Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Nov 1947, p. 10

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11111 In 111w 11l 51m minutes sljning SHANVTY 131w 1J IIZ caildnclly cups 1605110100 VAR Sure Crown Brand Corn SyrUp is good for me Sure the doctor recommends Crown Br port of idief BUT why tie it clown to me miss Corn Syrup as ELF1171311E 111ni 111 111 1111 lsll II 1111 11 1111111H11 17 lixam 1111 1111111111 Sore Throat with 1110 11111111 in to lwl Iiil Iwt 11111151111111 cold aches urinals tic and 51111111 111 11 is 1111 to use 111111l1a11 1111 1115111 alter 1111311115 Paradol does not 11i1ppoint 1b WQHASES How obou way you use Crown Brond for wonderful baking For sWeetener And why not mention how delicious it is with ponches cereals and 1101 waffles li 1111111111 31 1110 Swallow one Iurailul 111111111 Carulv lo11111111 in 1111111 51111111111111114111111111111111disappear and you 11111 11111 dirauiwablc larmlol is fast relief for 1101111 11111011111111 1111111na 1t ch no You cant kid me mom Crown Brondktom Syrup is good for all of us DSBURG Also Manufacturer of Canada Corp Slarch For years doctors have recommended the use of Crown Brand COrn Syrup as satisfactory carbohydrate acting as milk modier for bottlefed infants cnqwu BRAND com smuo THE amok smcu COMPANY llMITEDMONTREALTORONTO lFlos Council Shows Concern About Loss 11 11111111 121111 In MOTCIIEdOSh 11 2111 11l 1mll Ml MN1 Hm VHINVIH11 11 llH 5111 111 11 llu 1111 1111 afrm 11 11 11 11 1111 111111 1111 Wilma it I111 this 11111 1111 11 1111 111 111 11111 Minimum SUNM 11111111111 11111111I 17111 1111 1112111 11111711111 H7 11111 1111 11111 W1 1gt 11 11 1111 111 111 knpylpyi 1115 111mm 11 1111 111111 11 11111 11 1112111 111 he 11111111111 111111 1111 3111 l1 gt 141111111 LlllSil 111 21111111 111 11 11 1111 111111 thiwl H111 lldbicllcti 111 1111 l11111w livr 11 gt 111 1111111 hwy 11M Wolves Getting Bold 5101 1r111 31111111 1111c than 111 the same 1111111111 111 111311 By Wolves and Dogs ltltlv unsmli 111 1171 11c wont 111 1111 1111c caught lick11011 1111 sccontl 111111 fl lne index it 111311 1111111 t11 products stood 11 111117 12 August 111 1211lt your arugula figures rccenlg rclcaxcd 111111 bureau 111 index 1sclt1111putcd 1111 11111 111 adopicd last your by 11111 11 which estulics 11111 buic 112 111e 1931 pctiwd I11 11 111gheltt point reached by 11111 11111111 since 1935 including the ill your The index is based 1111 111111 11 ieceivcd by tanners at 1111 The1 index 11 whole 1111 farm products 11111111 period is so by the 1788 115 11 Au 11 4111 Using the old 11515 of 1920 as 1111 lnasic year the wholesale inde 1111 farm prices is set at 120 as of 311111 ult1 l1iy111hc1 words 111lc1111 prices of farm products 11 August of this year were 20 percent iii lilllrilt CBI Miss Jean Carruthers was 111111c for the weekend Glad to hear Bert McQuoy is 51111 to be out of bed Lgain Mr and M111u11ay Sylifs and family spent Sunday with 0ch Martin ng ilfllES 111 1111ul 1511 111 Mint 111 111 111 111 113 1111 November f1 Mr and Mrs Earl Hirons spent Sunday with Mrs Hirons fuzhcr at Hockley Congratulations 10 Mr and Mrs Gordon Cochrane on the arrival of 5011 Oct 29 Mr and Mrs Banting Balding and Noreen Banting spei Sunday with Mrs Geo McKnight Baxter Mr and Mrs Lorne Carruthers and Eleanor and Mr and Mrs Clar ence Hogigarth and Marie visited friends in Toronto 1Mrs Sims Utterson find Mrs Bradley New Liskeard visited Mr and Mrs John Hoggarth Thursday Christ Church WA Christ Church WA met at the horneof Mrs Geo Davis Oct 30 with 20 present Mrs Jas McDer mOtt took theBible reading The president read letter of thanks from thetamily in England who received the WA box sent They appreciated every article in it Plans are being made tosend 211 cther box before Christnias llns Harry Banting gave the mission ary story and Mrs Bev Jennett was in charge of the program Readings were given by Mrs Aipplegateand 1Mrs Bev Jennott who also conducted contest Mrs 080 Davis gave poem Mrs Harry IBanting reported $1560 as proceeds at Smiths sale The hosi ess served deliciousluncli SECOND SON King George V1 is the second son of H15 late