Followmg Death of More INIIIHI III7Il IlIx1l TIIIIIKI1II IIIII ItIIII1 iIIo1 IIII Ital II Illifl 1le Hll VVIII IIHIIII IIHHUIIII IIM HIVl linumlm MI tIIIII ILIIi some horses pasg IIIIII Ill III icon of llobert SIIIILII iI III 511111111 lhey hIoke 0111 I11 IIII parture and truIIIpIed 11111111 ii llilr EtIISLE 7750 Copies A11IA tih MAI 114 LIIYUK Appomt III 1I II II II II III II II IIII 1V II III t1I 11 1l14111I Charge lnnistil Farmer 1I111y 11 1111112 11 v1tlI on 111 111111 of Mr aklev Mr Unkle was tnIicn Into cos III 15 Evhlllh 1111 In 11111151111 on bllltltl ball SILVIIIIIH FROM GERMANY Sanitary Inspector For Town Of Barrie Scil 1IIE Il111 lI III III ll1 112 I114 II and LI II IIIIII It mil II 11 unitage Name Charles Scogram Acting Crown Attorney lIIiIIII III1 ll III1 w1s an 111 IIIIIIIII lluzuu 111111 tune I11 II1 1111111 held work IIndsor lIIlIIIbIlIxII pIIrInr I1 111 Boys II1 litll 111YI 3II111III H1 211 II III Ilo MI LIzl lav EIIIIIIIIn III tIYIItIllLIl I1vootl 111111 lrllitllll lind tendered his resignation after In 1111311IentsIIchImIIny had IIIIIIA II VII Ii1 MRSIltOBE1lT KING ELECTED PRESIDENT RATEPAYERS ASSN Mrs ltoberl King ll Barrie Is elected to lllltttl Andrew Ilmlning 11f Vexplu ax president ol the Simcoe tounty lrnstees and llllttpdltlsI BOARD BELIEFS II 11 IIIIlII vere present 111 111gtj1II11 1111 IMHIIIIII IIIIVIIZtl of lIII111IIIIII21IIII Monday r1111 I1Ip IlIIIIWItt II If lt 113111111 IIIS on the III IIunl soiialion at the annual conven tion in Stroud last Friday John Kidd of lilinvule 1115 elected vicepresident ieorgtt Johnston lll IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIv II It llowden IlIUItlltl I11 had to leave for 11 short Illllt lo IIIIIduIt some church IIIII11III Ilule he was absent giI 11 no Moirison was in the chair 18 years as secretarytreasur11 and lie was succeeded by Bell of llopiu Mr Johnston was warmly commended for his 11111in years of service to the organization lilllIIlilJl ll llealh of the ol lIIII presented several matters to the Iloards consideration lie 1mm mwmwi in Imldl II IIIIIIIIIIId form ofpower ration 111 l1 i111 put into effect by the HydroICIIIItric Power 111 011111111 The regulations which are designed to curtail certain uses of electricity came into effect on 1Ionuay Nov 10 and will apply iIIIII=II1IoIIl Illtllt whrivcr 11w c1 it Ll Is supphed by llrdro Ihls has come necessary 111 order to help llUVid lmlllm LICCIICIW f0 full production of industry and upJIlpulllnC muijgw maintain cm NOW III GIOUMCM 01 Signs Hm Ilmflu llfl mmmlllfl Ilhl111 foI dccmatne or advertis 1111 purposes is prohibited operation of 1111 heaters 1bt 111 mm ms 01 Ices 1s pron ed as 15 also the lighting of in iIIIiIII or 1111 Adonc requiring light for protection llcv Ernest Lewis 1111 The chnlllgr service rendered Part The Holy City had been on active uniform they were Craig Robert Morrison Robert Rainsayy Fred Mcconkey Donald McConkcy Douglas Galbraith ed by Mr IWalford Davicsn rendered beautifully by members of the choir Flowers were placed memoratc Grateful Memory of NORMAN COOK DONALD FELT FLOYD H001 IDADLTON LINDSAY BORDEN McCUTCHEON ANGUS McNABB MILLS BRUCE REED lt DOUGLAS SIMPSON JAMES WELDON ismol prohibited under the Ielulla 51 JOHN Il Ililfll Or it lions nor is floodlightmp of 11i1 llltllllllttl 0W Ilk 110011 Illmll 11 ports lighting for police and fire Ill Wholl 75 IXan services and protection lightiqu relt WI mined by law and lighting up 11 the use of