Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Oct 1947, p. 13

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THIS hit ii lbSUE 1ie Arena complete lob quite 1111 ito the mar of 111 of the expcnl lic11o biiilrliirhzbcii Uliiliufl 1t by mom of iugm 05 the present time by inniiv 011 111111 gripping conogroiion ever to be brought to the screenl I111 11111111 INTACTvaUNCUTV EXACTLY tlilllllll11 The new part will provide spz1l llll lt111ol1i11 P111111 with plenty ofl area to install bit lunch ttnliitei At the east end there will he 1l nwns lavatorv and the ladies roonii will be at the west lintrancc is Izuincd to the new part from door off the ton front nislts of the arch11 eliminate all the old pnshini aroundl eating zrel11111111irliilion Special Popular Prices For This Picture Only ADULTSEvenings 60 ADULTSMatinee 48c CHILDREN Anytime 30c Mild Weather Continues High of 75 Last Friday The weather continues clear and warm This is one of the inildesti autumn seasons on record High and low tcmpcratures for the past week were ALL PRICES INCLUDE TAX Hm on 11 71 411 Oct 17 75 47i 011 111 1151 111i 011 19 1111 50 on 211 71 19 on 21 111 46 on 22 72 42 ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDA MATINEE SAT 230 RM railm ADDED COLOR CARTOON COMING EVENTS lt u1 Rummage Sale Ladies Anxiliar Caiizidian Legion postponed to week to be held Saturday ov at am in New Legion Owen St 43b 1130 111111111131 riday Oct 3lst CEDAR GROVE ZIIdLine TENGENEROUS CASH PRICES Dont Miss It l11111l1oi1w 111y f11111 yours M11 111111 weeks it appeared the11 would no no Tanndlnn dele 11111111111 to the lainboreo because it was impossible to obtain transpoi tation lltittl in June Hon llrooko laxton announced in the House 111 toinnions that tiiriinizc inciits had been made to send 111 Canadian delegation across the Atlantic by worship ltopor was selected to represent this district because he was the lie related how excited iillltlillltll told liowfhis mother SpciitV UPIhth Show Ipfmm Iall her spare time transferring hisi proficiency badges to the new 11111 forin he was to wear The anadian Scouts went to NovnV Scotia where they had five days intensive training llld worm briefed by leiieral Daniel Spry 11nd an official from the lrench Consul late Speaking of his voyage across the Atlantic on the worship Rogeil stated the Navy lid all they could to make us feel at honiearfd even let us scrub the decks7 After brief visit in Scotland and England the Cairo ian Scouts crossed to France mm were one of the last parties reach the camp When theqnnadians arrived at the camp iich contained from 30 to 100 Scouts they found the Neiilziiirleis who had arrivedl eaIier had set up their tentsv1 Some of the Scout camps were quite elaborate for instance the New Zealanders had set up Maori Camp complete with spears Illustrating the harmony among the Scouts from all parts of the world the speaker said that even the Moslems and Hindus were on the best of terms The Barrie representative struck up an ac quaintance with Scout from Mor occo although neither one could VVspeak the language of the other Roger told how the Canadian Scouts soon became accustomed to seeing the European Scouts drink LUCKY DOOR PRIZE The Hall is IIeatmI MONDAYTUESDAYWEDN VAY Nataleewed 230 ve Shows PM iggwisrrrawitMiW MONDAY THRO CF 120 Minutes of The Kind of En tertainment you Tums113211 ust Love to See up COMESING THE OLD SONGS SEE ALLYOUR OLD SCREEN EAVOEITESIAN EVENING OF GUARANTEED ENTERTAINMENT V1450 ON YOUR DIAL GossmuING Residents of Barrie Listen You May Wi and valuable Record Player beer but the Canadians stuck to Vftltl in Barrie and the siirrouiidini districts 11161118011001 CLASSES 011311 Niizht school classes opened Vltl 10 at the llarrie tolleitiule 111di Prince of Wales School Bookkeepingt and typiiii are in instead of 11111111 downstaiis It willinmy 5mm Wm 15 npppssniy many mg mum by Ml Enid 1llvxxdulwlnl tlllilll of the lll staff few persons 111 51 AS Tho mm minim dmnmurx mli hc 11gt in Iltitlill l1ml ml licated an interest it 11111111111 sl1ortlttltm Ht Hitinurti 10 mm mdldune 23 saying he had been chosen mud and Class 5pm 31171411 lgtclupnn 111 horoptnn lfilit Two classes with 10 111 each