PAGE EIGII Memorial Chimes Are Dedicated was may Conerete Block llll tlltllt l2 ttlt LII Alll ll III XXI Ill WM llllltllll I1 Innzsifil Concrete Products lilll ltl Lot 25 Con 12 lnnisiil JIIIIiIiIi llltll fiittlllil llitll il ll Ii my llllklllilt litti If It mm Magnum5 Neshitt Relrigeralion Service KEEVINATOR SALES llllllllll tlflllll Illi llilt SERVICE ON ALI MAKES tornllttleitl llitl Ilolliistlt NESBITT lliolle Ilil We BARBIE llll wiit St ElfS for your OM llowers in good Cheer and brighten lint li llii sulmrooriic AN IIXL1SIVII SERVICE FOR BARIIIII lSIRII Cttttys Cleaners PHONE 2885 surroundings Week End tdltlilul lilllllllillls and 15 llt littlll ll ATTHE HARRIS FLOWER SHOP IIIONIC Lilfil It IILI SI OII QIIIICNS HOTEL tan PLUMBING HEATING Sheet Melal Work etc 64 BAYFIELD ST Opposite Collier PHONE 3626 BARRIE lulu WI Docs chores foghis bouring farmers own And he saves Like many anothe Aslr for copy of our booklet Financidl Training LS Wlsc enough to for Your Son and Daughter It is sawing SOmCtthg full of practical and helpful sug gestions on this important subjed WMJ1 Available al all branches THELROY BARRIE BRANCH lumel Ii ambitious that boy father Hires out to neigh eeps some livestock of his his money farmersson he hasplaus and is doing something about them now He know that the habit iof ut of every dollar he cums Vcan be tllVC very foundation Of his future success is never too early to start savings account AI BANK cry CANADA FISHER Manager lwur pl VVlllllllIllllfC green hill covered wtth cur MEMORIAL SERVICE AND DEDICATION HELD AT WAVERLEY lit l1 YEltS rut Iletlllil iHH on If Iltlllltl til llt ut Ln it tl 1r Illhl lll luau il MAW kW Illie lit Illlrlltlr Ilii IVE Ti lli t1 llle Ilttilllllirll vibilliilt ill Iltiril=ltivllllirli Iiiilll tut lllllllAlrllllulltllllll itl l3 ulil lie itlWHll to Vl Iirlilouts iliitt ltilttlol li IllIQIlItilltllllllt llllllitl Itlllil regarding lilt ltiltlllltlltl Ni IlllN llirtlils zli llv lH lilllltl til Hut Illr Iiiioklrt lllllll litH We silggeit that if you die holth ol llll ir litlll llltfltl Nlies Flt ttil lt lung llitlll llt for idlidtllt Sailings littlltl montl iritu thir lowlivl almrolilaili ltrnail llNl oi mellilnItt ltlllll ml and olporlltoll rlttllliltw iiilllilt lot llll uv llltlllllll Ulyoui fund VV VVVV Ill giltrli lie rtthud slf A1l1I vr Itiu lute 14llldllt lulu Jill Do MINION ECURII IE5 CORPN LIMITED 1H ESTABLlSIllil iooi lt rotten MOJTHI AL WWJIIUJ vANtotlvl ll yrlifit tl luv tr Li lVVtV VVVV Iuronh ltxttrlllu for tt gilt 1L ti llt tut it in t3 SIZfUNIl HHIIRNUIInliNFIilI lt no1 wt lllll tlii it lt ElliIl til the ziond lollluludielietil till In ttr1t 1vr ill totlt =t is lzti ttli EV lit lvllllt lvttll til tttltottttrin otlE Well the filrtzzdl tt ttti lttli Ill VV inquiries and interest have warranted the milling ot ii 1w VV it meeting to View the possrlillity ol the tortniitlon til VVVK VVV ll Illl lllllllli it it 11 iii 2r Illtlt hllttlthttll Rhtsltil ill liltittl iilllllillllftl it tillll Ermc Roycratr IS First Vttv wt Community House Monday Nov ll tauu Cl Quarter entury ttttt tl iltl lirltrt tonmat o3 llt ltI itvlrtllil tlx IV le VHMWI All interested music lovers are iireedttt attend tln in it ll VVVVVV lgVV 81 to npr in lltttllllfJ whether or not they are instriuiutitallstw VVV MI lV itizt ill liiiim ll lltl of the tlt iel triitil tlliit of the tili llt the It 31 he of the Hat Wozk to ltltli such an lioitor til ulna purpose lltt titt th the Itltttlslllll of lhe ml martin hilt it gritt VVVV VlV lulu ili illttt lllt lilttltt IHl lilti their at iiitl littll NM ll iti ol imi llt llt lIW lll VV VI who ttt til Jailr Mittltnwtti ii not id will re ti wiliit lttlfigltv iHJl tool lllt of the tttlas ttll 11m itIl ilttl ttilll lot ot to pitttl llzltcialt with the tlialterof