Town Shouldllave Surplus $4000 Close Of This Year virrl dainson piessO illilr 7750 Copies JIAIA 1rt itipliir nl ll lirltv lt11f1l To the tlllli lom Il nod lown fltrli hiltd tha lili11 flltl t1 rirurrrours were absent rid raising the Illllllitilir iru other trllt rlrx n1 Ill tr ill rilltl iddr pent to roar ir mod fniancuil posh Sillllli for town to be in isttcii Ulll as tilt in atrii day night so If preparatory Ul uttat trttllltllttll with the ic turn trullltilm ttilrilr program the Mayor said suggested by Irv 111111Iitll this was rebate to ciI agreed Ilrt 1rvrr rld 1oughced said the rtllil nrr llll program last ru viii1 Irrr lowir gave $1000 ed if 11 Ir if It would he fine thing ilttl ri lltlfl program rather than Its Iiutrlll llccvc Wilson in motion of 1d Lorigliccd mnjarrty ttlttl in favor of passing on thr ribate to t1i Recreation reached irriircil Deputy icrk Burton readl rpoil explaining the changes rer Itlltttl by the establishment of thetsonrc difficulty in trying to colloct laigcr high school area Iarlicul Hospit County Hog Producers Crawd BCI Auditorium Huge Pro lrlI 11M eting test Me TWO sows HAVE 79 PIGLETS IN out AND HALF YEARS rill altittr H113 ilrti1ilixii Iil ir 1tIt 11 in ltthIi alu liar at 1vlr on via laid worry rrI Il l1II 31llillll Ill laiin guillaiiaioin Irttlivll in lltlll o1 lllr trirt 1iliciaturi lllllllt 42Illltl ItoItoirc Irlltn laigc rlr iii par 11 ea inotirllj ttvltr slllllflll rro iirl tr ii illllltl incctiiit IZtClllli in ir toatrtrl inst Satiirdin gplcted under estimate Iil it ylvlil rl lltIlIrl nrov apron illll Aldermen Illtilil$xltlll motion war ii nl 11y Iltl trr tr 11 Srrath air1 ValleyIlorrihcrd that the toarrr tr Wer iii Ioirirtrrl spoke of=be Illilllltllrtti to xpwrur up to flu lr Hit iosnrirrnent rcbatc ifsurplus of $111011 on piiir ltl slittl toirn Illillfl ilit1llt cl lfil li liI lifl Leislmran cussion earlier in the war arztl war the inicntion liilli to hold an Ild llomc chk 111 it 1111 Iovn could claim the $1160 Loughcnd stlggcslcd that since lIrH on rll of $1000 11c said tlrclowrr had celebrated rt tittth cit lor Iarriit be providing more in 10111 there would he ttlrltiiliilil Deputy lit to Wilson said to wait Elainny wroild lliilt lown No decision was Home has been enabled to send remark ably fine contribution to the lriii ciss Eliirbclh Food For Brilaiir Fund in 1953 it would be better rr hi it It be 1ruwn was support centennial int the recreation program veryr well thll developed by that orbctt Would be ready rcgarding an Old Week but the impression was that stiilmi rump CHANGES iit would not held in 15111 lOLI TAXES The Mayor stated there had been for the Aid added that fair grounds lund they energetically started outl on Irotrsetohouse canvass aird iir two weeks had secured contribult trons of two tons of canned goods for Britain together with $7300 in cash Aid llall said int put forth by the Barrie Institute Corbett president and offered tlurn to page six plenset donation of $1000 This was doubled Curling Club Collects $22950 for New Rink Another $1500 Pledged The llarrie Curlinnglulfs drive for funds for the new Building had reached 322930 with $24450 pledged llarry Armstrong reportr ed at the annual dinner meeting in thr tonnnunity House on Thursday iterwtnrber lit rlonyI Saso was elected president of the Barrie Curling Irrb llarry Armstrong took over the duties of vleepresideirtg and ll oleinan took over the UdlfllCS of secretarytrcasurer The new directors will be It Girdwood Johnson Dr George Church in Spicrs Wrimrns McMurtry secretary of the Ontario Curling Assoc told of ex periences througlrthe years and ex the disappointment of the association for Barrics poor show ing in point of membership numb crs However the new building