mgwoo Urging an allout effort to de and in which the infiim weak and velopw liistorLesites4pr01niiientyo1mg whnduicrc 111mb L111 51111111 VUrged Huronia Annual at their own back door troduccd by Norman Clarke of of lillS EEK ISSUE 7750 Copies AJYHEFMZLL AS OEcCJd but ZF LZYAA Elm Year WNO 43 limo CANADA THURSDAY THE BARRIE EXAMINER Ulw 114 Make Electric Kettles in Barrie For Entire District 113 Being Established 11 lv 211111111 1111 1111111i1f 111511111111111giilszll 1111111113 ml lv 111111 tiriiczal rilrrtin t11111p11y Scct 111 all 111 11111 lwdodiul 111111c Webb L111 iuihlin 111111 111 Alilllc Kt 31111 1111 11 1111 1111 llronrri ani 11111 1i TetDrilling 111 Progress To Gel More Town Water 1111111111 111 1131 lllllllll to motor tllfitlldilllll 1111 1111 1112 11 11111or11ti cuter supply for tlici the lratrworks illp1ilinczii l111 lmvzi 1f 1111111 ll1 12111 artiycd iiiistribntion system llllli in 111112 11111 11 11111111111111 talcr Supplyl lltlllttl ll111l vutcr plill11 111 11111 l1111111 1111111 11111211511111 year 1IIlilillltl and l11tl lcvvlv lll 11111 11 1111111111 additional watcr Mip brttcr ttllllltti With this 1cr ply 11111 1111111111 conditions ltltlltll Villiain Sloric on1111111 11111 11111111 it has bccn lllllllbllii of Toronto has been 11 1111111111 Iliotlllllt availltlic Toniinission and while 1111 111111 121111111 11 will be ltllltlllltl completed Illtllllllllltl oil that 111 111111111113 1111 down out plans cannot procccil llllllltl 1111111 11 lc1 11y11i11llcd wells 111 llar such lnnc as results of the 1111111111 ric 11111 test llllllllt arc llllll1lt llw ominission has considered At incciiniz of tin tonziniyion lttl1llllll to tap different wotlast week was found aura11 1111111 11 possible and 11111 awIto postpone the installation of 11111 lion tin prcsent lllttfllllztltfl lolnter main on lninsfil Street which 1tllUlt Mr nnles of the lntcr will require 111 ll used as dc 111t111111ll1t11 Supply made 11 preliminary survey last Full Bradford Street ill till Illl tt 11111 11 is lltllltllllllv 11111111 11 was decided to do somelncicssary as the new 1111111 will 11111 drilling on the westerly sichcross lnnisfil Strcct twicc Vof llcrczy Streetbclwccn lencj Sufficient ti inch pipe will 111 11111 and Wellington Sis 1wolotslavailable to complete the main 11111 111 that location were purchascdiSt Vincent Street betwwcn lciicd fioln tln llandy Estate and drillin tang and llundonald Streets and icl is wcll undcrway do part of Cook Street this yearI lhc 1111111 is in charge of Some li inch pipe has also come Vuncel of Columbus Ohio assisted to hand and will be used on 11111 by Bruce Abbott of London Ont hcrland Street Further orders for nio 11111111111 used is rotary type pipe cannot be suppliedthis year rip the preliminary test hole being the iminnfacturcrs havtne adviscrl 51 inches in diameter that there is no possibility of furth Tliis is only the beginning of er shipments until Spring 13313105 Historic Sites speakers at the annual meeting of the rigorous journey to the here the lluronia Historic Sites andafter ware condemned tolive un TouristAssociation held in C014 seen under the same handicaps liniiwood last Thursday asked the which they had suffered in mortal people of Georgian Bay district to existence wake 11p to the fact that million If there had been dollar tourist littraction 1an right word 1300 years ago seine Huron Homer produced an epic on the myths as written in lluionia would have Edwards Midland again Glyciod as president Of the as SOCIatVed With the Journey of the sociation told of the historical leadv SlbJCCl Which for Comm les has fascinated the human mind Mr McDowell stated The epic of Ekaienniondi the Rock that Stands Out or Up is worthy of 0111 best epic poet and commend it to the attention of Pratt whose Biebeuf 211111 His Brethren