litdding Cake lioi llu illl llulmii will BUSINESS by Vlicri doling maul 1llll you LLLI lului llillll lii lol lowing Iliiiiiigli ilLl il you lll Io he lltuWllll you will apply iliu pi iiuiplc to your lull um ii is In ca us Ii avtliorongli ioli sciiii that you liaic done all you tlll do to maltc it good lulurc it lcaics your hands Doing so may llltll only sonicwry slight cxiiu cllort Doublechm ing sonic nicasurciiicius lor insiaiuc may be small matter And your work wont lac ap parent lmLit may save Iimc and iiioiicyvilic prime of errors And sooner or later people will learn that they can depend on you On the other hand you may have to work hours overtime in order to follow through on some jobs you may need to keep aucyc on other operations which are not part of your job but have bearing on it However if youre really ambitious youll willineg go to considerable lengths in order to make cvcry jol it really LK job The modern life iiisnraiiic iagenb not only brings the need for financial security to peoples attention he follows through by helping them plan practical pro gram that is adapted to the individuals requircmcms 56 Old Boy arent you letting your enthusiasm for GrapeNuts Flakes run away with you Not Inc brother Chuck those orchids and get yourself big econ omy package of maltyrich honeyf igoldeu Posts GrapeNuts Flakes Thats the lure for Miss Aloor And dont think She doesnt appreciate all the good nourishment in Posts GrapeNuts Flakes carbo hydrates for energy proteins for muscle phosphorus for teeth and bones iron for the blood and other recipes on the package for cookies cakes soufs etc food essentials gt lllutss Diamond Wedding of Mr and Mrs 105 Walsh ll ll II Ill IlLl rill lgtl Ol ll llltllll llll ll iiL illili tlll illlll ziimixl UniLi Vuu lll ll lll um liiiIl in In laxity although iiiarh Ii tltllllll on liar iiilii ti Nay lctar and ll lone comm pl pink satin with piiilllilt ii Rolwrtsoii to Llllllllltll izcl lliIlLlllgtfi mulch lidtll carillu oiliip stivicc llir lupu Hi lltl bouquet of pink and llllll iwsis MI liul lclic flnwci LIrllsliip was in it ii LHWH of llllt nylon liursons and scripture rcadiiic and llllll tallclu She carried iicuiarks iilll lunkcl with while Dull lolch The Bible College Sllltlllil ziiid Mrs Wilson and Mrs MclIczuil Hook up llic collection Mrs Lewis liziplcr iii llic Study llriuk iiid llll 1talk was listened to with rapt iciiiioii Perfectly Fashioned STYLED TIMED AND SUPERVISED BY ROLEX 77 lTo be Held Weekly or Posts GrapeNuts Flakes you know are made of two golden graiiiswheat and malted barley Theyre skillfully blended baked and then wonderfully toasted to give cm that gloriously enticing flavor and crispness And it Miss Aloor could only cook shed appreciate thosegrand IiXlillil ll FI Ii gt rv it llr li ll ill I1 Vi II III lil ii ll iriii with it if IllI iio or ll Illill lu iiiirhs iiw iii liI All ulTlii1 llc lirI ll tuition icd iouk lli li illllt ivllcillvi liilltnai llills in llElllllt llciliuii Szrwycinnbrother of lJIlth rooiiirziiaii fiilliud xsayci Kim ci nl llic lJlltlt iiitl Allii ilas iid were iilt llSllClgt While the iceislct was ucin llll lilt Lillian liduxads of Culling wooil MILES iicriiuxc lltl so nine playing lllt olLlill if Itll wu lltll at lllt llillll llu lltlil77Fllllll ill guests Icic tlYtll lhc lira iiiotiiei umic llV iicpc lilt wili lilui rriiiics and Li pinkl curli ul inset llllllllt ciooins mother II lilclI luvs with black Qlltowllt Illlfl cascade ol lltll imc Allci lit Icicpiiii llic lll lvliaviccl llllIi grey Lalailiiic rui twill blurk illltlllf The newly iwcd liplc lcli liy niolor for their vlitllllullli in parts of lilL United Slafcs ii llicii icurii they will ltllu in liccon ECitizcnship Classes NDRED FORTY llfizil liltiliz lNlAlilU CANADA Mr Mrs Edwin lnesoniHU Return from Holiday Trip RALLY North and South Carolina HELD IN BARBIE PHONE DAY ill Nlblil REPAlRlNG REARCHING LARGEST slow or GENUINE REPLACEMENT SPRINGS ND BEST EQUIPPEI SPRING SHOP NORTH OF TORONTO CUNIPLEHI STOCK OF ALL SPRING ALTCEELSOIZIES BARRIE SPRING SERVICE Barrie Ont 12 Buyiield Si MM Wllolllltlh Miss Betty saraa Prior to Her Marriage To Chas Cunnin ill li vlt II flit Men Women Over 40 Feel