Ihe gymnasium and audi cction signs and signs designating Itlllml Ihc office of medical practitioner under the regulations It is con arranmnzl templiled that such exemptions JlII IUI 50W Willis from King GLUIILU be granted only where public health 5011001 I0 PIIHCC W111 21 VIC 111dsafcty are endangered The clcctric mules or electric boilers used for business premises after business hours unless work is be An exception is madCI for banks and other business places The use of electricity for flood lighting of parking lots used car lots service stations outdoor in whcrcvcr possible Dedicate Memorial Chimes llII new Memorial Chimes were dedicalcd at Collier Street United Church last Sunday at special ser vices conducted by the minister MA BD Capacity congregations were in at tendance both morning and even was largely musical as the choir under lhc direction ofLloyd Tufford of Gauls 111 the morningwthcwurshcrs were eight men of the congregation who service In William Chcstcr Carson andLloyd Smith The morning organ prelude play Tufford consisted of Nun Komm Susser Tod Bach Litany for the Feast of All Saints tSChubcrI and Solemn Melody Anthems were Open Our Eyes lMacfarlancl and In Solemn Sil cncc lvanofi The numbers were the 37 in the Irhurch by the Womans Association in memory of the 12 young men vhose sacrifice the Chimes com Littlc Heather McNabb unveiled the urifcmOIial plaque as the minI istcr dedicated the Chimes Tothe Glory of God and in Proud and FRANK McCUTCHEON LLOYD WILLOUGDDY request that more books be ob supplementary II III 11 AnnouncesIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL IIKLJIItStlll supply was IIIltIII1II1eIIt llc asked that the llloard grant pcrmisSion for some III the students to visit the Royal educational pur lfield war as yet not in good con TM US LIIctricitv fIII iumI lIduion and he requested that this lumosm Dumas and in 11I113I he fIxed as soon as possible so some 11 also carried out matters 111 connection with Provision is made ll1tl the AIIIHIHIII was Ilchn to llr iltlitm Commission may grant exemptionsIUf lht Illlllilliimtnl OIDIHIIILC ill transportation by bus thria schools Principals of the The regulations win prijdp my latter two schools are to be respon 11 Part Of the savings nettessary to sible fordistribulion of tickets as maintain full employman 11 is arranged with the bus authorities therefore vital that all consumers TINSI illlimllcmtllls are 10 13008 homemakcrs workers farmers celled if KIM GCOIRC $011001 can b0 storckccpcrs and business men do remodelled into two rooms and the their part by saving electricity pupils wIIl return to their own school Miss Leah Lowe was engaged as school nurse at salary of $1700 per annum her duties to commence Read Examiner Classifieds Owing Iothc laisgc registration tK Shlt IIIidedIIIlIo 11022503 Eaglitidriimtfd during the Christmas holidays to make it into tworoom school If thisczm be completed another Iicachcr will be engaged to take of Jan 1948 Arthur Henson caretaker at King Edward School was granted leave of absence untilth end of the year because ofpoor health William taker NixEmber 207 the day oflhc school holiday inBarriew Rev Howden was extended congratulations from the Boardon the very excellent manner in ceremonies at the Collegiate on iNov 10 IoneIpf the pupils Reggie Flcar grade age 12 of Sllligh StI suf fered broken thigh during the Iaftcrnoon recess Oct 23 The ac cident occurred during play the IREV