Martial Metrchildon Martial Brunelle Seed Potato Winners II AGE TWFI BARRIE ll 112 me It lit 11 It Veg 11 man fi 31 Li It l1 11 11 st 11111 11111111I1 lt IIoygootor a3 IIDINAIYIH 11 391 11 gt IIIIIIII I2 111 III IIII IlIlotllltilltrrlrtllllttlr11xIriralzrlllrtxzlnnrlllnllttllI 11 IIVl vllllIl I1 11 Jtrt hnt uttz Ill ii it 111 II MtNAteiitweiimr 1111 141111 ltilt IIII III II II 311ny 111 lII III II rt tr III t1 11 ll II 1546 II 11 AI III II WM ImI 111 11 Feel Slotted and Upset 1111 11 II Alter Enrolling MealI II If you sutlcr from dyspepsia nour stomach litlthnsncss lllilillllltfl minor liver or kidney war 112 plaintsirusc lilirtulli 111r111um llits1s popular preparation that Will help tone 11 cut 11 up the sfouzw kidney and liver aid digestion and buns13111111111111 from i11ltliccsticntind constipation 1111lt Mic cum two and dependable BBB contains no harmful Ingredi II lots nor liaiiitlnrtnim drugs 11 ioufll licI fluWilly surprised how quickly 131111 nido digestionI 111 usinitlzdiouclam Mimi and how much hotter you fool Ask for it try Iizuiicullurdock Blood Bitterson Stilt nt drug counter Iveryuhcm 111 e11 11 IIIILI lhal hillbuiu 10 Limited Toronto Ont Vi 11 iii 1111l I1l II 111Iti1 411 Hm Eilituisaiui 11 Il PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY mi siziiztiicii 111 3111111111 xilli 15itlIlll t1 LEGAL cnrnornacrons 1IfIIIIfjfk 111 1= BOYS nors GEOI It IS UIWI 11min 11 11 Barristers Solicitors Notaries Umsedghwgress grherlagisgc if luhlie oiivcyaIucrs Iitc Electric 33170 Hydrb and ii MONEY ro LOAN Mecham Therapy 111nm Office 13 Owen St Barrie 15 Dunlop StI phone 3194gtpct111 11 11111 I1 Branch Office llliuvale Ontario illillttl 1111111 1w liil 111 HII BOYS KC CORBEII no iiw 14 Il now summit CHIROPRACTOR AND f15IIIiIIfII II is DRUGLESS THERAPIST JI 111111 11 11 l1111ti 111 26 McDonald HI Iilllll lorutn Successor to CAMERON CAMERON BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Owen St Barrie Telephone 3175 MONEY TO LOAN COWAN COWAN Earristers Solicitors Conveyance Notaries Public etc Money 17=Owen Street Barrie Ross Comm Registered Patent Attorney FRANK HAMMOND 1311 BARRISTER SOLICITOR EIC Masonic Temple Bldg Barrie MONEY TO LOAN DONALD VIacLAREN BA BARRISTER SOLICIIOR ETC Money to loan Masonic Temple Building Barrie JOIIN REID BARRISTER SULICITOR IEIC 24 Dunlop St Barrie Ont JOHN WOODS KC BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Bank of Toronto Bldg Owen St Phone 2661 Money to Loan 21 MEDICAL VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Barrie Branch Well Baby Clinic trom 230 to 430 oclockevery Wed nesday Application of nurses ser vices mavbe made direct or through doctor Telephone 245 VETERINARIAN on FLEMING VETERINAle ant SURGEON Sophia St Barrie Phone 4553 Chartered Accountants Trusteesete Brock Building 200 Bay St Toronto ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS SPRY ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Owen SL Barrie 19 Melinda St Toronto Herbert Harris CPA Frank Spry ARMSTRONG AND MncLAREN Fitzmaurice MacLaren CA CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 17 Owen Street Barrie 21 King Street 13 Toronto WARD MAYOR COMPANY Ward Mayor CPA AUDITORS Toronto Toronto St Order extra copies earlyfrom howsdenlers or Examiner office 11111111111 11 Iis 1111 Phone 3079 Barrie BY APPOINTMENT MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON RJIJ TEACHER OF PIANO SINGING and MUSICAL T11EORYall grades TCM Modem Meltods Studio 27 Bradford St DOROTHY JOHNSON Associate of Toronto Conservatory of Music and London Eng College of Music Piano and Theory 152 Maple Avenue CRAIG HAMILTON INSTRUCTOR all grades PIANO SINGING MUSICAL THEORY Pipe Organ Lessons Also Available Studio 37 Ross St Phone 3615 OPTOMETRY BOBT BARRE FFSo OPTOMETRIST Dunlap St Phone 2963 Attendance 96 ROBERT SMITH no OPTOMETRIST lllv 1i1s1ii 11 with my sluwizui 511111 wide distrdinlmri plcte Itioitintziinui and limit Yet iiiatutlaeltier1 inuitl with one another ill 1111 IIll1l11I1 saleabilily of their products also in shin111111 11w ltilt the retailers by lllill of 11Itllli1 salesmen lhc retailers in their 1111113 enter into Uillptfliliull hicl trade by advcitl 1111kiii1 llll stores attractive udylitg 1111 iteeds and renderii 111ml scit to their custoiiteis 111 also Illlll pole in prices and illlllldill ah After talking to my friend itadel some inquiries regarding the slice1 industry in general learned 1111111 heic are more than 511101 pmnjlc in Canada titairin living directly the manufacuirc il tlte selling off shoes In the few years wages and salaries of these people have increased itralitiu the sairc pro portion as in other industries The 53 Dunlop StPhone 2586 Hours 96 daily NOEL STEPHENSON no