li IV Gigi It ROBINSON MOTORS Authorized Dealer for WILLYS PRODUCTS lccps Trucks Station Wagons 62 Essa Road Allandztle IYORK BRAND ItIIIIII eriEIIIi or this soup SALE OXTAIL 2T 15 routiro 15 HElNZ IOREEN PEA 25 CAMPBELLS BEEF NOODLE 23 AYLMER ASPADAOOS lltt CAMPBELLS NOODLE ZVTins lI ANN PAGEWHITE or BROWN MILK BREAD CUSTOM GROUNI ROBINHOOD FLOOD 775ng 39 ANN PAGENEW LOW PRICE MAruNIIAIsr HANDY FANCY APPLE JUICE IONA PECTIN ADDED truer JAM AUSTRALIAN sotmitt IiIIIsIIIs ADPSuper LOIN BOOK CHOPS Wood For Sale quantity of lumber ends and trim mings at very low price This wood is first llltss itnl tor snnintrr anti ltll Ilsts Immediate Delivery lltlt Lows DENNIS MORAN Phone Barrie 2907 267 Baytield St Wlll llI ltt IHlI lllillll ilAllth WAVERLEY titoiI li li Ijt ll1 lllatohl llllll Phone Barrie 2litil it St titoints lurch Smilax th ZIi lll lie at IIloll lte Snninoiidr llnI its ID uvlulu AHtl tiliHMIIi In It ATLANTICK PACIFIC llt Ie missionary study hook on India Al ttllflllttl box was packed to Send to lltuope presentation was the following liesureig ieportttil made to Mrs Allen Gibson tnee $7590 clear from llowinens hanI lIIan lnrnhulll who since her mar rtaite has made her home in Allis3 ton The anual meeting on Novlcction an incrtase it Still ovctl will be held at Mrs Gilbert Mclast your plans made to cater to IeaCIteis and Ratepayers Ctilitlllt ltion lll Sllxtlld on Nov ll tlsr liaiiquot iii aid It the Hospital date to be arranged motto for the llirtxrical lItptJitll program lt you tlll the roots yont kill the tree it you denounce they past you destroy the future was on Wu mu Imam very tiltingly spoken on Missl IChard Then lininorons ride Innto MR NASH yarns ItSClllNllt aiintsing but PRODWE BUY or mr WEEK Florida Marsh Seedless 96s OllilPEIlllllT for 29 LIFORNIA VALENCIA Bag Approximate D02 CALIFORNIA EMPEROR No1 CALIFORNIA SUNKlST APPLES Masters EVERYBODYS ORANGES GRAPES 59 lbs McINTOSH RED lbs ispyi Combination Grade YELLOW COOKING No1 Ib BRADF TDDNIPS POTATOES ONT No 10 ll hag 29 WM 10 iouorr corrrr 45 130 21 Pkg PIOKLE SLIOES 32 19 10 13 13 lbs 0RD WASHED lba No1 Sweet Washed Waxed No 2492 Loaf 24lb Bag 802 VAIlABlE us SOHPS PALIVIOLIVE pittlittouvr surrssuns sure that you are distinguish Reg ives Then work out de Cake Giant Cake 895 11 31 Pkgs 28 2002 2402 Jar OXYDOI 167 IIIIIISII Right Quality Meats AP MEAT BUY OE THEVWEEK LEGS lb IIIESII PORK DAMS FRESH SIDE PORK FRONVTS lb lb lb lb WHOLE OR HALF CENTRE CUT END CUT Well Trimmed Sea Food eSwggestions FRESH lb 45 SALMON STEAKS OII GEN lb COD FILLETS FRESH 32 SILVERDVRIGHT lb4l Zilfi 1131Zillhlifl33s2llitill BARFer tilfilAllltl tAIQAliA PAGE SEVENTEEN GUTHRIE lll=l lo It tl II pinl It IIII III II II III limit It lvl rat Ill HI fittlnli gI lot lll he in charge Cli and Tylir lllil1lltl liar uld IInt litlllltt oi itciitel and lll fete lt Snndw iIItots at lillltll and Mrs Irtd llitl1f of liar to itl Zite wctltentl ytic Itos thtlha other lI lill lIoiI IIIl lll liaise zilld llill lioti II It Ilt rd Ith Mrs lick IIlt Iz littVt Ilcltstcr and llIIJILN If ulttitlltillo ll litId its first meeting of the season ill the school on Tuesday IIthl tltt le There will he pic the funeral scivne III Sdlttl lines and Miss Matlaichlan county Ihool lltllSt will speak on the totnty Health Unit Everyone is It weltnine to come and help start this olIStlll off rittht lunch willl trite incidents of early days in this community were given by llllrl ltgt5l by V3 Have you picked the next goal in your career TlllSlllllyfle job higher up It may be broadened field of operation Or it may he plan for improving rm store or other business Butpwhichever applies in your case the important thing is to choose some gOal and work ceaselessly towards it But before you start make ing properly between day dreams and practical object nitexplan of operation utiliz ing allthe information you can get on the subject Iris helpful too to picture yourself as having already attained your goal This has the effectbf making you will ing assume more respon sibility land to think progres sively Even people Who are con tent with their present stattis often yearn for better deal But they get nowhere because they do not work towards goal If they did they would soon achieve the success they want The main objective of the life insurance companies in Canada is to provide maxi mm security at the lowest possible cost Much progress towards this goal hasbeen made for today over 4500 000 Canadians are life insurance policyholders Il Itti ll tttt lttl llt rl it llitnt