratula tions to the new worthy elranlpions indeed the Midland club as it must be re lllClllLOlUd that the series was scheduled on bestolfthree basis and having journeyed to Barrie to play the opener ton Wednesday lnciderllallyl lthe Parksides were clltitlctl to ii return game here Another follgollen point Was that the Midland ltssies wore forced to stand idlegfor nine days after defeating Barrie CGE girls in ii semifinal filotillobefore stacking up against Copacos at that time should know better portion of the dam lit the source of the River Wye on Orr Lake was broken 1c ieasing so much water that it will probably take weeks to have the water level restored fully titleholders DoubtleEs by some fools who ofthe illlllt Best Museum Methods Ii Mounted Moth Proof by EDWIN DIXON Master Taxideinlist Nelson Sq Barrie nt 57 ELIZABETH ST Phone 2694 Barrie sd iBonie Lose At Stroller in lBarrie Ont PAGE VllilRlEEN lunior liocliey Playing for Cornwall lltlt Elll1i it it ti fl latlt ll IMV ti illli lti lfl Ullllltlll afit li lll1 leggy ill ii are il laid Lever mutant t1 was no scoring lllll llilllfll ilaralall one YOUR OUK BOOK slat uontusosszi il if OILD PWl MANY litlls to Millth BEFORE YOU But lllllclt Sce howitcorrles more land foi each inch of wheelbase by how it turn in in smaller radioshandles easierparks faster Note how every vital part is heavier precision engineered to last longer Checkthe facts on dependability and lowcost operation with the truck itself 352 Metal SlGfllISl Yfll lllifilll AND 10 Sllxl iliilllVl illltllfili DtC REOBUILT SOLD AND SERViCED IN CANADA BARRIE MOTOR SALES Phone 2214