is now classic of Canadian literature added the speaker Mr McDowell called for arch aeological excavations of the area around Ekarcnniondi in the Blue Hills coiintry to determine the site of the villages reported in the Jes valueof Huronia and sTiTssedThe fact that Canada must put more effort and expense in attracting tourists because as he put it thel lush days arcover Franklin Davey McDowell hon orary director of Huronia and reg ional public relations representative of the CNR was the main speaker and told Vof the history that lay imbedded in this area He was in Barrie Standing Rock and the myth ology of the Huron Indian woven 11111paiitoiii while rcsuitacinii is dnnc on iTwo Way lolice Radio lildi 11 NORMA LARKlZ director or Harrie Chamber of oinincrctu who was reclecled l1plclltlll itthc lluionia Ills torie Sites and Tourist Association at the annual nncuni in 111111111 vwood last llnirsday lluronia com prises the area bounded by Oriilia Barrie and ll1ntl wcst to ol 1111wood and cn Sound IMPROVEMENTOF NOW IN PROGRESS 151111er BAY ROAD l3tcns1c improvements on the iliriizc Road between the limits of Barrie and Shanty llay tabout four milcsl are in progress This is ounty road and the work is 1111 der the County Roads and Bridges Committee with Roy McLean as ltlClllillli Some time ago much was done on the overhead bridge at Raikcs Crossing which will add good deal to the safely of travel at that point This years operation will con sist mainly of dilehinc grading and giavclling Mast of the little grades will be greatly reduced to what might be called flevcl condition with topped contour but it will not be what is described as horizontal road The Countys equipment is being used Most of the work being done will be fin ished this Fall if the weather per mits Approximately this will in volve an expenditure of $8000 If next years County Road Com mittee approves this road will be paved to width of 20 feet provid ing materials are available with lowclass road mixture mulch This costs in the neighlxnhood of $6400 milea totalpaving cost of $20000 to $24000 uit Relations for the partial rc construction of the village of Standing Rock andthe founding This rOck was the gateway to of an Indian museum there the Indian hereafter and no place fYOU have milliondollar tom other than Collingwood canaclaim ist attraction right here in Colllng such gateway the speaker de wood and you are not capitalizing clared Hc outlined the stories of on it Think of the number of the Village of Departed Souls people who would like to be photo which was below Standing Rock Turn to page eight please around it were the topics of Mr McDowells address From Rural Countryside Come80 Of all Leaders Declares Dr AW Hewitt Dr Hewitt of Vermont USA addressed Simcoe Presby lei of the United ChurchVat C01 lier Street Church in Barrie on October 16 and stressed the prim my importance of rural life member of the VermontLeg islatilre for 25 yearsand for 12 years chairman of the Department of Educati0nDr Hewitt isa noted authority on the rural church His present parish is within four miles of where hewas born and he has alwaysresided within days walk of his birthplace He was in Simcoe County last week as theme speaker of centerence for rural clergy at Camp Rawley Port Severn and Rev George Morrison made ar rangements for him to address the presbytery meeting Dr Hewitt emphasized the im portance of the rural community by pointing out that it was the people in the countryside thatfed the world Further he quoted survey to show that 80 per cent of the city and country leaders had been born and raised in the rural areas It was suggested by Dr Hew1tt that the Church should make real effort to reach all the people In this connection he said an example could be taken from the govern ment which had distinct