AGE TWO rst IiAIiIiIi EXAMINER DISCUSS IUVENILE AND FAMILY COURT grUESDAY NOV 18 IE ERAMINR THE BARB PUlLllfdfllrlllll llll Bklilill lle Ill If VOIIOIIIOJIVllllIOIIJOIIIvIIIO MENRER OE Washes of Crsz ii lira ltlfrlln by lliill OI llllll fill lO 1N1 lllilsll til lllItI uiitl Mad Insorine xviil cci New Lobe re tXlltll tii iItiiIionJ ul tztzti tor tzic total lnl lzlllt is lll ll ll tl Jlli1ll humil ut it lilll tvl IIIttIIisiis or isam sivtxtis BONDS iIttII In ll littiilti tiL llaiil lilil lNllllllllll ilvlllltlllf sale of lllv Canada Savings llonds in taste Uliltiitls tillWrlllltllllttil to tile tlii ivcrage individual llllllt so lzai ltll tbstarititllji abori torteast lite =il Savings applications averaged illtlzijtl to tiatr compared with final Iigttre o1 $103721 winch initiati itlill lt vetiilc and Ill liIl lttiit ii iiiItly tit writeil lttil Izi Stiltj cot otIIL trialirictil fil 1m illrtll llv aloha1 tlll titans fllllll tlll issued pttreiizee til 3013 as again Set combined lillltsT lwo so tar came to littal average or 5400370 last year div1 the reduction to $1000 of holding Itaine Total sales of the Second Series of iitui in October First The title the liltil Itllll litIla H144 1h ii Ill pet ea lit thililiens lllllllllliltll lli III in lLl iii lllt ttiitl natal lul Hunt and tin mu rat lltll vault llt Izttill tlllllliiii tillf tlt to cool the JM iitpieatan llI adt it they cannot stippi llfIf tvazlaoLi Illilltllttd HELIIHiCIIt the peoilc of this llll duty of every IiltI lttt 1liIIti to IJI tilt It Ivtll itmti lairtitn iit otgitlier with Lot gtli it clmjntlti l1l match of lniiisfil Ilotrneti iii iioitltct the hundred million mark with Iiporiti littldlf iii srooooestmiioni 311532 lllllltur Sales under the Payroll Savings iEaiiH pincer to give earner opvtalil tltlll showed no signs of slackening and accotitittd ll 35 ll lttlll for Jarly liali the dollar amount fora thrive llllll illtl of 848019550 and for more lhan twothirds the number of applications at 210911 stantial portions of represented Armed Bonds ings offrncesl lliiv iIiiiis plinth Stitttlil ltiid LBII itilllt Ill tinn pupil pp mm $111Hllllldl Standing In opt Ii lltl HullSilt ANNIVERSARY ltll iasi Is heard In from the Etltlltl to the time of re liIi or solution to thr proli tl question and Is Iiot forgoi as the leaves the court room itil Juvenile and Film itirs in Ontario serving lllllltllll llllltgi WH lllltlllsdrhim iii lull llll iltlvl children ltitllt itlit or lifttn lions illilS Witl irit illl out thi plan Ill amasion so tiiai llii Sal ayroll Savings Plan purchases Forces the Civil Service tllid 56053500 MR clii ld gtllIll iii il wmi liter are sales 3014900 8th by railway employees Investment dealers banks and other sav tings institutions also report steady interest 1by the general public and forecast that sales Hmia7 mm an mm tin substantial volume may longer period than in the initial tillillzltg last October 1R1l1 lil 1llil The program izistiiiaei Ontario Department it rnttsical concerts tlirigiailiiii servingr two useful purpiites 12 couraglrig Canadian art them towards itle lllolinis second it is giving the er ans in all parts of the province an epportnii ot the splendid Canadian talent that is ily ailable The program as sponsored East jfea with such fine response that this year theret are 30 teams and groups and individual art ists Tlie are scheduled or iii concerts The price or beenkept to minimum and in most cases those sponsoring the concerts have bee able to break even Some of the artists have made such an impression that they have been book cdior additional Ollftllrj in