PAGE FOUR WW lfv TODAYS recess RADIO Morass 57055 Kansans2 just Tiny Mklgtt but BIG Hand30mi TABLE MODEL MAD IN OMAHA UIIlziml Small Only in Price tubes Illuminated Dinl Baum power output for rirh tone Automatic volume control Exclusive builtin Amosropc Rugged Alnim No spcnlwr ACDC operation iust plug in EusyIorend dial Mahogany plastic cabinet Slightly higher in Ivory Great Rodin Buv anl GRIBBLES RADIO SALEs and snnvrti 125 Dunlop 51 Phone ltlll See The New Admiral Ilefriutrntorsl Ntlll DISPLAY Rundown Oilen Caused By Nervous Trouble Strained tense nerves are often the muse 0E restless nights Improper rest night utter night is quickly followed by loss of nppclitc irritability and tired rundown condition lor distortltrssnrli us these it And Nerve Iills ore highly benecial and once tried their medicinal value soon becomes apparent by the improved general condition of the henlth Tho iron and other ingredients they contain help to ir blood content stimulate the nerve rolls and the appetite aid digestion thus helping to proniore peaceful sleep They have helped thousitntls others They should do the snmc for you Pills are sold at drqu counters everywhere mlburn 00 liimit xr mmmmml gt For years doctors have recom mended rhe use of Crown Brand Cdrn Syrup as satisfactory carbo hydrate ncting as milk modifier for bottlefed infants MONTREAL ronoum vI II til 2297 II llIEIl lr tlltl lrs Lul Ittlillorli BIG in Performance BIG in Size rt xiv lvllll Sflliolr tip rat kl trintt rliittlt limit silt titlt lLllttlttl tg= lllt om tr ltivu trr illmrr Ila 0L II III IIII tIIAI CLEANED AT NI lIllVlfIH turned on Writa tl tittoimr tlfltl Iitzrrit tr lll llttt ltltllti itt tlLlrr ltll mwtui whom t1 trsrrv litv 1ol ll1tl el suites ol lll vnsct ot znttrz rrztnns tlltlll ittl ltlisrnn rwsrs The tilltltlt in table roverch with lute tltrl it Illil litml II Elli Containing Ll turquoise snmll reflector irztntrarl oy pink Llzil1oli This etint pare the effort Iilburn Health nprove the MlllTlIfyS Health and Nair old swim flouting on prol cdiitd with flowers li edloronto holders 1an the silver ttn service Ari import2m part of my diet ever since my first bottle has been Crown Brand Corn Syrup Now that may bc all right for 21 little characrcr like myself butler inc tcllyou these grownupssurc are lucky what withMom serving them Crown Brand Corn Syrup with so many of their dishes And she uses it in her baking too as 11 swcctcncr can hardlywsit until Im old Ii enough to have some hot wulllcs or pancakes smothered with delicious Crown Brand If its gt as good as it is in my ccfcalfrk ckown BRAND conisvnue THE cANAuA STAROH commute Alla Mandfactwnn of Canada Corn Starch Nurse 0t CGE tn Ltitlr llilltlllrt ltitilrltuiiriu rero it thrnnumd by Rev lrrtw llltlit tt oi liningville ll lllj tnv gtlt1llllt of tho regis Essa load ttnrtl gt ti llr Tilllllly lillr of Port tloflur til rirm lrzittl lltt wedding lilllfilt rgt wrlrl ltttltlltrli war lltltl il Ill Vic ma St lIst on the town The Si lt1lllllltiil tnrth ttllrlltltlii Illltllltl received in loynl illrtl Vitus to in in ryltlnt titlll lll brown iccessorits ittnro tl or ll pt iltviiiw vshrlo lis Nessie Ilnrvrly wow lktl tr t3 totlxron vnwrnhle rind both had coir LL lrwrtz tn lttt witi iiiv or to to or twin lhwupkoii il in tllw Miss Iltltll Ii Irtlmr outcr taiir lrl