should removevthat stigma from Harrie for all time He considered the history of the Barrie club ldccply appreciative of the part llnsfitutc appears in another colI Ittrrrn written indelibly by the Barrie Turn to page six please Pupils LealriniCitizens From Springfield Plan Deelares McCarthy a1 Association Dr Sinclair thank ed the Teachers Council for the special recognition McCarthy who last year as Sistcd Scott public schooldn spector was the speaker Mr McCarthy who was rev lug inspctor was sentby the De partment of Education to Welland to assist in carrying out the Spring field plan of education new tried inthat city and Kirkland Lake It was in connection with this plan that he chose as his topic Train ing for Citizenship The primary motive ofthis plan is to train chil dren to be good citizens live in harmony with others as well as learning the academic sub Under this learn at first hand the duties and work involved in civic administra tion by visits to the various mun icipal offices including the police department town clerk and others the importance off work done in cooperation with Turn to page six please The animal meeting of the Barrie leachers Council which includes secondary school teacheis public school men teachers public School womenfeachers and the separate school teachers of the Town of Bar He was held in the Collegiate In stitute on Nov 12 Gerald Smith of the Prince of Wales Public School presided llollowing tlrebusiness meeting the teachers entertained the Barrie Board of Education the Separate School Board and representatives front the service clubs of the town at banquet at Club 79 The guests were introduced respectivelywby Hezrtirprincigri of the Col kgiate Institute MissKay Greenan of the Separate School and Coekburn ofthe Collegiate staff Bell of Prince of Wales public school paid special tribute to Dr Sinclair who this year brought added prestige to Barrie by filling the highest position in edu cational circles in the province as president of the Ontario Education IONY SASO ip and to jects plan pupils Hd stressed llrtl lam tlio llrcs on for link near lilciualc has two orkulitrc while son that line nudc soinruhal of ritoitl In the la ol llllb the irul Illltl of ill and 111 respec tncI In lirafhpring ol tlrr samc pair had lillrrs of 10 iltllc porkcrs apiece and this Lill the mine sous havi litter of 17 and 11 respectively liic tuo large sou tlidiil knou llc pricr of iced has going up remarked lr lis Irilar 21 llu It Err Iliurr lr lilttlllfl wlilllllliu indicate that at per tlll iii ltwt lll hog litti to Sit lit fltfl would be liiftoslill to nacli the it per cent incicirr in fcd 11ltIIZS Millile llrt tiltsldrltl of the tritaiio lloit Iraluccrs Association pon of llil luto sltxltllls under which hog pro lilltils had been engaged aim the wax tnc hm mde was on basis by which the farin For Barrie Public Schools December rlnrn to page s1 BarrieWWI Sponsors Fine Contributions zTo Food for Britain IIranks laigclj to the tlf gcn Lious donation of $200000 from Beach at the Barrie iiorirot Education will hr dissolved Mills llu liariio llonrcns lnstitutel on Dtttltlla 31 If and two lltW tlglllillltifilils will conic into operation to take in iplacc llnviiii decided on helping this Learning of the earnest effort be ladies Mr Beach called Mrs later The Institute members are played by all who helped to make this effort such huge success card of thanks from the Barrie Dads Have Their Lads At Kiwanis Meeting Mondays meeting at Kiwanis was lBoys Night when practically every lKiwanian liadliis son or borrow ed son as guest EARRIE amass llcr lloyid lument Illlif ltlotrirtbattcir xiiio ti In it ill from all parts oi in our 121 are fplioto copyirpu by NtilltIllt Ner=ppti the