PAC 31 ALLANDALE 151119115 Sure royre 99311119 11111 HI 111111 pur oilil tlll cl11w 111111 ourw tor x1011 1111111 lloll1l 111 fl 1111111 Horse DIDNT ft ll 111 lllt htlitllstitlu gtUll CHANCES 1V171hll ONE 1N THOUSANDS 23 COOKSTOWN WM ttlltllglltltll1ltllll1lll l1ll1lllfl lllltl tlilln lil tl $1130 ltlitillll Rlll 813111111111 lltllR ll1llll Biiriic Aircraft Supplies Limited Barrie Seaplane Base MW 11 t1l 1311111 11 11 11 lllfillitill thinizs yopll be needing Vlllill Como wind or 311111111 are dressed to 12 Kcrchict settlflinaed in and white THINGS TO BUY +1 For Now and Later 11i lipkwiiovsn intucili ooi and oiilcr Now is the 111nc to plcpare for the oiiicr llnys Soc Ycllcrs assortnients of from Wool Kcrchic 7151 lilllllli 11T1R it itf oodsize W101 grand standby to wear as headcovering or scarf See this assortment l11flli1l0l pale green butter yellowpowder blue pink Phone 2050 WWW 1Y 1111 ll1 ll inlI Brushed Rayon 11 17111 79 sfun when you colors including Wool GLOVES ZELLERVALUE Neatfitting G10vesof woolan 150er Small sizes YOur choice of brown black pearl grey green jade powder blue medium and large 1311131111 114 lllllh BALACLAVAS 79 1100 rlhcr fashionright colours Cosy Ear Mulls ZELLERTllRlFlPRICED Mulls wiih red sea creenf white coral wine royal BARR lAhllN KR ET Dawsons Funeral One of Largest that Cookstown Hos Seen 1151 11311115 UKTA illil Af Directs Short Course GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS llllfltillAY tlilillllill li CHINA GIFTS TOYS 1mm Enomelled Wore Specials 111 211 111 41 111351i1111111 11111111111 l11 each slot 33 1llll 11121 HTTP ANlllltlilzll 11111ch lllilnl 11111 111 1111 813 Iliili His 501 1371 111 111111111 Mr 51 1191 111 11ci1 111111 Hlt 15le filli 51 Qh 1111111112r 1l11 11 11 514111 itiws Ily 11 ml nixaw a111 11115 111 ililA kllil 3111214 gtll LAWN 113ch 5531 111111vai 1211132 Hear 111 111 5135 hm mm UV VVS illIlAl SllARAlth till lat $175 lii=ll1 ticl1l1v1 1i Iw 1v 1111 111 1oi11t 1111111 111121111111 111111 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xlil llllzll lilllllillS tillc 11 11 1111 LiS AM SAUtlullS lllll RULRY DAY 11 VV 112Nllllll WALL 1lt1xS 151 201 title 5111 031 illlc 1151 H011 1V 11 0115 Maple 121113211111 Wood S7tl1 Plain and dccoiatcd 1111 your lllilhitlli 11 21f1 1111 11l ifV1 1111819 lllllllllS 1301315 49135100 1ililIlI CARS Slurdilv innit 131 jV 111111 1111 11 to Quail size 1111115111111 111 11111y1cd and bsack 31511 zl1 ll 111 Ellltllll 11 11 ll 11 98 104 DUNLOP ST PHONE 2801 711 lii11l 111 1311 1111 VVV VVVV 11121 1111 111111l11 lollo111 1111111111 VV 1111 wt 1111 ir and ll 1111111j1 11 11 111 11111 1111 1111111111l Tlr nui 1gt 11 1lzlf1111i 111111111 11 Mrs 11 111 ill Iii 11 1111=11i l11lugt 11111111 111lllis1 ii 11 111111111 lxzilv 311 11111 311 lor1 ll 111 Mi ilrtty ilcan lit and Mn Mflwl llulilicson 1li of oioiilo Mllwv Nluylw lllmi VV oh necliiug Mrs 111111 111111111 111111 11 li 91111 Mott 11111 41111 1ltcnd1nt UII 1lV11l 111lllll1tils ll1ttll 1111 mmrm HimH hum m1ka limihi Alidk 111112111111 rpokc 111 ctiihl xclinrc 1111 wars lisscs ranms and arc 111dcz ay tor 111111111 ilaxllnn Matthew 111111111 Rev 111 mil to to 1111111 in the town hall llct lllllllT 1li1 Great Variety Jlzilnclavas that glitter with 11111 Stars or attractively self patlelncd in glowlnc colours 111111 lust arrived at ZCllCl lhcyrc made of cosy liahtttwarintocai Brushed Ray onYour choice of white blue brown royal red wine and head band in fur Colors brown and black priced lc11111cy tumorly 11f 3111111511111 1111 othcr from liaiiacvillc 2111111 Sliciluirno non the many lltilllllllll floral 11l1ulcs 11111 those from the fol1 lowini lillllllllllllltms Agricultural