iitl liot ni Zimozr lttil trou lilie liltltl lt llont pit Jort t1 tri rot rloru ltlttiilltl and tlltm The ll itntittl irv Illi till it tilltllt in silver were the other table accessories During the afternoon Mrs Ionnl lowell presided rtt the ten table assisted by Mrs Iwrencc Shrub sole and Mrs harlcs Gibson In the evening Mrs James Wiziy pre sided nssistcd by Misses Muriel Harris and Muriel Butciiirm The troussenu and gifts were shown by Misses Joan Milne rind Iunc Cot bett Among those entertaining for popular young bride were Mrs Thomas Lowcs who naive miscel laneous shoWer on October nd Miss JuncCorbett who gave un othcr lniscellnnrirus shower on DC tobcr7 At both of these showers Vera was the recipient of many lovely useful gifts including Chino clien utensils riirl Irr brother oi the groom song 1itn Stanley Iostortliy tt It is or ind roses lniri mourn left for points north ihtgv lll reside in Alliston lcavvs formed the setting ifurrn tinge to tootgo Grnlium Downnrrl iht hiidt looked charming in at No pottery dress of raspberry shndc crepe with silverware lingerie linen and hit Graceful gowus sweeping the floor were worn by three ladies attending the annual meeting of the Womens Institutes of Simcoc County at the Oddfellows temple in Barrie Tuesday Theme of the convention was historical research and the gowns worn had been the pride of the grandmothers of thwcv Vespra present WI members The rcgis trars who wore the flowing gowns Yt tIiitIA it ItLIIl Ii 3x it vi tx gt3 12 LI ms llilil IH ii 1i iti tt ii tl hfvl ti gt III 777511 LL irit ii lliriitlr lltloii w1 rt Auttintr xb tttl trihuluulu it trvtlntl tr tl liior lt lite Intt MdUVH Hwy tir txl lltl Mix tl Hi lrl it llt llgtillt it with ninth ii ilt Itioirtol llv 111m tti rrr zntrtoi hvi Htrtttl lovlv tit ioutt Ht 1mm trrliwtrllldl tzitll ttllltr itrrs II it sit it liihawan wits horni rttrlrtl in lnugantlyliitt ll nitt illn Zni olii lrltharl1 as iii 1ltl ttlr rzioioriv unbur Il illt ind lrzttxi itttwitttittt lru Ilttl llll 1on5 Ihr nhtvlo ll rntrn lt1ll wits Villinml It ttrrl rlit usher2 wrr lwrril Mistuni lll lrrn liitv lurhwny With Out town lilltsls were from Imontta Bolton iirtrrio and tin Iollnwinir the reception the bride WNA lli ILAIIAM liiltlillltlulltl of evergreens ivins tstcrs mums11ml Autumn pretty weddingr solemnized in Gutlw llt Iitlltlltiii Churchon Suitini day tlttlll ll lit17 ii oclock when Itloru Mnryettn Grnhnm Altz lizrliznn was united in mar tier ltlllltS Ferguson perfonncd lllt tviriiitiii gt liven in marriage by her father streetlength dress of powder blue citpttltsigritd on princch lines with blncl accessories She cur rith shower bouquet of red Brinr cliff roses Miss Cutierine Gruhnm sister of the brirl attended as matron of honor caring streetlength black accessories and carried it NEIR BA BrideElectHon0red At Sunnidole Corners Lady Golf Champion Golden Wedding For Mr and Mrs Ross it ilttl rv fulll lilt yr 111 It Irmath ltllt lllltllsl llllltl My trIt lw limitl lrlttuli 111v event wow tlitcv tltltitl of mi li llltl lIizras Windithvr of ttta lr lll lltt of Wintlor irl Kl Kidd of lnrruio it hllll tour Lt=tlllll treats and Mix Mynm liossl gili of lllt bride Illtl liu played llllt vndtlintt illllllt lnnntdintcly iitvr llllllil lr gjnntl Mrs livers were on litd Ni blot lrlt ronto where Mr