Yrrrxyw IIxl WW in an Jm ROLF NEWS IIIII IIIIII ll moon llllII III IIIIIII 200 and 500 gal STORAGE TANKS Silent Glow Range Oil Burners IKfIIISIVI pitIII IoII IlIlllllll HOUSEHOLD ANII IIISIHICI APPLIANQE EPLETIS FURNITURE ELECTRIC 139 Dunlap St Phone 3721 souls mm N29c ldvr RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF STEAKS or ROASTS PliBlElllltlllSE Sililllltl was or II BONELESS ram rmsr eras SILVERBRIGHT semen STEAKS 35I orsrrns HAWES SALAD DRESSING FLOOR $1053 it 59 FANCY ionsrrr 59 DELICIOUS CHICKEN Hamlin 25 FINE CANADIAN out CHEESE 4N HEINZ ASSORTED sous 1N CHAN My mix 15 50 OATS 23 31 IN one sees cg 35 WHEN AVAILABLE USE SIIPEB SUBS Pkg 31 WHEN AVAILABLE USE CASHMERE Cake BOUQUET GRAVES SOLID PACK APPLES 19 LANGS Pickers rst 25 FANCYBLENDED JlllllE 2332 OLD ENGLISH rimr 25 IIIIIlT DELICIOUS MITCHELLS CHOICE APPLE lllllll FANCCASE OF 24$216 FANCY PINK COMBINATION GRADE crisis Sinks POTATOES Iii gilt new 56 MC En AN IAjh Buy Finer Flavour transmission munOI ilumru Lilith tiff3Q CIIIiIV BLADE BONE OUT PRIME rm MAST 31 shun mm run run Brisker in milk summers 31 oover Converts Instantly for Clam ing Furniture Draperies Bare Floors Linoleum lb 32 LARGE NORTHERN SELECT 54in 69 NNIIISEM zl silliness cuIcIIIIII r35 296 tin IX rainstorm aomzrc 12115 tin II No JimII Fruits and vegetables pi 19 6th bask lbs 34H 159 19 23 GRAPEFREBIT EEESIZQSMNTEZII algergggHEATINo 59 LIFORNIA Elites EMPEROR No MARSH GROWN TENDER CRst No ONTARIO CIRO COOKING No1 onssu GREEN No PASCAL CRISP No1 ONTARIO GROWN CANADA No lUIb Slb Bad WORTH 75lb Bag or I33 Ilii III=III IliI IIIIII Illlllllllllll IIIII II II IV IllII II IlI iI IIII3l IIIIIIII IIgtIIIII fIII IIIIII IIIIIVIK II II l=II Il llll II III II III whatI Ill iIIIIIII II II IIIZIIIII IIII II IHIi Il II lull Ia MIN li IIIIl IIIIIII III II lIIIIII MI Il IN IIIIII IIZ II IzI IIIiII II II IIIIIIt ilII III IIII II III II II IIIIIIltI ltIIIIIIE II III HIIIII IIIIL xml III Emqu INIIHIIi vho III I1I II IllIIIs HI llltll IlMIII Iv IIi IIIIjs IIK llIIlIII for lame III II than IvroIIlI IIIIIgtI IIIIII vIJIIIIII It IIII IIII IIII Illtt IEIIIEIH JJIIIIIIIzr Io Irllll IllltI illl Ilzv IIIIIHIIi AIIIIA IIIIIgt Illll IIIIII gtIllllIlkllI IIII III Ilgt1III II Illl caIIIIIIII IlIiIl MIII igt IIIaw II Iilllt Io ItII Iliu oiII slums xIIpIIIII SII IroI Ii BRIE ONTARIO CANADA I1lt You SINIIIIII III IIIII hum had Itllil two II glIIlugg IIaIk IIIII IIaxIII III IIIIIIII lhI opiuuug IIIIlIII lit no Ill Io viIIII Itl IIIlIlIIIlIiIIIlI IIIII gtIIIIIIIlt noIII IIouII NIIII IIII IsII Illlilllllld IIopI Io xII you lllli We have it onhand for IIIIIEDIIIII YouIla Easy as snapping in light plugyour new efficient Hoover rug cleaner be comes an easytouse abovetheoor cleaner Never before so much Hoover at so low aprice Ask us about disease and $11450 We know that has been DIAL 74492 DELIVERYI Youll agree it WAITING FOR IA SMITH 129 Dunlop St gumn XII II gll 1o lIIlJIIII II lt Ill llouI IIin lllll IuItIImI ill 13 uur car but IIII Il IIIIII MI lhc Irmtmu tI IN Ill lHtlH BRENNAN by 25 per centum ove Commission were to can pro theincrease in power requiremen AND WHEREAS the demand upon the Commission for electric power is substantially in excess of its electric power resources and the Commission is of the Opinion that state of emergency exists and has so declared NOWTHEREFORE the Commission makes thetollowing regulations ORO STATION HOLLY TEILRSDA NOIEBIBER I3 WHEN YOU WANT BETTER HATCHES FEED CORRIGAN AIIIo lIIIIIriI SIrrirl lllllill Vl REGULATIONS applying to certain uses of ELECTRICITY lN ammo WHEREAS the requirements of war