vv141 11 1l1 Ivan Mr Mrs Henry Robinson 5wa Recreation Directors 64th 11edding Anniversary Sea Cadets Parade D0 Ff CIPfCh Service 11 111111 1111111 111111 11 1111 111111 11111 11111 1111 51111111 11111111 lllll 11 1111 11111111 111111111 111 f1 111151111r 111111 11 11111 13 I1 in 1111111 VVLBRENNIII1 111111 211111111 lt1111v 111111111 111 11 AIM wiluickly Relieves Distress of VJHEgt rtV1 lies isth 1111 11 11 111 NU 121111 11111111111111 ll HI 1v 11 0111151 11 Also 1181115 11112112111 11 11v Jar15 17 colds 1111111 11c11i11i glhtlll l11 111111 111 111 ligliclionsdiri 121111 Fl 11 11 1111 VA 11111111 111 1711 11 11 11 59 Drcssiiinlcmg Designing 11 11 il1 111 119 11111 111 11 11 11 11 12 111 SI ROM llLA RO 11l 11 11 n7 It N12 gt 1113 Reports on 11 lVlusrcal 111311 unto 11s 111 liltithlllltlg in 1111 Mimic 11111111 WALK UPSlAlRS 1111111 111111111 11111 to the 1013 ltIcNeillie Music Salon Ill DUNLOP 111 IIARRIII IIIUNI 41211 lull line 11 110111161 Moulhorgans $250 10 $3000 All Accessories for Saxophone 111111111 11111111111 llom bone 11 111111 11 String lustrununts ION11111l1ll11111llll lAltIll gt When 11111 1111 811111 Sixlwn 1111 11111111 i511 liidnt 11111 You S11 11 My 11111 1111 811111 111 51111011111 111151111115 111111111111 Wonder 111115 10551111 111 Noun Apple 111115511111 Wedding llu 111111 Front 13 11111115 311111 Get 1111111i115 WE HAVE ALL THESE FOR PIANO AND ORCHESTRA INCLUDING THE RING CROSBY SONG FOLIOSHIR ING BERLIN SAMMY KAYE ETC 115 II gtlltttl 31th Musical Instruman BORN IN THE YEAR OF own7223 1887 the limpire celebrated the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria In the same year the Manufacturers Life Insurance Company was incorporated by anVAct of the Parliament of Canada The company was born in an 21gcof peace and growing prosperity The ivorld has then on the threshold 01 great technical and scientilic achievement but no one visualized the turbulent times of warpancl economic Stress which layahead The sixty years which have elapsed hate vvitnesSed severely testing times for any life inSurance institution but in its Diamond Jubilee Year the Marin facturers Life loOks back upon an unbroken recordmo growth and incredsing nancial strength THE INSURANCE Coupons HEAD OFFICE g0 TQRQNTO CANADA Branch Office 70A Dunlop Street TOMLINSON CLU BRANCH MANAGER District Representatives AIANDEIESON WALKER WALTER ADAIR 1887D1AMOND JUBILEE YEAl21947 To St Andrews 11 11l l1 111 13 Simcoc OldTintcrs nHold 12111 Annual chunion at Regina 1111 11 1111 11 11 1111111111 111mu 5112 1111 111 11v 1i 11 111111 11 11111111 limit 1111 11111111 11 1711111 3111 1111 11111 111113 111111111111 BORN IN 111511 1111 it it GIFT SLIP COVERS FOG LAMPS DEFBOSTERS TIRE CHAINS SPARK PLUGS HUB CAPS BATTERIES Distributors 65 Collier St Phones 34878 111 11131111 Urged To Take Steps To Professional Status ic Organize Sen Cadets Rowc is Chairman 11 Ix 1111 if 111111 1111111 1119 11 112711 v11111t St 1111111111 111 111 11111111 111111105 1111111 111111 111 111111111 S1111111115 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BRAISlNG 11gt Choice PORK Cuts P1111 thlllrllilST END CUTS Fill131113111111 SIIIIIILDEII HOCK 011 11b 31c FRESH P111111 BUTTS EROR 11111 41116 Steering Wheel and Spinners Wiper Arms Blades 111 ctr111111211 ti35 HHWES WPIX PHSTI nun KATE SMML PKG 10c 11 GREASE DISSOLVIVNG See our show window for many other useful gifts Dimitri11 1111110118 DODGE DESOTO 49c POT CLEANER WESTONS PLUM PUDDING 1111 1601 We Dongerlieid Metors Annual Stott Dinner i1111113 Il1lllll Before the Christmas Rush Vit not have your Interior Decorating Done TO BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON AND WINTER MONTHS For Free Estimates Dial 30 Barrie Setter Painters 11110111111611 ILllllll 38 5116 RED mvm current 161 3111 29c 11 5oz ONTARIO APPLES FOR FLAVOURV N0 0R 70MBINATIOINv GRADE tideENTGSH or QOWRTLRND REDS COMBINATION GRADE 3gp 55 BKXTERS Tax sqr 31511 12113 IFIRM 111517 113 41c 1b 41c EXTERIOR and INTERIOR DECORATING Colour Combinations suggested 1111211 11111111 IlllllIfilhlii 131 PRIDE 01 1111113111 ClIEE Twa C11 COEFEE Lontnws 67111191 PEANUTBUTTER WETHEYS GRHEE sane 34v HRSERREESRwooomansf 011311 HEINZ SOUP more or romeo 21111 211 srsiiifigiititn KEEP PLAIN CHEES PLMllliwi5 1313 231 3911311 EOEES to 1151123 PURE GOED PAPREESA 541 ROGERS CENE SEIKO mam 1111 27 MCLARENS WHEELS 1111 1111231 CLUB HOEJSE OLIVE 1131211 02111 31 HEDLUNDS MEAT sensnos 11 23 COITAGE BRANDWHHE WHOLE WHEAT CRACKED WHEAT LGBLEWS Edd 1111 i111srrsor1rs senses eoeon 111 sac FRONTEMAE menses 15111255 PINK SAEMQN runes Quarter 3111115 21 TUNA SH mucvrouuurv 111149 WEINERS BEANS mus 25 mars M05153338mm 12 OCEDAnnrunNrmm enema sat23 JAVIER corrcmrnnrzn raver awn 111 14 IVORY SOAP 11211 CAM TOILET SOAP 1111111511 01121131113 11111111111 011113131157 GIFT BOXES POOR ARCEL FOR DELIVERY TO ENGLAND WALES SCOTLAND NORTHERN IRELAND READY To APPROXIMATELYZD LB Rigid75 sr SIOIEIMANAGERFORnFUlHIR one ILANKS IN ALL sronrs INFORMATION WNW Cilhooly Prop