llLL EXATIilXER 311 NO THURS IiBER 13 Ww MINESJNG srarro it can MOVING WEST lupinan imam rancid IAJ on luau and lurilllule mmer Phallu In htllfutl Sunni hi nun all run imam Columbia and Luvrnhriu win ofpbvne for 31 ad untamed 545 Alsatian 3123 HUN ltll Mi Soil and Land Use Meetings Cll Vasey Orillio t5 Elmvcrle wouowouomomomouom inn WEEK IN coousrowu bODOWOOWOHOWOEOd ll 1131 CRAIGHURST LJ itraitgr 31 1141 125 nlu lclirrz meA ed lICJl trgs 1338ng in lungs at Twoslu Irma Militia stimuli it aims Open Hulls it lublic Niaml Barbe Fixatidrirr $2 =30 yes 33d Worth more SHAVE BOWL McDonaldVWrigltl Nuplialx Moat Accepfoblt liuifmos Jill for Him CENTRA LORO 150 lit lll 1tltl rli Inuit lillll Aiallc llllfl lllttl Allislon liflxitlv lo get ahead in the world you need more than ability personality llhl cvpcricncc You also need your Itmlti Nowadays the ital ini portantc oi the right diet for guild health it being Iiior widely recopnind lhus more and more people are cur ing less of the heavy starch and protein foods and more of the vitaminrich raw and leafy vegetables and fruits As for sleep doctors advise minimum of eight hours rest for average adults To most of its the idea of taking exercise is chore and bore lint it is virtually iIn possiblc to enjoy radiant good health unless we do so cw minutes spent daily in settingup exercises is espe cially beneficial to those with sedentary jobs Long brisk walks are also recommended Above all have your physi cian give you complete Llicckupucry year All this may have fami liar ring But have repeated these suggestions here be cause they can do so much to hclp you win success GIFT SET run he Wat and Clan Yaim CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS Our Selection in Beautiful ifb Appealing Value Gem of IO HOLLY HRIIS ll ASSORTED CARDS I1 ASSORle CARDS 12 POINSITTIA SllllS 20 ASSORTED CARDS Mow we liked iil iiiitc lifi ii ISO Frik unlit tin illl develop the lriney aldc uf the llnh liuwlqgrd tiernise of that so plui liesh llAf lllerr lti Itlt itl uiil inl ill llit itiiiilli ii was iiil In lill itianl Cl and iiiIleIZIA toktotii liiiiihcr 49 79 39c so ASSORTED CARDS 90 l2 Canndin WINTER WINES lby Cumin Arvin Ltfllrt iili your to touarililie iiidig 3m Lur ant lit SWEET PASTRY he me the recipe for in dough like the hike hopx v1 leanl srrm to hit on it Here furs Flip Illilt lHJilL grits in tile tiiiiltIiil ii illllliitl piiiiiznsnian ll4tltill lighter he initial couple to to the guests were the braid lltr1ll VRlllIbh urt igfan elder rider Ill light blue tuopnce did it eiirsage of pink roseA short honeymoon to lmilllli willlll the bride donned light blue brown llr and ititl vIll Icstiie in llarric Death of Malcolm Lewis lin death of Malcolm lklniund ewis took place on OctQ bristle Etill GIFT SET Cmmt Lipll ii 141 WOT on fian Yaltum 33 Infum As ititlr ttiwn Inotlci iii $5 vicin aiul glittill ltifad PAR0L AGAR MUIIINIRJ Paraffin Oil with AynAg creams in 31240 mat205 MI PACQUINS HAND CREAM For Lovely Youthful Hands Regular 57c dinis 1104 by tolniIt MtliIi ILJ liI ltilll iiiil tllxIiIl in 51 the WAN It ilivcli and is Willi Illfs itl llll Phenolpthglgin Hedively Relitvu Constipation it ltli David obtrr llospital Both 57 Street deceased lilrll lotorito lhe Iwas the husband of Ruby leail Favourile Remedy For the past hundred years DOCTOR IOWLERS EXTRACT 01 WILD STRAWBERRY been favourite rornody for bowel It is safe pleasant and effective tltllolt came Itiitiths he ill and lililll ilccp lie was town Uiirted tlittrili Left to lllttlllil father Guhlm $100 straighten out my marriage Here they are another and show icttII ll the Leachsic iIiil espritst ll llll 2rox In and IS Complimentary In ls away lll iiis tiolh are iris its piiiir 1liitt zttitl Inttin sisters Mrs Whytc and Mrs of ooksiowii