present board is lrc tEc the Barrie llieh School Digit1c Board will come lllltl operation on January Ifiltt Ill lire admirattn lluti of llu Ilarritr llrilibl School will become divided iron the 11 niinislratron ot llll foIIcgruc It stitute polls on llrcrorbir tlrt gIVCii ballot to rote on sr 01s for the Ilarric Iioard of lirblitl School liustees al Campaign Royal Wedding Today aizvir llliiililtii Ellitt rt irll=tl1 The present littltlt lioaril Aspccial meeting oi 1111 Board of Education was held on Monday Noveirrbcr 17 it request the Town Council to Iarrangc for the election or six trustees to torrn flic Barrir Public School Board when the annual municipal election is held on December The reason lor lrc Ilsroltrtioir When the llarrre rotcis go to Il Iif Under the statutes three of the The program arranged by the six members will hold other for public school boys directed by Lloyd Tufford also three fun provoking reels screened by cour tesy of Smith of the Bell Telephone Co As special treat lVlr arid Mrs Gage provided huge cake DIRECTORS ELECTED The Elections Committee report ed that the directors of the club for 1948 would be Bert Allen Geo Dangerfieldf Chas Griffin Wib Laking Tom McCarroll Roy Kight ley and Jack MacLaren lFirst Practice Called Tuesdqy December For Citizens Orchestra Twenfy musicians including play ers ofstrings and brass instru ments attended meeting in the Community House on Monday evening Nov 17 to discuss the possibility of organizing Barrie Citizens Orchestra seller After discussing the mat ter at some length it was deeided and the first practice willbeeall red for Tuesday Dec The time and place will be announced when Vs CHAS MOYES WAS WINNER In the report of the public speak ing contest at the Trustees and Ratepayers meeting held at Stroud an error was made in the name of one of thewinners the name of Charles Moyes being given as Tribute to the Dog It pays to read the Adlets to proceed with the organization arrangements have been completed In Chas Mayes His subject was Boys and Girls Committee ofrthe first two years and 11th other which Griffin is chairman llllthyec will hold office tor one yea eluded report by Roger Welsmanrhus there Will lit tlircc lrustce Kings 3001 Of his llll l0 10 who will come up for tILttlttti catl been world SCOUI Jlllbome locenll held year The decision as to which clerks of appointirt in France number of cxcellentlyl rendered fourpart choruses by 10 WOW COMING EVENTS cents wordMlnhnum charts 58 WNW Iiiltilly Iiillisll Aid airrntal lirtrrf Parish Hall ollier fit Fridayiuntil lrrislnr Starts FRIDAY NOV 21 22 OFFICES OPEN it lt 32133 FOP Needed Funds imiiitiiazivrn ini In inflouin lIr ltiuluw llltllnlnlrlfl tlll wr it till litirlii tltlirll IUJItl Lions Present 5400 ozuz iltlttrli lILl itri irr it It ilrtruc tTIl Intrut rorr llfltllfitt Dan totzzzh HIGH Ililr JIJI Iirrl foitt for tire ortrct IIrir fltrwczripa rihiicco rrnvrlr fire Aww Iocrl tlrstiut fire 11 lrsr ftviIril Illllirlll yea rust caisr year rlwni 11 fnll Harrie ltllllllir tourrly tornrc1 int iirlrci lIic count ftI1tlI rzrcinlurlt rc Ijv ibrraid so itllrl rlltlvi trtititl trsnt lt trl Ii ililiit intro xrrulr DcSciuppcr its rrlijcrt illlllt til his fluecurcd Jlltl built or mind tobacco lrac tit it all Irc tobacco grown lll the Time averII district is the fluJ ctlrru try Iiilns heated by coal or or filrc llnrlcy type is not curedl of Error Itlll is cut off at tlic ground tlssrirml Separati Sltr io iiltrii Swami liirtiltl fii will riiiiir rt tIncc Hm wit lr1c of lcvclopiircnl from the nrniritt dark seeds planted in green limitsus iii the early spring to the All lIlillllI11 Il transplanting of the hardy plants to llr4 the fertile soil about the last week 53 lf ilf Ill lnr May