Socioty or iiistown 1s 1nc livid Day 11111 11 lciroy 111 ctcrans Lookslown Business 11cnw 11110151111111 branch of 1111 Canadian Lemon lrangcvilio 1111111111 Bradt foril 11111011 Scottish Rite of Vali icy of llallle Railways Manitoba Lodge AM ookstown Softball and Vllliltsttlc Ltd ookstown Confirmation lic Schools llairic llll Barrie Examiner 12 EGBERTV Och 1t tanadian National and Club llih and 111 Master Wallace Downer of Don troon spent week with the Dow ners here Mis Jack Church attended he teachers conventionin Toronto 1111 Thursday and Friday Congratulations to Elliott W111 man on the prizes he obtained the Field Day at chroy 21 There will be no service 11111 bert church on Oct 19 due 11 Thornton anniversary The sympathy of all the coni munity is felt for Mrs Daw son and family in their great loss Mr Dawson had the esteem and ref spect of cveiyone Jimmie Feltis while Otto Haugh with his red beam in the barn to the wagon lie was removed to Barrie Hospital on Saturday for xrays with his grandfather at Huckley MVFSV Earl Reid and Ruth chnyllvff moved to the vacant Duncan Reids 1Thanksgiving with Mrs Vniolher at Parry Sound Robbie Kemvn isa patient in the RV Hospital Glad to report he is doing nicely joyed 1116 pipe band played the Happy Valley Campon their way to the Presby Boy Scouts from Iago also 11111111Mrs Davis 1111 lliiiiliilrl yisifcd M1 andhlisl helping clover had the misfortune to fall fiom October 117 pf fllllllltLlLCL lack Hirons spent Timnkggiving They have bought the farm of Neili mm Church Toronto Miss Margaret Caldwell leenekend visitors lVlis Alltlldl BcnglewAgblgy guldweu ormm al we Mr and Mrs Llom T910111 Hamill J0 Ross Campbell Toronto who were netts Mis Frank Hill Miss Jean 1h McDonald 1Miss Ruth Jennclt To Ulirllgff lint 101 gte1151l 525 525 ronto at Beverley Jennetts Mr ex dipPf 21 18 ins lMiudock loionlo and 1M1 Chai 163 Hill Colluigwcod Murd Clan CH 550 550 at WBcveilev Jennetts Miss Ella J11 15 1111 and Noinian Graham lo McLean at Elwood Jenrletts lVll 525 and Mrs Ath PM Zmd Mm ionto Umvmsny at 1licii 1espcc V475 lFlorence Pratt atHairy Bantings IIlXSOYEigslngs M13 and Mlls Arthur 51 20 17 at Mis H1 Blackstocks 11 M1 and Mrs Roy Wilson Tmonlo 500 550 at GeMUe Wilson Mr and Mr Mi and Mis Duncan Campbell and 11111111521111 and Earl at Bant bat T917l 660 600 16 ings Jean and Leila CNNch at llicie Will be no serv1cc in Guth Nelll homC Norma Davis at home if ghurch 191t08rg 20 625 ers ry serVices re 13111er 2151 11 65 111 ev 11121 inn re it was held at ers Jello Hogarths 113mm 1nd 1110 13 01f 475 625 with 16 members and fourvisltors Alladale 111 730 pm The 10ml 19 Present Plns we made 01 El Choir will be assisted bwaurray 500 15 LADIES printed cotton Han bagcluel Elli Stfgk itglghgaaln Clfv Huntley oh Queensviilc Fhe 101 6501 Van an aernoon aa1 omeO lowinv1 night Oct 27th 21 mssqume Len low MIS Harry Banlth QCL 23 I01 congrggational fowl suppeer flrilrlulfe 475 600 Miss Evana Demitroff who is going held 20 DC as missionary ti China After the Fedemtcd Farmers 500 650 20 businessapresen ation was made to Mrs Carter who is leaving ivy manOgoVAsaiggileinF830 700 15 GIRI llllll rri 1d and gomg m0 Angus Mrs ESIen with an attendancdof 30 members 525 fl Davis took over the program as MTC Mun Lu0 V9 cnvo able 19 700 20 =lS0Ylmnt 0f Dali9 convener of Historical Research in 825 20 Will please veryyoung Miss She had every one interested by fgcingmis tap b1 glee 50 ins square Lellerlow asking questions on times of long social evening on WednesdVyV out All and Ply synopsis of the Area Convention in Barrie Mrs Esten Davis andMrs Jennett were appointed delegates very tasty lunch was served by the hostess as sisted