Ross wits cnplov tw linnrv wt lrrroiiio lri wih omen llH ylttt ti tltILtlt itrv 33 lb HI ttlhllitlntd ful moving to Limdun Ontario with HIV lilll IHWHHL 11 All JUN the same firm After retirement WI NW1 lltWlttlU in 1934 residence VJIS tnktn up Tl illvlllxt =1tltl llliilllis in Mimico where they still live and liltill itiwr for tllitnioy ood health iltllt l1lt ltt thr liiitltiri llliJM llllilv lifetime members of the Methodist lll by 53 nl latterly the United Church Mr it tirliglllllll Ross is at present nn elder of Wes lVim Hm Halley United Church Mimico where IVIHRVIHII U10 Mrs Ross is also an itsllVC vorlrer llrbt lltrytS tltltlttl nn eloquent itltl4 on Our litnstirt llit liiikeenly nmwwsmd in Mm Mimico She had with her number Hurliculmml 50cm of lllltltI in Illltltltl tlttilt tts which mg Club and many Huncilml 15 Ill11 lll5 activities organized for war effort MW llttllttlll JPtktlimlnnd churitzrble ussistuncc III ltflt l$ nnl ill llt grin ful to but for litl ltllltllitHS in tjomfmiwwwmulmon us well as many ing ttv llllltll wzts served byt owe bouquets were 1300le the hostess rind tssistnnts papers hurl Ii Noble irtltt ll lilrt senilean in iti utlllrlli Cpl lohu Jlmthuwnu yiv uf hint11 ipynih tiilioitl tltltl irirrghtcirfMiawdlhsu aSHANTY BAY letbear I3 ilnrl lr report llixrt Mrs II improving wit SitliLttillS been Visitiru lrcrson here Whir inllttl till friends in the villtc tlttilli thr work Mr And Mrs obb and Mr and youngr visited Lllr and llrs Foullres successful Euchre Vcdnesdn evening zit Mr Win Simpsons lurinu the even iiigrng tnrl Mrs Root were pre sented with sittrill useful gift to take with them when they go to Blur Mrs Sushi has Mrs Cobb The held bouquet of Johanna Hill roses lhe groomsmnn was Gordon lownnrd brother of the groom Alex Graham was soloist sing ing The Voice That Breathed Oci jden before the ceremony and Because during the signing of the register Norman Graham was the wedding music visit relatives in Englztnrl in Nov ember Visitors during the holiday week Mrs Bev eridgc and Bonnie Mr and Mrs Eby Dr md Mrs Campbell Misst Robertson Mrs POLClly iss Nancy tMills lcich Mr and Mrs Geo Sweeney and family Bob Martin Pugh Miss lford Pr fl end included Mr lllid usier 1111 Cecil Cameron la ed Fred Pugh and Taylor Mr and Mrs Te At the close of the ceremony the Lucas and mlmyMr bride was presented with white Presbyterian Church of Johanna Hill roses Douglas Ferris of Cundles Mrs Gordon Hickling Mothers Auxiii YOULL pnouovor YOURSTOVE WHEN nrs SHINEDAWITH troum Wm TE to greet the delegates were Miss Grace Strath of Crossland Mrs met in St Gcgrge at pm with members pres nts were made to help buy eq pment for the Boy Scouts an Cubs of Allandale Miss Vin McKenzie Superintend ent of arrieNursing Division of St in Ambulance addressed the lads on first aid and home nurs ent Arrange ig ina McKenzie and cessor weretl with es left on it Holy Bible gift from the Guthrie Sign lamb Him and black Areception was held at Robin of dove grey Silk crepe wm match mot up to Jolt cm OllLdllO ing accessories and colsage of pink Delight roses She was assis ted by Mrs Downard wearing it turquoise blue crepe dress with matching accessories and corsnge The happy couple FOR in or AT For travelling the bride chose twopiece black moire silk dress 03 Nsom raspberry colored coat