Lewis fulll brothers lorona llllgll Lewis it Ntt daylt that is lllll qun otr lltllllitl ambition tam your Toilet Articles For Men ENGLISH LAVENDER LOTION BENZOALMOND CREAM 1937 ALMOND CREAM 97316 ililt llts It Out and lukson sis and Ketint lliml HIN Ds CREAM 196499 fAMBLYN COLD CREAM 59651 DU BARRY CLEANSING CREAM Silltlr complaints tllnllllll Lewis llegiiiia and Moanlani The fin at Ctltttll oi mitidivathtid iii the pa civndttctcii bv the llcv ll ylallllffllltl of llllltllill Sct United Church llev Sinicoo lresbj nolds of the lr Prescribed for Diarrhoea Intestinal Pain Seaicliesa Summer Comp laint You will be surprised ltow quickly it works and how much IOWIERS EXTRACT 01 WILD STRAWBERRY Just as health measures safeguard your physical fu ture life insurante safeguards ic iiiiancial tuifc fol your self and your family During the past it years the life in suriiucc Companies in Canada paid out an average amount of $iflftllf to policyholders and beneficiaries every day wan 125 DU BARRY SKIN CREAM 185 THREE FLOWERS CREAMS 60 MTRVILOUS CREAMs ALIAN BALM 25c35c4991c 29s WL EXTOEFRS WILD Await took place November short rill passes at me conducted Ciiaitinan Elev layL ieitan Cnitreli read the lesson lizi ilev son of St Johns Anglican Chittt led the was given by the llcv of Bond Head The cli leadership of the or What it and llte organist played Crossing the Bar At the graveside the gtLlltt was lAwis of Barrie and Andrews iii Allistoni ci inIIitItcs silence played the pipes and the conuiiitial was taketr by Malcolms fail The pallbearers town were llcrtnttn Jennclt erctt Blue Boy Blue Ritsscll Reta Harry Cousc veterans of the dcccased bearers verc floral VALOR SHAVINC BOWL In Pure Canile Childl Delight ulhrr 49 50 NOXiEMA CRIAM CADY ESTHER CREAMS 34esc931so CASHMERE BOUQUET CREAM 55859 ROUDOIR JAR Run on PEROXIDE room PASTE 2539117 SWRIALILER SHAVING CREAM For Smooth Delighul feel better you address iluilon under the Arn iriend we have Abide with request prayers and llllIIL OVALTINE Take You Vitamins MAx FACTOR CREAMS 75 Economlul Large Tube and Bvlghhm Dull 011191 Yum Special lo 35 JERGENS COnON 2949c98 CfsaMERE BOUQUET LOTION 30 by Rev the Rev Way Splendid Tonic Beverage WOODBURY CREAMS zeta55 PONDS CREAMs 34a TRUSHAY 294sc Il rr3m rn svrhrzvsw ver 913404 EN LARGEMENTS For Christmas meYour Choice SNAPSHOT NEGATIVES To Sin in all from Cooks W454 and lllllll Ii idd Ihe veterans tributes nds Jack ANACIN For Relief of Pain Due to CommOn Colds Headaches Neuralgia flower Among the many were those from family and frie Amalgamated Electric where ile ceased worked and from the con 11 cf the United church also Hislop and Asocites veterans of Manufacturers Specialffif DAGGETT RAMSDELLS HAND CREAM 59 grcgal SilJ from Ltd and Toronto Cookstowii Special Colondssc him Trulywercome Cm ARISTOCRAT 139 SANTAx 99 REVERY 19 EDENVALE Mantra RAMSDILL Mir HAND CIEAM TRegular $125 size iar for 17III IlyVIll November 10 spcntt Cliurlcs North MILKOF MAGNESIA Reliever Acid Indigestion Sour Stomadi and Gastric Disturbance Large 20 Dotti Reg 39 Miss Alice Miles loront the weekend at her home and Ray Miles have gone on the hunt WA Meeting The Womens Association met In the hall last Wednesday with Mrs Rupert presiding The mem bers decided not but to serve lunch at lecture to be given by Doug soon Mrs Di Scripture lesson hr Maw and Mr papers Mrs Smi YPU Officers Elected The Young Peoples Union met lasttMonduy nigtht and organized their activities for another with the followi Prest Bert Maw VicePres SecyTreas nln time for ihlnvelvety smooth delightfully scented pink cream most eecllve aid in keeping smooth and white For llmltod period only you can get Daggett Ramedellh Perfect and Cream In the regullr $125 aim for 89 Thls id Ipeclll value geryounelf