the same com IIIunitics In few cases some of the groups are ready to strike out on their own and it is the policy of the Department of Education free hand in such inst it hasl sf HM llt and counties Suncoe County ltttltl llllml Juvenile Churchill merchant shipping vi izr tao bv proclaimed totiit area only at the request of litlll of Simcoe County out this service for Wiclrir tlllll for our families and for our tuiiua to extend the province is eit prontotin Sitll 11$ And llill of such developmentIUI 51 Wmm questions will be answeret it he meeting in Barrie on Nov llll 11 Dan Coughltn chief proba Family extend over Vlvzit it it llitl Silllll CotiH for Guelph and Wellington County loan will be the speaker Sinicoe County Committee for Juvenile and Faniin Court at this unwind wishes to put the matter in lllt hands of the citizens of Sitncoe ozinty to do with as they see fit rand l1llllll invites both those in favor and those opposed to attend lltlS vitally important meeting lttll riIIIccr of the POPPY DAY November met was Popt Thi annual canvass is honor the dead by helping the living contributions go to the relief and welfare of needy and disabled veterans and their dc pendents and to the widows and orphans of the war dead who gave their lives for their Thousands of Canadiansdied in defence of our country and many thousands more were disabled The Canadian Legion does not believe government pension cheques alone will suffice The members of th harmed forces who returned from the battleiicldsl to spend their remaining days in hospital mmasamanRasbachnd lCflClltdElflCSllilbl Obltile when Itnas suc beds need more than few dollars everyplmnnS angmmt of Annie ecssfully introduced an artist team or month EIOUDI to mm 71 131399 WWW WY 1011rieriadvice and help With the money raised on nature this official sponsorship Saturday Barrie 1in ield All to present total admission has SUNDAY CONCERT BY BCI country ROXY Continued from page one program were Jean Livingston who sang Moun oflieials to permit Soloists for ances The Department will consider and Joan Fisher daughter and Laurie who pic of Bandmaster sented clever violin solo First Poppy Day the Leglon are able to me Movenient from the Concerto in The Barrie Collegiate Concert Band has the rapidly growing demands for relief and ti ll llilll 11 Will Ill DIOQIitm this real mid welfare work among the disabled veteran last year Last week they presented concerts of World Wars and II need encouragement The Fisher The piano ac these numbers do Beriot companiment for twat played by Miss Smith Rev ll Howden chairman of the Board of Education expressed appreciation to Mr Fisher and Mr lttfford for the progresstlrat was beineinadc in music in the schools l3rincipal II Heath those who had cooperated to make it possible for the program to be Illflfl iII sttch fine hall On behalf of the Student Coun cil Bill Blain said he was happy to present the cOllcction proceeds to the Legion Building Fpnd and added that concert in aid of the Barrie and District Memorial Hos pitzil would be presented next Springg Yol Gary Lcc dent ltlianks for by the Collegiate students Jreports of the concerts present cd by the Barrie Collegiate Con cert Band in Fergus Collingwood and Owen Sound last week are re printcdon page nine of this issue of The Barrie Examiner BAND PERSONNEL CLARINETSCameron Stewart Larry Monkman Reg Roach Doug Philpott Mary Dyment Jim Fish cr Harvey JohnsonBertie Mul holland Elizabeth Robinson Joyce MarshallJim Bewell Betty Ball Ted Clarke Jim Lynn alto John Brennan bass FLUTESDonr AVIRDeWell Betty Stairs Barbara Gilmore