Ii gt II my TAVLI izilx IIBIVIIW an MM IITiTI P1LiifiiYINFZ Ms lllflratllllrlliltitlOIW Yers ay indsor mm OIIILI II BarieCOIISPm II Of 09 Anomer Meennq AM ntermedinte earn llJiiHbrlli In Budiii IiiiixI lrIIiLB IIII Lia ii LI UIIiI1 it it SIiII 11 113 1IIII II II 1111 II 11II II KKK ROBINDON III Ilxitni fit il 13 Htutvuunvvvucrwcwoum IIIIlti 91 IIII 1mm It IIII Li In ZI liI1I 1iSIIviI lt II Itllllltliir In II1 LifIi Icf III111II 51 III All i5I1iiin iliiilvVIuv 1121 IiI ItitIIl ICI II 551111 arid IIII III Izlv 3511115 ml LI iiiti 12 It ill ZIi 11 Iii I1 77 zII Zr EIII1 VI lll lImz1 II III II III Miil llyi IIII II I1I 11 II =II II lIlI 111 IIiIILIII II III gtII ll II II II1 III ml 111 Ii I1II II 1ll IEI 1I gt gt ilt IIiriitmI tIiIII II In II IIII liII llwi III III ii1tItl IIIII III IZI II I1 II Mg II gtIIII II I11 IIII1 IIIrIII IIII 111 III VII ALI II In iri own our liltililfllwl IIIIIIIII XIII II IIIII IIIIII111I1InuiVliitiiiIIIIII1I111II II II II gt I1 III Isi Ill iii IIII IIIIII IIIIIII III II III iIIIIIIrsts oil 11 IrI IIIII 71 Is 11 11IIII llIIII iil II It iII II lIjIIsII1III3I llll II II II 51 My 111 IIIIiiIiIII IIII II III II IILII Ilytllltldit I=ii Il IIII Hus II III 777 lIIlIII fIIIII III111II III It IIIl IIIIIVINIIH ri1 iioiir II I111 lIIII II 21115 IIII II 1111II1I+1 1011le 11111I it Ii IlI1III11111Il lullIII IliIIIIx II II 11 III IIIII lltll tlllrt 111ml liiIls no III III IiiIl lIII111 AILIII II lllilt Ilul ix II II I11I Hl to Lill lllt most tor lltlll IIiIl tIIIIiIItt VIliIIIIIIz XIINIIII1I II II III In 1111mm Llllll tLIIIIIllv purl 11II IIgtIIl Striichuii IIIEIi II III In Iu IIIli III that is tlic lll important I1IIII11 IliI lltl IIIIIlt II Iw II II it 11 mvnmwu ymlw In III gt SH gt11 11 tII II 11 IIIIIlIII IIII II1IiI Itw tIIi EIii III IILIII II II II IIIt11IIIII IIIIII1I1IIIIII III If IIIII IIIIII llllkldIlililll 11Il lil11IIII III I1 II III iII I31 lllllll IIIIII II III Hm III not III1 III IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIli tin III 1I fol IlII on and II llr1l Iil lIIlllI mt IIJIIII IIIIIII II II II II II I1I I1I IIIII iliIIWII ll1gt 1401153141 SlilelIIIIl liillLr 1II II II MW llltl on the Kllllt l111lt llIIi 1I II Ii It Hill do Kiwltl II titttjt II to llilll It IIII llltl III IIII1 11M nl but II II II II IIIliviI Will llvltl Hm In m1 WNW ommy gIIII III It III1 11 III gt H1ll1jllyythvllert IIIIIIII III tIII iIIIII Ill1 IIIpairs to ill llllk is lllt sIIIIIiInIsI liiicxip IIIIIIIIIIIII II WI IIHIImHHII Imp Illt IIII IIIIitll IIIIIII IiiukIs lltl$ have bcIIi illill III lllltI iIIIIII III polIII mm 21 III my II It in their HINT WWI mm MWlm TV My MmeHL Alzmv EIII AI IIII 1311 IIIII Ilizii 111 HIIIII 111IIIIIII IIII SIIIIII oi the boys 1111111 IIIII IIIIII1 IIII 11 110111 HI WW IIIII IIII II IIIIIIIIII1 with III 777 IIIIII IIII IIIIIIII Illtllllfll III I1II III IIII 1139 limpII Imd IIH1II mil llukjfil Hl If lllCFC IS mortgngt on it It r03 hut Mm lllilrllm 0f hill II III II Iltll3gtII IIIIIIII III1L1 231 II II III1tIII Ill in Illl III liil IIII WT II II III HUI hm lnonliugv IS pm Mr 30 div IIflli Ill II II gt II My 050 Dealers MI itIIII IIIIII gtIc IIiIi II1I III llll In lllr l11=II III1iI1 III 1111 gtIr III riiortgngc Is discharged and your IlcpcIiIlInrs could Ib1liiy lill tlicy IN 11 Bill ili ILIIAI 111 IIIl IH mm Am lltll IIIIIII III III II II lull ll MrvichIIiiagIr mm WI MW 4m I1 III Isz III 1111 II IIII not c1311 IMF the riiorldilgc or pay ll rill you 11 olhIi 51 honc ZIST l111gtIJIIII liiiicnt left them it home you llIqu lIII IIIIn LI In III II IHzl11ltl KIM troll0m IrllclllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOINJO Now onllispluyl just 14 and had only intended thc with ncutc leukemia To his hithcr lilo was the host utlilctc of 1946 at scribed by teachers and conclics hopclcss Charlie Christie thought for lrist Friday but that was can horns turIicd down the icqiicsi II ARD MOTOR was to have been played her last Tuesday night Owen Soiui otor that give banquet breathlessl Instant starting oridproof Supreme qiioli ompletely de pendable Sparkling performance Its easy to lift and cinchto operate The secret Mochanirallywonirolled poppet valvesl They told it couldnt be done in two cycle motorbut MARTIN has done 11 linviiig beeiinclensc foi the Colts at cit wing for 1h cords were snckcd agiiiiist Larry couple of ii mules 11 Montreal EYE NEWS and VIEWS From Barrie Collegiate By THE Prior Investigatc our inance IPeace Iunto all intelligent crea Planhfor 948 tures In case you havent noticed BCI small monthl payments asImow has liIWIO eyes both myopic sureyou of artin Motor for and the thO thickest sets of lenses your weeknds and summer in the school are writing this col holidays xt year umn latitemately Iput this in to connund the cynics who figure Our qu 1948 is limited Act ql ckly that have been fired iorIdisrespect Mot now on display at our pening of lrlagp oles to keep the line fairly Ishort this week but some few pl ID ASK for demonsua events did take place 011 are going I3 11 to The bond is eading out at the Greater percentage of satis fied Martin Motor owners than any other make DELANEY Boat Linesranrl Services Ltd DEALERS Boat House Plant Foot of Bayfield St endof the month to play various Itowns villages and hamlets and may even play in Barrie for all know The Iwiener roast season Ibetnig onsocial events are coming of all over the countryside to the Idetrimenrt of history assignments and proper sleeping hours Then of course there is this highly sig nificant football game which was played last week against Midland Doug Kettle Ins you might expect was present on the Midland team and with him none other than Ralph Motors Knowles late of Barrie The boys were very glad to see him but they tell me that he wont have in use crutches after ngrrrrmpr BARRIE next month mwmlmrroouhw we Not the Ilamev namrallyI probably the outstanding young athlctc oliTiis 11in in hunt his brothers and sistcr the sporting fraternity of ihc own cxtcnrl sincere sympathy At Prince of Walcs School last Frrlny Principal Bell assembled the students as tlic flag was oiiclcd to l1alf mast in memory of Allan who had attended thcr Barrie schools meet he won four tirsls in ru lie was 11 promising young llll piliyrr and in tact lIc linsiiccii Ilc showing sportsmanship courugc stamina an uutskute most of the boys his 1in and its Iiiic ol the trip buntqu hockey players of Barrie llc slamIi church league and for Barrio Flycrs in EFFORTS OF BARBIE FIIYICIIS to 101 IlIIIlll xhihilioii 34211110 IpiiIitcd Kilchciicr and Hamilton hen third game was ziilIIii id IIuIIIIIsI 0c Ill SIIIIIIII llllll In my tlicy wIiIIlIIIit IIIgt iiiIiEIIiit Ibccziusc tlieycouldnt get iClllll toucthci IIII Iltitilllll II1 sIIIIIII l111II11Ill LARRY LOUGIIEF is lllLW tiyiiiiz IIIII llll Owen Sound Seniors by Baltimore Orioles IIIII IIIIiic hoy luniol clizniip 11 Do IIII Sullc Itlllll earlier this seigon and they turned llllll over to goal in as st and release The tcznn was LllltIHly sclIcicd so ll sccmrd Enough things haventwbeen At Cundles Meling bya cordial invitation to all stricken Limit first Wtlk of 151 uhcli riiaiiingcr of Ethnic IIIInI for five years Prince of Wills mch and in tlic llillg and jumping riIitiiral in