Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Nov 1947, p. 4

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rrwmm Cm Ww tw PAGE FOUR llil li2lllx 12131311511111 Royal Wedding ls Hymnal By Part Lutircutc Musciiclti 1110 0n CERTMH MYS of The Month 111 1111 11 111 111 1y 11111111 11 11111 11 11 Y1111111i11111 1111111111111 1111 1111s 111111 11111t Ha VEGETABLE gays34 5031190111110 11 111 111 11 111 WILLIA 115 1121111111111111111111G11rs1o1111 in 3011111111 or 1311111111111111 1111111 1111111l 11111NI111113 111 51111111 121N115 111 15 11 VAltillS 11 11 111 111 11 11 111111 13w 11111111 11 VOKHIIVUIS Illllin ll 151 11i111 1111 111111tiziitiiianli 111 11 11 111 1111 11111 1111711111 11 1111111111 11111111115 31 11113111111111 Ail Igliillllillh VASES 1L 11 1111 11111nl11r 31155 Marie 11111111111 All 111 11 11111144111 21 111 111 5115 11195 111 1111115 311111 1111111 st 12 51111151 15 5111 V111 Jorx 1111 111115 1111111111 11111 511111 hty 1111111511 11111 1111111 111111111 11111 QB INIII IIRISIMIS 113 i111 1111j tl51 LA 1111 1111 nP 111111i11 11111 5111111151 11111111r 1115 111111 11 11111111115 1111111 11115 51111L1 Ilul l11111111111 lieucovered 111111 1115 11011111t111111 311111 11111 1111511111511111111111111 11111 cryslnl 121111111521ck1 11211 111 111 11111113111111115 111111 111111 11111115 111111 111 Mrs 111111111111 1111111111 of 11101 111111461191111111111111 1111 1911 1111111 forcibly 1111111 111 11111111 31111 1111111 5111 would he 11 11111111111110 1111 11111111111 115 11 11111n1c school 11115111 11115 11 111111111111111 11111 111 1111111 11111115 111111 Mrs 311115 11115 111115111 111114 1111 11111111515 of 11111111111115 11111111115 to 11II11 herself for 0111111111 11 1111 111111111 lodu 5111 511111 51111 111111 decided 111c111e1 1111 1111 1111 11111111 111111or in 11011 14155 111111 1111111 1111111111111111115 11111111 1111111111 111 North 11111 from 11111111 11111111 years 11211 II15 hl1115 11115 111111 11111111111 2111111 1n icmmmc 11145111111 1111115 111 11115 c111 She 15 11 1115 re 11111 111 1111 Samuel do Champlain Clmpter of the 101711111151 1111151110111 111 1111 Rebekah Assembly of On 1111111 111111 11 111151 district deputy Of Saving substantial sums 111111 Eastern Star for 11115 dislricl takes most people quite lt1 timefYret you i111n1crliutely quickly can yoe 11131115 11111111111 unprcssion on the protection of your loved 11111411 11111111111 LL13 In his 0di onesiust as soon 15 youjuke 11111111 column of The Ne115R1clt1111 EXTRA Tasty BREADI 91 no 1nsurc1nce We inviie you to see our representative or create an estate 11111clt ties were smart and 111 gt BECAUSE 11s FULLSTRENGTH this notice fresh Yeast goes right to work No waiting fno extra steps AndFIeischmanns fresh Yeast makes bread that tastes sweeter is lighter finertextured everjr time IF YOU BAKE AT HOME get Fleischmanns active fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow label BRANCHOFFICE 11 Peter sr 01111111 Out RALPH LANG DependableCanadas tested favor ite for over 70 years WMJtm Branch Manager REPRESENTATIVES PHILLIPS Barrie Ont cui11vur1tm ED AT NILSITRVKITI 111 191111 551319 SA Royal Wedding at Buckingham Palace 1111115111111 11111111 11111 11111121411 1111 11111711411111 1111lti 111 11111 1111111111 i111111 111111 1111 N111 111 111111 111 31155 W111121111n 111111 11111111111 l1l1111 11111 gt1l111 11111 ll 511 11111 111 111 1111111 M5111 1111 1111M 1vi 11 11111111 11111171111W 1111 111111 11 111111 N111 11111115 11111 Home 1113111 111111111 11111111 111111 111111 11111111 11111111115 311111 tu1 1T11111 1i11111111 111111 11 11111l111 11111111 111151111111 31111111 111111111gt 11115111111111111 1111 11111111 11111111 11111 isllw 1311 111 11111 11 11011111 1115 511111 Henn 1111111115 111 111112121111 151 15 mil 12111 11111 1111111111111111 it 1111 111 111 Mille 111 1311 111111111111 111111511111 1111 gt ill11111loi 11 11 L11115c111111111 11111111311 11111111 1111 11117111 512151111 i1115 11 111 111111 511115 121 115 1111111 111111111111 311115 11111113 11111111 11111111 11111c 111111 111151111 111 11 11 1111 11111 1111 lt11 111111r11il1 1111ri15 1111 51310111 concerts 111111111111111u 1111 N111 211 the concerts except for the Christ 11115 511151111 occur about every two weeks the 11151 one being on March 111115 1111 1111111111111n centre of 1111111 111111 111le 1111111151 111 series 1111111111 111 1111 1111 111111 $111111 Quartet 111111 211305 11 The feminine atmosphere 1111115lgtm1 prawn 1n 11j 311 11nd lw NM Bill lam WNW this11111111111111115 11111 111111111111C1111111 1111 0111115111 conducted 11 13111111 11115 5111 511 Th NM1311111r11le11i 11111 Grclu 1111115 1111111 1155151111 1111151 11 re 111111 111 1111111111 111115511 1111111151 21 1trio 111115511113 of 1111111111 Rumba 11111111 