LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN uMctai Windlip Trucks NOVEMBER 3941 TUSSY LIPSTICK WITH EACH JAR OF TUSSY FACE CREAM PURCHASED i7 Iiirt nil lfrilflillltt lHlIllill by HIIILIIIHII illli Ilin Iliwv llu erilllpliiiltlitary will repreulllillliMild Illytllll lilirliiliglii Ilew lltlIttIIUlI in your personal makeup iiullimlu let her hit out for Iviiil tilli til the famous luw Skin llalyiistililirln turiittliinl guide to the must fluttering nnl pinion tones for your rkiil Iat litrelimi you em bllllllll llI3I to lililht your Hll loukynlllgtr Imiliil more exciting CUSDENS ITHARMACY Wellington Hotel Block ==ro=rog==ono===oo====o=0t SKATING OUTFITS MENS $875 to $1175 Large Tractor Trailers Large Trucks $115 Metal Monoplanes 850 $245 Large Lorries $245 Toy Elect Irons $150 Deposir WILL HOLD UNTIL CHRISTMAS AI THE BAIZPIE EXAMINER HARRIET ONTARIO CANADA thW BORN 11I tr 12 will les lnlzrtl mitt 134w of tiill Illiiiwlt lgt lili na ii orv fltllwl lti iil lli anti IIII iW iii toxinv i1 lt III iiiitlil il ll livi iiil nel iili llAi lli iiI llll il ilm llH liul ill tii livwl ii nil tllll IzIilZill Hit lli Iiii ml IlltJIillx vtltllir lIiltll iiiili tl II=ltl lllti din1 lti=l til lnvtuH llti menu ll lIllr ll Ii it ill IIIIIIIII WI 1iilli vtiv likii llii lltll your iii was bliphtesl illgt when IH2i Illln yvtlt ill5 tllllitl lltrlll llltt i1i liwi paliu liuiillii ll Lil tililll tilitl I1ill llt world ilI Iil til tltlllJl iirnmnlli IllilliEI gllliili iliilil ltlI llgtieli tlltlllllt iellildi lil ll lJI In litll lllel IZtILtl Iliiiainia lil llillli inninulyl Moiiimn who plis lllli llli tliillltit from year ltlit lliuii It Ill nudi lili irandpll it3p Itilli itillltlSth til Ill IiI wulld ltl tllf iid lliilltlgt from day in ll will the Imm away Ilutl and Jean in loving memory of al Black 1040 illhill lltll llllt ile hiiillaiiil View iie tiiii lint the llilt llilllI luliintii now tililltl lliilllllliltill in lilniliie iniv llillli oil lllllll ill luztn lilli he iiu ienetailiz Nu lilil Ill lilllltl up Vaveriey iiid llltil lit Xltliltzl to Parry Sound uid Sildiiuigv Owen Si vb iituber weal mpell while tlrlvilii and his ear slruil lilinduntlld St suffered Itlt itial iIlIilllltS and lltzililltlll to his lit tl luWtI Ilti1l FEiiiil nixinni lllliiiil lliilly IHL 13 di or lllIiillttl in ullered Mary who Nov zisler ilIlI In our hearts Ivuur nieniury lillizers illIs lilitlfl fund and true Theres not day dear sister We do not tiiiillt of you Sadly missed by sister Dorothy and iIlnlel Iiiiilltiiv in iiivlni lneinoiyof ill up no ltIll wife and mother Mary llidI deli who passed away Nov 12M ltlvlti have lost my souls companion life linked with my own Day by dav miss her more As walk through life alone Sadly missed by Russ and Marilyn Sets 195 Itillllirrin loving memory of anquan vumwr 5195 dear laughter and sister Mary lliaelt who passed away Nov iii II Illill Oh what would give to clasp Iltil hand Your dear itlnd face to see Your loving smile your velcome voice That meant so lllllll to us No one itnows the silent heartache Only those who have lost can fell 01 the grief that is borne in silence For the one we loved so well ltQltllllwltd parents brothers and sister Fine commercial printing at The Please order an iiilislv when laivi days ilili after few loltilllii lioine Sixtyfive huvs South Hinletie iilitlpilltd euulpetiiions Agriculture and Home iieoiionlies iii Ailision Nov ii report of llll Iin itilliIIIv fiiiwtiitlcd the l0l Aurieuiiure Utilee at lwzis received too late for this wetits IExanliner and will appear next weeit The first llllillllll meetine of the Sstltlllilrll to ltluili lllilI and pills from Inliliuai judiziiu Allislull Itip LADIES white 875 WHITE with fleece lining $1175 BOYS 675 Sizes 12 to was ill litids Barbers