boundary line for all the people inone area Every individual was counted In any school system every child is included Similarly the Church should make real effOrt toreach every person especially the child ren The clergyman were urged to pro vide religious education in Sunday Schools and wherever possible 111 dayschools During the question period Dr Hewitt was asked what he felt the attitude of the Church should be towards other agencies in the com munity The reply was that the Church should support and wel come these other agencies and work made to ensure that Christian men and women gave leadership to these organizations Concluding his address Dr mighty powerof God is still alive might be released by prayer Mayor Commissioners through them An effort should be Hewittspoke of the importance of prayer Prayer does things This We dont know the power that This road improvement will be of great advantage especially in the Summer owing to the large number of summer 1esidents in the village and along the shore From Hespeler lquect Barrie Arena Plant Interested visitors at Barrie Arena last Saturday evening Were His Worship Mayor Allen Wilford Chairman Carl Grcutzner and members Courtney and Robt Townslcy of the Hespcler Arena Commission George Hipel con COUNCIL BRIEFS 1lt 1111111 31 11 1111 l1 111 1112111141111 11w 111111 1111 to 111 111 111 1111111 Al 11llll l1 illifc on 1111 coiir 115 11 1111 pin 11 1111lc itidli if 11 11 111 11111 l1llv 11111ll11fllV 11111111111111xigt 1iis3ricts will ilo1v 1111111 scours 111111111s SELL 41 BUSHELS sip 11111 APPLES FOR $431 11 11 their 111 111 t11111 l1llll Nearly 100 Ito Scouts and ill 1111l iii oi ii JV Wolf ulls sold ll hampers of lolld jli iil VV apples on the streets 111 Harrie 11411111111 1111 11 111 VI 1V 1VVV 1er 11111 1M1 Saturday 3111111 121A 111111 1V lir 111 Neil MacDonald treasurer of mm 173 VI 91 11 1thlli the Barrie Boy Scout Associa VV LV Eh IVV V11VVVVV1V lion reported that total receipts WV will 001111101 1111 VV VVV VVVVVI 111 V1 111 of Still ncre S11 greater than 1ll1 iil 131 11 111 1111112111 11111 131111 one year ago The Apple Day il 11 4111 was under the cluiirnninsliip of il 111111 111 ll 1111 Tull VV 111V11V1V1111V11V1 District llllllllSNltllHl Ian cls WV VI V111 11V1V1111VV111111Vr IkltfA 1111 milill hauling Scout MIPMnML 11111111111111 111111wi111 11 111 HI 1111 111 11 11V 111V 1V1fV111111I Bayard Sparham and the lllld iill3gt illiillitl 111101 111 11111 11 V1111VV 111111 iul Iib salesman Allen 1111 51 il V1 ll 11 11 cot l1111 1111111211 1Th lc1111111l ll11llt 31 Ill an will he honoer with prr unit on liuzay 11 mutations at the annual lloy Scout Association inclting nevi Ahmad Tun 111111111 fioin tlc 11121311 111111111 11111111111 1111111 11111111 to aopeuc VI MAY 11le V04 111111 1111 llitltlntlllll 31115 ii illlttl 1o tlic Town llannm 11111111 liiv 1111111111pality 111111111 11111 11 op 711111 on land but boforo liming any land tlc 1111lll oi 111111115 would be ncccssmy 11 lcltcl GRANT TO LEGION ALI Bibby and haiics llarris attended the Town touncil last Monday night to ask 11111111 for grant towards the anadian Legion was l11cl1tt tron llcnior1al lluildine Fund Mr 1111111 111 i11111 Ontario Department of 1111111gt1 1311111 cxplaincdthat the public 111111 111p1111 111llllllnhi1l 11 mm mm mm rm stating that 51111111 spent 1111 111111 canvass had 111en1ull supported VV 11111 11 11 111511al 11111onns 111117 111115 whoHm mummy Hm Hui lllC 1101111111 hilrl made the initial llm Wm till ll 1111 111 11111 1111211111 The 1111 llairic district and paymcnts on the property at 211 11111 111111111111 111 111 11111111 My NHHUHV Mmnwmm Owen and wcrc taking posseslBradford Sf Resident 111111111111111V 101 liillvlt Hlul 11 1111 111111111 state 11 of thrse 1111111 511111 the lown had previously 1111i 111 111111 ulvioplnn