lbyers Davis Mrs Jennett iMrs Thompson Jennett inll1132 11 lltltl 1114111 ligt1r llal liilll and lnvcs institntcs 1111 rdially llitl alone with 11111lV Second in licll lay ltllllls ill 1111r11nintzons 11 the pupils oli lttllltltl fi included 11111 ltlllllillll 11 sclio Who c1nc llradlcy 11111111111111 1lr1 1llili ill the 111111111111111 poiu 11 11 lccltlhan Dundas Mr ircd Grant and Phyllis cdncrdziy Auror1 Mr and Mrs Manscl ion and Gary 111111 Joe Boss Allandaie l1llll 1311 and Mrs John Reid Mix Grant Airsch and Shirley at llllackwatcr Mr and Airs lllackl turn loronlo with Mr and Mrs W111 McArthiu 3111 and Mrs llurman S12 Miss Reta lurinanV Mrs 111 ilenrcy Toronto at their1 cottage Alex McArthur APTO lis 111111151 with lltl sister 2111s ll1t for 11 weeks Mis Wight and Mth Barbara loronul are visiting at Carsons is Barrie Mr and Mrs Day Toronto L11V and Mrs Rov Cough and hlarorici Hm PhilInns mm mmi Crown Hill with Mr and Mrs Dill McAithur and 1Mr and Mrs McCuail Jentral Church WMS The Willis of Central Church held their annual Than Offerina meet ing at Mrs ll McCuaies with 111 good attendance Miss RODCllll Smith Deaconess from Oriilia was the speaker Included in the Oiillia party were Miss Cunningham solo ist who delighted all Mrs 11 McNabb who brought greetingsl from Barrie Presbyterial Mrs 131 Bray Mrs Wcayinoiith lcrth has been visitini Mrs 111 Frielfor fowl weeks Threshing is nearly over in this vicinityrwilii much better yield of grain that was anticipated Yes we 111 anada have much to be thankful for this beautiful Thanks giving 1cthlni Visitors over the holiday in eluded Mike Kennedy Toronto at Kennedys loaii Moran and Am brose Loftns Toronto at their Prelim tlCClinllS from Orillia Mrs homes Mix and Mrs Quianlxumld ROblllFOIl representing the Alliston Miss Glaister Timmins and Mr Lucas and Miss Janet at the Lucas home Failher Lights Auxiliary Orillia tion Hawkestone and Forest Home Mrs Gordon Caldwell and Mrs Shannon led the worship service Mrs Jack MacArthur sang My God 1lhaiik Thee Who Has Made The special speaker was Miss Jane Scott 1t Of Religious Thoughts in the Toronto Globe 11111111111 October 134 Miss Ruby Boyce of Toronto and IMail Her address based on the spent last wreck with lVlrs Wm text will pay my vows unto the Campbell Sr Lord stiired deeply all who heard her ilVlrs LW Walker on behalf of the society presented Life Mem bership Certificate to Mrs Duncan McCuaig The Guthrie ladies serv ed dainty refreshments at the con C11121llillllll111113 to Mr and 1111s George Downard Miss Flora Gra haml who were married in Guthrie Presbytrian Kirk last Saturday 1Wexwelcinie the Andrews family Mmunimitya etusienof the meeting TULIPS HYACINTHS DAFFODILS NARCISSUS CROCUS LILIES ETC COME IN AND SEE OUR SELECTIOR BROWN coL111 TIMELI BUYING FOR yOUR HOME McCuaig Mr and Mrs McCuaig house Holiday visitors were Mr and Mrs Ward Wattle Edmonton with Mr and Mrs Robert Caldwell Miss Marion Gray Toronto at Howard raunpbells Mr and Mrs 1R Weir Toronto at Walker Caldwells Miss Anne McCLlaigToronto at McCuaigs 1Miss Gladys Hickling DECREA 0N TIRES ALSO SUPPLY OF 22 at Mr and MrsR Stephensons GOOD USED TIRES All members are cordially invited United WMS Meeting The United WlVIS held their Au 111111111111 111111111 VWilh plain or fancy top $195 up BRIDGE SETS Table and Chdirs $2250 nAmnooMcAmNms Unfinished special l1$1175 Open Shelves with Roomy 2Door Compartment in Bottom Price Unnished $1975 Walnut finished V$2495 SMITH FURNITURE with wiSitors 1fr01m the Presbyterian 65 Cdllier St Barrie church lliorc from lklunr 0111 Stu 129131 Dunlop St Phone 4492 CORNER 11111111111111 for 611111111111 Wv Wmiw oriVZAi WWWctr textTi 41 fo