30 DEN hr Iran lunuiiivit liJlii 351 lrtmI It llunl luli tiiIiIIi illietli Year Satuday it Il lII Have we for 30 111illlt1illli hed Ilt iII Ileasli ii lilt 411 iid Iliiuii lllilttllt Ill yt vi ii Illv tttli for 1e IIaii int iIiI Il lli linliai of tie club lliiilleil Audience lyt It Iii I21 Iaai and Mr lllll Mrs 11 returned home Litter it llltllllli iglllllllllLIl and et attended the Area W1 11 liI1a1isIIii one IlIj lit vIek Allrs Wilt lids many ill 1ttllill to lllil won it iloiit ltlli litii tinini sample achieved and eiiizelly new evo ol 11 11101ilulll one ot the inst unusual eitals iiIard lll lIroiiw tinies 111 Idei 11 was unusual because it was lliiill of music such Is no lgtllll celebrity has brought to this tl ters Mono Roadpat LA liein caucus cows and SIMPIT liiil liithil Veterons Land Act II iiiI in lllllllhli ILI 1x il II II it it Ii I23 tho it iI It II 11 NEW LOWELL ii HJI III Il 11 ill ll l1lli IIII 111 tilt II II iII til Vtl livliixi tIl 11 IIi II Iii J1I1 lltl jtlllliv it tl tIllII Nine in =3 ltttl into I4 lll Iv II tit 11 id 11151 lliii lllliil to be IIIJ ilII ItvInI Iii ILIl lllll llhr liziIiIlrv oti umlu Iziilui ltl Iii mother lllllr itoiiwi llittliiiiit lIIIl iiI1 gloom xli and All lllll ilitv 2veie lllt ieeipiiiit= oi IIIiiniIIiIi1iIt iiII It llaliirl llillaiti friends in tlze West Mosdaiies Stewart litQuay Smith convenriii in liie last tek lltv Low of itilgtlttl lll preach III lI inity Church lltXl Siiiidy iIiIIiiiiiiitz The music llil he uilied by the junior eiioii We have been enjoying lllIStdSldl able siimiiiei weather with Tilt teiiipeixiture around 73 People have been ililt to sit oLi on the veraiidaiis and enjoy the health lul auturiiii shade of =ive va Nature has so ueiier usly piovitlrti llecent visitors Mr and Airs Beverley Burns and family To ronto with Mrs Burns Mr and Mrs Frank Leniiox and two lair Mr and MIIS Roy Allen and tcr from Barrie with ltlilit Mr and My 11 lvnii at 11 llioiiipsoiis Miss Laura liioinpsoii Toronto at Wlleiiiys Mrs 11 Blackstock Ronald and Hugh oi Guthrie Miss Alina West Ba lo Mrs Guest Mr and Mrs Holly latest and Vic of Toronto ileI 11M Il Itin lelIblIw oi the lIiIiva loiozilo took the settlers illll llivei liikoiti and 11 1111 aid Alltilltllrl lIlll Air and lI 11 Scott and 1i and li friends and neighbours gathered at the home of li iiiii li Alei wishes to II and filis George Downard tine 1loia illtliltllltvlll llll form of miscellaneous showI or The address at Wests Mr and Mrs Cox worth Iif Kitchener at Mrs Greenes Cecil Newton and liliss Newton Egbert at Gordon Henrys Rov Mr Price Mrs Price and little son Mrs Good and Miss Me lniiris of Oiilliti tit Mrs Heaths Local Folk Take To Air Last luesdav fiver with it one seated aeroplane set Lip business in Joseph Lennoxs field just west of the CNR track taking all who wished to go up for tenminute ride for nioinIhiaLsuin He was kept pretty busy on Wednesday and Thursday ow there iire just two classes of people in the coni munity those Who have been up in an aeroplane and those who have not Trinity Church Anniversary Sunday was beautiful suinmcr like diay and great many people took advantage oftihe beautiful 500E iHROAT wrru EXCLUSIVE ALLPORCELAIN LSHAPED HEAT EXCHANGER 200 and 500 gal SToRAGE Silent