ELEw1s Thc congregation with bowed with rugby ball He was pulled heads stood in silence and the Turn to page two please first soft tones of the new Chimes were heard Rev Mr Lewis remarked that the Elected congregation also remembered the Ma$ter Of Orange LOdge four men who hao lost their lives in the First Great War Arm At recent meeting of the strong Bell Grandy Orangcmen in the Allandalc Or andGeorge LIrish angc Hall the officers for the com EVENING SERVICVE 1111 year were elected They are Chimes Recital was given by WM Boyd deputy master Mr Tufford prior to the evening Eldon McKcown financialsecre service the numbers being Come tary and treasurer Fred Richards Ye Disconsolate Valiant recording secretary Boyd Hearts Where High the HcaIven chaplain Erick Lackic inside ty ly Temple Stands and Abide With ler McKevcr outside tyler Me Lee director of ceremonies The choir did full justice to The Keith Richards Holy City Soloists were Mrs lt John Dobson Miss Helen Lambert Advance notices of events by Mrs HaIPy Armstrong Mrs Ches which money is raised are not in tlurn to page eight please seried in Lets Chat Canvass lI1I 111 IIIII11 rt IIIIIII I11It1111 lienuuml lloIpIILII lh iIIIIIIIIllatIIv north the present IIIptuII has beer secured on suineIeIIi 11 I1 iiiogizfly 1111111 s11sl1rtory IISIllI11fLll1 lhe 1Illlllt1 Itttl IIIIlpI Id 51 that tlu lower tIIIeI IIorIIIn IIII 111 1111171 Crowd Roxy Theatre For Sunday Concert Band and Glee Club pIIIIIII 1111 ll II over part of the teaching duties as Hoean was engaged as supply carc Royal wedding will be declared which he conducted the Dedication Principal Bell reported that BARN GillhlilO ti 121 pr II built 111 lilIIIII tI IlIlIt EII IIII Sun to IIIE II 2121 Ii III II I111 11 II1I IIItt 1111 III HIYtiII IIIIIIII IIgtt IvIII 1II IiirIIIIIIII of senteIl 111t1ll 11 Sound IIIIIIIzIIIIIIi and llIzIIIIpIoII This tour had been 3Illlrillll IIIEI1 the lhparnIeIIt of the prouIIuI presented to the BarI IIe audience Sunday 111Izt was sim IIar III that IIIlllItl to the lIIIII ltlIIIIIo Ivlusrum in Toronto in the IIIICIIS IIIIIII IIIIIIMIIIII 4k ances 111 the above IIIenHonId cen was dustrlal premises and the I1cIIlIIII WWII Ill Iot marquees entrances and exits isI 1111515 Wllllmli WI 131 ll Ilflhlll CommissionIrosliiclcd In the minimum 11111111111lllI11I lllillll W115 illilllillllt Th trcs he most popular the band wore 2h desl decmcd 115 in II ium515 IIIIrIInI track at the school lllllltthI of pubhc safety the heat late 1111i1llII11111I IIl the re IIIII11II IIIIEI 111 I=utll1 Zuni HI lhanrh III ItllItllIIZ IIItII IIIIIilIII IIIIIII Iilllil v21 IIIIIIIId Illl Il Ill IIII lltl to11111 ll1111l the Hill II III tllee Iuo IIIIII solo 11 Ilsls lIIIILI 1114I1I thI Fisher IIIle pres 141 11Is lIduIatIoII II IIII performi lllllllCIliIIll The piano IcoI11I 111IJI1 tiLII II The Kine 3111115140115 1111 VIIIIIrs Paving Well Under wqu for New Hospital Will Get Under Way November 24 II llIIi 1411 I1I 11 rIIIIHII lIe 3I111t11111IIII1 II IIII lInI1lu IItltl II Illl111 IIIIII IIiII YII I1ltll WKIHIMI lt1 lllIIlirlttl IIIIIII I13 III 11 Rumour III the World Jun 1111I11 IIII Iill HI WIIII ilol II1II lIlIII lltIII olI HIIIIdtaIII lIII III Itllttlll hw 5111 IIIIII Ill lIIIIILIIIItllI ol IIIIIIIIIlitH lIIIe I211 solo 111 lle tlfc1elgt 411 III IIII ment to the iilt Iuo 11111 II was played by Angus IIIII oI rm Dtl stuff 1111211 to page gang llt pm IIIll lllIIJII iJ IIIII Ii for Suhndd Nov 151 at 7110 pm