to ltll 1101 my Hm been asked for $7300 which was HOS Leg BrOkC AUTO 1111 11111111111 1111 pain111a wlicic 11111 11 V11111111alwinpmi15p half thc cost of the property 7+7 1111 11111111111n 111 111 lionp 11311 ymhmo Rceye tlark chanman of finance Mrs John Hoffman 1107 llradford111111111111 plans and 1111 grcatch dHWMH hp 11 mm munp 501d 1011 WWW 190 opportuno StRai111V had her 111ht lot 11111l1111111c111 onward lliispltttlllalluii Am u5 pumpsmi in obi1111 ity for vote by the ratepayers cu below the knee when 51111 wa 1111 11r1 11 1111 1111111as1 mi 1191 Le 1de mum and he would be inad to support struck by car driven by l1 11111l111 oldmi 11 11111 111111113111 mpimmm the Legion He pointed out that Kcnwell thl Tcntrc St 1111111 liw 11 tor 11 1111 and improved 1111V gVamlmlmghmmmi thc council could not appropriate The accident happened on llradlord 1111 11111111111111111 iltl llv111111 uupir V111d 0mm 10 mi 11111 more than one mill without vote St on Vlcdnesday 1lllll lct l1V111111 NM mmmpm 11m Swim of the people and PC 11 13111111111 inycslliiiahd A1 l1111lalt rim111111 ll ilojj luny 111111171111 favorable While the fine ltil ii 1llllllllt itill Rh 7V WWW mi iclthcr continues the demand for BARBIE RED CROSS ROOMS OPEN U111111cii 11 411111111 ilJ liltm 111ltl mm 1l ihis unskilled help will be avail Vl Ar 1l1 IA FOR FALL AND WINTER BIG QUOTAS DEMAND IS URGENTIUJ WORKERS By REV LEWIS President of Barrie Branch The Barrie Red Cross work rooms at 115 Dunlop St over the store of Brown and Co Ltd have opened for the Fall and Winter Large quotas of work have been given the Barrie Branch and thiscan be done only with the help of all public spirited women 011 Tuesday and Thursday afternoons clothing will be made for the children of Britain and hospital supplies for the Red Cross outpost hospitals in Canada On Friday afternoons quilts will be made for the Red Cross outpost hospitals Here is an opportunity to make warm clothing for little children in the rationed and fireless homes of Britain and to help Red Cross nurses care for the ck and hurt in our own frontier settlements The Red Cross invites you to give one afternoon week to this work COMING EVENTS cents WMmnm ohm It WWW Rummage Sale Saturday Oct 25l Trinity Parish Haikauspiccs Ladiesi Auxiliary to Lions Club of Barriel Doors open am 41431 Masquerade Ball Gilford ConiI munity Hall Friday Oct 31 Worth while prizes Lunch Sponsored by ChillyWilly Club 43b Bazaar andAfternoon Tea Hol made Table and Fish Pond Odd fellows Temple Collier St Wed nesday Nov from 36 pm Aus pices Beaver Rebekah Lodge No Rummage sale St Andrews WA corner Owen and Weislcy Sts Sat urday Oct 25 am 4243b Dance Baxter Friday Oct 24 Music by The Stroud Mountaineers Dancing from 930 to 115 30tfb Midhuist LOL dance Township Hall Oct 31 Refreshment booth Crowes orchestra Admission 50 cents 38tfb Dance at Cookstown Pavilion every Friday night to Don Gilkes and his orchestra Admission 50 tractOr was also present to inspect the Barrie building and ice plant They had just comefrom visit to Owen Sound and left here to inspect the Midland VAiena Gar dens Thefine new Hespeler Memorial Arcna costing around $125000 is Vnearly completed except for some additional work ontheiiutcrior fix ings ltls expectedto have the ice plant in operatiom by Dec 15 of this year Hespeler isra pro gressive town of aiOundV 3500 people midway between Guelph and Galt The visitors were much impress ed with the BariieArena setup of ice plant seating andgeneral acV commodation They were shown about the place by Manager Wes Allsopp and Commissioners Walls and Sinclair mi HURONIA BANQUET At the annual dinner of the Huronia Historic Sites and Tourist Association in Collingwood last Thursday were the following from Barrie Norman Clarke Mr and Mrs Buchanan Nettle ton Walls and Lloyd