OBOESTed Hutchings Harris CBASSOONBill Spanis SAXOPHONESMary Hamilton Shirley White Paul Palmer rDori Reid tbaritonel TRUMPETSBill Hunter Byron Mayor Bill Linton Rayner McCullough Bob Richard son Dorothy Boyd HORNSHarry LDwe John Mc Marvin Fisher Spicrs Joan Fisher Jim Agnew TROMBONESBill Caldwell Bill Craig Ron Armstrong John Feltis Alan Sarjeant EUPHONIUMRon Jim Angeloff BASSESAlan Gates Morrow Gordon Flook Mervyn Booth PERCUSSIONBin Blain Caldwell Paul lrwln thanked Over$ 300000000 to be repaidlhe Public honorary presi legion expressed generous gesture THEDOMINION GOVERNMENTIs REDEEMING 15 MAY 1940 ISSUE OFWAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES COMMENCING 15 NOVEMBER Save ibis money Strt rt Savings Account with your nearest branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce AYOU can addvto it on the Sahel each month as the Government redeemsf each succeeding iSSucOfthese WarSavings Certicates This Bank welcomes you as in Jack up AW customer Ilinton Bob Its Never Too Late to Sta rt Savings Acmum Fadden Holly nu CANADIAN BANK or COMMERCE PARSONS MANAGER BARRIE BRANCH Herbert I4547 Ken ARRIE ONTARIO ADA Years Ago vloltioiloo from the lilrx Al illl MARK Allil llVllellHt IW Barrie Local Ivlt llw kill it tiliil ltt lt it Sziiwiv Titito Li ilIiItIi sizvii Itlli will ltill iii lint IEIIIIli lm Sinicoi fontiiv llriels llli lllllllll ytl it lelit titt Silllllll llwiii lilnxalc illil Slain 1H liillillhl Ipttitt In moi latill liltlll llit il iliriis at llv ail lltlttl calfc odd int tillIlllll lit th year III it iota and lllitt t2l as ottntt Hem lIitlt zin tllll1itll held on Aim litttzcan was Sponcer Iicnsiiy Vlll Iltlllrtlfl thurelitl 21 Walter lit ltlSIIll Stiottil ll liliili lIo has lltnnctt llilllii lions tint It licster tlconliey Stronii lltill llobt Strunaithan lrenfel llctl gt HP 10mm tune to drop In and be present at Leiroy Dalston farmers IiotIIiigilllt Itl5lt Strvlits It Miilg liliilttl Church on Sunday 11mmlctobcr had hoped that some irilgttsyllllll wottld have appeared In the llarric press lt the f2illlll llllllt rendered llec gimp Churchill llobt IIcul to Winnipeg arid getting top prices New school clicr Livingston and Wood Ambrose Budd for 20 years sexton Nantyr made SliipmtlilIllrldlllll lgooseberrv plants on Oct Lu Eden Council paid Alliston $1130 for I3lllll the of road machine Sll0iltll iBell Oro Station tirade large shipment of honey to Manitoba HBIOCUUII Beauty gymnasium was an addition to Ivy public school WIIOOIIIIIIOIIIIIOIIIIIIVII 25 Yvears Ago from the files of THE BARRIF EXAMINIJL NOVEMBER 1022 Barrie Local Notes Annual report of RV lospital showed 17846 days of treatinentlto patients art increase of 400 over previous year expenditure of $36105 Board reelectcd as fol lows Donald Ross Mac Larcn Bcecroft Saricant Lay Quinlan ILA Sims Dr Arnall Fletcher Moore Dr Little and William Gallie During October 18 births nine deaths and fottr mar iages registered with Town Clerk 11 boys were born and seven girls Premier Drury one of larte class initiated into Scottish Rite Lodge of Perfection had 744 mem bers while Spry Chapter has over $00 Court of Revision gave substantial reduction in assessment of Wellington and American hotels Their proprietors stated that since prohibition had come into effect their assessment had been tipped LtCol James Ward form or OCof 35th Bn Simcoc Fores ters died in Vancouver in 1914 he left Barrie and had Since been liv ing in the West Some prices butter 40c 1b eggs 55c don chickens 20c to 30c ibifpotatocs 200 peck apples 25c35c basket October temperatures ran from 80 on the 5th