The plants have tops taken off and suckers removed be ltrlft lt=itigt fore the leaves are printed off The 12 WW Attilltlltl IJavisrarc placed in the kilns to be lllL Ile tllt VIII ltllit utli 35 iClllttl Then the tobacco is ship ped in bales to Delhi or Simcoc menuhcr of Itc tirintltttliiihert the farmer is paid on the rtttclbasis of gradi arid weight No type of tobacco grown in the phenomenal lWltO 15 sttltclin airport imi ZNIS Y1 ll in the taltiidar rplrillllilli boon Where are appoint incrnirt two The appointee inns be iiil liti8 loIj VDHIIr or irrerrircr or tr Irl sepratc school board ci1gt rrnrcltirrio has shown sent to the sccrcrarrJs JililtXltflllsltn that has featured lliclvlflOllfl Hospital Ipitdllclltni of fluecured tobacco Illrorc was as consequence an expansion from less than 22 mil llion pounds between 1930 and 1921 mpproximatcly 120 million pounds iin 15140 Over 30 million pounds of rtobircco were Iostin Ontario this iyear due to drought bail and frost Iso that the tobacco grower takes mqu tremendous risk every year gt Thisinteresting and instructive or an official or lii lirriiici Itlttllit RHIIIIIl tassnro Dancing rr 11 lnlrl llaLI all pzn Iii Itrll Iiirr itii Ln lI ii iii run It gt1 1llllllt tlir 1min lrrr irl film llillrit la 11 Stv tlil on ltiilir llriilir tlllllllt1lril if liniail Hii llltil llI Ii Sol Li lillll lltlltl lllZzliril grrrsirliri Iinir ix trusri ihr lmrrir lirltli Mirvol Board 11 prtwirl llirairl Idiitiltnii lII IM dis uixtr 1ihln stlronl finch hill to liltlill liiit ollciilt lirr Jr lll hr Illlllttl nn lillli ruili hr ago our 11 in trier tot lllt lorrn 4iin4 ll one for lllt liiir r17 il tll llr Irlnl Ia lltt lilti trtr araitairlr llrllr iiI IIr tilllltlr rra HI iir dormiv liltllilrlll liarlni of the ltr ll aurliaua Ifllttl Io lIlI of tiivlpo arrt titn iii tli nightly leaf trtraalrlw to any crr in the wing up or racks in barns Ihc speaker related the differ Nov 28 1771th MHle by rr Maiar flptliw tryladdrcss was illustrated by film Dance Baxter Friday Nov Music by The Strorid Morintainrtcrs Intialinrecling Wed Nov 20 iii Library Hall Ircclrrrc ittlrirolorlf ed films of llaririlton lloek Garden Admission llt Britishlsracl meeting Barrie Orange llalI SunI Speaker Subject After 4171il Dance Stroird Dancing from 9150 to 115 BOlfb Fowl supper dance and draw Ill Gearin llall lhclpston Wednesday Nov 26 Admission 73c lrp Midliurst LOL dance lownslrip llall Nov 28 Refreshment booth Crowes orchestra Admission 30 cents litltfh Tea arid bake sale Central Unit ed Womens1rlissioriary Auxrlizny Sunday School room Nov 27 It to pair Tea 23c 46471 Danee Midlrurst llowrislrip llall iFriday Nov 21 auspices PT Club Lucky spot prize Music by Ron alds orchestra 47b Homemade baking sale St Marys KChdlrman ior the meeting wmlParentTeachers Association Mar cnneth Robinsonieercation coun ket Mummers Saturda NM 2239 to 12 am Bazaar bake sale and afternoon tea Stroud Community Hall Sat urday Nov 22 pin Auspices Presbyterian ladies 47b Old tyme and modern dancing IAllandale Orange Hall Nov 21 Dancing 91 Airspices Orange Young Britons 47p Cancellation Play by Newmar ket Dramatic Club advertised for Monday Nov 24 under auspices St Pauls Church Midhiirst 47x Penetang TeenAge Monster anee at Parkside Midland Fri day Nov 21 Sonny McNamara and his orchestra Admission 25C wEverybody Benefits Barrie Midland Orillia and Col lingwood clubs invited 40471 about chcslra Barrie IIorliciilltrr Society an lfierTb World Federatrorr 1145 Wemp Armageddon What OES Euchre and Community flail Wednesday Novl Euchre and door prizes Music hlouritaiirccrs Lunch counter Commencement cises Barrie Collegiate Institutel Auditorium llrinsday Nov 27 arrrll Friday Nov 28 at pm Admission 23c All seats reserved