Majesty George and of Her Majesty Queen Mary 11111111110115 11mm or 111 111mm nun corms Indu Supplied to 1211111 in 7a 11113 111121 1111111110 1101c and collar Ihe 11111111111 lt 11111111111111111111111111111111111 inin USA Award YrijiNcwspoper Advert 311 $111 11111111111 11 11111111 151111 11 lilo 11l11c 11111111111 this 11 11e exhibit Will Vih ll11c1l 111 1111 11gt11t 13 111711111 11111111511 lfi1 111 11111112 iv lvl Millfll 31111 11111 1111 11111111 11111 li1t1111111 of 11111111 7111111 1111121111 11 111111111l 11 11g11121 1111tllv 11111 ttll11i v1111 111s 111111111 11 11vv111i1111 11 1111 lll1lil1 11 1111 11111 1211 111 and Mrs 1111 11 1111111 111 11 1111111 11111 1111111111 111 11 Mgr M111111 Saturday 111 also gt110 111 111111 1111 1111 111111 1111 puppyiii 111111 report 1111 tiillllill 111 111111111 111v 111 xcciis 111111J 111111 111111111 11 12111115 1115 1I llcccullv 111111 11 91111 11vu111gt11111 1111112 111111 1111111 111111111 111 Iho 1111111111 war vi 1111 El11111i 111111111111111 1115 111111 gt11131l11111111111511 111113 111 11 1111 1111 1111 11L 271 1111s 1111111 15 1111 iacln1 and Tinus 11 1111lt11lt 111 1111i WW 1111 1111 11111 lL11illl1 1111111 Farm Products ndex 11V1I11 11111111 11 utilivw 1111111111121 11Ic 11 1111 111 11111 1111 Show 20 Over 1926 Emlulms by Simcbe County Wointns Institutes Museum iliniulurc Stove 111 757 little child this small triuld be 111lighth1TTThc i111 the 111111 111 use iltlLl 1111 111 1111 plenclid 11 11111 011115 11v11 papalar be 110 111m 11 the century after vlc 11 the sturdy North lhe 111inilurc stands 81 in 11 the height of feet 1119 1111 111 runes 131 by 1111111dlt 11v1111 places L11 insert ler and the back provided with 111 tlircelcguccl adult 11 11 1110213111cs li by 1311 11111111 21 by 111 and the 1111111 the from 11 by 131 11JQ11 doors are nickel 31 Bradford Street TFZAIIEIKP ONTARIO CANADA irarsihm Box Cor 1Delivercd to NR Dominion Stores Ltd 1111 111 1111111111l 1111gt11113 ul 1i111lt11111111 1111111 111111 1111111 11i 1111111111111111111 111i 21 11111 it 11ll Lllll Gmwing 01 Tobacco is Now Big Business hm at Il 111 lltlilltw lIltilllli 1113 ior ising 11 1111 11 Fill 11111 11111131 111lj 11111I 111 111 1111111111 11111111 1111 71 are 1111 E1115 li11 =li11 1lt listen lo THE EORD THEATRE One full hour Sunday allernoon Dominion Nelwork lulrr IIIHTSE Dining Room open on Sundays only except for reservations for parties of 20 or more 24 hours notice requested LODGE ROOMS AVAILABLE FOR RESERVATIONS DIAL BARRIE 2243 237 Blake St at junction of Shanty Bay Rd nuncur The New Carin the lowPriced Field Just touch the accelerator and feel that sweep of power let the thrill of that smooth level ride See 110w this car responds to your every wish Feel how it hugs the road Now glide to quick smooth silent stop Yes youll really step lively with Mercury 114 For amazing pull and pickup ilfhas that big powerful Vtype 8cylinder engine For readability and handling ease theres twoway stabilization and oversize selfcentering hydraulic brakes And for impressive beautya big gleaming frontlong low lines luxurious interiors with mohair or broadcloth upholsterya distinctive instrument panel in lustrous plastic and metal trim This corso big 90 powerful so goodlookingis also priced in the very lowest bracket When you see it sit in it drive it youll certainly want to step lively with Mercury 114 See it before you buy any lowpriced car Vontlcrful news Ncw lilcischmanns Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast is licrcrcady 11 give 1011 pcrlcct risinus delicious broad in superspeedy 1111c N11 llLLtl 111 11111111 it intl1ciccl10xNcw lilcischnianns Royal 1111 11111111 Dry Yeast stays fresh in your cupboard 1111 WttlxN Alu 11 thereready for work when you IILLLI italuxt 1ismlc according to ditccrions Then use as frcxh c1t 11 ll liAlxlI AI llIli11r1lcr months supply 111 New lilcisclimanns Royal 11151 Rising Dry Yeast 111111131111 grocer Once you try iiiyoull always use it MERCURY AND LINCOLN PJVISION FORD MOTOR COMPANY OFMCANADA IMTEDe normsor MOTOR sunsIv MERCURY 1s LINCOLN SALES AND SERVICE

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