held on Thursday night Barber Shop with good attend nnte With lcd iiariter in the hair the following were elected to office for the year Aih liose pres Iaimei seey hi Walker trons rneetillr will be held each month combining business with pleasure Iliist Tuesday evening consider able damage was done when 1032 Car owned by RCEME Camp Borden caught fire The vehicle caught fire on High way 00 five miles west of Barrie Iiov Coils Douglas Roberts answ cred the call and with small ex tinuuisher was able to tuitIll the flames before gasoline tank Runaway cars parked on the hill MISSIFFtigll been causing some llutlllt of late Somehow the brakes on it our own ed by Inlfd McDonald Ollllltl were released iIlldglllC ear started down the hill Sideswipcd parked var owned by Cliff Spence ol Barrie and then Crashed into another ear illom Parry Sound Damage to the three cars was estimated at $75 John Ferguson who has been charged with theft of $3700 froiil restaurant been arrested in Toronto on another charge lie is to uppem in court there on November 18 and when that case is concluded howili be brought to Barrie The $3700 was stolen in Barrie several weeks ago The money were reported missing oh the same day Stiver left by motor early yesterday morning for where he expects to arrive today to take over his new position as secrotarymanager of the Chambei of Commerce at the ialteheud city He planned to go via travelling through the States for art of the long trip Tuesday even at Baystairs Lodge Millets tors of the Barrie Chamber of commerce along with His Worship the Mayor tendered farewell dinner in honor Sliver On behalf of the Barrie Chamber President If Fisher esentation of pipe and to the departing man ctor and voiced their apc for his fine services here Barrie OYSnTOYS WINDUP TRAINS from $350 to $595 $4875 her Aiwa vs Cpl Stanley Burt 45p Barrie Examiner far ahead as possible they reached riilia have GAMES Tiddledy Winks 25c Dart Games Donkey Party 20c Chinese Checkers 60c TRICYCLES WAGONS TOBOGGANS SLEIGHS PRIICCIES Christmas Tree Decorations arid Lights TREE LIGHTS in sets I$130to$500 Extra tree light Bulbs ofallkinds Glass Ball OrnaI ments Bulb Halos and treetop Angels Fla Marsh Seedless GRAPEFRUIT for 25c PIG BARS Full of juice Fla ORANGES 2505 doz 25c Cal Red Emperor GRAPES Ont Domestlc sNow APPL Crisp Cal Iceberg LETTUCE so 2Ifor 27c Crisp green Pascal CELERY large for 23 Barrie operation 2IIlbs 27c bask 35c and John Ferguson Port Arthur Ont fresh washed SPINACH Ont washed selected CARROTS Soo Point the direc of Mr made the pr leather pouc aging dire preciation Is justaround the corner We have Weatherstrip of all kinds in copper felt rubber GALVANIZED coAL Hops each $100 BANNER ASH SIFTERSJat GALV INCH PIPE AND ELBOWSI BEACH COOK STOVES or WESTERN FOUNDRY COOK STOVES Boneless Whole or half ILAMB LEGS Tliich meaty LAMB rooms lb 25c either end PORK LOINS lIb 43c Fresh Pork SHOULDERS Shirtless WEINERS Sliced BOLOGNA BOOKKEEPING and ACCOUNTING SERVICES for retail and wholesale businesses Income tax forms completed Weekly or Monthly Audits INQUIRIES INVIV TED $425 800 to $18750 mosh hock PK HARDWARE 80DunlopSt Barrie Phone 2556 Illl Iii CARDS OF THANKS APPRECIATION ii 0pm FOR DIED PAGE SEVth IEEN BOOKING Jul ltNlllllIlI I3I AND HIS tillt III litl iii is Iit lll II To Iiulih lZiieaeenitnti IUIIIJII Illl NliViilllt Lit Illt if Ioe MCNEillleMUSlCSalon II iii liiuliiip St above itI IIlnlllI tllll Illiilli Vi lld WWW GIISON SNOWBIRD Washing Machines Immediate Delivery While They Last INNISFIL ELECTRIC igroov PHONEAOI GOO You high school Ilaslie Snails ilidlilleits tlhey Floati fth udilly Soft lits lup pies Iiraffts ete Mic to slim Holt Rubber liilv lovx 23v and filli Bath lov Hon Animals 1350 rush and oinb Sets $1335 to $2333 