WakW0rn0ld Want Normal Pep llim Vitality llIlHilll lllltlllt ll ul ll lul Ii mi lll liIlI ll il llIlw lii itin itI llIl ML lh ll lHi liiliiil llilltl lllIIIl Ila llliIWaIii li llil lllll lilslilri 11 up iiuiiioi IL ll iii coup llll llllllll the llllltlil lilllll Illl lltl l1 lire xiuciaan Ill wliicl good old Iillll plil pink Iiuiiiiw Iri 1lnwliwilazs Siot lllll tlt pal lltl lil iiriui Iiaiirl ISA Twill lil II If iiiaii poniwi 11 Iiilr ll lt GOO lllkllll Eloy Scout 1300 llllll llllil llilll in Chicago lid lilll 291 lilillil Iii ioiirul Jllttl Rlliu flood llllll Ioiila lilii liiiiiisl tillllll wash rooiii sl rll llicri soul illlli ans lliw llllj Scout it lIIii owrui iiid itsloic ins lllll was lciiuiu the ramp 133 ll SlliilllK llllllltlllljf Johnston Scoiuiiaslcr of llli lgtl fl itsliiiliii Boy Scout lio Alberta lhc Seoul ll rcwaid liu iiilc MrsJ Parsons Gives Topic ECONOMICAL iWVCOllicr Street JIM 65C llVlllfl Just inhale the tooth healing fumes quick rrliel acting Get bottle Lodnx tollim Si IIS llli on im illciid School room In answer to an ippcul lllllt was liczuiliful iil ioli1iii linid willi llllilt illl jiuidziy Its fun lili icluscd Io tin0 ltv Matron iil wiioi Ullx lilllillll iluioii iouiicrl miliio lAtlF ELEVEN 3400 Hunt ONT WE ARE BUYERS oi CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED WANTED Ml lZD GRAIN OATS RYE and BU KW llAl New Cotton SEED BAGS FOR SALE llli lillp ltl Mllllll HIIHHJNHS ll llllili ii llllll tllllill llll NOW IN Hltlll Brown Co Ltd for lo Wesf MPH5 Rolls 95f SAID YOULL ROLL EM FASTER WITH OGDENS EASY IO ROLlaDEllGHIFUt T0 SMOKI PIPE SMOKERS ASK FOR OGDENS CUT PLUG illllllll lthltlktl and lltl lllt rcpoils of gtLlltlll uiid icwsiii rcccirtd itit tEllltll inccliiip Christian was ably prcscnled by Mrs Scwal rl and prayer li dealt with iiiilhii 111 CNSIIII il aiiani pPrince ofWales School lwlllllllli liugraiiis Depart ment of Education and me Bame Board of Education illC planning to start Night School classes in Basic ish and Citizenship at the Prince of Wales School These classes are to he held once week coiniiiciiciig December 1947aiicl continuing through the Winter season These classes are provided so have the opportuifuy IOluiii the English language and Canadian Citizensliiprn charge is made for textbooks or other material used during training Employers of Polish veterans Displaced Persons or other Europ eans are requesth to assist iii this program in many cases it may higmna considerable dintaiice to Lravel Employers could assist by providing Iransportalion to and from the school Airy good Can adian CliiZOli will want to help others become good citizens and every assistance Should be offered The Department of Education feels that the necessity for lhllS type of training is just as great as the need for formal education for our children That the new arrivals to Canada be taught lllle English lain guaiue our laws and customs the rights and duties of Canadian oiliizeii is one of the most Lllgelll and important tasks racing Can adians today Keep Ontarios factories uiid farins producing qt peaklevesf wkeep pay envelopes fiIll that all newcomers to Cahhda may war perforuiaiirewliouillucc new THEYRE an Auto Show in by themselves country over has topped 000000 See them and discover complete line of allNew post war cars backed by the greatest newmodel prOgram in Packardsi 48year history Hydro is building new power plants at top speed but it trike years to com plele new generating plants In the meantime do your part avoid waste of elec tricity please save all you can Freeflow stylingthe newest style trendwith proud individual iden ii See them youndknbw why my that says Packard ataglance Packard showroom attendance the Safelysprint powerreal post EVERYBODY SHOULD SAVE ALL THE ELECTRICITY THEYCAN iii IIYoIioaziiiiiiiic raven com $3 it or WNIAlll of Bradford Street QOvei 2000000 motorists already know The 48 Packards arellui ofihis world slraigheightcrigiiicsl Comfortdire ventilation one Of manynew luxury appointments in the years idea interiorl See all theexciting features that put these Packards out of this worldint your heart on displayyMwgaf your nearest Packard showroom HART Phorie 3026