at room 10 lidgt481 Bazaar and afternoon tea sale rof liornerriiid baking ngionflall 26 Owen 51 Tuesday Dec at Auspices anadian 47481 Nole change of daleWoriianls Association Church bazaar sale of homemade baking afternoon tea Friday Nov Very cordial tended to all Womens Canadian Club Nov 25 Library Hall 830 Miss MaryEtta Macphcrson Mali of Chatelaine Maga Subject What Ive Learned day Nov pirr Admis will171 Exer by Stroud sion 35c Annual 47p 301 8311 Auxiliary pin Bingo Ladies Legion piri Friday Collier United invitation 4tiltl7h pin Speaker aging Editor zine trpiA Journey to fontentrrrent throuin the courtesy of Bucking ym Iliam cigarettes Tire speaker was introduced by IDr Neil Laurie and was thanked by Dr John Gourlay The guest speaker at the regular Lions Club banquet on Friday Nov Marys Deanery Father Lawlor spoke on the re sponsibilities and duties of the eiti realize the tremendous responsibil itics attached to living in free is in store for us righteousness and goodwill Sso DIPLOMATIC LEGATIONS People lands EVerybody Gives lli itli ioiiil llt1 is v7 which 13 was Father Lawlor of Sta 70115 of democracy He pointed llllllll citizens Sometimes do not tear suffered from shock but was country Tohave lasting free dom we Canadians musthave our foundation in God and high ideals The speaker also stressed the fact that if we as citizens allow our economic system to follow the old pattern of presperity sionJficn God only knows what and depres Jobrn car Father Lawlor concluded by stating that no progress has ever been made or will be made without Thespeaker was introduced by Lion Neil Laurie and thanked on behalf of the Club by Lion Tony Prior to the Second Great War Canada had established diplomatic legations in United States France Japan Belgium and the Nether Scctioo Iv Next Mon Pages to If art and Ereiirrii liyri L1l Win it he llow inn HIM UOIT IRCULATI day Urge Every Citizen Support The Drive rtiLn l11llllltlln but it cr irr La initial3 air1 lla call on rt lllllllilitll this vatflr llivg tuft Hlt or any nreiribr of service TODAY what would to know they vsrrw toi itiitrltil lifr211lll can iLaILt tlaiii liir carnpaiii 111G 1111111 to get tire bra irXicty that son 3100 or tltll Satf urorriri tor irritrir to aid the recovery of those yor lvl liri rgilitiltli 1x tlillZlIV driftrent iionr any canvass glint lo Hospital Fund flfij Pit Regular Meeting Ho ifI ii 111 WWI you ll tr 311w Ito pia irvlp flair ll rover 11 tee yo arwrikl really You iii no can Zttl ri yorr rlv 1r Il frrJ Ml lrir even hr 111 made ii llizriic and your isrvrr it It learn rainr 11tiltl lnirik now ILit wirl llll 111 Wt 15 tzirirllli llxrilfilf If tlrrairo iotsj Hf lIrlrlllli rtlllltli Alirorglr lt fin111 Ml All that willy13 ll Il flir Il iarirratt flllllll In lonr 11 irr vt hrl or 15day of rm iiinilnliti the it it lnritll lIIIRIltitllt nit licra Idr liar ilt 11 llll 115 lllrii via tzir rilllit lelrt gtiiiririzru her tobacco gr our it firl ii the Dcilril RV Superintendent 1131 Joint filttriiiiison was chairman in ilrol la carrrpain wa organimi anrl the iciotit li1irl all room to tire 11 fl Itolwrtroir charrnurr rf lltriiitl lllllxi lull ltr iitral lilltl for rare hospital artrirrrrnodatioir tir liar irt Its success will nreanthat yoi Barrie art Drsiict lil hate the best in hospital askiiiotlrri ask dud aird the tazriily it give to be Mlle livr Willis it day equals $1825 year 1tIp in your calculations lalk it over now so you 11 or liittlf It1rlll volunteer canvasser next week Carri lrrnoor llis illlltntv wt of in handicap llit 11til1111 and told sorrtrtirrtrn the plans for tht new llftlllii lliil lllt Ilrijltl Victoria 11o to the spcalinig the lifl oiicerl Band led by Fisher lixi rendered ritiinlicr of flll ciecioris