COUNCIL BRIEFS IEIllil my IIII111 lIn IIII ItI II li III It II EII II IIII NII H121 up 1IIIII 21 tIi tIlIIZIVIi 111 IIII II11 III 1IIII IIII 1111 EII 111i1111I2 IIII III tI IIII IIIIII1 IIIII llI 531m 11IIi IIIIIIIlII re In IIkI I111 IIIItIHil 111 I1 i1I HIII7I III IIlvi IIIIIIIIIIIIII iIIII the IIIIj 11111111111 IIIIIII II 111 vital lIIe IIeIIsIIIIII was iilllilllllttl to pay the Illxliillte of the levies and ILILIIEI 1II IEIIT II lllllllill olw 111r was read from the sohci tor for Robert Powell who owns the property at 70 Elizabeth St Thc lettcr Icfsrrcd to sidewalk rcI paIIs made many months Three miles If BilllltS mam streets are bclng resurfaced by lhe BrenWM1 10 Um lt15 10 Nilan II connecting links Progressch School Nov 19 chen Fund Bazaar Crowcs cents Temple Marys Church firming mocha group playing rie Friday Nov lfl mg 9230 pm to cm Stroud Mountaineers Bazaar Annual nan Paving Company of HaIIIilIoII hot mIXed asphalt is in operation atvthe gravel pit on Davis St and It the mixture is put down by the machine shown here Two layers ollrtllillls itltlll asphalt are being laid the base coat and surface coal will cost approximately $701101 but about 40 psr cent will be paId bx thcOntaripcpaItment of Highways because these streets are highway Warn OMING EVENTS cents nvvordMlntmundmm Ul opia Proceeds for Kit Euch re Dance Baxter Friday Nov 21 Musu yThc Shidouhtamecrs Dancing from 930 to 115 and afternoon Georges Hall Allandale Wed Nov 19 36 pm Auspiccs Glad Cl 30tfb lea 45461 Midhurst LOL dance Township Hall Nov 14 Refreshment booth Admission 50 38th Nov orchestra Rummage sale Saturday 15 doors open am Oddfellows auspices ladies of St EuIIIpmcnt for manufacturlne the lm Tea and bakesnle Central Unuv ed Womens Missionary Auxiliary Sunday School room Nov 21 103 p111 Tea 25c 41171 BlueIlavcn LOBI No llilS1 bazaar and afternoon tea to 11111 Wed Nov 19 in LOL Hall Eliz abeth St Bingo at 830 body welcome Play Aunt Tillie Goes to Town by Crown Hill YP in Edgar Com1 munity Hall Friday Nov 14 at pm Admission 1350 and Bllc Lunch counter 46b Bazaar sale of baking fancy work and afternoon tea Fri day Nov 14 from to p111 Aus 4541 Oro Horticultural Society annual Presbyterian Church meeting at Mrs Robt Halls Guth 830 pm Community Hall Wednesday Nov Everyoneiwclcome 7774 4617267cEuclIroand doorp1izes MLisicIbei11g laiddownionlhcmain Dance Ivy Orange Hall Friday by Stroucl Mountaineers AuspiccsIILOL 450 Danc sion 35c Music by 46b Association and Afternoon Church bazaarsalc of homemade Nov 21 pices Evening Auxiliary Essa Road OES Euchre and Dance Stroud Admis Lunchcounter 46471 Note change of datcW0mans Collier St United Tea by ladies of St Peters Chuic baking afternoon tea Friday Nov hill Saturday Nov 15 245 pm 21 home of Mrs Sloan of the season at Closing dance 46b tended to all invitation ex 4647b Newmarkct Dramatic Club me Very cordial Cookstown dance pavilion Friday scnts Forced LandingMidluust Nov 14 Progressive of groceries Club Penetang Oldtime Gilkcs and his orchestra Euchre Township Hall Tuesday Nov 18 500 children 25c Lunch served Door pze basket Auspiccs frolic TCC11ltAge Don Township Hall Monday Nov 24 46b 815 pm Midhuist Church Midhurst Admission adultsl Auspices St 46471 Public meeting with reference to Dance at Parkside Midland Fri Hall All interested in welfare of day Nov 21 and his orchestra Sonny McNamara our youth urged to attend Mr Admission 2511 Coughlan Chief Probation Officer Barrie Midland