Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Oct 1947, p. 8

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PAGE TEN iiUCH BUSINESS COVERED Ionian BU LV LEGAL BOYS BOYS Barristers Solicitors Notaries Public Tonveyanccrs Etc MONEY lO LOAN Office 13 Owen St Harrie BOYS III ROWE SEAGRAMI GLADSTONE CURRIE Successor to CAMERON CAMERON BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Owen St Barrie Telephone 317 MONEY TO LOAN COWAN COWAN 3amlsters Solicitors Conveyancera Notaries Public etc Money VantcdMoncy to Loan 17 Owen Street Barrie Ross Cowan Registered Patent Attorney FRANK HAMMOND BA KC BARRISTER SOLICITOR ET Masonic Temple Bldg Barrie MONEY TO LOAN DUNCAN McCUAlG BA KC BARRISTER SOLICITORL ETC Money to Loan Ross Block Barrie DONALD MacLAREN BA mrBAFRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Money to loan Masonic Temple Building Barrie JOIIN LVREID BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC 24 Dunlop St Barrie Ont JonN nivoons kc BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Bank of Toronto Bldg Owen St Phone 2661 Money to Loan MEDICAL VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Barrie Branch Well Baby Clinic iom 230 to 430 oclock every Wed oesday Application of nurses ser vices mav be made direct or through doctor Telephone 245 VETERINARIAN DR FLEMING Brock Building 200 Bay St Toronto ACCOUNTANTS uARIIIs SPRY ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Owen St Barrie 19 Melinda St Toronto Herbert Harris CPA Frank Spry ARMSTRONG AND MacLAItEN Fltzmaurice MacLaren CA CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 17 Owen Street Barrie 21 King Street Toronto WARD MAYOR 85 COMPANY Ward Mayor CPA AUDITORS TM st Toronto llllll itn RoiESSIONAL DIRECTORY 115 Dunlop St Phone 3194 vBranch Office litnirale Ontario Phone 3070 26 McDonald St of Toronto Conservatory 01 Music and London Eng College 01 ARIAN am SURGEON Sophia St Barrie Phone 4543 gt wELcn ANDERSON COMPANY Chartered Accountants Trustees etc ow BOYD Real Estate Business Broker IIl Iltl Iiiilltll CHIROPRACTORS GEO VEISIF BURNS DIC Licensed Druglcss Therapists Mechano Therapy CORBETT DC CIIIROPRACTOII AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Barrie BY APPOINTMENT musro LESSONS JESSIE It BRYSON BOLT lIllICIt lF IIANO SINGING Joni Allq CAI THEORY till grades nchnlin Altfll Modern Methods Studio 27 Bradford St DOROTHY JOHNSON Associate Music Piano and Theory 152 Maple Avenue IIAIG HAMILTON VIU advertise for supply ltittlltlS tilltl iliat ho too for such tcaclicrs ho Electric Radio Hydro and INSIRUCTOR all grades PIANO SINGING MUSICAL THEORY Pipe Organ Lessons Also Available Studio 37 Ross Sta Phone 3615 OPTOMETRY BOBT BARRE urea OPTOMETRIST Attendance 96 ROBERTTI san 110 OPTOMETRIST Dunlop StPhone 2580 Hours 96 daily NOEL STEPHENSON 80 OPTOMETRIST OSTEOPATHY THE WILSON BUILDING Cor Post Office Sq and Simcoe St Barrie vl Consultation by appointment Telephone 2293 COLLECTION AGENCY FINANCIAL SURETY FUNERAL DIRECTORS LLOYD 0i STECKLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE t2 Clapperton St Phone SMITH C0 habitation 1m IDNERAL nmucrou AND EMBALMERS Motor unbalance in connection OPEN DAY AND NIGHT BARBIE UNT PHONE 31 Dunlop St Phone 2903 Dunlop St Blame Phone 4201 i1 EDWIN WILSON BSA Specialists in Collection of Accounts 51 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 4111 703 Log wing ampions DISCUSSED ii CAB MEETING Swill itouzinit to in Iillll oic lblUlI lainl ltoriuow lizu Lliitgtt til ILItELIi HUM ltit llltl caictcri at BCI and lltll trio soYL tn purchased on tla ioinoral the prop coiiinnttot Itodizcr tlciiiiiiciis IIzat tiiist lloard endorse the icsoiutain ot thc tttcrboioiuzli Iloard of Education lCLilllfl the lcachors Board tl Ibtcrcncc Act of 1940 IllLl Sinclair lliat tin Itlill ttic Board bc itstiuciotllMIDHURST lilI aiscd to live dollars lhi licni Rodgers Sinclair lhal ll Heath and Mr Morrow be allowed to visit Lawrencc Park Collegian itor lic purpose of observing the It Mr and Mrs ll llllttrlt have alicr risitinu lIliilt work ot Vocational Guidance at