Tuf ford cents 43tfb Dancing every Wednesday night at the Jolly Farmer 12 mile west Inf Elmvale Ted Johnstons Or 190 4144b Hallowecn Tea at Trinity Parish Hall Thursday Oct 30 to pm Auspices Trinity Junior GuildTea cup reading fish pond and white elephant table Admission 25 leents 112410 cliestita 4345p Puouc dance Midhurst lwp Hall Friday Oct 24 auspices PT Club Refreshments homemade pieslom alds orchestra 4311 Masquerade DanceGearin Hall Phelpston Monday Oct 27 Grand parade 11 oclock Good music lAdmission 35c 43p IvyThornton Farmers Shack and Grain Co banquet Ivy Orange Hall Friday Oct 24 63th pm Admit tance by invitation only 431 The Womens Hospital Aid of the Royal Victoria Hospital Rummage Fowl Supper Crown Hill United Church Wednesday Oct 29 530 to pm Play Aunt Tillie Goes to Town to be presented by CrOwn Hill Drama Club Admis sion 75c and 306 4243b Halloween Box SocialVThuisday Oct 30 81p11n church basement good program Admission 23C Auspices St Paulschoir Iimisfil Chas S1proule auctioneer Ladies with boxes free 4344p Sale will be heldin Trinity Parish Dance to Don Gilkes and his 01 Hall Nov Any with contribu1cbcstra at Newtonl Robinson Hall lions please phone 2374 4344bion Saturday Oct 25 sponsored by BritishIsrael World Federation the TeeWeyvillv Jr Farmers meeting Oct 25 245 pm at BarLUnCll Admisswn 500 Clubmem rie OrangeHall Speaker Rev bers please bring sandwiches4243b Linncn Subject Modem Annual judging competition in Joseph and Economic Reform 4313 agriculture and home economics Barrie Community Concert As Alllsbon SatUrdaY November al sociation presents the General Pla ElmV Banquet 191ml Speaking toff Don Cossack Chorus in con and amateur entertainment con HOSPITALNEED 111 11911 WV lfli hc task of organizing the Barrie drich up their teams SOCIETY BOARD i1 7731 113 135111 Mg $1115 About Three Miles HOSPiTAL DRIVE NEEDS VOLUNTEER TYPISTSWILL YOU 1111 111111 prrivtnril 11p 1111 111w thriir willing 1111 fl=1llf 111 thrir lw 311 111 gelling tin 11 1111511 111111r 1111 liir 1511111 1111 111311111 lrtn VV rr 11le 111111111 11 131111 ir1 tlS1l tiiouuizii Campaign President tilltlilllvs lgt1 lgt1 1ililrrswil tirv vi 11111 ll11 111111 1illl 11210111 tutti1 has lt11l 1111111 in ivl ll1r 1211 1111511 1111111111111 11w his Uprv 1111111 1111111 Is 111g jot to 111 1111111 1111 lln 1tllllllllltt do 1111 1111 1111411111 ilrriiil llilp You all 1111111 tlzr orig1111 115 lillllll 11111Iil 1111111111111111111111 1ll licir to hint littlc 1ti1 int lll only toiiplw 111 hunts tor Sun 111 lllltt 111l1 1111 if 11 11121111111111 11111 141111111 1111111 Is lialxni 11o Ltlu 114th ol111111i t1pi1s U11 1121 1111 la 1111111 111111111 111=l 11111 11 11111 1111 11111 1111w 111111111 1I tIlIlill lir1lcpi1rlrrs 1111 in Miller 1liil Illnlrlil 111111ii1 llinptlil 1nil otter 1111 vlllus 11 this north lilllllflllllll 11nw T1111 xvii info llllEl 1111111011311 pioiu am 1111 11171111 11 1111111 and child 11111 1t1l111 111 111l 1111 A1 ll llvnu ni opt1 11111111111111111 they 1111111 to get started Cllllcl 11111111 than thc cnornl and 1111111 1113 1111 31111111al Hospitil lnn11n NH mi Hardnlwebbfellsm Horned School Club About Work of CNIB Harold Webb Na beekeeper and piano tuner addressed the East End Home and School Association at King George School last Friday evening Mr Webb told about the work of the Canadian Nationalinstitute for the Blind and answered several questions re garding problems of the blind and how they deal with them Samples of Braille printing were shown and explained and the speaker also showed his specially designed watch George Holloway introduced the speaker and President Elliott Rey noids was in the chair Recreation Director Kenneth Robinson led the group in games VandTVSOng was sung in honor of the president and Mrs Reynolds who were observ ing their IOth wedding