arw learning sewing under the leader1 ship of Mrs ll Welhani Twelve are lttllllltlll leathei worki under the direction of Mrs iii Mellor This course will be 1111 eluded by Christmas but if there is sufficient interest another course will be started in the ppw year George Hill isaiain conductint asVolass in show cain writing Bell principal of the night school classes says thaLpliLus 111 under way to teach basic English to the Polish farm workers in this district The language will be taught under the method developed in the armed forces and also suc cessfully used in the rehabilitation schools Further information re garding these classes in basic F1111 lish may be obtained from Stewart Page agricultural representa tive the Canadians madea trip to Paris but it was holiday and all the shops and most of the public build ings were closed 011 the return voyage across the Atlantic there was fine gale to icontend with and most of the Scouts rushed to the side of the ill scssion will keynote the confereiico 7750 cpl fi mw V1 ff HM hitl Your ii l3 lAiilO kthADA THUR 19 lit ALA W77waw REMOVING 000 LEGION MEMBERS CU YDS Mir routstan mg pea 81s OPENING MEETING NEW FAIR GROUNDS 26 OWEN STREET AIe Engaged OP nnua Htfltl llThi11ti 111 1hr llilx srrk the 1111 on 11 11t1a1 ruin1 Lrld their Iirxt lrllllllll 11111114111 11111111111111d 11 11111 11 liJTllft 11 1V HOUSE OF Hns gum WV huh oruiiiri the liairic 1i1111 linilrm Him tnml Htlil L11 in Erotiirdrtlbordering 1111 mu lioait 11 111 4111111 11 litrl ili1r i1it nutrition 11111 Hit 111 Hhulm Ml Ml minl ii lli 111v llHH ljl NH l3 iubtt adults in foul are 111 Vt 11131r btr1ii1 111111111 will Sat 280PM use iiiii it expectant 0111 mm H0ng cubii thls oi material lll he 111l1 111111111 r1 mun1t 111 it llt the fill 11 111111 rrp 11th on the IDOIA thin mund for use 1111 llir 11111111111 13111111111 Jltl ii hail MUMl HimU llltll ll far 11 s12111ulul 1111l IIXUW will shirt the piopcrh ill 1111111111lt1d itirr thr More LI mile of xevvir will 1111l1tl l11l twin iiiigititrd lie foot llt 1111 with three LVV 1411 11111 11cm member 5tfllll oi b11b1l l1lt has luei llf fl Nil would lv1 LlAl to tall 111 Am tlillltnil llttl lx Ind to I111 311 ll2 11 111111r Eve crcilcil Illllt lk ilsu enough 1V Illlll Alla PM itnrin for thi li1ll111il mi k1 11 11 flack liltll has hrcn laid out vizitn IV This Picture lias Just tomplctcd ti Wttks Run 111 Iiimmwn it 11114110111 511 of the 12tltllllllIJl Society and Ioronto Ile Mire In See It llrennin IN 111111111111 ot 1111 priiptrlx unimitlri 11 21 it St SD ar on ay or ays FXTEND ARFNA TH 11 11 Jl 11 11th PICTURE EVER ADE 11111 11 11 PM HHTMHV 11 111y 1111 3111111 111l 11 VV111 no or orman 11 tillllltittltil 111111l 111111 111l 801 Pa iii HMll lii VllTells ii 11i iiuhuiml 111 11 11 11111V 111 111 i111LH11t 111c 1111111111il 1141mm Wm 11 llec 111 11 11111 111 v11 EVERYBODY Clark Gobc iy1en1 11 the t1111111 l1 111 Km SH WWI 145 mp1 WANTS us Rhett Butler tome libHim IllVii mil 11 111 111111112111 Hc SW ll CRlPPlED CHILDREN 11 11111 11 rii 11 rum1111 1111 mm Islam 11 Alumni 111 tempawou scarleul iil ll link will kill iii l11ldi1 to llll Lions liili 11f liiiiliiii iil ldHlin mm lilliwlnii uth lib 10mm mnm clinic for llllllllll children 11 111 1111111 stilti =t1i11 111 1r gt1 3111 11111111i1te the lob ird 1l11 finpail Ill ll in llllllvlljlni will be held iii the onnniiniti The flihk from 5mm dlnd 1111111 Itl coinininci 1l lust 1no1tl1 llllli FINi piiiihl 11 ll llltl 1iitittl Hum Iilrril Naturally hacmqueronlf Vhoneu om lllldiltll iiloitlrI l1liil1 littll iil Ullldilillf llt4l11l lli 1f ii 135 surng AL Thul QJ anode ill llllllll lldtl Wit liwlllit iil isoil hot li 11nd hlis Muir um lh Milka lur 1121 in 1111iitl11111111lih Ilium dupli idnxlm Sick liildreiL Toronto il lH 111 1113 111 moo romonhc mm WV 111111 1pl111111l 111111 Jumbcu ll AJd lflH 1111 1111111 tartININI Techmcdor broughi me imm ill will lmmmii 1111 South 1f11c111 iiutnc Ultl liN rliphnl dillmmt o11 we 1111s 1=1ll 111111 scregnbylhcgreatestcostofolltimel brilclaocil 111111 111111111111 111 1111 11111111 ll VV Wlmrm 1th 11 11111 111 111111112 tho id1liton 1lll make the H112 md lawn wmiri Arr Kmms Hm 111 the Itiiziol1l liltnd 111i ize lla l1t