the xpcnso oi the Board PROCURE NEEDED EQUIPMENI Rodgers Clomincns That the secretary be instructed to proctliol maps for BCI after consultation with the teachers who rcqilirc same Gable Clcmmciis That the pro pcrty committee be authorized to purchase supplies as requested by Mr lleath including rollcy and other balls and equipment also lockers and make suitable arrange ments for pianist for the PT class cs Clcmmens Gablc Thhtianitor services for all cvciiinu activities be arranged for by the Board TEACH POLISH IlVlriilGRANlS Sinclair Rodgers That the Board make classroom available for teaching English and Citizen ship to Polish immigrants in con nection with the Evening Vocation al Classes and engage competent teacher Gable Clcmmens That permis sion be granted to St John Ambu lance to use rooms in Victoria School as rcgmecd from Oct 15 to April 30janitor services to be paid by the brigade Bigelow Riddell That the re quest ot Town Council re use of Victoria School grounds as parking area be not granted Clemmens Gable That record player be purchased ior King George School as requested It was pointedout that Miss Carruihers had access to some fine recordings and required machine so that the pupils might be schooled in music appreciation Ridden Sinclair That the pay merit of transportation of Grade pupils frqrjn King George School to anothergBarrieschool be auth orized alnilbrder to relieve the con gestion it was decided to move this grade from King Georgeto which ever school has accdmmodation NO PARKING AT VICTORIA parking at Victoria School play grounds it was pointed out by Dr Bigelow that the area was used on Saturdays by children for games and play Other trustees said that with theadvent of wet weather the yard would be tracked There is also the possibility of an outdoor skating rink there in the winter The chairman said as the meet ing was adjourned at 10 oclock that tremendous amout of work had been completed that night many communications received and dis cussed 22 motions covered Nettisprint is problem with most InewspapersThesedays Brev ity intlcopy is apprectated lttvglit II and Mrs Martin tx ll iiotoicd to lo IIIs II Iticldaoud in olliiigwood turned New York Bill and Iaiciicc lira the holidav with their Langley Coldwatcr liiitiny Shiite spent tiic holiday weekend visiting rclativos In mn Sound anti VVltliumv lh ilip rpcnd son Toronto Flemi ngs Mr and Mrs it in no ri Utdlll of John llls ilt artit sorv Iioi llIItl till IIn itt lair iliiinwtili be In irt iitrtl audl intirzt titttlt2rti In hutinc littl 11130113 untested bi lr Ii cl WA Id WM lvtill IIII tl Iltl =1 tiotl flcniniciis table but le KM iiiioiial $300 be allowed to litll le Itt it txt Iit It Joyce Icatotk and from Toronto spcn wttkcnd at their linic tnrc and Mrs Bowdcry and Mrs Syd Cox visuth friends at Big Bay Point lutsd 1y Mr and Mrs Bittcc lcacticlc and motored to Cinvill day with tho laticrs anther Mrs Leitch Thanksgiving weekend visitors here were Mr and Mrs Aildtt son Miss Viola Bowdery and Wal ter Rodway Ioronto at Bawdcrys Miss loer and Betty lca lttlil at their home here Mr and Mrs Martin Sit otonodo and children and Iriendiat the Alar tins NTEN MILLS October 20 IIaight Detroit is spending couple of weeks with his faintly here Congratulations to Irene Enston and Dave Kciiwcil who were niar lied Saturday Mr and Mrs Cox visited couple ol days last week with triendis at Stouffville Mr and Mrs Walter family spent Thanksgiving week end with friends at Priceville Mr and tMrsJames Fleming and son and Mr and Mrs Hudson and spent Sunday at BOOKKEEPING and ACCOUNTING SERVICES toriretail and wholesale businesses Income tax form completed Weekly or Monthly Audits INQUIRIES INVITED Oaks 189 Bradford St ll Itli15 pA lix Fromm lIiail ltl I1 IZIIx lttli llllll BRENTWOOD Wjiyil it II Itt POLITICS tlat Will RCD LAURIIR llrull Win it no or tor onl illlili lui Inc liluiil parti III to Itli rum 1th illllil lil tit Iti In lllltl tlvt di th community iig burr Lat iilts to Newly Wells Mrs willCl onci our lilgt moral ilaii kin progr joyctl George and hisbridc were called