Cornelius lllI Alberto Guerrero 111111111 11 pro composilions 111111 Reginald Gotldcn 111111111 11nd 111111111 Smith 511111111111 111111 11 1111111 111111011 111 1111 111111111111111d 1111mlt 11e1 Chorus conducled by Nicholas Goldschmidt MMEEM FIRST 10 IIRN GorcrnorGeneral 5111111111 111 Murray M1115 announced Y55el51y11 cello 1111111 1111111111111 1151 former 511111111 111c1111 1111111 ERAL rI110 11151 T111111dz1 11115 i5c1111111 1111111t and 110 115sumed office on July 11167 SELECT YOUn CHRISTMAS GAMES NOW Barrie Collegiate Concert Band 59 cm emle for lho people 111 reruus ZILCOIdIIIfi 111 0U Mumol Life of Canada Dr Templin wrote The second 11011cc1t 111 the musical seri15 which 311215 been brought 111 11111111111110 111211 school and service club was 111 decided success Barrie Colleg 111110 Concert Band 11nd some 10 y1111111111115 and the boys and this idid 11 remarkable job with selec 11111ns 111111 were far from easy The phone him and let him stage was 110T1211g1 enough 111seat 1811you how easy 1115 10 them all and an extension had 10 built out 111 front Theirbricht innilorms of red and white 11ig low c551 fe insurance made our old town 111111 look prong dingy B111 lhat did not detract Since 1869 11mm the beauty of 1111 music They were greetidhyra full 1101159 11311 The Department of Education spon sors this 10111 and it 111113 subtle demonstration of the activ 1110s that are possible in larger rumours 11111111510111 Barrie Ontario IT SAYS YOULL NEVERJIAVIII ARTHUR JOHNSTON GIRL FRIEND UNLESS You Barrie om HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEAN Wt NDRA MCKINNON WINS FIRST PRIZE PUBLIC SPEAKING SAIA DENISE Mr and Mrs Hunt= Formerly oi Barrie Mark Golden Wedding 11 L2 T11 1111 111111111 11111 1111 11 11 1111111111111 11 114 11111 1111 111 1151 11 1111 111 1111111 11115 1111 111 JUST TRY THIS TONIGHT Why wakcn tired and listless when you can do what thousands of happy people are doing They simply take cup of Ovaltine at bed time to wake up fresh and alert each morning For Ovaltine acts in three ways First taken warm at bedtime it fosters sound refreshing sleep urlJau drlrgs Second it supplies essential food elements to rebuild vitality while you sleep Third it also furnishes important Vltmlns and minerals in dthcrous more natural way for allround health and vigour So why not try QvltineV beginning twig1 See if you dont wake up refreshed and rigorous in the morning ready to start the day with 2i song live inc Phimhwn Feeling 13 0111111 Caused By ilervous Trouble Strained tense nerves are often the cause of restless nights Improper rest night after night is quickly followed by loss of appetite irritability and tired rundown condition For disorders such as these Milburns Health and Nerve Pills are highly benecial and once tried their medicinn1 value Soon becomes apparent condition of the 111591111 The iron and otherlngredients they contain help to Improve the blood content stimulate the nerve cells and the appetite aid digestlo thus helping to promote peaceful sleep They have helped thousands oi others They should do the some for you Milburns Health and Nerve Pills ore sold at drnqcounters everywhere mlburn 10 Iiimitod Toronto Ont 1111 1111511 =11o 11 111gt111gt 11315 1111 191111111311 1111111 11111 1111151111 N111171 111011111111 Aloi1 13111111 Femo 1111 The Quality To ii 1tl 11111111 11 1131 R11 MILD PI 1111 111 111 ll 11 ROOKE Con 11911 think of or 1111111111111111 1111111 1111011 111 211111111111111 c1111 111111 of 11111r 111121111111 may be 11111 1111i11 11 111111 other loved one T1111 undoubtedly Iccl the sums 1j let us do 11 portrait olyou 1111 their Cl 11411 youll give 115 plenty of time 111 ct 1111 111 personality into your portrait your Christmas portrait appointment DUNLOP ST Made with other the improved general 11 AJrodud of General Foods 111 11 HNE ronrnnus 101013 11 Phone 312 whom Ewwnwid r171 tutti 111111111 1t 11 111 11111 111 111111 11111111r lucky favorites will 111 1x the fill 1111 1115111J 1111 1311 1171i Belon you forget cull 21111 LlL SMITHS 311111111 BARBIE Wmwsxzwmrr mxmm mienWee 1111 III Lifhs too short to 11le grmnping around Get 11 smile on your face and spring in your $ll Dr litinm Posts llrtrlt Flums mrtrn regularly 1hr lirmrlt rst trill help that smile IVESWEET crisply 11111511111 excitineg lif firtnt in avorPans Bran Flakes provide i111porlunt roughage in it5 11111511111pelizirtg form In its 111051 natural form 100 111317111511 hrzm is natural hull food parts wheat Posts Bran Flakes 11150 bringr you sound wholesome wheat nourishment Equally de licious and cllcctive in the form ol light tender luun Tnullins Your grocer has I11sl5llr11114 Flakes i110 11111111111 Large Im111 emu Fume 81171

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