Orillia and Col Juvenile and Family Court of lingwood clubs invited 46471 Guelph guest speaker The project aprons 46131321131953 Oll ihc account Brennan nection udihlhe hot mixcd asphalt streets The amount estimated for the total contract was 500 tons County on ounell letter from Barrie Aircraft and 35npphcs l1ll11lIIIlSllllL that 1110 Ircht kept burning during the Wuuer 111 the fool of Bayfield St vrharf was referred to the Water and Light Committee The town engineer had contacted man regarding the collection of Inch soil and this person wrote letter saying he would be ready to start the job inuncdiatcly How ever owinp to the fact that there EVCIY had been no collectiorfs for Some 454tillnI1IIItlis he would require $500 month too much money Council decided this was Ald Griffin chairman of the Board of Works presented accounts for his department the end of October was 36042329 The total to Council authorized payment of of the Paving Company in c011 This was for 3647 tons Application Was granted to De lancy Boat Lines to erect tempor ary shelter for boat on the pro pcrty near the Government Dock This is in fire area No and perl mission was granted on condition that the structure be removed next 1942 When he was $31Vlng 35 SCUIOII t1on would become very costly and job to be done to see that the pol Pauls May 13 The meeting was opened at 730 PT establishment of Juvenile and Fam WI C911IInLIEd 1mm 10 45 pm 46p ily Court in Simcoc Monster Tuesday Nov 18 p1n Library SENATE HAS 96 The Canadian Senate has mem bership of 96 At the time 111 C011 federation therc were 72 Senators to represent Ontario Quebec and 46b the Maritimes may llt forevwr 11111I Elev ll lt lloIai III II lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJe llii II the IIIIX lheatrc last Sunday 1111 ternoon lauugliexd aIIIII lli lIIIIlII the council expressedi Ila Vote 11 hanks lire11111 Centre larrIe for their canvass of food forI llI dam to the Womens Simone and KIIIIS lorden In litAl 111111 ronI 1112111 Borden and the RtAl lluizle Band The parade and serIcI was plau IIed by the Barrie Branch of the Canadian Lemon Tim tons of food was Iol lcled and Beach 421 lllllhI St made cash doIIzIIIIIn of 31111111 Ilate1 Mr Beach increased thiss amount to $2000 Harry Young presulent of llt rev 1011 Rev BIwcil Hi the reSponsive Psalm Ill and the lesway of life and son was read by fol Iary Lotti ago for IISweeprng Changes Commg surer to pay 30 per cent of the1 ln Educational System petition from Clarke 1k larkci 11 for sIdrwalk will be referrch IAllll the other sidewalk petitions to 1948 fihtthBarnc collegiate Auditor III Nominations Nov21 Municipal Election gt Monday December 11 it REQUIRE TWO YEARS 3cvcn Persons Iniurc ASSESSM EN SYSTEM In Midnight Accident TO BE INTRODUCED Illighwoy 2027 Midhar the town 11 11111111 lll 111 IIoIluIe MIMI iI IineIIIIIII the 1111l xltlll ol Assuming Additional help he 11111111 ed for this Ilr1 1IlIl 1111 It is estimated It III Ilxl 1111 IIIoIIlh for 1111 years lhe lt11llllll1ll IIItlor111rd II litt1 tl1rlI IIII llllull III 1111 IIIIe also rIIIItnInI nib15 tII1I uiIahle olliIe IIe prII11IIIl tor the 1toi1nil that Ie111II llllllt1 he engaged lhe llttllllllltllilltltlll remIIL lug the new s1 11111 toibahmta 1111 the plnpili in lmrrie In brouqu 111 from the 111111111 eommittee and as IpprorIIl Irv ounIil III 11jI IIItw the l1lll1t of mu 1111 1IIII lhc Kenlce pIIIIIhu 31 parade from the Market 31111111 pun IIII1IIIII11III