or or two of thin cream burg Reliever Hulda Coughs lmchkt ALLFABRIC DYE D51 safe to use for RAYONS CEMNESE NYLONS WOOL COL TONS or mixtures Save old fabrics we recommch it TIMIM the hands wit Chm Cold 277 Sit CAKE 20 for 39 rRossfs IIEuchtnIIIcItL roan TONIC BUILDER Esimlally for growing Children have bazaar Slotesbiiry Kidney and road the Id Mrs Albert Dickinson read poem ll SOD Cyl 3TH $145oo Cyl $195oo STEVENS 12 gauge DOUBLE BARREL SHOT GUNS IN STOCK stock forprompt delivery $5950 year rig officers electe IArth Wilma stian Fel Missions enship Allan Arthur Pauline Doutglais Giffen June McNabb Giffcn and Gecrl upset stomach acid Indigestion ur Giffen McNablb Conveners lowship Isabel Antderso Graydon Giffen Citiz McNabb Christian Culture Recreation in st for 65 4a DEWITTS $25 KIDNEY and EIiECTRIC RANGETTES in Real Value at Electric Automatic Toqsters Gifen Natbb Organistv Organist Ushers Donald Ward Asst Womens Institute The Womens Institute heldtheir November meeting at Mrs reports of the Ir were given by Mrs Russell Maw Mrs Roy Rup ubrey Giffcn Mrs Historical Reseaczn Convener took charge or the meet ecretary read minutes of held at Mrs Drakes iinutes of go at Eden Electric Sandwich Grills Goes to work To relieve OOOPRIZEC New lngnIEdi ANTI NIEST Shampoo 39 67 $110 GET YOUR OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK HERL MatWS Excellent lo get you to tryNEW IMPROV Area Conventio HYDRA Rust Resistant vopomlon Retarded SUNBEAMlLIRONMASTERS AND SHAVEMASTERS and Mrs Albert unlu tinInuit IITMVL VIII um Maw BATHROOM SCALES AGAIN IN STOCK ingThe IS meeting 25 years ago also the meeting held 54 years vatle to arrange picnic and sup per on May 24 1893 Mrs Good tellow read historical sketch of Eli Corbiere the first mail carrier County Mrs Maw read The Colored Church in hip At the close the hostess assisted by Mrs Carson served delici 60 can 46 Pill LARGE SIZ 75 $1 too Puts STORE HOURSMon Tues Thurs Fri lrorn 830 to 830 Wednesday 830 to 1230 pm Saturday 830 am to 1000 pan Open every Sunday 1210 5pm to pm 13 uum 29 too can 19 we Are Dealers In The PorterGable ELECTRICVHAND SAWS and SANDERS ltIHNSTONSHARWARE Corner Essa Road Ctnd Gowan St Sn Tin 159 FREE DELIVERY Phone 2650 in Sitrnico i1 poem Oro Towns ous lunch togt coverage Umnplete sports the Examiner Mala DJ on CARDS Flu You Own Sclczth keptr STRIKINCLY BEAUTIFJL With Purcell Theta CHRISTMAS CALENDARS With Allegemanl Special 49c cloned 55 Elm WWW vr there am look Aule Illl1llyi1fllr ward fitl stud re tilting iii the it iii lti fI ll flv Lin roam llrdel iii In you pit then tliill till Il tzitl tit dong Is Iili lllll tt rounds pat ifiltl11l rlitll again Bake 125 120 InIiIrti Tl e1 filling IIt mil that ZlgII cfi tarti ASII FOR HAPPINESS Jn you give me the flu rules for happy irmztage that on Ihul need them to so prevalent In moicnip Set tainlzirditf 31 gt and flmlll ii pain er ll nitrrwls OllLESi My husband and go out ultli another couple xlium we like separately but not in gelher world It seems ficlish waste time on the one you dont Send your questions to KATE AIIKEN 225 Jarvis Street Toronto CRGMG $61 1035mm CromeSeiix makeup minutemiracle makeup for your HAIRI For truly exqui tile grooming use Creme Settotomowildslrcywisps to lend luster to dry hair endnto coax curl back when your permanent nearly gone DR CHAsEs was 33 49c ssc GOLD Lust COD LIVER OIL 0n mimnful of Ohio oil is equiv olent to N3 lbwlulu of LP Cod Liver Oil In 100 After Emergency Phone 3871 until pg ro 89c Maw 49 Clall for ilTl Respect in licli are small if he tr The wife fllrls with my husband and the huslmnd Imltcs We come home an noyrd at them and with rich Would you try to keep frlendslilp like that allw ls ll friendship If illllu you and your husband are so many agreeable people