Glow Range Oil Burners EXCLUSIVE DEALER FOR BARBIE AND DISTRICT EPLETTS FURNITURE ELECTRIC 139 Dunlop St day too attend anniversary ser vices in the United Church The morning congregation was the largest seen for some years The ANKSI HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES Phone 3721 service vasCondLIctcd by the pis iII Iitiiiizvd 14 1111 lli him 14 I4I ii t1 the soil ill lIiII Society Hand to llll llllit iltvtl iii lllltl lils liiti iI and ii 16d lxiiiIlthoII III WGUTHRIIEJ Shower for NeulyWeds hi 1ltiidi ltltllhl 11 than i1lllllil to convey llltll liein as lIIltl by Marl ioiiTW taiiiTItui iiiiilTiSmlliiili by the pieseiitution of the gifts In pally tlnttiltllttl wagon drawn number of little tolkHMaiiy beautiful and useful gifts were re ceived The groom on behalf of his bride extended their sincere appieeiation Card playing and social huur followed by ltiiicli brought the pleasant evening to it close tor who preached very approp riate sermon from the words fail up Your Eyes and Look on the Fields for they are white already to Harvest In the evening Rev Lewis of Barrie preached an inspiring sermon from the parable of the Good Samaritan Music at both services Was rendered by the church choir under the leadership of Willis Smith The offerings furl the day amounted well over seven hundred dollars Historical Features at WI The October meeting of the Wo mens Institue Was held at Mr 15110 Ix All iltilt linkiitli GRENFEL Jimmt Your Community Chest Campaign It Isa lirnrlzls Ft Inin or ANTIFREEZE linomat CARDS HllllVl Main Callon said Complete Willi Envelopes Christmas Calendars From Your Own Snipshoc Negative to Size in 1938 CALENDAR MOUNT 49 lath Colored 55C xlrl REVLONS lASTllON IIIIIII New 1110 iII Nail lnamtl Ilraud New Life in Wcarl Brand New Life in Application own76 4th Wuc In ll REVLON Genius Colors 75 lSoz 600 3301 1800 201 3600 11111810011111 WNW rr 111111111 11111 Willlll 31111113 16oz 43 4001 285 449 ii IMFH Mill 811mb 79 IIIIIIIII m0 tunfoot Rolls 11111311010th 29 ttltltl turrets 2III1 lnz 39 illoz 99 ZEN135 57 IIIIIiuII IIIIII IIIIII Wis 11 BlSCltltBClt and Mrs McLeans Thurs duiy evening with large attend ance Roll call fact about my birthplace Mrs Smith gave report of the recent district direc tors niecting held in Cookstown Delegates to the Arcti Convention gave sliort reports Plans were made for the turkey supper in the Orange Hall next Monday with Barrie Kiwanians The meeting was handed over to Mrs Art Reid converter of Historical Research Mrs Fraser gave wonderful paper on the early history of Essa and flIhornIton Mrs West and Mrs Allam gave shit Mrs 1897 visits Mrs 1947 both in costume Mrs Geo McDonald and Mrs Henry gave an exhibition of old fashioned dancing The hostess was assisted Ioy Mrs Johnson Mrs Kennard rs Londry Mrs Lennox Mrs Lennox and Mrs Maw NEED MORE ENGINEERS Canada will need 9430 new en gineers within the next five years government survey indicates In formed observers questioned by The Financial Post agree that there Is no danger of overcrowding in the field that an engineering car eer offers highpromise to young Canadians LIMIM ENT 200129 lSallIIn 60 5c Refundable KLEIN ontainer SAFEllIRYC AVTonic for Tired Nervca 60 150 HEINZ agrooos 67 16938213323355 