production and the scarcity of materials since have restricted the construction of electric power developments AND WHEREAS the consumption of electric toincrease at suchan accelerated rate since the termination of the war that consumption demand of consumers now serviCed without taking into account pending applications for power has iricreased the 1945 consumption demand and it the the reserve of 15 per centum considered vident prior to the war and absorbed in meeting wartime demands ts would intact be 40 per centum REGULATIONS MADE BY THE COMMISSION UNDER THE POWER COMMISSION ACT No municipality or municipal commis sion receiving electrical power from the Commission shall without the written authority of the Commission supply or use or permit to be supplied or used by any person the electrical power or any part thereof for the following purposes lighting of interior or exterior signs interior or exterior lighting of show windows interior or exterior outline or orna mental lighting interior or exterior lighting for deco rative or advertising purposes outdoor and oodlighting for white ways and or parking lots usedcar lots service stations and outdoor industrial premiSes above minimum permissible only between sunset and sunrise as follows parking lots and usedcar lots watts per 109 square feet of spaCe only while open for business ii service stations 100 watts per gasoline pump standard veXClu sive at lights in pumps and only while the service station is open for business and iii outdoor industrial premises amount necessary for working areas only the operation of air heaters electric grates or electric boilers used for heating purposes in stores or ofces streetlighting between sunrise and sunset further clarication is required please contact your local Hydro omce ower commssmr or ormuo wvv Violinmun ROOMS Vxcw WWwvwwAvCltxa VAAcVAV ANTENMILLS Iil =IIIIlIII zo hurl IIIEIII mum IIIIIIII IIIII LKIIII Itll5l III Ill kltklltt llLJltl gm lil plum II Mail Ilalg Ill and III Ll to IIIIIIlli IIII til III llilti Httll room IIlecr hi IizI I3I Ilf llll who iIi IrIIIII inhog in door lIII IIoIII haw IIlt IIII IIIuII Hfllll In lat IIIli II5Ill III In If nub III IIIII IIIleIn IIIIII IiglInM IIII puxtll Iczllcllhi lIIil HI Ihc room lt ill in hnu Hll III lllll IIIIII IIIIIIII lltIIICT l4lll liliNlCltll Alli ONlllllthlNG lllllNlI llllllllilll IHII SI llaIIiI lIIl ower has continued WW lighting of marquees or sidewalk can opies except watts per square toot of oorspace or sidewalk area cover ed by the marquee or canopy between sunset and sunrise lighting of entrances or exits in excess Ot watts per toot of width of the entrance orexit and lighting of interiors of business premi ses after cessation of business with the public except the amount necessary to enable stall to work These regulations do not apply tolt floodlighting of airports ii lighting for police and tire ser vices and protection iii lighting required bylaw and iv lighting of direction signs and signs designatingthe ottie ot medical practitiOner and the use Oi electricity for interior dom estic purposes and inhospitals No person shall unless under the written authority of the Commission take from any municipality or municipal commission any electrical power received from the Com mission and use it for th in regulation purposes specified NO person shallunless tinder the written authority of the Commission take any elec trical power generated or procured by the Commission and use it to the purposes specied in regulation These regulations shallvcome into force 31 clack am of the 10thof November gt