anniver saiy The evening was concluded with refreshments The 1azrman reported that Reg KlillhltiMm had been 111ltlll on the pianfor the industrial drch and connniltccs were being set up in each ion 11 lactoiy James Hart reported that the format of the pledge card had been drawn 11p and this Vwas approvedl by 1111 committee Frank Trimble campaign mani aucr told of the splendid meetingl of 11111 Churchill Womens Institute and Mr Mitchinsnn had becni lllYlltthfl to attend on Monday night lhcrc was much interest and enthusiasm shown for the drive in that community as evidenced by llic 10 ladies present laircn Vilgar reported that 131 team captains had accepted the the gathering and they were to meet next Tues day to make their plans and line The town is being zoned at present foi canvassing DixC frSeymour was present and accepted the position of speak crs chairman Simpkin re ported that he would be going to lilmvalc next week to follow up the JOHN IllClllNSON Splendid 510 the Cmlmlmo who is the manager of the 131111111 had at the first visit there lastHr ms 1h Canadmwp 0011 Exitiiiiie ConipanyWound was 1111310e Person InlurEd Considerable llSCllSSlOll toolplaeechmicl maygidpm 111 1119 Barrie nghway ACCldenf on various plans and while there is Romy Club Last Saturday vast amount of work and organ1 ixation yet to cover the campaign is rapidly getting ready for the opening drive COMMITTEE WILL APPOINT HUMANE Last Saturday evening about oclock there was an accident on Highway 90 when two vehicles were proceeding towards Camp Borden One driver Sgt Wat son was charged with careless driv ingrA passenger in the Watson car Sgt William Cook suffered cut cheek and chin and after medical attention was taken to Camp Bord en Hospital The Watson car was damaged tothe extent of about $50 car driven by Eli Irwin of Col well also involved in the accident had the gas tank torn off PC Ian Hutcheon investigated Campaign Treosurer The attendancewas small at 211 meeting called to discuss Humanci Society held at Community Housef on October 16 However1plaiis were made to appoint committee that would proceed to organize sucha society for Barrie It is expected this committee will appoint board of directors and they in turn will appoint man to undertain the duties of aHumane Society inspector Dogs or cats or other pets that were unwanted could be disposed of through Humane Society and the inspector Would have authority 10 enforcc regulations in regard to lcruclty to animals He would also have the authority to inspect stabl es and stock pens Town council representatives at the meeting were His Worship Mayor Ald Mary Laurie and Ald Brown One evening last week two iuib bertired wheellbarrows were taken from Scotts gravel pit on Davis Home of Edward Twiss Burglgyiied Friday $20k Cash Stolen While Mr and Mrs Edyvard Twiss were attending show last Friday evening their home on Toi onto street Was broken into The thieves had broken in the back door and went through the house While there was considerable amount of valuable silverware cam era equipment guns etc timer11 ough cheek revealed that the only item mlsslngWasszo in cash This was taken from drawer while an other $5was overlooked PARSONS Managerof the Barrie branch of theiCanadian Bank of Commerce is treasurer of the campaign for the new hospital He has served several years as director and also as treasurer of tthRoyal Victoria Hespital Active in the Kiwanis DONT ASK QUESTIONS re cert at Collier St United Church tests in the eyeningAI1armboys on Thursday Oct 23 at 830 and gls muted to partiCLpate pm 42le 434511 Club he has just completed term adlets addressed to box number as Lieutenant Governor of this Ki Send or leave your name and wnnis District address Street The wheelbarroms cost $2450 each and belonged to Bren nan Paving Company