to 19 on the20th There was 215 inches of rain and foot of snow Simcoe County Briefs Dr Stephen West died at Angus where he had practised for 35 years Two bears seen close to Phelpston Churchill and Le frOy shipped to fire sufferers 4000 lbs of bedding clothing foodgetc Eileen Snider 2lgyeanold daughterof Mr and Mrs Snid errsmynerfwas badlyrburned onr faceand hands from jar of fruit which fell and broke when the mother was doing up fruit Cbx given position of caretaker of the reforestation plant at Anten Mills An article from the Farmers Sun dealt withchangs in population in this county during 20 years 1901 to 1921 all town ships except Tossorontio showed drift to the city and town In East Simcoe the population was 37122 as compared with 29845 in 1901 North Simcoc was 22100 as against 26071 in 1901 in South Simcoe the figures were 24810 decrease from 26399 Rev Spencer placed in charge of Anglican Parish of 00 During October Allan dale Division CNR handled over 1200 cars of cattle from the West For all new of Barrie and Dist rict read the Examiner llLittsliAr SCHOOL BOARD BRIEFS ilit lll Ni it lORONlO CNIIRtlllll lSlS llt VENETIAN BLINDS lilllll Our JiruliJIIlladc Venetian lilimls lfllllill you ul iomplete salixtaiiitII Hittainalili in iccl Aluminum or loml flavi our Itillllllllll lIlKllll win lllllllllllliHlv Barrie Tent llwning Co Phone 4314 Barrie CLARK Proprietor Pill 34 Boyiield St 1114 IliIiiIi il tilt Itllv tllli In Lillii litHi Il ll It STABLISMED law Immm LETTERS to the EDITOR ll its real ltecliili Yes its great feeling as young married couple toltcalilc to spend your llllllrIflfll income life Mill free Iniml litcausi ull LIInii tliai loll liaxe llltHifllll fur your itIIiIilis futini uiili Lon tiIiiIital lile lhitiily lllltilfll llan lIIIIl lctt tln liilitor Iiilllliltl llai li Ont This plan completely solves your lllllllfIlL It auto iiiitticrtlli creates an estate that glint your family financial independence It is plan lll1ll gnaraIilcis flitIII art iIIrIIIiiliatc and regular IIIoIItlII intmiti to replace llti loss of ioiir salary in the merit of IIlll death in addition at the lllfl of llte int Illlltlil in period your ilweutlents lttflH llt Iiill lace altie of llll policy your Continental ile ltilllfllll live about this plan today THE CONTINENTAL llFE INSURANCE COMPANY HIEAD OFFICF who hail the mood for Minoan paint Ialiflnd spiritual service coinpleted trustees Messrs llletUH llliil OWNItll llll ll Club and otliersuwitb so kindly and ably lent their lftllillFftl ztn lt refreshing only zood thurclt diid at mil lllilNlIlil and Shanty Bay Stanley Spillett iiiinslll1llll ill lldllllll iti nutsnucqui tv And the work of those who zir decorations evidence of good taste and painstaking care in the llllllll trite TORONTO etcHell viamtts Church GRANT MAYOR l0 Dunlap Sliocl Borne marked samples emblems of vorshippers gratitude Yours sincerely lliliiflliill lilllilllSl plungei llllllllllldau uuuuiuv Purely Canadian Compqu and l0 SWIM7 MM ms Wee ASEWC Tun WORK Of burying telephone Wires or placing them in over head cable continues year after year Today over IL million miles of telephone wires 95 of our total are in Cable saferirom storms Service interruptions caused by wcalhcrare fewer and still our Constant aim is to provide even better service Not only is our servicic becoming more dependable but its gt growing too We are filling ordersibr telephones jusllas fast as new equipmentis available Orrcrtclepliones plus rnOre depend ablo service and always at lhe lowest possible cost minean greater telephone value for every user mu mm ruliuinonn