OPTOMETRIST Dunlap St Barrie Phone 4201 OSTEOPATHY EDWINWILSON BSA 110 T1113 WILSON BUILDING Cor Post Office Sq and Simone St Barrio Consultation by appointment Telephone 2293 COLLECTION AGENCY FINANCIAL SURETY Specialists in Collection of Accounts 51 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 4111 FUNERAL DIRECTORS LLOYD STECKLEY MINERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE 13 Clapperton St Phone 2103 SMITH Co menhen 18 mm DIRECTOII AND woman In Imbalance in counsellor OPEN DAY AND NIGHT BARBIE ONT PHONE cost of leather this i11crcascd con siderably Leather for uppers has increased more titan 40 per cent leather for 1es over 21 per cent Colton fabrIc used in the making of shoes has increased more than lOOpcr cent gabardinc over 75 per cent sheepskin OVC 50 per cent and steel and iron for nails flux for thread fibre for box toes wood for high heels boxes for czttttiiiszill these have increased substantially in price Nothwithstanditu thgsoincrcas ed costs of shoe manufacture and distribution the retail price of sho es has none unless titan 20 per cent prior to the lifting of price control This was due in part to government subsidies which havel been paid by the peripie through the tax collector and which will now have to be paid directly in an increase iii the retail price ofI shoes could obtain litlEllillllG estimate as to what tliisItrIincrease might be but it is variously quoted at from 15 to 35 per cent Iid 1111111111 1v gii1 111I11 112 1v 211153 arid the gt111 1111Il 111111 111 1111 ii 3111 fairl llltitlll pinch optIilirf 11 Lil ri11i and this 11111 11111 11 1111 11111 11 hc illSli l11111 ltt 13111 lliil tiii 11 ilill 2le the small 1111ic1 llillt 11111 ii ill elected f4 from the shoe llitlllsllyWilllflULlllllil to occur if nothing is done before hi ll lildi1tciii ll il 11 illt illitlitI Min 1111 111 11 in lured by ll111 lli tiitl tall lilitt1 rests 1t 11 1917113 lt Wes 111l0lluii itnitld 3115 ittil 11111111 Asst 111 111 llih 11111111 iilliIl Next meet 111 itunl Ariuih Nov 17 501 NC N11 lilitill llv he llllliiCi 111 um 11 dill11111 11 lzc r11 lu11t1 declare which d1 tlt 111 rln il Med 11 ItIillllliilg 111 infancy should ed and treated if left the vis in 111 the squinting through disuse very likely tire age live 11 sis years is ieacli erl FREE ESTIMATES Custom Built Furniture BUILT IN CUrnoanns CARPENTER JOBBING Material Supplied Repairs Refinishing 20 Granville St Leather is the all important article in the making of shoes and Canadian tartners claim to have made strenuous efforts to hold the price line Canada imports vast quantities of hides and farmers must buy these on an iiilcrnnliunil competitive basis They tunslpzty ALLANDALE PHONE 2613 Afternoons lint Evenings Law T1ill ANA lTA Vw lCritic Coils Work of 11 ii II 111 YIIV II ANGUS 1111 11 111 of Hi 11rirei Mitilh IV 11 WMr ii 11 II lII 11 to it Ii 4Au l1ll1lill WIN 1211l11 11 iii ll 11 tilt 11 lil ll 11 1211 11111 11 Hm Brightest Sloi 1111111 t111 tull 01A 1112111 utxliini 111 II III III illnllnrxu the ilztllouceir Party willfj Elfin 11 ti iiii tripliitxtt1rintin Northern 1l 31 1h Ilill1 Mali lllmhllw 1111111l1f11t ll 11 111 211111l v1 111111111t11t 111 Ii ti 31 11111 ill 11 lltzcitlmtlzi 1111llt1l 41 Ul1l II 11111 11 111w 1111 il1 lllit 11w I11c 11 111 Ike 11211 ltlttu 11111111 ltil1u THE DOCTOR is the one man who sees below the surface whoknoaws from firsthand experience what Chemistry means to health and to our general wellbeing Aside from its great work inwater pnrifica lion through chlorine and in disease pre vent ion through pest destruction it helps the medical man in countless other ways Chemistry produces lightconducting ancile to lie fashioned into instruments for internal examinations XRay lm and cheniiI cals for developing it skingrafting cement sutures 6fiiylon monolamcnt cellulose sponges anaesthetics and many other medical and Sur gical aids Yes Chemistry is with usevcrywhere ever seeking and finding new methods and mate rials The CIL oval in the symbol of an organization devoted to serving Canadians through chemistry 473 Lower Best Example now 014 11 riot lilfixl HAROLD HILL momenomomomomom 11E Firestone LL SIZES IN STOCK 1111le tilOVvPliClIS 11111111111 19111111s111s iililBlONlii TlllliS BARBIE Light Tractor Pickup 11111111 Transportation Mobile Power Unit 11 13 lino in 5299 59591 lodea MEASURE IHE ALLPURPOSE JEEP AGAINST YOUR NEEDS llic In IIU it 11111 null tl1t11111111 ital tlti1llputue IllI xIup 1111 Kit all unit ltitll1lii nit IIH 111111 hi It Illik 11 tile Inl Ii Il1ll lilliljt with 1211 lull lilillllllll 111111 11111 illlliitt lllii ttlliu ll Iiiiii I11111111utu ROBINSON M01995 62 Essa Rd DIAN musrmes LIMTED ALLANDALE Phone 2682 c==oz=o=20=or==olo