and and llhzalIIh ST The parade was Iled by the Raine under the tiIIIction of ISIIIIIIIIIasle Austin Those III the CIIIIfl the veterans of two world doth Ililnloir tIticns lIzItII pIIIle 111 an army 111111 Iom 111131 The servrcc was conducted by II chard sun as the city III illillltlll Service of Remembrance Held Sunday Afternoonk lllli Izod11111 Ieen pie 111 11 11 Illie IIIIEI tlIllbl I1Ii Flanders lIEtlt Heath 11h tho II III IIIAIII acctIIIIpaIIIIIIIII In tIzu IIII Ion liuV Mr Iiowdeu lttltll oi Iy Anglican Church and chaplruw of tIII Lemon recalled the now ilI Bishop lionison war 1111 II IltiI11ItlftIIlflilllllISllltIIIIwi Iot lie 11 II frrinr III the 11111111111 CIIIIIIIILII who hai lilxtl tIIIII Il1 In two great wars and while the 111 ll21lIIt reaehwl to the ban fII Ids of IIlillltt and itllllirllj Iii 111 2h Set7de Great War It 11 III id to th lacific and North 112 and ltaly and Burma In the crII ll of this city is the temple of IIIIIazioItalIty lhc chaplain lllllCCl dedication by Christian people to God and II he coupled the Turn to pace clhl pleasro Supports Hospital Drive soon LDR ERNEST HARSTON who is field secretary for the On tario Division of the Canadian Red Cross Society will address rally II is characteristic of tllIo that educational systems mould change declared Col 12 sIonTlthc Ontario Department of Education 111 addressi the LilTllij I1 convention of the Simcoc Coveri Trustees and Ratepayers 111 on munily Hall Stroud last 51111111 One IL the chances omph by the speaker was 111 school e111 tectriiTRIie ltlllVHl to rclalI hov Hon Mr Drew Premier and Min isth of Education 1101 some ideas for new schools when he had stop over in Iceland while his plane wn grounded by fog Among the new ideas for schooi buildings mentioned by the IEll or were the following Ext vatn only enough for heating plant eliminate additional storeys ohm tlIcground floor have one flow with an outdoor entrance In each classroom combine artificial light ing with daylight adequate billl tary conveniences nurses room library large play rbmirwhicn can also be usad as an auditorium pro vision for visual education fixed desks to be replaced by tables and chairs ium IicxlTMonday Nov 17 in sup port of the Barrie and District morial Hospital campaign vc eran of World War Sqdn Ldr Harsan also served six years in the second Great War as chap lain with the RCAF He has manyl friends in Barrie who became ac quainted with him between 1940 Protestant Padrewith the RCAF at Camp Borden During the Second Great War his duties took him to many countries including Egypt the Soudan Cyprus Syria Trans Jordan Palestine Malta Sicily Iraq Iran and India Members of the Memorial Hospital Committee and the canvasscrs will attend the In OntoripnowthcrcaIOJAAEUI contracts relating to the convey ance of children to and from sor ondary schools More than half the townships of the province are now covered by township School areas Some 2500 children nov once courses provided by the Dc partment of Education The speaker warned that cd11ca he said there was public relations icies of the board should reach the public car Col Watson emphasized the im portancc of the teachers and Irus tees and officials working iii col loperation with the parents and meeting next Mondayand there is also an invitation extended to the general public ratepayers feel that ourage will mark the dividing point he Turn to page eight please receive education by correspondAiw