nthlctirs Illiilily At hc could licic as or cutrul IiiitIId in the it OMIIA scrlcs last season lIIIIl liiIIiilloid Iivdiiiculiiicrl 11p llcd IIIIIII Ic hurl Illt posters llll Initcd too much 1111111IIy 11nd iVlIlll day hero for sonic iIiuspii Jl Ullltl IVIIIIIIIIys which iight lostcrs Ilt IIIII IIlll thouon who siliiiIIl yours IIIIII lllSl your with illl was with lhilzirlclpliizi liIIIkIIII Illiltiliiorv liiit Illt Is III7 not oiitlio Itt only IIIIIII lllc lileIiiiiIIIc truincd and got 11 IO something to skunk Crqu smirk clcziii through the opposing line cIIl1ple III times and the rest of the points wcrc obtained by the siiiiplc procus of phiiitiiig ilidll outlie opposite gout line and throw 111g hiin illi ball The foregoing scntcnccs iiiIiiy give you the idea II11t the Midland team 1s rather weak It tors happen to be their iirst your at the rocket rind they me still susceptible to the fancy sitifil which our gang were pulling Interestingly enough the boys ploy Ulllillil next and in Oiiilia chillun they know all about the iuncy plays There suh quarterback sneaks end in disaster and sleepers merely got sat Iupon ArrWay the game will be over by the time you read this and youll know whether we were on the crank or the business end of the meat grinder Mrs Edison DoomSpeoks Cundles Womens Institute met at Mrs Cummings on Oct with Mrs Newton in the chair The roll call was answered by sample cookie or recipe Delegates were appointed to the area con vention It was voted to send the usual donation to tbeVCanon Ward radio broadcast Mls cumming gave paper on the motto Fiicnd SlllpIVlS Sacred Thing Mrs Edison Doan Allenwood District President the speaker quoted two poems Who is Thy Neighbor and Are You Mom ber Mrs Walker gave current events IDainty refreshments were served Next meeting is to be at the home of Mrs Cairutlicrs N0v13 with II l1klI11 ed and president for two ycnrs of Burric liouliiic lllllI1ls motlici Ht I3 litm gummy KI tar tillU Imp10113 you Mrs It Dawn IIII II1II Nli llIItl Nix SIIIIII gtIlII1III N112 Itllll 811 II 11 Am II 111 llIIllllI IlelilIllltfl Examiner Tlrissilirtls brim results IST Il Ili II II But you can make it possible now for them to pay the mortgage without nancial worry by lllttlIlS of the special ionfcdcriition Lilo Mortgage lllSlllllllIi The low prcniiurii for this insurance brings it within the nicims of every home buyer straw IIOURE wa Town and District HILLSDALE llritr for Imoklif If Your Home It tells you lmri II Illortgagc am 110 irrirln by your Icpctrdvrrrs Iro mut AN OPEN MEETING win BE HELD AT COMMUNITY HOUSE ISIIW IIl ii 1t llrlillili IiIII1II IIIII II ii Monday0ct278pm Sillliciciit IntIiIst lllg Shown It Is liitciirlId lo licliorm llic liiiiric Town And District lloIkcy IIcIIguc And it Is lrigcd lliait ll lntcrcstcrl Attcnrl Confederation Life HEAD OFFICE Association rononro Ii IIOINSBIRY Divisional l1iiigcr Branch Office Iivaiia Watson Block ijilliiithitairio IiI II III IliII Fine job printing III lho Barriei IIIIIIsc Ultlll your 111 iIiIiciiiciits as In ahead 11 pIIssilIlc TWO BE AU TIES STROMBERG CARLS 11712 it than 674P$A rVLA seven tube superheierodyne console radio giving nine tube performance and combining cr single recOrdI playerior 10 or 12 incligrecords Its broodcostbctndfnd three bands of short Wave give mpl rongaveroge ten inch speaker is incorporatedfOr full rich tone Builtin antenna 752H The latest from Stromberg Corl sOn in mantel set Alive tube superhetI erodyne mantel radio with broadcotsi ornd short wave Phonograph connectr ionsincluded MODEL orlrsn MODEL 752 IgCSEEANDIAIEARTHEMATE mm mm ALLANDALE prions 3609