with Per Boy Scouts and Cub of Allandale Hall Oct The Barrie Nursing Division of the St John Ambulance Brigade received honorable mention at Dominionwide conference recently held at Ottawa Twentyfour re presentatives from each province attended The Dent Trophy for the most efficient unit in adminis tration was awardedto the Gros venor nursing division ofvToronto In addition to the Barrie nursing division one other Ontario unit received honorablmention West Toronto Superintendent of the Barrie Nursing Division is Miss QENSED It UH tinritri iltll nn ivriw tIltliiird Ir tli ti tuiticrnt and itt1i trl euros ll ltllll the litt Itii Ito1 Kidd ill lr visinill lltitl rlitlltlt of li ititl lins llwy vtm ptrittl in intrih pit front ll family in rlll mate lllt tlll Mr llo lt 1w tlYttl tvld tiritttvl Irltt tl Mix llw olr tneo Anturgz tlrmo ltltfltlll the inp li bl llos Ill irtndcriltlrrn Mrs ieo of Mrs lions win aid the weddiim illi It hit td iii larming ncztr iratlford for several tr1lt In lltltl they nmvod to To ed by the Kellogg later Mr And Mrs Ross have been the various womens groups Mr and Mrs Ross have been Telegrams letters mdrards of ttrom mrmy friends across Cnnzidn lIKl the United States Mrs Hudson Gordon Wortlcy Much Used Christening Robe won lrt tutti pm ttlltlliilitl trt ltrltt wt trio lltlt11lll Ilw Wt lt rnpo iit uwn Bowl The infant son of Mr and Mrs Bob Hubbert was baptized in St lhomns Church on Sunday Oct 13 Rev Geo Lurk officiating Baby Alluns christening robe was of imbroidered silk over which was it cashmere shznvlwtth silk embroid ery This robe was sent from North tWales by the babys mot tnnl grandmother for the occas It had been want by Mrs ubbertl and had been used for ciristening in her family for ove 35 years were the godporch Win nnd Mrs Tappe of Toronto Calumets THURSDAY OCTOBER 16 1947 The Quality Tea ORANGE PEKOE ii lor tii trt tltvlilttm tItH Ir ii Mr ir 21 firii lllut il lt fitttilxl tit kll ir and hlzr tin iul it ti uni tlttl ulii 11w rllti lltrllli ilirl Liilvv 0n CERTAIN DAYS of The Month llo lenmlc functional monthly distnrhnnces make you feel ner V0113lltlgulytlinlSt tired and drugged outnt such times Then do try Lydia li linkhnms with exclusive All Porcelain lshaped heart llxclinntcr ll ltt lt oi Witt Illll II AIII SIC lln iii 1th olnini lo Llll Itun Mun Uri 37lll tirmt lilh lh ind HEAVY to his Vegetable orrrponnrl to ltlllYt suchsymptoms his lllltliittlltlllc is ttrv ttltrirr tor lltli purpose For to or it your llitturdllltlh of girls llltl voinvn llll reported btnctit Iusi stv it on too dont roport excellent results Worth trying 914232 200 and50L gal STORAGE TANKS Range Oil Burners EXCLUSIVE DEALER FOR BARBIE AND DISTRICT HousHOLD LIA or EPIETTS FURNITURE EIECTRIC 139 DunIop St 01 Phone 3721 Light as Feather DoUble Action TS TRUE Women everywhere are discovering that Calumers double actionasmres new greater baking meters Muffins netextured as cake uffy melreinyourmout biscuits featherlight cakesCalumets double action protects their lightness all the way First in the mixing bowl myriads of tiny evensized bubbles are formed when liquid is added Thenin the oven new evensized bubbles continue to raise the mixture holding it high light and even Try Caliimet Follow directions on the tin for any recipe UNDER sum TRAFFIC Product of Guion