129 AYERST ALPHAMmELIQUIo AYERST ALPIIAMIN CAPSULES MALTED MILK DOG r0005 Supplementary Cough Checkers than Huskiness Tickling Coughs and Sore Throat NIO aIid Invalid STORE HOURSMon1uesi Thurs Fricfroni 830 in to 830 Wednesday 830 to 1230 pm Sdturday 830 mm to 1000 pm Open every Sunday 12 to 5pm to 3pm ELIVERY hone 2650 it long 51 lurvsito OVER TAMBLYN Pcrsonolircd Photographic METHYL Macs from Your Own HYDRATE 311911101Ntilac Gilt Tho Cities Rust Resistant thrilling Deliylif It Evaporation Retarded or 49 10 for 89 DEVILBISS ATOMIZERS The IVorlds But Appliance for Nasal Antruni and TAMBLYN COLD REMEDY 23C43C Oral Treatment SANTAX CASCARA BROMIDE QUININr 23c GROVE con mam 29c 49c suonu TABLETS ioa 29 BAYER ASPIRIN 18C29c79c FROSST 2m 35c75150 it DOMINION CASCARA BROMIDE no troutIII QUININE 25 IDEVILBISS ATOMizgR No Im 1110101 To minke them ANICIN TABLETS 254se14c1 IPlasticfor any solution 150 coucu REMEDIES gramme ow TAMBLYN couch SYRUP 1939 Soliitions 13 iiii lo It BRONCHIAL SYRUP 43c lATLAS ATOMZER PERTUSSIN sec99c139 82 THERMOCENE ascetic mpmmloo Jami MASONS 49 gt 40c75c DEVILBISS ATOMIZER No If BUCKLEYS MIXTURE dot15c With Adjustable Tip For Water SANTAX BELLODONNA PLASTERS 200 mac2 for 35 ozvumss ATOMIZER No 25I BABYS OWN COUCH SYRUP 19629 mp lliltl nitbl lll7llfll SIPPHK NOSE DROPS AND SPRAYS DEVILBISS NEBULIZER No 44 and its really no CANADIAN NASAL SPRAY 150 Whats your opinion MISTOL with Ephedrine 33ssc DEVlLBISS abilitriiifiijig We ELECTRIC 5113659 lhhl Iitiiirition TWCLYCOTHYMOUNE29v4998 3331 01332313131 DENTALINE ANTISEPTIC 33s3c77I 50 $3336 mgi LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC 294989 Inui riemyiii 1131 fun and social cont from church suppe offset the cost and SQUIBB SHAVING atom MISERIES wmI Pleasant Way to Take VlTAMlNS Most Delicious Drinks Rich in Vitamins With 5000 Iniemuouu Bialosically rem Rid Units at Vitamin Tho Original Vitamin and Ind 1730 Dal Vita 30m sunlih ml Standardize 25 100 Brand 25 cc 165 50 cc 300 225315 Jimmy 5HAVECREAM HORLICKS Ii 51 ER Food For Children For Healthy and Economical bolus 89 GENILE EFFECTIVE RELIEF OF 1933 325 IM30 in consume 69 to innit Hutu Intuit 11qu Back On the Air TUES OCT let 1030 am $01113 Iilt va Ihuehlrr it is plagued with hiaehhmdx tn Illl can lliry are difficult to rriume and wry painful you aililxe me how to remove the blaiklieads and also how to pre ivrrit them coming hatL swirl llagjued Is the iIIlIt Volti for let Iap and oil the 1ltl so tht YIi can buy irir er that well lltll llist HMd Our bbCl NOSC Md T111t nicns group in the church always pray 200 have an annual fowl supper Illle about $800 from the affair This year on tommiltee say food is too VAPlNE INHALANT ruv 39c Silas For Ephedrine Of any scarce and cvpcnsive Theyclaitn VAPINE NOSE DROPS 19 sou Ionwater or orl 200 um be cheaper to donate the money Some peo Vour committee of money and casaer example of ho main thing is to have chineh hots alive whether It is done 1111 ten parties or not Isnt it Send all questions to HATE AITKEN 225 Jarvis Street Toronto Economical Six OVALTINE offending airowlck ltIis IIuseIoII IIItIiIs oz bottle 311 New Patonlnd Wick Adjunct on 61 me lunva VH1 tho only move cl In Hot Ihol contain 151113180 Alter mm Emergency Phone 3871