to tho platform and xv and buliall icplictl very much lunch was then stay Fleming and Grant Swan Bald andMr and Mrs Archer Elmvale were recent visitors at Bill Ccttighlins very successfulbazaar andcon Lert was held on Friday night in aid of the Anton Mills WA The duets rendered by Mr and Mrs In refusmg CounCIls request for illl Lilciitk and ittltt Moran in Wlsoii have tiiiccivcck li it Vasizing in tlic in of Northern hitario heralded the discovery oiother mineral IlptillsCOIIIIIIHIItll greatly or about an or lhcn Icsttilttftl Willi Business in Iirre bLIIlttilul WWII lilillilltI1 illILl lid Ilwuls Disbursed to Dale lttll lamp to math moiat ll Ass nu 4iguu0us of his llc and himself and thanked Ills lrlcnds its lieialit with great boon for Canada Business in Farce noticiis part in the Victory Business in Benets Disbursz to Date extracting insulin by LE WATERPROOF ousrpnoor NONMAGNETIC Sold by Legding Jewellers Everywhere Through l90liP0ltUPlNE AREA OPENS UP The discovery of gold in the Porcupine District to the opening of Canadas northern minis $26507000 $1000000 $5303000 I9I3 CANADA WEKOMES 402000 NEWCOMERS This year immigration into Canada reached over four hundred thousand hopeful new Canadians landing in our shores $42632000 Beluts Disbursed to Date $2435000 Assets to moot obligations $9111000 DiscVICTORY AT List World War was over llichuglea had sounded lease Fire and wave of ielicf swept the oountr Canada had taken fullgrown 372741000 86802000 Assels to meet obligations $15448000 rm FIGHTING THE SCOURGE DIABETES Tliesvhole world paid tribute in 1921 to the Canadian Doctors Banting Best and associ ates when they fperfected tee or use indiabetcs Business in Forcel $128968000 Benets Disbursed to Date 811369000 Assets to meet obligations 822079000 1946 IMPERIAL LIFE BREAKS ALI RECORDSl During 1946 the Companys insurance in ford passed the MOOmillions mark the last SIOOmillions havingL been secured in less than six years Business in Force $437339000 hnique for Id1113111 its New Hill in Quality and Now II in llill 86 in Performance BIG in Size Small Only in Price no POWERFUL 54103 sIIIsItIIoiII llghyielierlnlvoryl I927 CANADAS DIAMOND JUBILEE YiAlt This year Canada celebrated sixty years of progress and achievement This Your IMPERIAL LIFE IIIIRIY YEARS 111 Business in Force $242131000 llmwjils Disbursed to Date $28714000 A550 to mull obligations $45242000 I934 OUINIS BORN IN CMLANDER The world gasped in girls were horn In No and Mrs Oliva Dionne triumph for Dr Dnl $278934000 You get ALL of These PostWar Features OEwm Pea Oleql for Clem loo ALIOIHL ti Volum Conth OIJIIL3IK on both AC tutti DC lllumi iiulcti Biol Need no wind aerial Buy Now cl CANADA GRIEBLES RADIO SALES AND SERVICE 1735 Illl Sl PHONE 4041 Canada and The Imperial Life Half Century I891 ColonyYet Nation Iords never before in the history of the world associated together Iiicmorable sentence spokIn of Xanadu by Sir Wilfrid Lauricr at the lliiril lolonial lonlercucc in London England in HWY And that some ycarlhc Imperial IiiIc opened its doors for business in little olIice at KingI and Victoria Streets Toronto Benets Disbursed in Date $79085000 Assets to meet obligations 871357000 I936 IHREE ENIOMBID Al MOOSE RIVIR Business in Force Moose River Mine in Nova Scotia later two of themDr llohertsonhnd Alfred Scaddingwere rescued alive BusinEss in Force $281579000 Benefits Disbursed to Date 393172000 Benets Disbursed to Dale momma Assets to meet obligations$137775000 Three men were buried in on accident at 240 hours Assets to meet obligations $79100000 1939 CANADA DEttARES WAR On Sept 3rd 1939 Britain declared war against Germany Sevendays lateras soon as Parliament could he assembletlJlanada made her own independent declaration Business in Force 152995970m Benets Disbursed Date 31155061000 Assets to meet obligations $91815000 Head Office Toronto Canada BRANCH OFFICE Bank of Toronto Building Barrio urprise when ve baby liern Ontario to Mr and all live lived 83 THROUGH IIALFA CENTURY Imperial Life Founded 1897

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