iivrnltersliip ttl llIl gilrer ltlti flit Vlltgt ltilltll ttlllitl ltt made lit front ltllmll the litilltit rs of the plant surlde Afternoon was gala attair ziVndVdaneiitzi rattltl or from IllllL lo tlllt ltlltt xperwd with buffet lliiith llu Voreselltatlott Illltl itintielotis epecial dllue2 lid linker handled the duties of niastsr of ceremonies and unlimited to keep everyone quite ltappy tlt tin llLlie vtlltixer tie it 7o tllt Ittttl lt Quill iitlt iitt tliillttll lIli tliirl Whvlo Continued from page Illil brotherhood of Itlttll ltiit lltillhool of litti lleferrlltu the lttlll us eail 31w ol Lee llev ill llttltll Vlilillttl the Victorious advance Jllltt the promised land and ieealliatltoxi lilli peole were leiotelnitrilid eel ltlattliu llleli cattle lohiias sober Vlnz exlutrtatlriit to the people to tlti lit nual ineettli all IlttllllLlgt are askltl ted to be present WE ARE BIIYERS tlltl ii TheI itiiiitster lgxeillletl hook Of and llllll ll It Wills li rtly ler tile lilst iletlll Will wlierdlli ithis English writer pictured the llfld ttlhMillS as sittlnc like it clan and liilllllli the people of tie world that if they did not cemliLir lhoiiSes lll order he would oate luoiinaealn within two decadel lilr Wells words came trite itor llbly true declared Mr IItltllr In CttllLlltdlllli Ilelv Mr llowdent ldeclaied that military victory dlrli not inrait pertiianent ptttte itttllst he spiritual Victory lte ciul llllilSIZttl The stage was decorated with it WANTED MIXED GRAIN OATS RYE and BUCKWHEAT SEED BAGS twhtle crosses and duringt the two liiiirilttos silence thehall lights were dimmed and footliizht effectively lhichliulitcd Remembrance Day cfltl Iect MILL FEEDSBRAN SHORTS MIDDLINGS OAI Chop MIXED CIIOP OILCAKE MEAL NOW IN STOCK Bron Co Ltd nimn November 10 liir Alttitotrii if Knox College occupied the pulpit iii the Piesov teriali church last Sunday Thc male ellitrlcite till belong to Jesus Ithc Mission Band niectilrui in the VfVlllllCll on Sziturday Nov lit at t230 will be conducted by Miss Catherine McCuaig ulresbytcrian MS The PresbyteriartWMS met on Nov at Mrs Robert Campbells with good attendance and Mrs Duncan Cameron in cliaijtc Others taking part were Mrs Camp bell Mls Campbell and Mrs Ernest CmTlprll led in prayer The December meeting will be at Mrs A=Campbells As this is the an titsrllnlilt IICENSED AUCTIONEER EXPERIENCED LIVESTOCK MAN For Successful Sale of Household Furniture Complete With Cleaning Tools The Goblin Will do every thing you wish to do on your cleaning work The best value of all cleaners on the market NOTE THESE PRICES CLEANSWEEP $5750 CACE $8850 Terms 25 Gash Balance mths or Farm Stock and Implements 36 BAYFIELD ST PHONE STROUD 23rll PHONE 3874 New Cotton FOR SALE not We pcty Top Pric es for Poultry all kinds Sealrlte Insulation Co Hm you interested in Insulating your Home with Rock Comfort and also he prepared for FREE ESTIMATES GLAIIIA GIVEN Butts for sale All Work Fully Guaranteed 4551 Phone Stttyncr 87 or write Stllylicr Box 77 and we will have pick up truck right at your door Hutchinson and Arnold BARIKIE Formerly of 0m Station 442444th LOVELY THINGS FOR BABY Slip to match each $1558r $1i75 Fine Broadcloth Romper Mode in Madeira sizes mos to 2m each 285 Madeira Baby Dresses of line brillle hand embroidered 31ch mos to yrs variety of styles each Hsncl embroidered Madeira Pillow C8525 size 12 16 each $199 $139 Fine Hand Embroidered Batiste sniocked neckline scalloped hem pink or blue embroidery siz le each 29 Madeira Bibs of linebdtiste each 695 Christening Dresses same as above lnldnls sizes onlv 91 longeach $439 to $5119 94 698 Slipto match mitten $339 Solt All Wool Baby Shawls Made in England Scotland each 495m $750 llwallcet Slam tmiteoll E40DUNLOP sr PHONE 26045 momomoomouomonomonomouom