with Allen tIl la Son Hey and tltt called on other lallitr Roy and 311 Inducted hy ltcy NexytonSrnitii Ie ltlllltll Funeral Home litllt IIr Sapar died In tin IEIIitI Ilos Nlyct pital where he hurl hectt pattern eorgcs SI Ieotpes WA met at Mrs IIecI tot lnrnhnlls on let with 14 ttootl attendance The liihle read niI was taken by Mrs Don Mc Ilnglpp whip Mpg Jark tutCum the WI meeting In the hail liniis ably took chapter from the 11 place in Stine out the lltli in of its name cd lnm only tillit Mrs Black reported SitIll 13 ieceived rttn Salvation Army rol and Miss Orchard Mrs Nelson BEFORE ITS TOO LATE gave some very interesting CurI mm 1939 WORLD WAR STROUD COULSONS HILL Futility Laundry Service ya 143 it IMINIMUM BUNDLEII lot lt Vinyl ii tilII II lI additional it pound Shirts Finished ltlc each with abocc service FLAT PIECES IRONIII WEARING APPAREL RETURNED MOST MOTHERS DO IHIS ltBaby lltlfll Illtlllll IIIlI audit TI lilhll ltt itv IlI in 11 IxtllttII on i7 lii lyl Iyll Vl It It uillui lit Iilztl tll lttl tljtgtllt illl 48 HOUR SERVlCE CILA fix AI BEDllME lllll waits In HOURS 51 In Mp ltttotttlt but hiltl clnlJ storm UM Mp vi UL Iain VII ll than by lltlllltit Ni Luthrtn on most hath3 III NH tintsngttt tltccoltl l1 tuned lllll liirn lt llftil Bestknotm home remedy you can Nov to rthcre dist res of childrens colds is coinfortint Ticlzs ittpoltnh liven while you rub it on VapoRub starts to work to ease distressand it keeps Itt rt lcit It inltl In StttiIf SI ltll tt citz Summer Clothes Cleaned Pressed Stored and 1s2tos in ttnids dytn Kiri Jinclpli lIlIllllti at Adiitn Iitklt nuOIliiIllltliillttlllelllttllt lit hi ante 44 titIIKlI UJIIIIH NIl to wonder most mothers 10 llIe letlIralion of Agriculture wns AllS Addtc Alpine lotonto tii her mother this when cold strikes Tonight try VApo Ru till May 1948 YOU PAY ONLY FOR CLEANING AND PRESSING WHEN DELIVERY IS MADE Storage and Protection are Free We believe that by this policy it are doing our customers service as stains left in garments for seieral months provide food for moths and in many eases become per nittnent Hill VALUE LIABILITY LIMITED TO 5525 GARMENT restdcn of the leiitzi lIiinI ltttll held oii Satinday Oct id at tii interment in Strontl ccntcttiyi RESERVED SEATS Royal Winter Iair 0v 1826 This year the lloygtl inlcr Fair is bigger and brighter gontrrotrltllutllwltlotool ll it It Womens Institute lhcie was large attendance Iy afternoon Oct lti Itoll tall lllll ilILltlIiLti lL ltlLdttt tliaii evcr littlt Kt its lilllpi lIt tililailr ed iininetltarely lI tliltiilt town llill as there is nly Ii limited number ol seats ttttllltllli and the demand is tltul Afternoons and livcnings 5150 SL7 5200 Including general tthtnssioii Enclose Stlllltlltc50tl cIi FOR Limited Time WE WILL Showerproof and Stainproof Suits and OvercOatsi when sent in for Cleaning and Pressinget N0 EXTRA CHARGE This Extra Service Will greatly help your Clothes keep their appearance during damp or rainy Weather OUR POLICY Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded III um our IIIIIIII tallDial 2471 Nil8 Cleaners and Launderers money order eo Royal Winter Fair Coliseum lfllllt Leonard Mrs Win ioodtellowl U0 11 NOW WolmruowonomowuioIANO Nloou Dant Gamble With Your Good Health Good health is riceleu asset that should always be protected Cr good health once lost may never regained If you are troubled by restless nights lrrito bility or nervousness try Milbuml Health and Nerve Pills Manufactured under the supervision of experienced chemists mid hermacists they contain only the purest of ingredients For more than years Milburns Health and Nerve Pills have been used by thousands tonic for frayed nerves or general rundown condition They stimulate the nerve cells help to improve the blood content increase the petite and thus help to promote peaceful sleep Milburns Health and one Pill are sold at all drug counters The Million 00 Limit braille OIL ITNIIONI EXISEIIIICEMININII ItoIIEIt This is to remind you that the deadline for applications for training in any capacity is December Slst 1947 Even though training may nOtIcommence this year your application must be Onfile before that date if you were discharged prior to December3lst 1946 Contact your nearest Veterans Officer or Depart mentof Counselling and Training Department of Veterans Affairs 55 York Street Toronto Ontario In Local Legion Branch for furtlierxinformation Advertisement Sponsored by Barrie Branch No 147 Canadian Legion BSL Barrie in the interests of Veterans Rehabilitation WW