toihinitteim ul 111 f1 illlvv ed 31 rollii Vltntltl 1111igt1r lltl liirr cltili 11s 1l l11l1 wall tllltll 11 rhcn reports ie 11211111111 offltils and Htlllilll will presented biiffrtiI 11111hoo1 tIll he held 11 111 the afternoon ssioii Miss truce Nanolis 11f l1111111111 will 111111 official LItllllll from the 11i11111 lcdeiaiion if which shii 1ttilitl 1itt11tgtltltiii and lll1 icpoit on latesti llt 12111 lllltltlil llilltl iosslandwlioi lll he 111111111111 oi the business ll tall 1111 Stock lakin liinci and describe the Work of tilt llltltlltitl oiincil for llttflllSllllCl tioii lihronsth INICSO to whichl she vwasan lilkltt delegate clinicl BoulderfelGreenh0use ll11X f1111l1riinl1111 sentine anzu 1111 1111op111111st Iu gt 11111 est lleports also will be heard from all Earl Cox lo li1111iley has been ill yoar Chm lnlosldcms the cum FGHdleY Brampton lliaiiiplon wall has lfi1tl1er Anchors 21 wrist 1s 11 recional nominating eonpnittee for the 1948 election at the Spring Con fc llyt 11nd member to the A111 erican Federation 111111111121tiiii177171hi inittee will be chosen after which round table discussion will bet held on the Regional Fellowship liojcet SPEAKER FROM PHILADELPHIA Miss Martha ll Scrvis of lhilvil dclphia executive secretary of the American Federation will speak on the general conference theme and will discuss service clubs approach to local and world problems at the evening dinner in the Queens lio tel Miss Lilliani Kearns president of the Barrie Club will preside Miss Scrvis will present highlights of the first postwar meeting of the Soroptimist International Commit tee held in London England and will tell the plans for the inter ship However Roger said his luck held thrill on the return was the first sight of Newfound land Concluding his talk King Scout 1Welsman said one thing impressed ion all the Canadians was that this was wonderful country to grow rup in On the third day of the Jambdrce UGHSATURDAY ITIIUEsnAIrs Cash Priziss GOING TO 10011 WATTS 0R Frank lANNUAL EANoiIET or FIRE BRIGADE MEMBERS OCT 15 Simcoe County members were the held at Club 79 lOet 15 on Wednesday County Midland Penetang ton and ColdWater sentatives to the annual banquet to dinner and floor show Bowerman of Alliston Dobson expressed the lthanks of the club to thespcaker Fire Brigade guests of the Barrie Fire Brigade at banquet This was an annual meet ing of the fire brigades of Simcoe Visiting inembersrattended from Orillia Allis Stayner VTottenham Beeton Almost every fire brigade in the county sent repre Haviii assembled at the Legion Hali the various brigades went to lClub 79 where they were treated singsong was led by Reeve John and ex national convention to be held in llarrottatc next August After dinner music will be pro Vided by Mrs Hester Carson eon 11111111 and Lloyd Tufford superin tendeiit of music in Barrie Schools at the piano Following church services on Sunday there will be Friend nae ililb tircenhouse on ship Lunch at 11111 itt and siuhtseeinu motor trip to Sprinkg MCI Park at Mldmns livtiti luxannner lassdieds It Junior Hockey Gameof Championship series Bairri9e Arena Wei Oct J1 IMPERIAL 1k THURSDAY FthAY SATURDAY BRAND NEW FEATURES nth ULE iv th mm 1138 hClAM and the ll lllll 1111 111 111E 111m ORDAY BARNETI GREEK 00K JR AL IOLSON in MINSTREL DAYS It Fendlev who Mits ll11 Aim PM 21 lli 11 adtztiori bought the Hottldtl tel ll lilnlxc gtlt1c 11 ll l1lgt11 gins tuc WW DINE and DANCE with the Simeoe County Branch Garage OperatorsVAssomation TOMORROW A1730 PM Windsor Warden Ernest Miller of Coldwater lA toast to the King was proposed 1by ChiefxCeeil MeMulkin of Bar 1rie and toast to the visiting bri lgades was proposed by Charles Lower of Barrie President Law son Robinson of Elmvale replied to Mr Lowers feast MayorGiant Mayor and Ald Vern Hambly wel comed the visitingbrigades on be half of the Town of Bank held in Goldwater sV For all news of Barrie rind Dist rict read the Examiner The next annual banquet will be A1L83l1pm Seat Sale opens Friday Morning Dixies Jacksons Bradleys and Whittys Allandale All Seats Reserved $100 SidesEnds 75c Standing 50c Children 25c Spitfires 1111111111 11111118

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