Itoly Poly in Sturdy Ruffles Bally Snap Albums $250 Baby lift Sets Site to SLtiti Mother Goose Plaques Filli Electric Kettle Warmer Music Box Illll Toys lIlimpty IIllllllilIV 25c up Telephone with Dial mars worms 965 LIMA BEANS IMlNCliMlIAT Aylmer lbsV13c lllllSlNS QUALITY MEAT I4 5mm nun on BLUEBRANID BEEI STEAK 0R ROAST ROUIND bonelesssill 49c 39 DATES Rose SWeet Wafer ShoulderIROAST lb29 PlCltLlis AylmerIlli Tomato Sauce CUT MIXED PE Daltons JoilyI Good IbII 49c Cooked off MOTHER AND DAD lhrres no question about it Santa illlls has set up Ll lelli Headquarters III sturdy Quality toys are Iltll 503 vmfILysg 11 for Barrie and vicinity at ROSHLANDS itriiis that will liellse BLMKBUMHIH again loyx IIltlIinlI make your ilildrill happy Our Store is bulging with biistnlas ti Iftx for the young fry from Illlllt to II Imil Here are lust few of our Outsjdndmg VdIues IIIIIIIIII HI III GAM lIIIlah MASTER IAKIC IT IIII II MONUIIJ IllilllXIl IoIlthIl IllillIlXIi ES HKIII IIN BALI CHEMISTRY SIZIS Stilt to St lll lltAlFH li7lllis mill The Finest and Largest Stock of liiltireils Books ever Shown iii Barrie ranging from iiirent oloriniz lIooit to The Youngest Omnibus at $300 fine Edition just re ceived from England the first since before the war lie Safe olotlr Wood Blocks Humming lops Novelty Banks Monkey Clown Pig Globe IIIII Iliu CROSSL 5O Dunler St Bell BARRIE om GROCERY rtArPES Fresh Ground As Sold RICHMELLO COFII 49 245 ModernHoney Flavoured 10 all Cello Pk Royal ityr Bf Pack PEAS CARROTS Aylmeturlm Tomato Sauce Baby 20 02 19 29 18 34 39 18f Domino Our Own Blend larks Vegetable or TOMATO SOUP Brigiits4Culverhouse Fancy Quality TOMATO JUICE Mitchells Ontario Pack APPLE JUICE AylmerWith Pectin PLUM IAM Van Camps or Clarks PORK BEANS Saves Soap DREIT Palmolive soirI We pay highest prevailing mum market prices for ungradeil Shi with confidence tggDomlnillin Stores Limited and range the vace ofCiruso 828 Old Weston Road To operatic tenor But onto Reg No 029 rt in know that Enngo was in excellent cook who delighted 1n the preparation ofdeiicious 2002 Iarks Fresh Fruity 19 02 2002 earthworms Hedlunds Vith Gravy Zilbs ISc MEAT BALLS New Crop California Seedless 18 Oz cello Bag El 1801 19 17 or Pkg 10 Oz Cello Pkg Regular BEE 14 29 Oz Jars 259 SPAGIIETTIr VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY lb 731 CLOSING IIIIIIII DOMINI DOMINION STORES lIMITED TRAINS DOLLS ill to $330 MICKEY MOI SI liII VIEWER NI WALT IllaNICY Iilllrit ITUR Il GILBERT llflltiStOllI lelS $425 Lind $705 IIfTOIlLU PRINTING SETS lzle IIIIYllli IARM 3175 TOW IIIICII IIll iziuizr $149 IHMIZIHTK stroilr tu to H310 GULF mow iii77 II II II luxiiicltsiiirlr so hIIIlS MODELLING HAYS 234 in title twi gun illlllitls llolli XI mlflf 15 UH IIUWN In hhlthfi Mill 190 lmltl lltltl 890 II II lIICIIll Ittrlgtillll $110 llddley inks Millie loiyine Postman $100 1I Hmrkuhmmw mp PM II IIIIIII Wm hinhlyx iail lil II II II Johnny Rabbit lilo Mild Ixh VOIND II II Rummnll Moll hllllt RMHI Kilo Lost HI lithli Bingo 501 ltlltllgt 731 llll lJ Baseball IlllllV ildI Sorry Slim IHTRI IW5Imlj AMI Nu 1m IIlllrney Stories 00 TiIMZTOR Q1 IN llifKlNG lilllli Wam BOOKS Real liieetrie Iron 9198 lloetor Set I590 iroeiry Scales Aluminum ook Sets SLISI Xylophones IIllll Octave Militant SEtl lolnmIv Tllllnble IIIIIIIII Sills Heavy Steel Wagon I080 Wheelbarer Opp R0 Sqmnc lo 02 Tin lin 11 no 10 it 29c if 16 diff 29 11 hioiiiliiii Millions marvelled at the beauty meals For this great singer the All merchandise sold at your kitchen was the scene of many Dominion Store is uncandi culinary triumph as it has been tionaliy guaranteed to give 100 satisfaction also for kings prime ministers princes presidents cardinals inentgenemls admirals scien tists Igreat ainters authors muslcrans an sculptors