Alf Atkinson of tla tflr staff Illillttl choir picciatcd bass solos accompanied Iler ltifford trnibcr of oIIrr 151 ng on much air 1he chief speaker caught the at cation of his listeners right from his op nnrg remarks lle told of reading book about the Sllllillii of the Titanic and of the many in lcidcnts which were related The lone that he recalled most vividly was of the woman who had been placed in lifeboat She asked ipcrinissrori to return to her state Iioom and was given three minutes tThere were all her valuables dia monds and other jewels but she left them and instead brought back lthrtre oranges crisis had coiire aboard that ship said Rev llarston the crisis lof death With one blast of breath it changed every sense of value In that crisis this woman sensed what was lldl Ladies and gentlemen if llll MlSS HELEN SHANAHAN Icampaign you are now embarking clerk of Sunnidale Township was instantly killed in an accident on Highway 2627 two miles north of Barrie last Monday afternoon Mrs Burrows travelling in the same tendent of the Royal says lllt RVll has equipment iii the XRay room aiidwihc main operating room that is comparable to that in the fittest hospitals in Ontario floweveir every floor of the present hospital CVCIlhllli IMO the dllVC is so badly overcrowded that the patients are unable to obtain the full benefits of the fine facilities available erfguSOn Burrows Veteran Sgnnidale Clerk Dies In Teth Thomas Burrows veteran on is to be the success it can be their first of all iii your own minds 111 your own hearts you have got to sense how vital it is to the health land life of this community Only if you sense this will you put The speaker reminded his listeir ersjust how priceless is health Arid he pointed out that if any Turn to page six pleaset Accident THOMAS BURROWS The late Thomas Burrows had retired last January to his farm near Stayner after 48 years as clerk of Sunnidale Township Prior to that time he had assisted his father George Burrows and together they urrinjured Driver of the car was had held the Office of dusk f0 pllllll Jme 238 GladSlUUC AVG 67 consecutive years In all thfit Toronto Tire Jobiii cai travelling southl llurned out to pass afriick that was parked on the highway About the some time another caralso travel ling south liad started to pass the The Jobin car went out of control and the Nright rear of the car crashed intofthe rear of the truck Mr Burrows sitting in the right of the back seat died instant ly Mrs F2 Armstrong 238 Gladstone Ave suffered eyeinruries when she was cut by glass possibly from her spectacles Another passenger Fordham 238 Gladstone and the driver escaped ijury Driver of the truckwhich had stopped on the highway was Vern Walt an Barrie Prov Cons Stewart Butler in vestigated the accident and the corbner was Dr Little vRe ports have been referred to Acting Crown Attorney Charles Seagram and it is possible that arrinquest lwrri be held tiiireneitlier had ever missed council meeting Burrows could recall in his earlier days ofhaving walked 10 miles over snow blocked roads to council meeting at New Lowell and then returning the same way after darli When Mr Burrows began his clerical duties in Sunnidale the nearby WasagaBeach property was assessed for total of $950 Since that time the assessment has been multiplied thousand times The Sunnidale clerk could re call when there were only two buildings at Wasaga one was the summer residence of the late Laidlaw andthe other was build ing called The Roaring Camp Was aga Beach property at that time was selling for 45cents an acre Thomas EL was the last surviving member of the family of the late George Burrows who was born in King Township of York County and went to Sunnidale as young man